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Posts posted by Chimera

  1. fa03_03_04.jpg


    Abdirahman Gutale


    majoring in Political Science with a co-major in International Relations. He was awarded a Constituency for Africa internship with New York Congressman Elliot Engle from New York State’s 17th Congressional District.


    Congressman Engle serves on the House of Representatives Foreign Relations Committee and will give Abdirahman a great opportunity to learn about how American foreign policy operates on the Congressional level. He will also be able to observe the political and policy process of the legislative part of the government of the United States.

  2. NUSOJ Wins Prestigious RSF International Press Freedom Award




    NUSOJ Secretary General Omar Faruk accepting the award in Paris




    The NUSOJ, which is a trade union organisation that also deals with professional issues, is the first ever independent union for Somali journalists since the birth of Somalia. From a membership of just 21 when it was established, the organisation now boasts more than 200 members out of the country’s nearly 300 media professionals.

  3. ggbvfdgeu7.png


    Hussein Warsame


    Dr. Warsame holds a BSc in Chemistry, an MBA with a concentration in accounting and a PhD in Management with a major in accounting. Dr. Warsame joined the University of Calgary's Haskayne School of Business in 2000 as an associate professor of accounting. Prior to that, he was a tenured faculty member in the John Molson School of Business of Concordia University. His teaching interests are in taxation and financial accounting. In addition to the undergraduate programs, Dr. Warsame taught students in MBA, Executive MBA and Aviation MBA programs. He also supervised PhD candidates in accounting.


    He is a winner of the 2002 Chartered Accountants' Education Foundation Teaching Award and the 2002-2003 Haskayne School of Business Commerce Undergraduate Society Teaching Excellence Award.


    His research interests are in taxation, financial accounting and auditing.


    Dr. Warsame has published in such refereed journals as: Accounting, Organization and Society (AOS), Accounting and the Public Interest (API), Journal of American Taxation Association (JATA), Journal of International Accounting, Auditing, and Taxation (JIAAT) and the Asia-Pacific Journal of Taxation (APJT). Prizes won by Dr. Warsame's research include the Vernon K. Zimmerman Best Paper Award presented by the Center for International Education and Research in Accounting in 1999. Dr. Warsame is a member of the Journal of Business Research (JBR) Editorial Review Board. He also serves as a reviewer for several accounting journals.

  4. yasinM1.gif

    Yasin Maaxi and the Prime Minister of Sweden


    Yasin Mahi Malin is standing as a parliamentary candidate for the first time in his political career in Sweden. He has been very fortunate to be on the same candidate list with the current Prime Minister of Sweden Hon Goran Persson and both are campaigning from the same region in Sweden.


    As we know Yasin Mahi has been active in the Swedish politics and one of the front runners, is now seen as deserving to represent his constituency in Parliament.

  5. 8fdf47e0f7e87f40e173cc1f5e490677.jpglogo.gif

    Hussein Samatar is the founder and executive director of the African Development Center.


    In 2003 the African Development Center became the Twin Cities’ – and likely the United States’ – first community development corporation for African immigrants and refugees. Since its founding, ADC has continually added capacity to help Africans achieve financial stability through financial literacy, homeownership, and business development education; as well as through micro-lending. The ADC engages in continual dialogue with the community it serves to determine its direction and programming.


    In 2005, ADC leveraged $2.1 million in business loans through private financial institutions.

  6. Originally posted by RendezVous:

    Second degree adverts..


    Why don't you pay for proper advertising materials..employ Northerner and me to do some proper research for you..


    Northerner: Our Territory

    loool aight your on my payroll


    can you do some research on the somali community in Japan?

  7. 25_1211a11891_mm.jpg




    Located in the Twin Cities are the unique marketplaces known as “Somali-Malls”. These large indoor spaces, often containing a few dozen individual businesses each, consist of a network of seemingly random yet intriguing causeways that wind through overflowing fabric, jewelry, and coffee shops. The markets are abundant in life and activity, usually house a central mosque, and also contain space for the offices of many Somali-owned sole-proprietorships and businesses.


    the Somali refugees in Minneapolis, one of a twin cities in Minnesota State (the other is St. Paul), made an unprecedented economic miracle and added colour and extravaganza on the sleepy neighbourhoods.


    An estimated 20,000 Somali refugees ended up in the US State of "10,000 Lakes" some 10 years ago with only their clothes on their backs. Today the city of Minneapolis is galore with hundreds of Somali owned and operated colourful stalls inside several malls that offer everything from Halaal meat to stylish leather shoes to men's and women's latest fashion, gold jewelry, money transfer or Xawaala offices, banners advertising the latest Somali movie, video stores fully stocked with nostalgic love songs not found in the mainstream supermarkets, groceries and boutiques.


    Evidently, the Somali community is hungry for movies with familiar contexts and characters. These movies does not, however, reach the screens of other Somali communities in the US and Canada due to distribution bottleneck. Several bilingual newspapers and radio stations, including SOMTV and MAYTV, inform, educate and entertain the Community on hourly basis. SOMTV, however, exhibits as the most watched channel in the twin cities.

    "We're doing our very best to be objective and at the same time invite our audience to send us their own versions on controversial issues," Mohamed Hussein "Shino", Assistant Director and Producer of SOMTV told me during an interview. The East African TV is another choice for Somali and other African viewers in the city.


    One of the interesting aspects is that the scenario could instantly transports you back to peace time Mogadishu, half a world away.


    Walking through the thriving malls, and past well-tended houses isn't a lot different than walking along the narrow streets of Bakaaraha and Sinai open air markets in Mogadishu


    "They arrived here without a single penny in their pockets, and immediately started everything from scratch," said Yoseph Budle, former Editor of Juba Weekly newspaper, and a man who has gone through the mills of the knotty Somali media in North America. His resourceful data of the Community lifestyle is amazing, and I was privileged to know him. Mr. Budle now runs his own Juba Enterprises, a travel and insurance agency and doubles as the Director of Somali Intellectual League with the motto "TO EMPOWER THE MIND."


    While stalls selling all kinds of merchandises are still dotted all over the well-appointed meandering malls, they include a mix of coffee shops; restaurants video stores and money transfer offices.


    "I want to get lost in the crowded Somali malls saturated with small colourful stalls," says a young shopper who was brought to America by his parents when he was still a toddler, and prefers to express himself in a mixer of English and flawed Somali. He is wearing the ghastly oversized pant and a huge chain around his neck, in imitation of the mainstream youths in America.




    Mainstream Americans and law enforcement agencies seemed to be taking the hubbub and sometimes ear-splitting Somali music emanating from video stores in stride and most neighbours are now in buoyant mood, saying the rhythm of the Somali love songs helps them take their afternoon nap!




    "It's floodgate effect," a white taxi driver said, referring to the Somali business acumen. "I'm surprised by the inventiveness of the Somali people without bank loans or business degrees," he added. Yet, the Somali malls rarely attract the widespread spotlight enjoyed by what is dubbed as The Biggest Mall in America in the city.




    In an effort to ease the city's unemployment problem, many of the Somali business people create jobs and boost state revenue. Those who are not running their own businesses are driving taxis or are employed by private companies or are in the civil service. Others opened their own neighbourhood groceries outside the congested malls where customers include non-Somalis.




    "They're law abiding tax paying citizens with an almost clean criminal records," said Omar Jamal of the Somali Advocacy Center



    Their kids are doing well in schools, colleges and even universities and have even introduced football (soccer in North America), a game that's not popular in North America. The Somali women are better in the business world as most of them have gone through hell and high water before landing on these shores, penniless. Most of the stalls are owned and operated exclusively by women.


    "I love the passion of competition," said a middle-aged woman who hails from Kismayu. Just like their male counterparts they are motivated, creative and risk-takers who can survive in a cutthroat competition, where money generating and "can do" are the catch phrases. And at the end of each answer to a question they utter the famous word "Inshallah" (God Willing).


    They upped the ante in business acumen without business degrees or schooling. According to Vice-President-in-waiting, John Edwards, "In America everything is possible."



  8. DUBAI


    The largest African community in Dubai is the Somalis, driven out of their home by years of unrest.


    Somali businesses line the streets of the city centre, Deira; internet cafes, hotels, coffee shops, restaurant and import-export businesses are testimony to the Somalis' entrepreneurial spirit.


    Star African Air is one of three Somali-owned airlines which have headquarters in Dubai rather than in Somalia.




    The Somalis seem to have cornered this niche market for West African jewellery: half a dozen of them are doing brisk business here. "My customers come from Senegal, Mali, Ghana, The Gambia, and from the east of Africa as well," says shop owner Farhia Islow Adam




    Dubai's proximity, economic climate and infrastructure has served Somali business well. The Somali Business Council in Dubai has a membership of about 200 companies. (Unofficial numbers could be much higher, though.)




    Dubai 12 May. 06 ( Sh.M.Network) Many Somalis including educated people, businessmen and professionals have been pouring into UAE, particular in Dubai, Somali professors teach at the biggest universities in the Arab country.




    Also in other settlements in UAE there were in creasing numbers of Somali families shifted from Europe, Australia and north America and see the UAE as an Islamic country and at the same time as a country that had a long relationship with Somalia and had more considerations to Somali society.



  9. WORLD WAR 1


    the tirailleurs somaliens participated in the following battles/engagements while attached to the Colonial Infantry Regiment of Morocco, French Army:


    verdun-douaumont (1916), la malmaison (1917), l'aisne (1917-1918) la marne (1918) noyon (1918)


    all of these are supposedly sewn onto the flag of the regiment. but AFAIK there is no picture of the flag on the internet yet.


    one example of such a battle in which the somalis were indispensible was the liberation of point de grave. it took place over a seven day period (april 14-21, 1918). the somali infantry fought an extremely tough german force of indeterminate strength, who were defending themselves in the middle of a moonscape littered with mines and bunkers, and heavily supported by artillery. however the somalis were resolute in their attack and victory was assuredly theirs: 947 germans killed, 100 concrete bunkers taken, 90 pieces of artillery taken, 3300 germans captured. after this action, the entire unit was given a divisional citation for its incredible fortitude.


    the tirailleurs somaliens took part in many of the big allied drives of 1918


    the second battle of picardy: (march 21 to april 30, 1918)


    the somalis parent unit, the colonial infantry regiment of morocco, belonged to the 38th infantry division, french army, commanded by general guyot de salins. it was considered an elite division at the disposal of the army. on march 29th, the elite unit was at resson-sur-matz. they took part in battles at canny-sur-matz and plessis-de-roye. these battles in particular showcased the brilliance of both the somalis and the entire colonial infantry regiment of morocco.


    the second battle of the marne (july 18 to august 6, 1918)


    general mangin ordered the 38th infantry division to the northeast of villers-cotterets forest. the somalis fought valorous combat at parcy, tigny, hartennes, and taux. following this battle, the somalis, along with the whole colonial infantry regiment of morocco, was transferred to the headquarters of the 2nd moroccan division, where it would remain until the end of the war.


    the battle of oise and ailette (august 17 to september 4, 1918)


    beginning on august 18th, somalis took part in the battles of gizancourt, crezy-au-mont, and coucy castle, always under heavy german fire.


    the third battle of champagne (september 26 to october 4, 1918)


    in the giant french offensive, the somalis seized the famous butte of mesnil and gratreuil village, after undertaking a successful crossing at dormoise.


    in 1918 the somalis participated in the last allied attacks against the german line, fighting in the champagne area of france, as well as in the sectors of the oise/aisne rivers. they received 6 unit citations of distinction and another 1200 citations of distinction for the heroic acts of its individual soldiers.


    the battle of argonne (october 14-20, 1918)


    the somalis helped destroy the hindenburg line defenses near vouziers, fighting battles at monthois and olizy primat.


    some of the somali heroes included:


    1. tirailleurs robleh barreh and abdillahi god, who were badly wounded


    2. tirailleurs gaya god and ismail adoual, who were mentioned in the army dispatches, for outstanding behavior at soissons and longpont


    3. adjutant dagal mecke, who saw some of his fellows hindered by a few machine-guns, decided with courage to lead his fellow soldiers. he went out ahead, in harms way, and quickly silenced the machine-gun nests. he accepted military decoration for this outstanding bravery, along with another soldier, a tirailleur djama robleh, who offered assistance to the adjutant. djama robleh was mentioned in army dispatches for heroism as well.



  10. Meles Zenawi has been in power for 15 years

    Ethiopia's most senior judge, Teshale Aberra, has left the country following threats and "continued harassment" from the government, he has told the BBC.

    The Supreme Court president accused the government of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of killing its critics but managing to avoid international blame.


    He also said the government was planning to appoint new, loyalist judges throughout the system.


    Mr Meles had been seen as being part of a new generation of African leaders.


    Mr Teshale is the latest in a series of senior officials - judges, diplomats and military commanders - to flee the country.




    He told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme that Mr Meles' government was just as bad as that of its predecessor, led by Mengistu Haile Mariam, who is accused of crimes against humanity.


    "The difference is these guys are wise... These people kill whoever they feel like and then ask: 'Who killed them?'"



    Students accused the police of brutality during protests last year

    Another judge, Wolde-Michael Meshesha, recently fled the country after carrying out an investigation into the suppression of protests against alleged fraud in last year's elections.


    In his report, he said the police had massacred 193 people.


    His report said that the government had concealed the true extent of deaths at the hands of the police.


    He claimed he had been put under pressure to alter his findings and fled into hiding in Europe when he received anonymous death threats.


    The government has denied rigging the polls and blames the opposition for the violence which followed.


    More than 100 opposition leaders, journalists and aid workers were rounded up during the protests and are currently on trial, accused of treason and attempted genocide.




    In Ethiopia, the trial of 111 opposition leaders, journalists and human rights activists accused of treason and attempted genocide, who were rounded up during the protests, has been adjourned for three days after two defendants complained of mistreatment in custody.


    Daniel Bekele and Netsannet Demissie, who work for the NGO Action Aid, said they were neither "physically nor psychologically" able to go on with the trial because of the conditions they were being held in.


    Daniel Bekele told the court in Kaliti, just outside the capital, that he had been taken out of his prison cell on Friday night and forced to sleep in a container. He said the next day he was moved to a room with 250 inmates.


    Netsannet Demissie told the court he had been forced to sleep under one of the guards watch towers on Friday before being moved to a room shared by 300 defendants.


    Police records showed 20,000 people were arrested during the anti-government protests, the judge said.


    In January, Britain withheld $87m in aid because of concerns over the unrest.


    Last year, Mr Meles was invited onto the panel of the UK's Commission for Africa to find ways of relieving poverty in the world poorest continent.


  11. exactly and he mentioned that the inhabitants spoke an indigineous language


    i heard somewhere that ibn battuta over 30 times encountered merchants and scholars from Mogadishu and Zeila in foreign countries during his trip

  12. Originally posted by BlueEpocha:

    quote:Originally posted by David_Letterman:


    Originally posted by BlueEpocha:


    Originally posted by David_Letterman:



    Yasmin Allas Dutch writer

    such an interesting concept for a photo, what is it screaming out...n I like how she is a dutch writer instead of a somali-dutch writer
    what is it screaming out??????????????????
    There is just soo much going on in this photo that an essay can be written on it...I'll give you a few pointers...look at how the writers arm is placed, look at the girl with her finger to her mouth, look at the angle of the writers' face and eyes, the girl on the right side looking at her, the book open infornt of her, the choice of me they all point to a yesterday and tomorrow as the writer gazes on the unknown keeping herself sheltered (arms crossed)...yeah really an I'm just wondering what was going through her mind
    take a cold shower waryaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lol

  13. Originally posted by BlueEpocha:

    quote:Originally posted by David_Letterman:



    Yasmin Allas Dutch writer

    such an interesting concept for a photo, what is it screaming out...n I like how she is a dutch writer instead of a somali-dutch writer
    what is it screaming out??????????????????

  14. ask her if i can marry her


    but hey i got it from a internet site and the internet is used by the public therefore i'm in my rights


    if the admin disagrees then he can delete it


    but i think more peeps need to know about our sisters yeah yeah yeah






    1982 -1988: LaGuardia College and City University of New York Degrees earned: Bachelor of Science (BS)Master of Arts


    1980-1982: Midtown school of business

    Earned: Diploma in accounting and Business Management


    1978-1979: Cambridge School

    Earned: Diploma in Bookkeeping


    contributed to seminars and courses on tax law, certified public accountant (CPA), real estate, insurance, child care, counseling, nutrition, social work, business management and others.




    I am seeking the challenging responsibility of leading Somalia as the head of state. I have valuable experience serving the public, confidence in my leadership potential and through understanding of the needs of post armed conflict Somalia. The people of Somalia feel that war torn Somalia, under the burden of social, economic and political disintegration needs a capable, insurmountable leader. The social, economic and political woes afflicting the country needs a leader who is committed to the cause of picking up all the pieces and rebuilding Somalia.




    Positions held in the Somali Government:

    2002-2003 minister, Demobilization, Disarmament, Reintegration and Disable Care (DDRDC), Somalia and delegate, Somali National Peace and Reconciliation Conference.


    Feb. 2002-June. 2002 Minster of State DDRDC, Somalia


    Nov. 2002-Oct. 2001 Dep. Minister, Labor, Sports and Social Affairs Somalia.


    Aug. 2000-Aug 2000 member of parliament, Somali National Assembly


    Jun. 2000-Aug. 2000 active delegate in the Arta Peace process for Somalia


    June 1996- 2000 President, Somali-American Association & Relief Agencies.


    1997 2000 Supervisor, Housing authority, Columbus, Ohio


    1992-1996 President, US/Somali Relief and Rescue


    1990-1992 Manager, Import-export enterprise


    June 1987- 1990 Accounting Executive, Deloitte Haskin and Sells, World Trade Center One


    Mar. 1984 1986 internship accounting Coward Shoes Company NY.Interests Charity, Humanitarian activities, sports reading, computers, counseling