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Everything posted by Biixi

  1. Life insurance is Haram as our brother/sister stated before. Life insurance can kill you. How, you may ask? Your death is worth Millions of dollars– your wife/husband may just accidentally kill you and collect the benefit.
  2. Who is going to make sure the money from the oil goes to the Somali people and not to Cade Muuse?
  3. ^^^^ LOL Ma xuma soo jeedinta in meel looga soo wada jeesto wixii Soomaali oo dan ah. Laakiin dadka waxaan soo jeedinaaya naftooda intaysan dagaalada sokeeya Soomaliya ka bilaaban maxay qaban jireen haddana qabtaan? Waa wax laga xumaado markaad akhriso wax ay sameeyaan dad dhul qalaad nolol ku haysta, qaarna sharci ku leeyihiin ay Soomalidoo idil ku baraarujiyaan dagaal. Dagaal waa laga daalay, Soomali haddaan nahayna cid inooga khibrad badan ma jirto dagaal, wax faa'iido lehna ma keeno. Haddaan Soomalideena dhexdeena heshiino, illaahna tawakalsano wax naga halaabayo ma jiraan. Dadkaan ku qaraabta Soomaliya dhibaatadeedad ha la iska dhowro, intaasaa iga waano ah.
  4. I hate college footbal becuase of the unfairness ranking system, still watching the Navy Vs Army is always fun!
  5. Maashalaah...soon Mogadishu and Kismaio will join.
  6. "Why are women shipped from Somalia" The tittle kills me!
  7. That is a good idea but who is going to do that?
  8. "this website that said Somalia's population is 90% muslim and 10% Christians" "jst wanted to know if you guys knew of any somali christians, is there any particular place they live any tension b/t them and the somali muslims etc..." It is a fact that Somalis are 100% Muslims, what percentage of that practices the deen is any body guess. Having stated that fact, Somalis looking for an asylum have used many claims to gain it. Tribe, Religion, sexual orientation, Forced marriage...etc.
  9. Question: What has the TFG done for Somalia Pre & Post Ethiopian Occupation? Answer: Most important achievement is Survival… Meaning among its many achievements, we Somalis have a GOVERNMENT. Is it clear to you now or should I write in Arabic?
  10. Question: What has the TFG done for Somalia Pre & Post Ethiopian Occupation? Answer: Most important achievement is Survival… Meaning among its many achievements, we Somalis have a GOVERNMENT. Is it clear to you now or should I write in Arabic?
  11. These are few homosexuals even Jews wouldn't want ay support from.
  12. Most important achievement is Survival… It survived internal fraction caused by outside influences, and kicked out those saboteurs within the TGF who have crippled previous governments.
  13. ^^^ Mujaahidnimada in Asamara laga baxsho laguuma sheegin miyaa? War ruuxii Asmara taga, ku biira ama taageera mucaaradka waxaa lagu abaal marayaa mujaahidnimada.
  14. Sida dadka qaarkii ay aaminsanyihiin, ninkan wuxuu awal ahaa wax macno ah oo ay leedahay ma jirto, marba haddii uu ku biiray bahda Asmara ku dhuumata. Mujaahid haddaad mar noqotana towbad ma u baahantahay?
  15. Waxaas waa been. Caydiid yare waa in wadani ahaa, haddana mujaahid mar kastana Mariin mareekan ahaa. Bidaar ku sheeg, Buufis ku sheeg laakiin marnaba ha ku sheegin Basaasnimo.
  16. Biixi

    Xamar in picures

    When do Somalis develop this sense of feelings for their brethren? Why didn’t you feel this before? People in Mogadishu are having difficulty, but it is their doing. Those fighting the government only consider themselves Muslims and the rest non-Muslims. Whenever they kill people they drag the dead corpses on the streets ‘cause they don’t see the dead as humans. Most of those claiming to be displaced from their homes, live in homes they took by force either displacing previous owners or have killed them. They shoot at moving soldiers from their homes, and when the soldiers shoot back with bigger guns they claim genocide. If you’re not part of the “insurgency”, stop those firing from your homes/cities.
  17. Somali news outlets, BBC-AfSomali being the oldest, have been reporting about Somalia since before I was born so what "News" are we talking about? We've our own "NEWS" outlets ,however imparfect, that is doing a good job in reporting about Somalia. Every body knows Western/Arab Media only reports news that effects them directly.
  18. Somali news outlets, BBC-AfSomali being the oldest, have been reporting about Somalia since before I was born so what "News" are we talking about? We've our own "NEWS" outlets ,however imparfect, that is doing a good job in reporting about Somalia. Every body knows Western/Arab Media only reports news that effects them directly.
  19. Biixi

    Xamar in picures

    Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Me , brother, for the dignity and respect of the murdered, innocent Soomaali brothers and sisters la xasuuqay, for that this site does not allow showing the corpses of dead bodies.... I linked the innocent people la xasuuqay. Priceless Afterall, what good are rules if they can't be broken?
  20. I hope this is something Somalialnd Times made up, otherwise Somali "leaders" are ******.
  21. Xal ma aha in waligeed dagaal lagu jiro. Halka Itoobiyaankoo baqtiya boqol Soomaliya oo waxba galabsan baa dhimata, haddaan sidaan ku socono yaa dhulkeena u soo haraya?