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Cartan & Maandeeq thanks waan dowahay. Walaahi meeshaan cajiib waaye, hal khalad qof kii gala qoraalkiisa sidii huunfaadii aa lala haddaa. Mujaahid Adina inta ma timaadaane? warba uma heyn wadaadadu inay gabayada iyo heesaha akhristaan. Is ilaali yaan idhuhu ku soo dhicine. turjubaan uma baahnid ee i dhaaf. Cartan: Shuux buu ahaayoo qaad! Walaahi qofka ma aqaan ee anigoo meesha iska marayaan arkey qoraalka meesha yaal. Normally, waxaan ahay, Akhirstayaasha amusan. Lakiin his writing inspired me, so I wrote this gibberish as I said, I was in mood last night.
Hey RC I will tell my friend "there is this chick that rocks who is interested in him." I am sure, he’ll be more than thrilled if not his lost! Thanks for the vote of confidence, you trusted my word without verifying it . Normally, I would be wary of someone else version of HUNK, until I see him with my own eyes. Remember, I said he is a yummy dish. My kind of yummy dish might be Kirish-ow-mirish & liver, uuum yummy, but you might grab the puke bucket when you hear those words. lol @MMA, that is funny. I never knew you were such hunk. I think those girls that fainted when they saw you had a weak heart and they could not stand your beauty. Your beauty is the most over powering beauty I have seen in a long time. If I were pregnant, I would have lost my baby Shaqsi: what is this business you and your friend are doing? I am curious. Or has it been Enronized already If it is something you cannot say it in here, I understand don't bother to reply. Take care Yo all
lol@ kool-kat girl I think your past is catching up with you Maybe Shyhem is the person you left on the mall. Okay Shaqsi, this is my story: I was on the net writing crayz stuff. one day, I caught this brother's eye. He asked me for my email. I gave it to him. because I canna liked his writing too. I thought he was cool. So, he emailed me, I emailed him back. After a while we exchanged our telephone numbers. Upto this time, you must know we were just friendly, no romance. We spoke to each other, he knew right away who I was, however, he would not tell me who he was. His name is so generic, and mine is not. but after couple of days, he told me who he was. Surprise surprise! his parents and my parents were close friends! So, we became good friends from that day on. I am really glad I met him on the net. I know all his familty and I also know how he looks like, he is a hunk, six foot three full of muscle. a dish that is yummie. Alas, I am on diet Poor Abdinuur, did a little girl make you cry oh, that is just too funny walaahi
Nin qalaadow gacalow qoomkoo wada nabadoo qosol iyo jareexiyo haasaawe is qudhqudhsiiyoo aanayba kaba qasnay sow gabay qaab daranoo deel qaafkana ka buuxoo qolka maadan soo dhigin qabiil aan la sheegina shaaca kamaadanba qaadin qaalulaahi hadaad taqaan innaga daaya qaybtiyo waxii qaran jab nagu ridey qalbigiina naga gubey qaaradah nakeenee haatan intaanu qaska ina galin oo qaar kale cadhooninoo qalaalaasahuna sii badan quful warkaa ku soo goo Qofku waxa sharaf u ah ama lagu qoweeyaa intuu dadka kale qadariyee Nin qalaadow adiguna sharuucaha iyo qodobada ee nidaamkiisu qeexan yahay oo baydkan lagu qorey qabiil waa ka mamnuuce inkastoo qalad kaa dhacay hadana waa laguu qaleyniye qowl wanaagsan lagu dariyoo lagu odhan qoyska ku soo biir wacaan naganna qaad dee salaamaha! Qul-wale iyo wailba faataxa Nin qalaad, ku soo dhowow baydkan ay bahda reer Nomad ku caweeyaan, geeraarkaa yarna u qaado sidii loo qorey " no malice intended" walaahi/ I am just in a mood. :cool: Maandeeq, Kamila, Cartan, Jamaal Nomadbro-idin lama dhaafi karo salaam dhamaan dhalinyarada meeshan ku bahowdey. keep it up!
Rock_chick. Brownie anytime of the day or night yummmmmm. for some reason I did not see your post until I did post mine weird.
Kool_kat, I see you want to spear your germ , kiss on the lips kute lol. I hope you recovered from that cold, sis. Anyway, I think kiss on the neck is sexier so I will choose on the neck. When it comes to Somali songs- Qaraami(guitar) or Casri biibii (the new songs). If someone already asked that question then I will ask : Republican or Democratic
Salaama Muraad: Ereyada qaarkood waa qaadan karaan Ra'da ama dha'da, Badhaadhe ama Baraare etc inkastoo Badheedhe ay igula haboontahay. Qaarna runtii maadama hal gobol looga isticmaalo, badalida ereyga Ra' ama Dha'da waxay badashaa Micnaha ereyga. Waxaan aniga ila haboon runtii in erey walba loo daayo originally meeshuu ka yimid, Waligeey maan arag qof reer koofur ah oo isticmaalaya dhaarta "qoodhey iyo xeradey inaan saas la yeeleyn" can you imagine qof reer xamar ah oo leh "Qoortey iyo xeradey saas ma la suubihaayo" lol Filimda ma noqon karaan: Miyo iyo Magaalo Dan iyo xargo Also Cali maax iyo Cawrala filim buu ahaa ayaan filayaa. Waan ku faraxsanahay in aad runtii ururin kula jirto af somaliga. Halkaa ka sii wad walaal dadaalka aad kula jirto afkeena hooye ee qaaliga ah. Wixii aan ku dari karona waan ku doo dari, inkasta oo erayada intoodii badneyn aad idinkii naga hooreeyey keenteen. Talk to you later bro.
Muraad walaal aniguna intan ayaan idinka darsan bal:[*]Abaar iyo aaran [*]Abees iyo masgood [*]Amakaag iyo Afkalaheyn [*]Amakaag iyo yaab [*]Beerkiyo Wadnaha [*]Billis iyo Jareer [*]Boob iyo dhac [*]Boqor iyo Dhacle [*]Faras iyo Geenyo [*]Gaajiyo Haraad [*]Gaaliyo Islaam [*]Geeriyo noolol [*]Gudcur iyo caddo [*]Gudin iyo Hangool [*]Guluf iyo colaad [*]Hadh iyo Habeen [*]Hayiin iyo diyiin [*]Hoog iyo heeydaro [*]Il iyo Carab [*]Ileeys iyo Cadceed [*]Jin iyo insi [*]Jin iyo jaan [*]Kas iyo Kama' [*]Kir iyo kud! [*]Marwo iyo mudanne [*]Meel daran iyo reero muskood [*]Miyir iyo xasilaan [*]Nabad iyo colaad [*]Nidar iyo wacad [*]Qas iyo qalalaase [*]Qori iyo Qiiqiis [*]run iyo been [*]Salli'I iyo fudeed [*]Saxansaxo iyo udgoon [*]Sinaan iyo cadaalad [*]Ufo iyo hilaac [*]Uruggo iyo ciil [*]Wareeg iyo waabo tiris Mid kale ku noqo qoraalkaaga ugu horeeya, meesha aad leedahay " Qoor iyo xero" Miyaynan ku habooneen in aad tidhaahdo: Qoodhey iyo xeradey? Ileen markuu qofku akhriyo qoor iyo xero wuxuu is odhanayaa Qoor= neck? maaha Good Insha Allah wax kale haday madaxeyga ku soo dhacaan waan ku soo qoro. Nabad iyo Farxad!
bach are you kidding, to be unemployed on the summer time is the best time. Could you imagine being unemployed in the winter time, sit at home and get fat, summer time you can cruze aroun the city and have fun. My worse job, none so far
MMA lol that is funny, do you remember when the Somalis first came to Kanada as you say there was another priminster with small mouth? the Somalis used to say" War Afweynaan ka niman, afyaraan u nimid" now that Afyare left afqalooc came to the throne lol poor you canadians... Motor Cycle Cruiser: Thanks Blossom is really my nick name. I have no intention to ever going to stupid khalij, but I will give a second thought about the US Passport now that most of you seem to think it is good idea to have an American passport. Interesting what is Search committees? BTW, most of the big corporation have a legal dept. and also majority of the HR people now the rules and regulation of the INS. I guess your Diroctor used to work for the government sector and still have the idea of one must be US citizen in order to work for the Federal Government. Seriously, I will reconsider of my believe. after all they say if you have not shed one believe for this year you have not grown, so this must be the idea I am going to shed this year, thanks y'all.
fine topic.
Mujahid, Don't you have something like Greencard, if you have greencard here in the States you are able to get travel documsts and you can travel anywhere in the world except, Somalia, Libya, Iraq.... you get the pic. I could have been a citezen ten times over but I never did care to change my citizenship. I want to die true Somali. I never want to run for office in the States, I have no desire to work for the Government, therefore, US passport is useless to me. I love the country, I just don't want to become a fake citizen, only in name, as my American friends says "If you were not born in the states, you are not full American, you are fake American." Why be fake anything, when I can be full-blooded Somali