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Everything posted by Meiji

  1. Maamulka Degmada Ruun-Nirgood oo diiday in Calan aan ahayn midka Soomaaliya laga taago Degmadaas Jimco, November 13, 2009(HOL): Maamulka Degmada Ruun-Nirgood ee gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe ayaa ka soo horjeestay in Calan aan ahayn midka Soomaaliya laga suro Degmadaas. Guddoomiyaha Degmadaas Maxamed Maxamuud Raage oo u waramayay Idaacadda Radio Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in uu soo gaaray war sheegaya in Xarakada Shabaabul Mujaahidiin ay dalbatay in Calanka lagu yaqaano ee madow laga taago Degmadaas, si ay iyadana markaas u sii deyso dad degmada ka soo jeeda oo ay heyso. “Ma aqbali doonno in Calan aan ahayn midka Soomaaliya lagu suro Degmada Ruun-Nirgood, waayo halkan waxaa laga taageersan yahay Dowladda Soomaaliya”ayuu yiri Maxamed Maxamuud Raage. Guddoomiyaha ayaa intaas ku daray Culumaa’udiin iyo Waxgarad ka soo jeeda Degmada Ruun-Nirgood ay qabsatay Xarakada Al-Shabaab, sii deyntoodana ay ku xirtay shuruudo ay ka mid yihiin in Calanka Madow ee ay Xarakada Al-Shabaab caanka ku tahay laga suro Degmada. “Dadka ay qabsadeen waxaa ka mid ah Macallin Maxamed Maxamuud Wehliye oo Xamar u waday Xaaskiisa oo Foolaneysa iyo nin nabaddoon ah oo kale, waxayna sii deyntooda ku xireen in aan aqoonsanno Al-Shabaab, Calankeedana laga taago halkan”ayuu yiri Maxamed Maxamuud Raage. “Dadka degan Degmada Ruun-Nirgood waxay taageersan yihiin Dowladda Soomaaliya, mana aqbalayaan wax aan dowlad Soomaaliyeed ahayn, iyadana ayayna ka sugayaan in ay taageero soo gaarsiiso”ayuu hadalkiisa ku sii daray Maxamed Maxamuud Raage, Guddoomiyaha Degmada Ruun-Nirgood. Magaalada Jowhar ee Xarunta u ah gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe ayaa waxaa ka taliya maamul hoos-taga Xarakada Shabaabul Mujaahidiin, walow degmooyin aan u dheereyn ay joogaan xoogag taabacsan dowladda Soomaaliya, kuwaasi oo horay uga tirsanaa Maxkamadihii Islaamka. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
  2. What do you expect of bunch of brainwashed kids.. For the sake of the nation, those kids need to be rehabilitated.
  3. Sargaal ka tirsan ciidamada Maamul goboleedka Puntalnd oo xalay lagu dilay Magaalada Qardho ee gobolka Bari Shabelle: QARDHO Waxaa habeenkii xalay dil toogasho ah loogu geystay gudaha magaalada Qardho ee gobolka Bari Sargaal sare oo ka tirsan ciidamad boliiska ee Maamul goboleedka Puntland. Sargaalka la toogtay ayaa waxaa lagu magacaabayay Haykal Cali hiiraat waxaana dilkiisa geystay sida la sheegay rag afafka ay u duubnaayeen kuna hubeysnaa bastoolado. Kadib markii uu dhacay falkaasi dilka ah ayaa Idaacada Shabelle waxaa ay xariir la samaysay wariye madaxbanaan oo ku sugan magaalada Qardho isagoona xaqiijiyay in sargaalkaasi toogasho loo geystay islamarkaana ilaa iyo hadda aan lagu guuleysan in gacanta lagu soo dhigo kooxihii ka dambeeyay dilkaasi. Dhowr habeen ka hor ayey aheeyd markii saldhiga ugu weyn magaalada Boosaaso lagu weeraray bamgacmeed iyadoo falkaana uu daba joogo falal amni xumo ah oo mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyay laga dareemayay gobolada Bari iyo waqooyi ee dalka Soomaaliya.
  4. Bosaso: Qarax ka dhacay magaalada Boosaaso. 8. november 2009 Bosaso(AllPUntland)- Qarax xoog leh ayaa ka dhacay magaalada Boosaaso ee gobalka Bari, sida ay sheegayaan Tafaasiilaad dheeri ah oo laga helayo laamaha amaanka ee magaalada BOosaaso. Qaraxan ayaan la garan karin cid lala beegsaday, Saraakiisha amaanka ayaa sheegay in ay goobta ka ag dhawaayeen ciidamo ka tirsan dawladda Puntland ee Soomaaliya, agagaarka dekeda weyn ee magaalada Boosaaso, halkaas oo ah meel mashquul badan marka loo fiiriyo howlaha baaxada weyn ee ka socda. Goob-joogayaal ayaa usheegay APL in ay arkayeen dhaawac laga saaray goobta qaraxan ka dhacay, balse Ilaha caafimaadka ayaa ka gaabsaday in ay sheegeen dhaawaca qaraxan uu sababay, inkastoo aan cidna soo hadal qaadin dhimasho in ay halkaasi ka dhacday. Saraakiisha dawladda Puntland ee gobalka Bari ayaa usheegtay APL in ay og yihiin oo kaliya khasaare dhacay, balse aysan xaqiijin karin tirada dadka dhaawacmay, waxa ayna guud ahaan beeniyeen in ay jiraan askar ka tirsan ciidamada dawladda Puntland oo ku waxyeeloobay qaraxaasi. Puntland beeninteeda ku aadan in ay Askar ka tirsan waxba ku noqon, qaraxaasi waxaa diidaya dad goob-joogayaal ahaa markii uu dhacayay qaraxan, waxa ayna sheegeen in ay ciidamada amaanku rasaas fureen, isla markaasna uu khasaare soo gaaray ciidamada markii qaraxu dhacay. Faahfaahin kala soco www.AllPuntland. F. C. Maxamed AllPuntland
  5. Originally posted by NASSIR: We shall try to restore Puntland to its original purpose and create legitimate political parties that should lessen the clan friction until a government of national union is within a viable reach. [/QB] Original purpose? Wasn't the original purpose a Northeastern admin only? Bari, Nugaal and Northern-Mudug, without Sanaag and Sool regions? As for my ''passionate distate'' for a particular group, since you figured me out can you prescribe me a medicine?.. While you are at it, prescribe to our Dukey too...that is if you are not clouded by clannish emotions.
  6. Peace is relative. Northeastern Somalia has peace, Northwestern Somalia has peace...still that doesn't mean that all Somalis should become like them. Heck, even Jigjiga and Harare have peace...does that mean that we should allow occupation just to get peace? When the Ethiopians occupied Mogadishu and Somalia, they were saying to the people: ''If you want peace, support us''. Still people fought them untill they left. There was peace in M.Shabelle under M.Dheere....still I opposed it. Peace is not an end-goal.
  7. ^^ You should read my first posts on this net, I was the one who coined the term ''foreign-created regime''. As for ''caqli lix sac'' The current supporters of the current warlords should read history. There was a time when there were die-hard supporters of the clan-disguised warlords and when those warlords were at the prime of their power. Look back in history to the 91-95 period..and you would recognize your rethorics and behaviour in lets say the die-hard supporters of Gen.Aideed's SNA faction.
  8. ^^ It was a clear message to Dukey: I.e: ''You can't have it both ways'' 1) Puntland is secedding because South is holding it ''back'' the next day: 2) Puntland is Somalia, and should represent Somalinimo despite the shamefull handing over of Somali youngsters to Ethiopians.
  9. Originally posted by [Waranle]: Meiji, Muqdisho, the cradle of somali civilization; the economic hub of somalia and the multi-"ethnic" (read qabiil) city deserves better than warlords, afminshaars and sheikh Hotel. Waranle, In 2006 we had Aweys, Sh.Sharif, Macalin Xaashi all on one side fighting against the previous warlords who all carved their little fiefdoms in Mogadishu and fought each other on top of civilians for control of street cortners and traffic junctions. Fast forward to 2009: Aweys and his Xisbi Islam Faction have their own ''Governor for Banadir'': Macalin Xaashi. Aweys and his gang have their stronghold in Bakaaraha/Hodan and Ceelasha Biyaha. Macalin Xaashi has his stronghold in Ceel Macaan and parts of Suuq/Bacaad-Kaaraan. Sh.Sharifs and his foreign-created regime have named their own ''Governor for Banadir'' yesterday: Inj.Nuune. This ''Nuune'' governor controls Xamarweyne-Xamarjajab, Waaberi, And KM4 etc..basically were AMISOM troops are stationed. Than we have Alshabab created ''Banadir administration'' headed by Xuseen Fiidow guy. He has his stronghold in Suuqa Xoolaha/Dayniile/Suuqa Bakaaraha and is fighting in other districts for control of few street blocks. All these socalled ''Wadaado'' (religious pretenders) are the embodiement of ''afmishaarnimo''. They have replaced the previous warlords and are engaged in a ruthless struggle for the city in which they have been pushing each other back and forth for almost 1 year. Whoever says that Mogadishu deserves better i.e. those socalled wadaado, only wants death and destruction for the city and its people.
  10. ^^ My stance towards the religious pretenders is known. I accused them of been the new warlords in town who just replaced the old bosses in Southern regions. But for their supporters, the struggle is holy and about Islamnimo and Soomalinimo. A logical conclusion thus would be: ''If they are genuinely fighting for those causes, let them expand their struggle and bring back Islamnimo/Soomalinimo to everycorner of Somalia''
  11. Waranle, I stand where I stood yesterday, Somalia for Somalis, and Somalis solving their own issues. No meddling from any foreigner whether black or white, muslim or gaal. As for the future, Enjoy as long as the Islamists are dominating the political landscape of Somalia. Every dog has its day, thats a fact the previous warlords are dealing with now.
  12. ^^ I am sure there are many ''locals'' from that region who are members of the Islamist groups who's job is needed there. That is if they are genuinely fighting against all Xabashi puppets in the whole of Somalia.
  13. Originally posted by UZTAAD: malaha waranle waa ninka dayniile qora Waranle is a known Islamist who is consistent in his support for the Islamic factions. Dayniile and his views contradict, so he can not be associated with that website. As he said, Dayniile is not better or worse than most Somali websites. And the name Dayniile is no different than Garowe, or Hiiraan, or Puntland. Those all are names of regions, cities, districts etc.
  14. Ethiopian protectorate should be reconquered and its pro-Xabashi leaders systematically removed so the region and people can enjoy Soomalinimo. So the days of handing over Somali persons to Xabshi's will be over. Soomalinimo needs to be brought back to Northeastern Somalia.
  15. Originally posted by Qudhac: quote:Originally posted by General Duke: From the map one can clearly see that the unity campaign could be spread west & south at the same time. FUNNY MAP (is that what odweyne means by WETDREAM) duke that map made me laugh, duke sxb reer pirateland are kind of confused aint they, they one want FEDERAL, INDEPENDANCE, CAPITAL, NUQDISHO, PRESIDENCY, KISMAYO, SOOL, PIRACY, all at once what exacly do they want tolow. waaba CONFUSEDLAND. the problem with you lot is that you want alot but you dont have the backbone to get what you want, your fake baroor and crocadile tears for somalia is pathetic, you want to rule but you run and hide in skirt when it gets hot under the coller and that your dilema defeated boy.
  16. ^^ Just pointing out to the obvious contradiction in your cheap propaganda. Spearheading Ethiopian occupation of Somalia 2006/2007: ''Greatest Somali in modern time'' I wonder what ''Treason'' means in your PR vocabulary...
  17. The irony! Those who brought in Ethiopian army to Mogadishu/Somalia and were the ones spearheading the creation of the foreign-created regime are ''singular great personality of modern Somalia'' according to Duke... If that is his definition of been ''great''..I wonder what his definition of ''treason'' is. PS: Foreign-created regime hasn't changed, it is still the same trojan-horse used by foreign powers to control and exploit Somalia. Those who supported the trojan-horse yesterday can not talk about treason. They have lost their credibility and can not regain what is lost.
  18. ^^ Yet, he is rotting in Yemeni desert. He should have retired in the ''safe, prosperous state'' he socalled created.
  19. As for the new admin, we have an Al Shabaab Mayor, Hizbul Ismaam mayor and now Sharif Hotel mayor. Who runs the city? [/QB] Who runs the city? The locals do, all the three men are from the same sub-sub-sub-subclan, who are generaly regarded as the natives of the city/region.
  20. On one hand I have to admit that the above men who left for Somalia in 2007 to fight the Ethiopian occupation are more brave and patriotic than all of us on SOL. It is very admirable that most of these young Somali men bought a ticket and went to Somalia to fight the Ethiopian occupation. For that alone, they should all be decorated as True Sons of Somalia and comemorated for generations to come. On the other hand, those who have been misled in religious retorics and have been brainwashed to the point of fighting Somali factions (mostly other brainwashed Somali kids) while actually believing that they are fighting Gaalo should be rehabilitated. They are victims of religious pretenders who are willing to force those young men to blow themselves up and in the process murder innocent Somali civilians.
  21. If I'm not mistaken the HQ of ONLF in Somalia is located in Mogadishu. In whole of Somalia, save for the Northeastern and Northwestern protectorates, those who escaped the brutal Ethiopian occupation can live in freedom and do not face deportation.
  22. Originally posted by Geel_jire: Misleading title Murdered in cold blood is a more accurate description I think he was murdered too. Its sick that Somalis can do this to fellow Somalis in Somalia on behalf of abbysinians!
  23. Illahay ah u naxaristo. Its a dark day for Somalis everywhere. Somali people who are not even save in Somalia from Ethiopian puppets.
  24. Mid ka mid ahaa 5 nin oo uu maamulka Puntland ka qabtay Dekadda Boosaaso oo maanta geeriyooday Nin ka mid ahaa 5 nin oo uu Maamulka Puntland ka qabtay Dekeda Magaalada Boosaaso kana yimid Dalka Yemen ayaa Maanta ku geeriyooday Xabsi uu ku xidhnaa waxaana ninkaa lagu magacaabi jiray C/laahi Xasan Cali. Ilo wareedyo lagu kalsoonaan karo ayaa Somalimirror u sheegay in Ninka dhintay intii uu xanuunsanaa ay ciidankii hayay u diideen in la geeyo goob caafimaad , balse maanta markii ay xaaladiisu sii xumaatay ay ogolaadeen in la geeyo goob caafimaad si loo ogaado xanuunka haya. Ila Wareedyadaasi waxa ay intaa ku dareen in Saaka ninkaas la geeyay Xarunta Caafimaadka ee Sadex Xidigood ayna dawooyin u qoreen kadibna uu sidaa ku geeriyooday. Ilahaasi waxa ay intaa raaciyeen in dadkii dhaqay Maydka C/laahi aysan ku arag jidhkiisa wax nabar ah oo muuqan kara , waxaana duhurnimadii maanta lagu soo aasay qabuuraha Biyo kulule . Wararka la isla dhex marayo ayaa sheegaya in ciidankii goobta caafimaad geeyay C/laahi Xasan Cali ay sheegeen in uu meyd ahaa markii ay goobta caafimaad geeyeen taas oo shiki ka galineysa geeriyada ninkaas oo tibaaxaysa ma gacanta Maamulka ayuu ku dhintay mise intii xarunta la keenay walow warkaas aan la isku haleyn karin jiritaankiisa. Maamulka Puntland ayaa bilowgii bishii tagtay ee October Dekedda Boosaaso ka qabtay 5 nin oo u dhalatay Gobolka Somaligalbeed (********iya) oo xiligaa ka yimid dhanka Yemen , wuxuuna Maamulka Puntland Xukuumada gumeysiga Itoobiya u gacan galiyay mid ka mid ah 5-taa nin taas oo tiradooda u kala qeybineysa mid Itoobiya loo gacan galiyay, mid dhintay , iyo Sadex wali ku jirta gacanta Maamulka Puntland. Ma jiraan ilaa iyo hadda cid xaqiijineynsa sida uu ku bilowday xanuunka uu u geeriyooday C/laahi , sidoo kale ma jiraan wax maamulka ka tirsan oo ilaa iyo hadda ka hadlay geerida ninkaas. Isku soo wada duuboo Maamulka Puntland mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan sida C/raxmaan Faroole iyo Maxamed Jaamac Ilka jiir ayaa waraysiyo ay biyeen ku sheegay in ay Itoobiya u gacan galinayaan cidii dambi sida ay sheegaan ka soo gasha ii timaada deegaanada hoos yimaaada Maamulkooda .