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Everything posted by Biixi

  1. "Qabiil waa wax fiican. Nasabnimo waa ay jirta. Tolnimo iyo ehel jaceelna waa wax aysan diinta Islaamku ka soo hor jeedin. In aad tolkaaga ku xirnaatana waa wax aayo idiin wada ah." Sidan waa sida nolosha runta ahi ay ku dhisan tahay. Qof kastoo Soomali ahna sidan baa uurkiisa ku jirta afka waxeey doonaan ha ka yiraahdeen. Daacadnimada waa waxa Soomalida ka maqan. Daacad ha la wada noqdo. Haddaan Soomali nahayna qabiil nagama harayo, sababtoo ah dhiigeenaa ku shaqeeya. Waxaan kale brotherly love, end discrimination, blah blah waa wax been been ah. Runta sheega!!! PS -- Qoraalkan waa iga kaftan!!!
  2. ^^^ LOL @ Norf. By the way I like the chicken and egg analogy, very fitting!
  3. ne1 here ever embarked on an excercise plan? Yes what were ur targets? Learn how to kick $#@!!! did you succeed/fail? Succeeded Did you stop/continue? Continue lost/gained willpower/determination ? Wanted to stop at times, but never gave up. If the gym is too much of a hustle, do this at home: Push-ups -- as many as you can Sit-ups -- as many as you can Jumping jacks -- a lot Dock walks a lot Run/jog two days out of the week. Enjoy.
  4. 1. Given Independence prematurely. Idependence for Somalia should've been 2002!
  5. Asalaamu Alaikum Zakada waa waajib saaran Muslinkoo idil. Caawinta agoonta, dadka awooda yar iyo kuwaan is caawin karinba waa waxa ugu wanaagsan oo uu qofka muslinka gudan karo. Marka intaas laga soo gudbo. Baryahan dambe waxaa caado noqotay in lacag isdaba joog ah loogu diro dad karti u leh in ay shaqeystaan, kuna nool nolol ka wanaagsan ta ay dadka u soo dirayaan ku nool yihiin. - - Diinta maxay ka qabtaa dadka ayagoo awood u leh in ay is masfuuraan la soo masruufo? Fadlan mawduucan Af-Soomali kaliya ha looga soo jawaabo. Wabilaahi towfiiq!
  6. It is cultural differences. Europeans say that Americans don't conduct themselves well in(Europe) public and are arrogant. Americans say Europeans don't shower etc...! In the USA Asians are terrible drivers followed by WOMEN - Blame cell phones!
  7. Just be the proud(Rude"Ma anoo hebel hebel ah") Somali you're. Native Indians, Irish, Pols, Italians...were treated the same way...don't take personal. Their forefathers migrated to this land as well. Welcome to AmeriKKKa. Ps -- Just say "I'm Blackbelt" and they'll run away
  8. Biixi

    For you...

    SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE: Know your worth, look within yourself By SAYED MOUSTAFA AL-QAZWINI The Hajj pilgrimage for Muslims marks the start of a new beginning, much like that of the New Year. The Hajj and the New Year mean a second chance of renewed hopes and dreams — hence it means each and every one of us has been given a brand new, clean start on life. So from where do we begin to anchor our new start? We begin with ourselves. God tells us in the Koran that He will not help those until they help themselves first. Begin by knowing that you are worthy. You have been given a status so high and dear to God that you have become His steward on earth. According to Islam, man is created to be God’s vicegerent on Earth. This means you were born with stewardship to lead, whether your leadership is in the home, school or office. If you keep mindful of your status then certainly you would form a better attitude on yourself and others. Know that you have been gifted with extraordinary human qualities. Tap into the vast resources of your humanistic traits, which make you a better person. Traits such as patience, forgiveness, determination and compassion. You have the potential to rise above negative attitude and complacent behavior. Do not belittle or think low of yourself. Learn to let go of the past mistakes. Do not be hard to judge yourself or others. However, hold yourself strictly accountable for what you do today. Bite your tongue every time you get enticed to remark a few words about your friend or coworker. By starting with yourself, you can then begin to share yourself with others. Begin with your family. Just as you tapped into your better qualities, now look at the better qualities of your spouse, children and extended family. Because of our shortcomings and weaknesses, we always call upon God to judge us by His mercy, so too should we practice leniency on our family. Whether it is the start of the New Year or having made the Hajj, every day provides a new opportunity to make a new start, and it begins within each one of us.
  9. Biixi

    Reality show

    "The Ultimate Fighter" If my wife lets me compete.
  10. "That is my message to the diaspora: you can sit there in Toronto and continue to criticize all the things that Somalia lacks. Or you can come back and actually try to do something about it. Your country needs you now."
  11. Based on my recent trip to Somalia, Somalis are ready for an Islamic government. Such government will get the full Somali support, when the deeds of its leader and those that support him are in accordance with Islam.
  12. Ducaysane Waxaan qoray iyo waxaad qortayba dhib ma laha. Ma moodaa in faankaaga lala yaabanyahay ?
  13. Alla waagaan yaraa (14 - 17) maxeey kuwaan xaafadeyda u degnaan waayeen
  14. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: quote:Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: MMA, You need to organize someone, probably close to him so that he can simply sneak to his room and do some dirty job you know ,, may be poison him, use a silencer, or do some ciijis if he can where are kuwii suicide ka samayn jiray ? Riyaale aa u direynaa marka. Jacaylbaro inuu waxaan soo qoro ciyaalnimaa u geesaa la is oran karaayee...MMA adigii Moderatorka ahaana ma sidaanaa kuu danbeysay
  15. A.J. "Af jooga looma hadlo" Name calling is against Somaliaonline rules, I was just pointing that out to whomever made that rule initially.That is all.
  16. My Person of the Year is SOL member: PEACENOW
  17. Haddii ay cayisho ...................... Ps -- Yaan xaaskayga loo sheegin waxaan qoray.
  18. "naag qurux badan ninbaa qabo loogama haro" Waayo waayaa i soo xasuusisay...mahadsanid!
  19. "Islamist insurgency grows in Somalia " Hehehe ma biyaa lagu waraabshay...intee dherer le'egtahay, miisaankeedu waa imisa. Caqli ma u saa'iday. Ilko wax ay ku qaniinto ma yeelatay. GFaaladaan shaqada ka dhigatay Soomalida maa nagala qabto.
  20. Ceebeey tacaal...waxan oo kale waa laga xishoodaayee meesha maad sida u dhaantaan!
  21. Nabadoona goormuu Isimo ka daba hadli jiray? Dhaqankii laga tag!