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Posts posted by Chimera

  1. Originally posted by Centurion:

    [QB] Dave we are 80% Cushitic, 15% Eurasian, and 5% bantu.


    So, you're not as indigenous as you might think.

    incorrect! our phenotype is indigineous




    The role of tall, linearly built populations in eastern Africa's prehistory has always been

    debated. Traditionally, they are viewed as late migrants into the area. But as there is better palaeoanthropological and linguistic documentation for the earlier presence of these populations than for any other group in eastern Africa, it is far more likely that they are indigenous eastern Africans. I have argued elsewhere (Schepartz 1985) that these prehistoric linear populations show resemblances to both Upper Pleistocene eastern African fossils and present-day, non-Bantu-speaking groups in eastern Africa, with minor differences stemming from changes in overall robusticity of the dentition and skeleton. This suggests a longstanding tradition of linear populations in eastern Africa, contributing to the indigenous development of cultural and biological diversity from the Pleistocene up to the present




    you see our facial features is not the result of foreign geneflow but simply homegrown




    Cruciani et al reported that the E3b1-delta cluster was seen at low frequencies among all European populations that included E3b's - but their paper did not include a description of the E3b1-delta haplotype. The highest frequencies of E3b1-delta were seen in Ethiopia and Somalia, and that area is assumed to be its place of origin. The authors believe that the delta cluster may have been involved in the first dispersal of E3b1's out of eastern Africa about 15 thousand years ago. The E3b1-delta cluster was introduced into Europe in a later expansion from either northern Africa or the Near East. Members of that cluster were seen in such far flung places as Pakistan. Their paper did not give a description of the E3b1-delta haplotype



    E3b (E-M35) was one of the Y haplogroups that was common among the Neolithic farmers from the Middle East who first brought agriculture into Europe about 9000 years ago. Cruciani et al give an estimate of 24-27 thousand years ago for the date of the most recent common ancestor of all E3b's and named eastern Africa as the probable place of origin. The distribution of E3b in Europe is shown as the group in yellow on the fourth page of King and Underhill's paper on Neolithic ceramics. It is seen most frequently along the Mediterranean coast - especially at the eastern end. Semino et al saw E3b at frequencies of 20-24% in Greece, 10-27% in Italy, and 2-11% in Spain





    Intermediate position


    In general, populations cluster by geographic origin. The most distinct separation is between African and non-African populations. The northeastern-African -- that is, the Ethiopian and Somali -- populations are located centrally between sub-Saharan African and non-African populations." These studies suggest a recent and primary subdivision between African and non-African populations, high levels of divergence among African populations, and a recent shared common ancestry of non-African populations, from a population originating in Africa. The intermediate position, between African and non-African populations, that the Ethiopians and Somalis occupy in the PCA plot also has been observed in other genetic studies (Ritte et al. 1993; Passarino et al. 1998) and could be due either to shared common ancestry or to recent gene flow. The fact that the Ethiopians and Somalis have a subset of the sub-Saharan African haplotype diversity and that the non-African populations have a subset of the diversity present in Ethiopians and Somalis makes simple-admixture models less likely; rather, these observations support the hypothesis proposed by other nuclear-genetic studies (Tishkoff et al. 1996a, 1998a, 1998b; Kidd et al. 1998) that populations in northeastern Africa may have diverged from those in the rest of sub-Saharan Africa early in the history of modern African populations and that a subset of this northeastern-African population migrated out of Africa and populated the rest of the globe. These conclusions are supported by recent mtDNA analysis (Quintana-Murci et al. 1999).




    the Ancient ancestors of todays Somalis and Ethiopians migrated to the middle east and North Africa and from there spread E3b

  2. Originally posted by Taliban:

    quote:Originally posted by David_Letterman:

    Af Somali is Cushitic and part of the larger family called Afro-Asiatic

    Is Arabic also part of the Afro-Asiatic family? I am asking because your map includes Middle Eastern countries where most people speak Arabic.
    Arabic is a Semetic language and Semetic is part of the Afro-asiatic family


    Proto-Semetic originates in the Horn of Africa:




    Background and history


    Arabic belongs to the Semitic language family. The members of this family have a recorded history going back thousands of years--one of the most extensive continuous archives of documents belonging to any human language group.


    The Semitic languages eventually took root and flourished in the Mediterranean Basin area, especially in the Tigris-Euphrates river basin and in the coastal areas of the Levant, but where the home of the area "proto-Semitic" was located is still the object of dispute among scholars, Once, the Arabian Peninsula was thought to have been the "cradle" of proto-Semitic, but nowadays many scholars advocate the view that it originated somewhere in East Africa, probably in the area of Somalia/Ethiopia. Interestingly, both these areas are now dominated lingustically by the two youngest members of the Semitic language family: Arabic and Amharic, both of which emerged in the mid-fourth century C.E.



    Ethiopia has more semetic languages than any other place in the world so it makes sense

  3. Originally posted by Centurion:

    The purpose wasn't to deny the undeniable African heritage, but to discuss the other influences in the somali genome which make us just that bit different to the average bantu African.

    no i reject it i'm not a mixed product i'm a Cushtite and my facial features are indiginious


    and first of all ''Bantu'' is a language family not a ethnicy, bantu languages in turn are part of the wider Niger-Congo language phylum just like Af Somali is Cushitic and part of the larger family called Afro-Asiatic




    tutsi who speak a Bantu language and carry E3a resemble Somali people case in point Rwanda's Tutsi president




    The fulani people of West Africa who carry e3a resemble Somali people




    this little sista looks like my niece


    expand your view of Africa Somalis and Ethiopians aint the only ones looking like that in Africa



  4. what a crap forum


    Somalis are indigineous East Africans even Morrocans carry our neolithic great great grandfather's gene at a frequency of 70/80%


    we are connected with West Africans through the PN2 clade they are E3a and we are E3b


    so we are simply Africans

  5. -withdrawal of all foreign soldiers


    -exclude all men from the Somali Political scene for the next 2 millenia's


    -Elect a Female president with a female cabinet


    -import chinese and other foreigners so that Somali people see these new groups as a threat and therefore start working together( this method is used by many European countries very sneaky but works like magic )


    - fly all our Somali cousins scattered around the horn to the Mainland and then build a large wall around our 23384++ mile border


    - leave the A.U and A.L and all other crap ORG's


    then we will prosper

  6. I'm quite embarrassed by some characters on this forum who claim to hail from P-land, when they wish only destruction and chaos on other regions indirectly by supporting an entity which has brought the before mentioned terror upon the allready decade terrorised masakiin's, they accuse other Somali groups of being clannists yet ignore the fact that multiple times our people from different regions were either evicted or denied access in P-land because of their backgrounds


    they are no different from those who call people from the North Qaldaans or different from the sickminded ones that preach hate to little Somali children by introducing disgusting proverb's like a boy from Hargeisa is closer to a xabashi than a boy(his blood brother) from Mogadishu


    these groups are the embodiment of all things that is wrong in today's Somali society


    they are the ones who hold us back, and unfortunatly they are also the ones currently in power

  7. In this, his first full day as an official candidate, Democratic senator Barack Obama got a taste of the rough and tumble world of presidential politics,''


    right now, telletubbies are plotting to asassinate a presidential candidate, my wife and daughter are in trouble and the people that i work with might be involved in both...


    I'm Federal Agent Yusuf Bauer... and today is the longest day of my life :(

  8. Originally posted by Taliban:


    Originally posted by David_Letterman:

    were there any Dino's in Africa or Somalia in the past?

    Sure. Weren't Somalia and India conjoined millions years ago? If eggs were found in India, it's high probability it can be found in Somalia.
    i think some of them raptors transformed into Somali people



    Subxanallah :eek: such power

  9. Originally posted by Taliban:

    quote:Originally posted by David_Letterman:

    Today there doing everything they can to keep us from somalifying the rest of East Africa, Somali aboo was a start but think about it if we all just threw away this disgusting qabiil and somalified everything around us we could build a Super Muslim Empire State

    Correct me if I am wrong; aren't Oromos those we know them in Somali as Somali Abo?
    you are correct, many of their rebel leaders also started calling themselves this and they even had a political/rebel party by that name wich received Support from the Somali government


    the borana's and others living in Kenya during a referendum also rather joined Somalia than Kenya or Ethiopia


    we could be a Superpower

  10. actually many relatives of ours like the Afars,the Oromo's,the harari's that lived in present day Somali territories around East Africa were Somalified during Adal's peak and during the 300 years of the A'juuraan Empire's hegemony on half of East Africa. Today there doing everything they can to keep us from somalifying the rest of East Africa, Somali aboo was a start but think about it if we all just threw away this disgusting qabiil and somalified everything around us we could build a Super Muslim Empire State


    Japan a homogeneous society succesfully abolished their qabiil system that tore them apart in the Shogun era, it's time we did the same