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Posts posted by Chimera

  1. Originally posted by Centurion:

    quote: But isn’t that a relegating act to have destroyed your beautiful capital and come and seek to flourish in other people’s ghettos?

    Why are we content with living out our lives in a country not our own?


    Although we are quite happy to wave around miniature flags, and wear patriotic t-shirts,

    why is more than 80% of the Diaspora not actively considering how they'll return to their country?
    can i see your source for that statistic please?


    I don't know about your family but half of mine returned a while back and those originating from S-land have returned in Hoardes as well


    P-land same situation and if ICU stability and the Diaspora's reaction is an indicator i think your assumption of them ''not considering a return'' is a fallacy cause under ICU rule there was a whole chunk of Somalis returning


    returning is a must for me smile.gif

  2. Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

    Dave & Caamir, highlighting some positive aspects of us does not diminish the painful fact of our other ailments. It’s like tallying the artistic achievements of an
    abusive husband
    ---it’s futile for it doesn’t speak to the validity of the said charge.

    2 can play that game


    would it be fair to generalise the before mentioned abusive husband's children as future wifebeaters just because he is one and they carry his genes?


    of course not and that is why this topic is a non sequitur


    also the character that made this topic reminds me of a Kenyan on a different forum with the same arguments


    2 bad that site has changed completely and the old topics are gone or else i could have shown you it myself


    I really dislike these type of people who hide behind the Somali name and then start attacking you it's shows their insecurity with their own backgrounds and therefore they feel they can only attack you by using your name fearing a justified backlash if they come as themselves


    I don’t mind us being clannish---I think it’s unavoidable given how elemental tribe is to our nomadic life. But why are Somalis so overly clannish to the determent of their own unity as a nation?

    North Korea, South Korea???


    animosity is the problem we face today and fear that history will repeat itself


    if we can change this then unity will come naturally, being hi-jacked and forced something we don't want is our problem today aswell


    but many cities have grown unbelievable fast with a urban growth rate of 8/9 % per annum with many different tribes settling in one city


    many business were started with co-operation between different tribes


    and all the other positive stuff was done by hard working people


    African people are not genetically backwards they simply have bad leaders who aren't patriotic the way a Turk is for his country


    I somehow missed the value of the supposed genius of succeeding in and actually contributing to the development of the other people’s while utterly destroying ours. Sure, since the arrival of Somalis more shopping malls were erected in Eastlight section of Nairobi. But isn’t that a relegating act to have destroyed your beautiful capital and come and seek to flourish in other people’s ghettos?


    Be serious folks. Why are we so back-warded? That’s the question. Lest you mistaken the question is not whether we are back-warded.

    I think you completely missed the link of my topic brother please check the link Somalis have done more in Anarchy then they could ever dream doing under Barre rule


    yes Mogadishu was a world class city


    today considering what it's been through it's still beautifull you can't deny it just check the pics in the link and now we have two prospering States aswell who before were neglected by the Government


    - 5 airlines competing up from 1 before the civil war

    1 one of them nominated as a african success story

    -17+ universities up from 1 before the civil war

    -1172 primary schools up from 600 before the civil war (and then you have duqsi's aswell)

    -45 hospitals and increasing

    - advanced telecommunication network nr1 in Africa

    -a steady Livestock and fish trade

    - a relative construction boom

    - aids rate below 1 percent

    -foreign investment from patriotic expats flowing in

    - a currency wich is more stable than it's neighbouring countries

    -Internet usage in Somalia grew 44,900% in the last five years, registering the highest in Africa


    come on brother how is this utterly destruction??

  3. Originally posted by Bokero:

    why r we the only people in Africa that have had the most prolonged failed state with no end to it? Before we blame the Ethiopian and the rest of the world I urge that we look at our own society, why do we produce abundant haters, intolerantance, difficult, medieval thinkers, parasites, killers, and financers of killers, professional refugees, etc? Before we attack the messenger people take a moment for self-reflection!

    you should reflect on this..


    - People who survived on their own for the last 15 years without foreign aid

    - 5 airlines competing up from 1 before the civil war

    1 one of them nominated as a african success story

    -17+ universities up from 1 before the civil war

    -1172 primary schools up from 600 before the civil war (and then you have duqsi's aswell)

    -45 hospitals and increasing

    - advanced telecommunication network nr1 in Africa

    -a steady Livestock and fish trade

    - a relative construction boom

    - aids rate below 1 percent

    -foreign investment from patriotic expats flowing in

    - a currency wich is more stable than it's neighbouring countries

    - citizens who have created their own enterprises in the countries they reside and have began dominating


    I rather have no government than a new Mugabe or any of these other corrupt african leaders


    while you focus on the scum of our society i rather focus on the real people who have worked hard in the last decade and there achievements are there for everybody to see


    Chinese killed 30 million of their own people during their civil war


    Europeans killed eachother in the tens of millions


    Vietnames invited foreigners and killed millions of their own people in their civil war


    are they genetically backwards??


    Somalis are nowhere near those numbers so i think you should take your little study elsewhere instead of putting this generalised unexplained tag on Somali people

  4. The ICU definitly boosted progress but this topic was a response to one member that tried to neglect all the hard work and achievements of his people in multiple regions and states


    i rather have anarchy than our people being reduced to ash by disgusting planes bombing them from left to right indiscriminatly

  5. South




    After the collapse of the Government numerous Qu'ranic schools have tried to fill in the vacuum. Qu'ranic schools also known as duqsi's remain the basic system of instruction in religion in Somalia. They provide Islamic education for children, thereby filling a clear religious and social role in the country. Known as the most stable local, non-formal education providing basic religious and moral instruction, their strength rests on community support and their use of locally made and widely available teaching materials. The Qu'ranic system, which teaches the greatest number of students relative to the other education sub-sectors, is the only system accessible to nomadic Somalis compared to the urban Somalis who have easier access to education.In 1993 a survey by UNICEF was conducted in which it found among other things, that about 40% of pupils in Qu'ranic schools were girls[13]this is quite amazing compared to other schools where gender disparity is much larger.


















    Bosasso 1 | 91 houses - almost completed

    Bosasso 2 | 80 houses - started september 30 2005

    Gaalkacyo 1 | 300 houses - started september 30 2005

    Laascaanood | 250 houses - planned to start in 2005

    Gaalkacyo 2 | 300 houses - planned to start in 2006

    Garowe | 150 houses - planned to start in 2006

    Carmo | 100 houses - planned to start in 2006






    Dayeel is locally owned Somaliland Constructions company employing around 400 staff across Somaliland and with completion of approximately 100 of constructions annually.


    DCC is highly respected and well-established contracting company, with professional builders and surveyors supported by an experienced administrative team. We provide a complete range of construction and program management services in all in the segments of residential and business building market.














  7. marlin_bag_logo.gif




    Puntland International


    Farah Awosman


    Bosaso 944 2132+47 9062 0916 +47 2236 0923



    - We are a fishing company located on the coast of Somalia. We deal in all sorts of fish like Grouper, Red Snapper, King fish, shark fins, lobster, sea cucumber etc.


    Ridwan Seafoods Ltd


    Ahmed Ali


    Kismayo 515 8118 -



    A company based in Kenya, somalia and also Dubai. We do handling exporting and local supply of frozen and live lobsters from lower Jubba especially Burgao, Kuda, Kamboni, Gobwain and Kismayo. We export 5000 frozen lobster to overseas each month by air.



    Sanaag Fisheries Company


    Ali Jama


    Sanaag 754 6369 754 6541



    Exporting mainly on hamour fillet, tuna and lobsters. We also have a legal permission from the Somaliland government so that any investor who is willing, a joint venture in this industry is welcome.


    Siiste - Royal Seafood Inc.


    Maxamed Said


    Sanaag, Somaliland 7 213 456 7 514 654



    We are one of the biggest export & import companies in the East African countries. Products include grouper, red snapper, king fish, tuna, shrimps, lobster. Also: dried fishes such as shark fins, shark bones, sea cucumbers, fish maws, dried shark meat and dried shrimps.


    Somafish International Company


    Abshir H. Osman


    Mogadishu 1 635 272 1 635 272



    We are exporters/wholesalers of seafood. Our facility in Somalia is very modern, it includes a new 100mt freezer capacity. Our products include Snapper, Grouper, Kingfish, Tuna and in addition we would be able to supply other species that are available in the Indian Ocean.

    4/11 SomFish Ltd Said Ali

    Sadiq Shire Bosaaso +971 50 348 4160 +971 4 227 8611



    SoSh (Somali shilling)




    the SoSh's stability is reflected by the fact that in parts of neighboring Ethiopia the SoSh is more extensivly used than Ethiopia's own currency (:2003 :144) In fact prior to the last large monetary injection in Somalia in march 1999 and in 2000 the SoSh showed greater stability than the currencies of Ethiopia and Kenya from 1996 february to 1999 the SoSh depreciated against the US$ only 12.14% Between 1996-1999 the Kenyan shilling lost 32.55% against the US$ and the Ethiopian birr depreciated against the dollar 26.58% -Peter Leeson "better of stateless"




    Berbera of somaliland and bossaso of Puntland ports






    Tharwa Net-Watch


    From the chaos, it's a business boom in somalia


    Import and export is a booming business. Traders are doing whatever they can to get hold of useful stuff that can sell abroad. Neither traditional nor non-traditional commodities are spared. Even markets for scrap metals that litter all over the place are to be found, especially old military gear and other devices wrecked during the civil war.


    The import sector is the most interesting. Town dwellers all over Somalia cannot complain of a shortage of commodities as adroit traders have managed to fill stores with all sorts of goods. Sugar from Brazil, toys from Thailand, trinkets from India and even shotguns from Ukraine all compete for buyers in Mogadishu and elsewhere.


    Trade between Somalia and other countries has multiplied. Some people even estimate that the trade volume is so huge that it could be considered one of the biggest in the Horn of Africa, outdoing more politically stable countries such as Kenya and Ethiopia.


    Sceptics say Somali traders have become so profit driven as to compromise all values. Environmental and public health concerns have been raised, especially due to deforestation. The prevalence of strange diseases is assumed to be due to consumption of substandard, imported foods and drugs.


    In the absence of law enforcing institutions to safeguard investor rights, joint ventures have been founded based on trust. It seems unimaginable that as many as 600 investors could pool their capital in order to initiate and run a single or a chain of businesses. It is not unusual to hear radio announcements calling shareholders for a meeting or news of a company management declaring payment of dividends. But beneficiaries tend to hide their huge income, fearing kidnappers.


    Minarets of mosques generally greet visitors to Somalia's urban areas, but in these days the sight of communication transmitters of the shape of Paris's Eiffel Tower is becoming quite common. They are the product of intense competition among telecommunications and media companies who want to send and receive signals through the airwaves.


    The recent opening of a Coca Cola plant in Mogadishu is an indication of how multinationals are beginning to expand their franchises to previously risky areas. It is a sign that more investors will follow suit, creating jobs and generating more locally made products.





    Somaliland secures large German industry investments


    Awdal News Network / afrol News,


    The government of the breakaway republic Somaliland today signed a joint venture agreement with Germany's Sougueta Engineering AG on establishing a cement factory, coal powered electricity plant and a gypsum factory at the cost of US$ 250-300 million.




    After the islamic take over the people are experiencing a booming business with no roadblocks or militia's everything is going smooth


    The stabilisation of Mogadishu after Islamist leaders ousted US-backed warlords has dealt a blow to pirates and given a boost to business in the Horn of Africa nation, a prominent Somali businessman said.


    "We never had business like this before," Abdulkadir Nur, who manages the strategic El Maan port just north of the Somali capital, said as six ships from Dubai unloaded wood, sugar and cooking oil on the beach behind him.


    A bustling, natural port with 10,000 workers and an annual discharge of some 300,000 tonnes of food, El Maan’s facilities are an object lesson in Somali ingenuity. A single, floating pipe offloads oil from a tanker just a few hundred metres offshore. Further down the beach, barges bulging with wood, sacks of sugar, and cooking oil containers ferry backwards and forwards from waiting ships.

  9. makar.gifNO AIDS PANDEMIC





    Monday, July 25, 2005


    XUDDUR, SOMALIA -- They have posters. They have training manuals. They have wipe-off markers. The only thing that the earnest band of AIDS educators in this Somali town don't have is, well, any people with AIDS.


    At least none they know of.


    The breadth of the AIDS pandemic has led to the idea in the West that the entire continent is ravaged by the disease. But Somalia -- isolated for 14 years since the civil war began and populated by devout Muslims -- has an infection rate of perhaps only 1.5 or 2 per cent of the adult population.


    Its isolation has helped to keep the infection rate one of the lowest in Africa at a time when countries to the south are reporting infection rates of 40 per cent of the adult population

  10. top2.jpg



    The Brand New JUBBA Airways is now more user-friendly! You will find some welcome additional features and everything there is to make your visit to our site a pleasant experience. Promises are what we offer and will strive to deliver be it our flights to all Jubba destinations Dubai, Mogadishu, Djibouti or Jeddah or the excellent in-flight service on board.




    The moment you step on board you will find the difference with our flight attendants welcoming you with a smile and making every possible effort to make your flight as happy as possible. There are also Special Offers which we will be offering our valued passengers from time to time. As the Umra and Hajj season are both fast approaching, be sure to book your tickets in advance.







    Dahabshiil has 75 agents in the UK and over 400 branches and agents world-wide


    The quality of service differentiates Dahabshiil from its competitors. Dahabshiil is now recognised as the most reputable commercial enterprise in the sector. Customers call it trustworthy, reliable, cost-effective and efficient.


    The company's long-term strategy is to remain the first choice of money transfer services for migrants from the Horn of Africa. Our mission is to be an innovative, customer-oriented company that consistently exceeds customers' expectations of service.


    The diaspora anually pumps 2/3 billion into somalia



    It may surprise you that we have been around for over 12 years. The company has grown from humble beginning with one Cessna aircraft in 1991, to become one of the largest flights network in Africa. Daallo Airlines is nominated as one of the show case success stories in Africa by Mr. Fick, David S, in his book of "Entrepreneurship in Africa: A study of Success".

  12. 4 index_r2_c3.gif


    Amoud University is a community-owned non-governmental, national University and open to all aspiring candidates who fulfill the admission requirements without discrimination based on sex, ethnic, origin, creed or color.




    Faculty of Education

    Faculty of Business and Public Administration

    Faculty of Medicine of Surgery

    Faculty of Natural Resources (Department of Agriculture )

    Faculty of Information & Communication Technology (Online )



    5 Al-Neelain University in Mogadishu, Somalia


    A branch of Al-Neelain Univ. in the Sudan (Runs in Arabic)

    Economics and business administration


    6 Science and Technology University of Yemen in Mog. Somalia


    A branch of Yemenite university in Somalia


    7 Umdurman University in Mogadishu, Somalia


    A branch of a Sudani University in Somalia



    8 The African University


    Taleh in Hodan district of Mogadishu, Somalia


    Main subjects taught


    Arts and literature; and Sciences


    9 Al-Tiba University


    Islamic studies from Sharia to Ahadith, Tafseer and Aqeedah.


    10 Hamar University


    Business and adiminstration; Sharia and law


    11 The Indian Ocean University


    Main subjects taught


    Economics and administration


    12 Darul Ulum University


    Religious studies


    13 Islamiya University,


    14 Somalia University


    15 Furqaan University


    16 Hargeisa University (2000)






    Education, law, Islamic studies, sciences, medicine, business and languages.



    17 Berbera University




    Geosciences, ecology ( University under construction stage) [/color]



    18 The East African University






    IT, journalism, finance and English



    19 Nugaal University






    In construction stage



    College or institute



    Somali Institute of Management & Admin. Development (SIMAD College)




    (Teaches to a degree level in 3 years).

    ICT, Business Admin; Accounting, and Language and Communication. SIMAD offers higher diploma in 2 years of study.



    National Institute of Nursing in Somalia

    Nursing for 3 years


    3 The High Nursing Institute of Mogadishu

    An associate of Mogadishu University

    3-years nursing programme


    4 The SOS nursing school

    Mogadishu, Somalia

    Trains students to become professional community nurses.


    5 Hayat Health Training Institute

    Mogadishu, Somalia

    Allied health sciences, nursing, physiotherapy


    6 Benadir Teacher Training Institute

    Female teacher training for primary schools for 2 yrs.


    7 Dhokolow’s Basic Science Institute

    Mogadishu, Somalia

    Secondary and pre-tertiary (college) physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology.



    The Express English Language Institute

    Mogadishu, Somalia

    Fast track system of learning the English language. Uses modern audio-visual aids.


    9 The Maths Institute of Shuuci

    Mogadishu, somalia

    Teaches maths at secondary and pre-tertiary levels. A good preparation for university entrance maths.


    10 Golis College



    Hargeisa, Somaliland

    Accounting, agriculture, art and design, business, building construction, ceramics, civil engineering, criminology and police science, electronics, electronics, English, IT, health sciences, law & jurisprudence, medical lab & radiology; pre-medicine, teacher training and textile


    11 Hargeisa College of applied arts and technology


    Hargeisa, Somaliland

    Engineering, sciences, social science and humanities, business and IT.



    there are 1172 primary schools in Somalia



    makar.gifthree universities in the top 100



    1 design_r1_c1.gifdesign_r1_c4.gif


    The university is a multipurpose institution. In addition to preparing competent professionals, it aims to be a community learning centre, an idea hub, a focal point for practical and theoretical research, and a development engine that makes real difference to lives of the people in the city and beyond.



    2 a2.bmp


    BU was established in Mogadishu, Somalia in September 2002. The University has now four Faculties (Medicine, Computer Science, Education and Engineering). and there are plans to add other faculties at earliest possible time.



    3 logo.pngbanner.gif


    MU shall take a pioneering role in filling the educational gap created during the civil war so as to provide higher education opportunities for the young generations of Somalia.


    MU shall give students an opportunity of higher education and specialization in various spheres of sciences and literature in response to the desperate needs of the country for educated human resources.


    MU shall develop indigenous scientific knowledge through encouraging focused research programs in the priority sectors



    makar.gifFuture Complex (wich almost completed)







    Telcom is the largest and the leading telecommunications network operator in Somalia. Telcom is the first major privately owned company providing telecommunications in Somalia territory. Telcom principal activities include local, long distance, national and international telecommunication, mobile communications, and a wide range of data services including broadband access.






    makar.gifSTG over the years has proven to be a lucrative successful telephone business venture. STG became a vital part of Somali people socially and commercially. Customer demand did not end only for voice and fax services; currently STG telecom services include GSM Mobile services, SMS, Prepaid telecom services, high speed internet, local and international long distance services through out the entire STG Network.




    Headquartered in Mogadishu, Somalia, NationLink offers a variety of

    telecom services including landline telephones, faxes, data, long range

    cordless telephones and Internet services. NationLink is one of three major

    telecommunications companies headquartered in Mogadishu that has participated

    in collaborating to form a joint Internet company -- Somali Internet Company

    (SICO) to provide services throughout the region



    Somalia flourished precisely because of the "world community’s" neglect.


    In Somalia, "the very absence of a government may have helped nurture an African oddity — a lean and efficient business sector that does not feed at a public trough controlled by corrupt officials," wrote Peter Maas in the May 2001 issue of The Atlantic Monthly. Tele-communications, transportation, and shipping companies were organized up to provide services to the liberated private sector. Internet cafes have sprung up in Mogadishu. Private security firms helped businessmen protect their investments and property.


    A recent World Bank study grudgingly admitted: "Somalia boasts lower rates of extreme poverty and, in some cases, better infrastructure than richer countries in Africa." This is almost certainly because it is not cursed with a World Bank-subsidized central government to siphon away the nation’s wealth.



    The Answer for Africa

    by Shafer Parker



    According to Andrew Cockburn in the July issue of National Geographic magazine, Somalia is rising, phoenix-like, from the ashes of the 1993 war and becoming an economic powerhouse in eastern Africa precisely because anarchy has reigned ever since. Consider Cockburn’s on-the-scene assessment of what has happened since the war. "Like plants sprouting after a forest fire, Somalis have managed to survive and build on their own, in some respects with more success than developing nations on the receiving end of international aid and advice."


    Significantly, the Somalis get it. They have learned through experience that less government is good, and that no government is better. Hear what telecommunications tycoon Abdirizak Ido told Mr. Cockburn: "We have been through some hard times, but the worst was when we had a government. Once there was no government, there was opportunity!"


    Somali Businesses Stunted by Too-Free Enterprise


    By Ian Fisher



    There are five competing airlines here; three phone companies, which have some of the cheapest rates in the world; at least two pasta factories; 45 private hospitals; 55 providers of electricity; 1,500 wholesalers for imported goods; and an infinite number of guys with donkeys who will deliver 55 gallons of clean water to your house for 25 cents.


    What Somalia does not have is a government, and in many ways, that makes it the world's purest laboratory for capitalism. No one collects taxes. Business is booming. Libertarians of the world, unite



    It is striking that Somalia, unlike many parts of Africa, has achieved this thriving business climate on its own, without the usual aid and advice from rich nations. They have all but disengaged from Somalia since the failure of the United Nations operation here in the early 1990's. Somalis have learned that they are pretty good at making money.


    "It's entrepreneurism that's doing it," said Ahmed Abdisalam Adan, director of programs for Horn Afrik, Somalia's first independent radio and television station, established last year. "It's who has more creativity. It's who is willing to take risks. Before it was the government. The government could make you rich one day and poor the next



    chinese investors



    Business Attraction in Puntland, Somalia


    Bossaso city has become a magnet for foreigners who want to invest in Africa. This week alone, there are about half a dozen business people representing Chinese and South Korean corporations in the city. These representatives and others who frequent Puntland want to invest in the region and expand their business to this part of the world. Interested people include wealthy business men from the Middle East.


    Puntland (North Eastern Somalia) has not been touched by the country’s civil war and has remained stable after the fall of Somalia’s central government in 1991. It lies on the tip of East Africa and borders Indian Ocean and Red Sea.