Captain Xalane

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Everything posted by Captain Xalane

  1. First of all, shortening your pants, khamiis, above the waist isnt' an Arabic culture, nor Afqhni or a Paki, it's a Sunnah which applies to all Muslims alike, and yes that includes Somalis. Am not gonna argue,refer to my previous posts if u want reasoning.All the same,well put.
  2. ha ha ha.Same old outbursts from the sick old man.
  3. The Jilbaab has been ordained by Allaah and it came down from seven heavens to be practised MKA and dhaqan can conflict with religion.Well put brother,i honestly withdraw with my absurd claim.
  4. am laughing at the look on ur face when u were paying the cab
  5. What i see is an absurd claim,u call that a case?And besides that,a country torn apart by anarchy in more than a decade,with no one single functioning institution being compared to a country that not only was on the fore front of the region but also had modernized institutions in each and every sector are comparable?and the reasoning given being Foreign occupation, weak govnt, insurgency,.Claims that do not even have legitimate roots.Call it what u may,but thats absurd.
  6. Cl,that ain't true.Come on,tell them that wasn't true.Or u still mad at me coz of the hargab,hey it wasn't my fault.
  7. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: i knew this was coming after he refused to say da truth ,,,,
  8. hey that aint my fault,i spent everything on the gifts.And by the way,that restaurant wasn't cheap,they ripped us off and u denied me to even complain.Now,hana qarxinin ee amuus bal. JB,the taxi u paid was from ur pocket,u ain't gonna cut that from the deenta aan kugu lahaa.
  9. Pheew!Finally she made it.C lady,girl am i glad or what,u know what,these two has been on my throat all day,iga fuji bal.
  10. Geez,ok ok.C lady is fine,just called her mom and guess what eedo said,she said that gabadha got some flu.JB u have been coughing yesterday,are u sure u did not do anything that u shouldn't have been doing?And about the phone thing,if u tell,me gonna find u.hayuuy. :mad:
  11. North,u seriously believe iraq and somalia are comparable?
  12. ha ha ha.I did nothing,and ibti was not here with u last night,but i sure do know where she was
  13. How Iraq can be compared to Somalia is one thing i don't understand.
  14. ha ha ha.JB gabadha waxaad siisay sheeg.Am now beginning to worry.
  15. ha ha ha.Am a tired bach alright,but u should have heard JB yesterday.If there is any one to be suspected,boy he is in for it.
  16. ha ha ha.JB,alright,am gonna tell,but don't blame me later.Yesterday we had a deal,after listening to ur thousand reasons why u should go there instead of me,u know that i did let u go,So tell us now,how was the restaurant,did u enjoy ur time with her?Aniga i confess that i punched the dude that was with her and got him out of ur way as i promised i would.Its now ur turn,me told the truth.Tell us what happened in that restaurant now.
  17. Inyaw,i ain't telling u anything. :cool:
  18. The surwaal gaab style and the jalaabib came recently.The writer is right,we have our own dress styles,different from the talibans and what have u.This is absurd,now the aqwaan muslimiin folks wanna claim that we had a history of jalaabib and surwaal gaaban.
  19. ha ha ha.Inyow,i ain't gonna say a word about that.
  20. Originally posted by ibtisam: right
  21. Aah,another outburst from the sick old man.