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Posts posted by Chimera

  1. • Dubbed “Operation Sunny Mountain” by Meles Zenawi and his minority regime, plans to procure Annuak territory, a zone coveted by corporate interests for its oil and gold, were laid out at a top-level cabinet meeting in Addis Ababa led by Meles Zenawi on September 2003. At that meeting, “the militant ethnic cleansing of the Anuaks” was openly discussed and a coordinated military operation to systematically eliminate Anuaks began on 13 December 2003. The minority regime in Ethiopia willfully burned villages, massacred hundreds of Anuaks and Nuers and caused over 15,000 inhabitants of Gambela to flee to neighboring Sudan and Kenya.


    funny how a few days ago i saw a report where the so-called spokesperson for the Gambella state said his people would fight the ICU lol


    it shows he's simply a puppet


    the Woyane regime is slashing and cutting up hundreds of anuaks and arresting thousands of them and now Meles thinks he can fool the world with his puppets and their statements of so-called support


    nice article!

  2. Originally posted by Somali_Friend:

    Why are you behaving this way? Don't you realize that the forum has better class than the ones you like that have exchange of slurs and no content what so ever.

    i have problems with you posting ,i came here to discuss sensative issue's about my country with my compatriots i don't need a non somali wether he's for ICU or TFG jumping in at every second and every topic telling me unsourced stories


    you need to realise this fact

  3. Welkayit your still here?


    spinning your Agame propaganda machine


    the moment you discovered SOL and left Medrek was the moment Medrekians celebrated 6 weeks straight


    damn never seen them so happy


    it's sad isn't it? when your own compatriots don't take your silly conspiracy theories serious lol that's messed up


    i knew it would be pointless to engage in debates with someone like you cause it's like talking to a brick wall


    i think it's time i invited some of your old friends like Shango or Ambaye to SOL maybe they can chase you and your ad nauseam theories away

  4. Originally posted by Somali_Friend:

    Mr. Letterman,

    Quite the opposite. All I want is that I don't want to discuss somali O-gadenian issues from menelik and mengistu websites. There is nothing to be accomplished by discussing somali issues with information from menelik and mengistu web sites.

    you never even presented information or sources to refute their info


    if it's quite the opposite then where are your independent sources that state this..


    i'll be waiting.



    If you choose to ignore Somaliland and Puntland to make your favourites from Mugadishu look good based on false presentation, all power to you. I would say the SICU controls most of southern somalia and that would be truthful and fact on the ground information.

    If news outlets are allowed to report that Meles fully controlls O-gaden( evendo no Oil or Mineral company is able to operate evendo it army is being killed left and right) why should they not report the same when reporting about the ICU


    but if it really bothers you go contact them and speak your mind.


    Both ONLF and OLF will never say something even remotely close to this. All article 39 says is that every nation, nationality or peoples have the right to self determination if they convince and get 66.6% of the vote of the said nation or nationality.

    are you illiterate??


    do you not understand what the word ''scam'' means??


    article 39 specificly states that for a people to get self determination it has to obtain green light for a referendum in wich people can vote for the before mentioned self determination


    ONLF asked for this and it was rejected and it's chairman was pursued by Agazi's


    so tell me..


    if you cut people off on the ''referendum'' part what use is the rest of Article 39 for then?


    all in all it's a scam created only to paint this harmonious picture to the Donors from the west


    Mr. Letterman,

    You have learned nothing from Somaliland and Puntland, let alone Djibuti

    your a country that does crossborder raids into Kenya and kills it's citizens


    your a country that invaded Eritrea and got it's azz kicked but still caused lots of displacement


    your a country wich has invaded a sovereign country called Somalia


    your a country wich preaches article 10,14,15,17,18,39 of it's constitution to the world donors


    but breaks nr 10 every time it let it's agazi dedebs commit human rights abuses on the people from Gambella,Oromia,O-gadenia


    breaks nr 14 when it causes insecurity in these regions


    breaks nr 15 when it kills and kills and kills people from the before mentioned regions without a reason


    Breaks nr 17 when it denies the right for liberty


    breaks nr 18 when it continues with unhuman treatment in the allready stated regions


    breaks nr 39 when it denies people to vote in a referendum for self determination


    your corrupt and there will never be peace in the Horn with you around so don't worry we will get rid of you in due time.



    Here is the way I see it.

    Build somalia to be the strongest, the most united, at peace with itself....all east africans would kill to be somali. Until then try to live in the neighborhood as best as you can.

    nobody is killing to be an Ethiopian..


    more like killing not to be one




    And yes we will continue to live in the neighbourhood with you untill the return of the Somali Republic with leaders like Shamarke but untill then we will make top dollar of your back in Djibouti we will murk your Agazi's in O-gadenia we will dominate the Kenyan economy in Eastleigh we will continue having a booming livestock-trade in P-land and S-land and we will definitly continue causing your sugar daddy Uncle Sam Nightmares from the South

  5. Originally posted by Somali_Friend:



    The man in Djibuti is playing his cards very well and better than anyone else in the area.

    Do you have anything against this statement?

    my Djiboutian brothers are doing there thing


    never denied that


    Assab is rusted and sitting there. Eritrea begged the Americans to use it, they said NO and went to Djibuti.

    Do you disagree with this statement?

    being ''asked'' to make a base at one of your ports doesn't equall begging


    not having the right equipment to establish a base in the assab port doesn't equall begging


    so yes i disagree with that statement


    Any African that can navigate his way between France and US in a small country has good grey matter between his ears. You know that some countries cannot even handle US and Britain let alone US and France.

    Anything againts this?

    well what can i say..the leader is a somali icon_razz.gif so ''no''


    nothing against that


    did i ever say anything coming close to denying that statement?? if so state them

  6. Originally posted by Somali_Friend:



    Have you heard that BBC is banned in Ethiopia? I think you have the wrong information.They are all there.The so called media which Addis Ababans call gutter media in jail are there for only one reason, they printed material that is against the constitution, they participated in activities against public safety. Democratic or not, there is no country in the world that allows so called media that calls for killing of people.

    Ugh that was pathetic try harder..


    you simply didn't like what Anthony Mitchell was reporting so you kicked him out


    of course highlighting the gross human rights violations done by Meles Agazi's on innocent civilians is known as ''activities against public safety''


    i think i allready adressed your bad habbit of coming with non sequitur statements in your reply's


    work on it and make sense!


    Regarding the Websites you quoted:

    I think the ONLF is the only relevant site to the discussion. Its very difficult to discuss somali O-gadenian issues from menelik and mengistu websites.

    of course it is difficult to discuss issue's when you can't refute facts presented to you

  and both receive their info from radio xoriyo



    "The powerful SICU, that controls most of somalia, including the Capital". This is repeated addnausium from some of the media. You can easily see the untruth of that statement.

    no there is nothing untruthfull about that..


    Mogadishu is the largest city in Somalia


    Kismayo is the third largest port city in Somalia


    ICU is definitly the superior military force in Somalia


    For someone who has no idea about the lay of the land and forces in somalia it maybe the only thing they know. What do you think would it help if you and I spent time discussing this obvious item. nothing. Because we both fairly know that all the supposed fights, conflicts are happening in less than 1/3 of somalia.

    oww i see so the fighting between SNA and Ethiopian army in the 70's happend in every corner of Somalia instead of only O-gaden and Harar??




    Here again there is disenginous presentation of the question.

    here again come the lies wrapped in more nonsense


    but let's continue..


    Even ONLF doesn't present it that way.the Somali state is the one that has the constitutional right to self determination.

    Article 39 is a scam!!


    A somali that wnats to excercise this right need to convince 66.6% of the somali O-gadenian. Lets not have it both ways. ONLF has clearly stated they accept this formulae.

    If you want the facts on the ground, the situation is that ONLF is not able to convince 66.6% of the O provinces let alone the whole of somali state.

    on 28 January 1994, at a press conference in Addis Ababa, ONLF called for a referendum on self-determination and independence for the ******. And on 22 February 1994, a cold-blood massacre took place in the town of Wardheer, where more than 81 unarmed civilians were killed by TPLF militias, who tried to kill or capture alive the chairman of the ONLF Mr. Ibrahim Abdalla Mohamed, who was addressing at that time a peaceful rally in the centre of the town.


    Thats a fact.



    I am afraid this is also disengenous statement I don't want to use the word lie.

    the fact that you deny this well known secret shows how corrupt you are!


    Can you name any of the anti-TFG warlords that was friendly to ethiopia?

    what's this Anti-Tfg your talking about??


    you said Ethiopia and Somalia had changed and i showed Somalia definitly changed for the better by evicting the Warlords that were supported by you to continue the status quo


    are you going to deny you never shipped arms to BKM??


    Again. Lets not have it both ways. The menelik and mengistu websites that you relied upon for your discussion and their supporters accuse Meles and Tigray where he comes from, for making ethiopia a pro islamic country. They accuse him of having judges including chief justices, Military commanders, Security and Intelligence, majority of his government ministers....moslems.

    So the news they reported about the Arot Killa Mosque that was demolished by ''federal'' Police was nothing but fabrication?


    or the


    Hijab is against the policy of EPRDF. It is used for nothing but as a cover for mischief. We will stop any one who allow the wearing of hijab!




    TPLF is part of EPRDF


    didn't Awassa University start banning girls from entering with hijab??


    you want to tell me Meles is unable to stop this from happening??


    pleasssssssseee you and your uncles are no different


    Your accusation is baseless in ethiopia

    since you never came with sources to back your claims you don't have cred to say this so get off your high horse


    or even as seen from neighboring countries, except those menelik and mengistu children in ethiopia and the johny come lately "icons" in Mugadishu.

    well that's better than Mr. LA LA LAND


    I think ethiopia is the happiest country that there is peace, order and security in 70% of somalia.

    Try again


    a stable Somalia is Ethiopia's biggest nightmare


    if it starts supporting the multiple groups in your house your doomed


    and you will Collapse that's a fact :D

  7. Originally posted by Somali_Friend: David_Letterman,


    Late night program prepared by past regime supporters in ethiopia.

    translation: i have nothing to refute David Letterman facts with




    Why you could not quote a single item from a
    somali ethiopian website, radio, statement

    i would but they don't exist..


    however i did post info from Somali-O-gadenian and oromo and ethiopian websites


    Why did you have to quote from all that trash of

    Websites that are Menelik and Mengistu nostalgia.

    because Meles is no different from the two Maryams


    if you don't like this news because it's from indiginous East African reporters that's 2 bad if you are statisfied with news reported by westerners than i suggest you tell your uncle to allow BBC and other western news outlets back in Ethiopia


    untill then you can jump as high you want you can scream as loud as you want


    but it won't stop me from refuting your nonsense statements with news reported by east africans reporters


    You are ignoring all the changes that ethiopia and somalia went through in the last decade or more.

    let's see..


    -Is Ethiopia messing in our internal affairs?


    yes ( no difference then from Mengistu haile Maryam)


    -Has Ethiopia allowed self determination for Somalis in O-gadenia??


    no! (no difference then from Sellasie ,Mengistu)


    -Has Ethiopia released the nations wich are held as prisoners in the Ethiopia?


    no! ( no difference than with the past regimes)


    -Has Ethiopia come true to it's article 39 law?




    -Mosques are torched down all around Ethiopia


    well there you have it no difference at all your still that corrupt neighbouring state that will do everything it can to hurt my people on the orders of it's white masters


    Somalia today


    -the 15 different warlords that were supported by Ethiopia and it's sugar daddy were chased out


    now replaced with an Entity wich has brought stability and peace to my people in the South allthough it still has a few flaws (still nothing compared to the scum you were supporting)


    -Somaliland and Puntland both are implementing Shariah-law on the order of their subjects( there goes your theory it will grow up in federal system) hinting at a future union of islamic states


    that's something Meles doesn't like he hates everything Islam


    my people in S-land and P-land and South will work it out don't worry but you won't have a say in it at all!



    For many its fundamental change

    state them...


    but you chose to ignore it and went on all the diatribe of those in ethiopia who are fighting in DC or some other western country to restore Menelik and Mengistu.

    i think you have a problem with H.R 5680 smile.gif


    Weyannie or no Weyannie those who are crying for nostalgia of the old system are dying breed even on the internet.

    and what benefits did this new regime with this new system have for Ethiopia??


    -other then create more clashes between christians and muslims


    -create more animosity with neighbouring countries??


    -Ignore elections and simply detain 50 000 civilians and kill 199??


    you need to snap out of this little bubblegum world your living in and face the facts


    Are you telling me that its a border conflict between Somalia and Ethiopia? Because if you speak to represent the somali O-gadenian from Mugadishu, thats what you are saying. ONLF does not agree with you. You can look at their websites, printed materials, alliances they enter with others..etc.

    Both because..


    1 in the old constitution of the Somali republic the people in O-gadenia were Somali citizens


    2 there has never been a referendum that stated my people in O-gadenia didn't want to be part of Somalia ( when we almost occuppied your Capital they were happy and trust me when we are back on our feets they will side unconditionally with us ,don't think your Somali ethiopian garbage loyal to Ethiopia is the reality on the ground)


    3 again the people living there are my people they are Somalis i am a Somali so it doesn't matter what my ONLF brothers say i will represent them as is my right as a Somali


    Do not talk for my people and state misinformation and then complain when a Somali who does have the right to speak for his people (doesn't matter where they are from) comes with facts


    I think you have a few late nights spent on it.


    The same with you also. I repeat. Don't take it personal.

    Ad hominems don't work on me try again!

  8. Woyane-Friend the only country that received an embarrassment in 2000 was Ethiopia when 123 000 of it's soldiers were slaughtered on the orders of Meles (how Istubid can you get using human wave attacks in the 21th century lol) when invading a sovereign country (where was that 1 million man army you always talk about?? ohhhh i get it they went to a million different places BUT Eritrea lol)


    and Djibouti outsmarted nobody a cripple Ethiopia simply had nobody to ship it's goods or receive food aid through.


    the Fact that you pay high fees to use Djibouti's beautiful port is a clear indicator that this picture your painting of a Ethiopia being East africa's most eligible Bachlor is nonsense


    Q: But you think the Port of Djibouti is quite expensive for Ethiopia?


    A: It is indeed. But I hope on due course, we will rationalize the economic value of our cooperation and hope to see that as we go along we should continue to discuss this and rationalize them in a framework.-Seyoum Mesfin


    Seyoum hopes


    you hope




    the simple fact is Djibouti got you by the balls


    you can go to my brothers with their beautiful ports in Somaliland or my home region in Puntland but the ports their aren't on the same level as djibouti yet and therefore shipments will take longer and time is something you don't have with this negative trade deficit you've been suffering from this last year


    so you will continue to pay big fees to Djibouti and play it ''Safe''


    and about Eritrea it doesn't need you it just opened and expanded it's Massawa port( the booming port you seemingly have left out of your post when you were painting that oh so grim picture of Eritrea's doom :rolleyes: ) and made it a Free Zone one


    Landlocked Uganda has allready strengthened ties with Eritrea to us it's Massawa port and the two countries no longer have to get visa's


    the Massawa port also increases Eritrea's trade with Middle Eastern countries




    Eritrea in the beginning of the 90's signed a free zone pact with you but then in the mid 90's it made you pay even higher fees to use assab and Massawa than your paying Djibouti today(unbelievable but true)


    it introduced ''Nafka'' and you began to panic


    the monetory union before favoured Ethiopia because Birr is the currency of the National bank and the fact that Eritrea with it's nafka currency demanded parity with the Ethiopian birr in bilateral trade caused your leaders great concern and you began to pay with hard currency(dollar) and then you invaded and got slaughtered


    the worst of all was when Meles signed Badme over after fighting a long gruesome war with Eritrea


    just like that.


    Maybe all the rebels should simply ask the clown and he might sign O-gadenia and Oromia over aswell


    just like that lol


    Originally posted by General Duke:

    In Eritrea one of the dumbest regimes in history exists today.

    with people like you i ask myself do they think before they ''write''?? if so do they re-read what they have ''typed''?? if yes is their logical thinking gone that made them hit ''reply''??


    you support TFG blindly you have no cred to say wich regime is the dumbest or smartest!

  9. Originally posted by Somali_Friend:which is exactly what he is doing, Puntland and Somalialnd are putting their houses in order. Let everybody speak for themselves.

    i will speak for my people in O-gadenia in Somaliland in Puntland in NFD in the South when ever i feel like doing it and especially when a non somali pretends he has more cred to speak for them than me


    Thats the message being sent even from the most unlikely places ONLF. read the statement ONLF issued.

    1 the ONLF wishes to affirm that we will not allow our territory to be used as a launching pad for an Ethiopian invasion of Somalia without stiff resistance from our armed forces


    Why would they say this..?? aren't they the Somali Ethiopians you have been speaking of and bombarding us with on this forum


    weren't they loyal to Ethiopia??


    the brand new Ethiopia


    see how illogical your statements are?? i was busy with stuff at college the past few weeks but now i have time to adress your non sequitur statements so don't think i won't refute them ...


    2 the ONLF wishes to confirm that the people of O-gaden stand in strong solidarity with the people of Somalia to reclaim their sovereignty and achieve a lasting peace free of foreign influence and manipulation.


    you don't like it when the O-gadenia issue is put in your face


    you come with red herrings and try to divert from the issue presented to you by crying let them speak for themselves


    that's sad it shows your not a good debater but simply a strawman



    Lets not get into Mugadishu warlords trying to speak on behalf of Puntland and Somaliland trying to speak on behalf of somali O-gadenian

    like i said the most corrupt Somali from the South has more right to speak for the Somali in Punt in S-land in O-gadenia than a corrupt Agame from occuppied Finn fine


    just like a corrupt Chinese from Beijing has more right to speak for chinese people from other regions than a corrupt Neo-Shogun


    ...forget that old tiresome game. Its dead. Wether the somali is in 10 countries or one country, first things first. He has to have his rights respected, governing himself, speaking his language and raising the next generation as somali and taking advantage of every opportunity for development.

    again your show in your posts how illogical your thinking is and how far away you are from reality on the ground


    where do the majority of Somali-O-gadenians get their rights respected in the So-called new Ethiopia??


    where are their rights to explore and use their mineral rescources for their own benefit??


    where are their rights to have a referendum they have been calling for since 94??


    what happend to article 39??


    why is Western Somalia one of least developed regions in the Horn??


    your full of it and you know it and i know it


    Don't take it personal, but everything else is nonesense.

    exactly so untill you can come up with facts to prove me wrong that these dedebs in Finne Fine really are helping my people you should restrain yourself from making these ignorant statements.


    (don't take it personal) ;)

  10. _42283560_teshale203.jpg


    One of Ethiopia's most senior judges, Teshale Aberra, has left the country following "continued harassment" from the government, he has told the BBC.




    Rising Tensions: Three Generals-two Oromo, one Amhara- purged


    Staff Writer


    November 16, 2006


    Finfinne- the government-owned Ethiopian Television last night reported that three generals of the Ethiopian Army, Major General Alemshet Degife (Oromo), Brigadiers Kumera (Oromo) and Asaminew Tsige (Amhara), are suspended from their duties.


    Although the announcement was made by the Defense Council, at the Ministry of Defense, the instruction is said to come right from the Prime Minister himself.


    Major General Alemshet has been the Chief of the Air force. He was assigned this force after a similar purge in 2001 following the division within the ruling Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), the dominant party within the rump EPRDF.


    After the defection of other senior military commanders, the Ethiopian Prime Minister is facing strong upheaval from the armed force. Analysts believe that after the defection and dismissal of so many senior officers, maintaining control over the army will be highly problematic.


    Before coming to power in 1991, the TPLF manufactured PDOs to give a more multinational image. Lately this ruse is falling apart and the EPRDF, the ruling coalition, is increasingly being reduced to its Tigrean core with the defection, resignation, arrest and disappearance of several Oromo and Amhara dignitaries.


    The Oromo and the Amhara make up close to 65% of the Ethiopian army. Although the Tigrean component is disproportionately represented at the high brass, the fighting force is mainly Oromo and Amhara.


    The current rounds of purges are likely to intensify rather than dampen tension within the armed forces. An aura of suspicion has already building since the defection of Brigadier General Kamal Galchu, one of the army’s most decorated soldiers. General Galchu was accompanied by Colonel Abebe Garesu along with over 600 soldiers and officers of different ranks. Even though the BBC had reported only 150 and Ethiotribune has been able to confirm through its sources that the actual number was 600. Later they were joined by Brigadier General Hailu Ayana and Colonel Gammachu Ayana.


    What is apparent from the purges and defections, both civilian and military, is that people think the EPRDF ship is sinking and want to jump before it runs aground. This is reminiscent and by far worse than the last days of the Dergue regime. With continuing anti-government protests throughout Oromia, tension in the capital and many northern regions, armed confrontation in ******, the standoff with Somalia, and the tension on the border with Eritrea, grave danger hovers over the future of the Ethiopian regime.