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Waranle, Abu Mansuur should talk to us with one mouth. He should apply 1 policy for whole of Somalia and all Somali groups. You cannot talk with Xaabsade and say you will not talk with others who are in the same position as Xaabsade. You cannot say lets work towards peace and not start conflicts in Baay/Bakool while you propagate war in Mogadishu/Banadir. Abu, So far you engage in clan accusations while you have no clue what is happening on the ground. First of all, dont use the rethorics of Gen.Duke and other Puntland TFG-supporters against me. Such rethorics does not suit you since you were on the resistance movement side. Second, bring forward legitimate argument instead of an accusation which you base on thin air. Kashafa, You are a angry man, and angry men cannot engage in a healty debate since their emotions cloud their judgement. Were did I mention Sh.Shariif? Again keep your emotions in check, because your utterings and use of silly derogative terms does not suit a man who claims to represent a faction which says they want to rule the country by Islamic Sharia.
Even the Godfather of all Resistance Media and Islamist supporters points out to the hypocricy of Abu Mansuur's policy in Baay/Bakool vs Banadir. ------------ Abuu-Mansuur muxuu ku diidayaa in uu lakulmo qof leh Shareecada Baan kudhaqi dalka kuna ogolaaday in uu lakulmo lana hadlo mid kamid ah Ashahaado ladirirkii dalka soo maray. Sh.Mukhtaar Roobow Abuu-Mansuur ayaa maanta sida lala socdo ka sheegay magaalada Baydhabo in aysan lakulmi doonin xarakadiisa Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya (Amiirka) Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyadoo arrintanina ay keeneyso isweydiin fara badan. Isweydiinta ayaa waxa ay tahay sida lala wada socdo dhowaan Magaalada Baydhabo markii ay galeen Xarakadiisa waxa ay gacanta kudhigeen rag fara badan oo kujiray Kooxdii Ashahaado ladirirka kuwaasi oo uu lakulmay Abuu-Mansuur kadibna wada hadal uu lagalay iskana soo fasaxay waxaana kamid ahaa Xaabsade oo hadeer Muqdisho kusugan kana tirsan dowladda. Marka uu leeyahay la kulmi meyno Shariifka ma wuxuu ka fadli badan yahay Xaabsade maadaama Mukhtaar Roobow uu la kulmay Xaabsade wada hadalna uu la yeeshay maxaa ku jaban haddii uu lakulmo shariifka maadaama raggaasiba uu la kulmay mise waxaa jira wax qarsoon oo aanan la ogeyn oo keligiisa uu ogyahay Sheekh Mukhtaar????? Sidoo kale waxa uu sheegay Abuu-Mansuur in ay Mujaahidiintu ogyihiin Shariifka waxa uu ula jeedo shareecada Baan kudhaqmeynaa ma shariifka qalibigiisa ayay kujiraan Mujaahidiinta oo ay ka daalacdeen waxa uu ula jeedo???? Sheekh shariif Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya (Amiirka) waxaa la ogsoon yahay in maalin waliba uu sheego in uu kudhaqayo dalka iyo dadka Shareecada Islaamka isla markaasina ah nin aaminsan shareecada Islaamka waligiisana u soo halgami jiray, bal kawarama raggii Baydhabo kulanka uu kula qaatay Abuu-Manuur ma kuwa diin aaminsan bay ahaayeen waxaana la ogsoon yahay in Sheekh Mukhtaar uu hadda kahor sheegay in ragga Baydhabo kusugan ay yihiin Murtaddiin Xaabsade markii lala hadlayay ma dib baa loo islaamiyay????? Arrimahani oo idil waxa ay u baahan yihiin marka laga hadlayo in si xikmadeysan looga hadlo isla markaasina wax badan la xaqiijiyo maxaa yeelay walaalkaaga xantiisa waa kuugu dambi mana jiro qof ka hadli kara wax gheyb ah. QAADISIYA WAA XARUNTA NOOLEYNTA DHAQANKA ISLAAMKA. MAAMULKA SHABAKADDA ISLAAMIGA AH EE QAADISIYA KALA SOO XIRIIR : QAADISIYA_EDITOR@HOTMAIL.COM
How come in Mogadishu Abu Mansuur has a hardline policy and says he will never compromise with those who were yesterday on the side of the puppet regime and says he will continue the war while in Baay/Bakool he is ready to compromise with those who yesterday were on the side of the puppet regime and urges all fighting factions not to fight amids civilians and work towards peace? This kind of hypocricy is what made Alshabab lose support in Mogadishu to the point they have become insignificant. Mogadishu society should not tolerate such hypocricy, and work towards peacefull settlement between the warrying factions. Mogadishu society paid the heaviest price for the liberation of Somalia, the society must be rehabilitated. Let Abu Mansuur and Xisbi Islamiya carry the war to Baay/Bakool and other border-regions Ethiopians cross into constantly.
Sheekh Muqtaar Roobow oo ugu baaqay xubnha dowladda ee ku sugan Xudur in ay qaataan dadaalada nabada ee odayaasha dhaqan islamarkaana ay joojiyaan dhaq dhaqaaqyada colaada. Shabelle: BAYDHABO Afhayeenka Ururka Al Shabaab Sheekh Muqtaar Roobow ayaa ugu baaqay xubnha dowladda ee ku sugan degmada Xudur in ay qaataan dadaalada nabada ee odayaasha dhaqan islamarkaana ay joojiyaan dhaq dhaqaaqyada colaada. Xili maalmihii ugu danbeeyay magaalada Baydhabo salaadiinta ka soo jeeda ay wadeen qorasheyaal lagu dhex dhexaadinayo Xoogaga Al shabaab iyo maamulkii gobolka Bay laga eryay ee ku sugan degmada Xudur ee gobolka Bakool ayaa waxaa markii ugu horeeysay ka hadlay saraakiil ka tirsan ururka Al shabaab. Afhayenka ururka Al shabaab sheikh Muqtaar Rooboow Cali (Abuu Masnuur) oo ka hadlayay dedaaladaasi nabadeed ayaa waxaa uu masuuliyiinta maamulada gobolada Bay iyo Bakool ee ku sugan degmada Xudur ugu baaqay in ay dhankooda ka joojiyaan saan saanta iyo gulufka colaadeed ee ay wadaan isla markaana ay qaataan waan waanta ay wadaan odyaasha dhaqanka. Afhayeenka ayaa waxaa uu carabka ku adkeeyay in dhankooda ay san raali ka aheeyn in lagu dul dagaalo dadka rayidka ah ee ku nool gobolada Bay iyo Bakool,waxana uu intaasi ku daray in ay dhankooda diyaar ay u yihiin in ay is af fahmaan masuuliyiinta ku sugn magaalada Xudur ee gobolka Bakool. Shiikh Muqtaar ayaa waxaa uu odyaasha waday nabadeeynta ee waqtiyadii ugu danbeeyay kulamada la lahaa Al shabaab ugu baaqay in sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan ay masuuliyiinta uga dhaadhiciyan in ay wada hadalada qaataan si aysan colaado uga dhicin gobolada Bay iyo Bakool oo xiisado colaadeed ay ka jiraan kaasi oo u dhexeeya Xarakada Al Shabaab iyo Masuuliyiintii maamulka gobolka Bay ee Baydhabo laga saaray.
People are rather interested in the Quiz ''Next PM'' then a genuine exchange of our views regarding this new admin.
Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Adeer PL, unlike SL, wants to play politics in teh south. Besides Sharif needs thier support at this time. Sida dadka qaarkii Sharif maaha nin cuqdad soomaali u qaba, dawlad buu rabaa awoowe. Wanting and actually playing are two different things. To have someone from Baay/Bakool or Gedo as PM is more worth to Southern Somalia then having a Pm from Puntland just to appease them. If Puntland wants to take a similar position as in pre-2004, so be it sxb. The mission is fixing Southern Somalia, and to accomplish that we need people who can make a difference in the South. That is if effectiveness is your criteria instead of an appeasement policy. Also, why haven't all paper governments taken an appeasement policy towards Somaliland? Perhaps that would bring back majority of Somaliweyn minded folks from that region on board.
Originally posted by Ducaysane: Samatars ..? qofkii BBC laga maqlaba in uu wax noqon karaa dadku u qabaa. These two brothers do not qualify to be PM. Subxanalah I am talking about 1 Samatar......BTW, they are more qualified and knowledgable then all those ''politicians'' who talk regularely on BBC. Samatar is the real deal, compared to the alternatives. PS: I have to agree with Marx on the opportunistic thing though. The Samatars have in the past (and perhaps to this day) propagated for a UN trusteeship over Somalia, which basically means ''re-colonization'' of Somalia.
^^ Prof Samatar has indeed written many books on the history and desired future of Somalia. It is time he gets the opportunity to prove whether his idea's can work in the reality of Somalia. Also, he is from Awdal so he fits in the artificial and backward clan quota system of 4.5
Prof. Samatar A decent intellectual who has contributed much to Somalia (intellectually).
Sh.Shariif should bring REAL change or leave the scene. So far the same ritual of all previous paper-governments has continued unabated. The PM-selection procedure is still based on the same tradition as before his admin. Bring REAL change and appoint Prof. Samatar as PM. What is the talk of Cirro, Maslah, Galeyr, and all known folks that are one way or the other associated with previous paper regime's. Sh.Shariif should either bring REAL change or drop the show and dont waste the time and hope of the people.
''1- does not chew qat, smoke cigars or drink alcohol (having a history of doing any those things does not help either) 2- is proficient in English as Sharif is challenged in that department 3- satisfies 4.5, as Sharif’s short-term mission is not to change the charter 4- appeases both the muqaawamah and opposition group as represented by Yey supporters '' ------------------------- WHY should Puntland be appeased? Somaliland has been the biggest opposition faction to every Somali paper government since 1991, and nobody said they needed to be appeased. What makes Puntland any different? Sh.Shariif needs to focus on the real problem: South Somalia and appoint someone who actually has a support base in the South.
Meiji (明 "bright, brilliant" 治 "reign, government") Thats the definition of Meiji. Also, I am an admirer of the Meiji reformers and the modernization/industrialization it brought to Japan which catapulted the country to a first-rate power in the world. The Meiji Restoration was what made Japan to become the 2nd largest industrial/economic power in the world today.
Originally posted by Abu_Diaby- Al Zeylaci: ^^ I don't believe there is an apolitical Muqdisho or any other Somali society. Most people support the faction which they believe serves the best interests of their clan. According to your logic, one supports the faction which one believes to serve the interest of one's clan. What faction do you support and does that faction serve the interest of your clan? Just curious..
Abu, the history of Mogadishu did not start 2006, and 2006 is not 2009. Mogadishu has changed on the surface yet the underlying actors and forces are still at work. Muse Suudi, Qanyare, M.Dheere, Cumar Filish, Cusmaan Caato and all significant warlords may have exited Mogadishu political landscape but this does not mean there is an end to warlordism. There are new versions of them, only this time with a religious color. A.Yusuf, Geedi, and all other signficiant die-hard Ethiopian supporters may have exited the Somali political landscape but this does not mean an end to die-hard Ethiopian puppets. The Ethiopians are grooming new versions of them, this time hiding under religious cover. So basically,what we have anno 2009 are religious warlords in Mogadishu: Sh.Cumar Imaan, Sh.Indha Adde, Sh.Addow, Sh. Turki, Sh. Xuseen etc have replaced the familiar names of Muse Suudi, Cusmaan Caato, Qanyare, Cumar Filish etc. Those religious warlords are now the main actors that prolong conflict and prevent Mogadishu society to stabilize and develop institutions. So despite the change in names and actors, the city faces the same problem, this time with a religious color. And Insha Allah, those religious warlords will be defeated and thrown in the dustpin of history. Mogadishu society will overcome them like it did to all factions before it: Barre's dictatorial regime, the incompetent USC-factions, the capitalist imperialism ala UNISOM, the known warlords, the countless foreign-backed paper regimes, the brutal Ethiopian occupation, the Ethiopian-trojan horse TFG, and soon the religious warlords. The only way for Mogadishu society is: the slow but crucial process of institutional development which will pave the way for a people's administration of the city. Only this kind of administration can truelly represent the inhabitants of the city and defend their interest as well as that of the city and nation.
What is our view towards the current admin and situation in Somalia? First lets make it clear that our view does not come from a single line of reasoning; it is always a consideration of many aspects of our political, social and economic life. For instance, we oppose professional warlords, clan elders, religious warlords becuase they want to invade and displace other Somalis just becuase they either discovered a new religion or they want to settle an old score. We want all Somali regions to have peacefull time so that they develop economic and local political structures in their regions which would help them learn self-government. This also will give each somali province the time needed to forget the past and trust each other. The new economies that are created in our respective regions will create a new political structures that are rational and local. This in turn will strengthen the emerging political culture and structures. The end result will be a NEW SENSE OF OWNERSHIP AND PRIDE IN ONE'S PROVINCE. The next step of the process is automatic. The economic dealing of the regions and the new regional political structures will create regional cooperation and lead to new society. This will give the regions the real power needed to blance the empty, old, imperialist infiltrated socalled "federal government". We already know that the socalled "Somali federal government" is beyond the hand of somali citizens. It is a tool for God knows who. What is left for Somali people then? The only thing that we can control is our respective regions. As such we are responsible and considers complex issues rationally where other people resort to emotional outlook. The question here is how to deal with both religious warlords and the ethiopian invasion. We start with the premisis that what contributes to stable life in somali provinces is good for Somalia. Any person or group that interferes in the revival or strengthening of provincial economic and political life is an enemy of Somali people. Given this premisis we veiw the ethiopian invasion as we view their withdrawl. They arrived and they become enemy of our people retarding stable economic and political life in our provinces. They leave and the regions get the chance to get on with their life and continue the path of economic and political development Given the above premisis, all Somali groups are welcomed in our respective provinces as long as we are cooperating for the removal of the invading ethiopian militias. Once the Ethiopian militia's are gone our provinces expect to continue life as usual; in developing their economic and political structures as they can. The people whom the provinces enlisted as assistance should not act as though they have discovered a new land. They should not assume a legitimate authority over region that they have no business over. If the locals want them to leave they should leave. If they fight to hold on a land that does not belong to them they are again interfereing stable economic and political development not only becuase they are the cause of unnecessary war but because they are pushing the locals into the enemy hands. THE ENEMY RETURNS. The current admin thus should be judged according to the above mentioned premises. Only time will show whether the current admin contributes to stable life in somali provinces and as such becomes tolerable and good for Somalia. Or whether it interferes in the revival or strengthening of provincial economic and political life and as such becomes intolerable and the enemy of Somali people.
Is it possible to bring change from within? Lets look at the current admin objectively and see whether it can bring positive change. The current paper-admin is in most aspects not different then the previous paper admins in the last 17 years. Like all others before it, the current admin was created in a foreign country and is backed by foreign powers. Ever since 1991, Somalia's central political course was pushed by foreign powers to a direction they prefered. In 2004, this process was hijacked by Ethiopia using IGAD and as such created a government of walords, which was led by warlords who pursued their own ambitions. We all could see how that warlord-admin was the trojan-horse that led to the Ethiopian occupation of Somalia. Washington which at that time led a global struggle against what it perceived ''Islamic threat'' financed the Ethiopian agenda since Islamic factions took over most of Southern Somalia. The Ethiopian occupation was followed by a fierce resistance struggle which derailed the Ethiopian plans and brought Washington/West into shame since it became publicely known that they financially,politically and militarily backed the Ethiopian invasion and occupation which created the largest humanitiarian crisis in the world: 17.000 deads, 850.000 displaced from Mogadishu city, and most of the city levelled to the ground. On top of this, the resistance movement got stronger, better organized and more determined. With the humanitarian crisis in the media, the resistance movement that got stronger and the departing admin of Bush and the ''hope and change'' of Obama, Washington has changed its policy and now wants to accomodate Somali desires in order to deprive the hardcore's of much support. As such, they have negotiated with the factions they perceived as willing to negotiate and this process of negotiation led to the creation of Sh.Shariifs admin. Although Sh.Shariif is a great individual who believes in a country ruled by Islamic Law and free from foreign interference (especially Ethiopian interference), can individuals bring change from within?
Alshabaab is a media-hype. They are larger and powerfull in the media, while in reality they are not more powerful nor larger then the other factions in Somalia. Ofcourse they will have some sympatisants here and there, but that can't be that serious. In Mogadishu they have already become insignificant and isolated. So how can they be a threat to Horn of Africa? Surely such articles advance the Ethiopian agenda and not the Somali interest.
Odayaasha XXX iyo Culumaa’udiinka Musaalaxada oo sheegay in ay dhexdhexaadinayaan Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Mucaaradka ka soo horjeeda Isniin, February 09, 2009(HOL): Mas’uuliyiin u hadlay Golaha Dhaqanka iyoMidnimada Beelaha XXX iyo Culumaa’udiinka Musaalaxada iyo sixitaanka oo shalay kulan la qaatay madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shariif Shiikh Axmed ayaa sheegay in ay wakaalad ka soo qaateen madaxweynaha, dhinacyada ka soo horjeedana ay sidaas oo kale ka rajeynayaan. Shiikh Nuur Baaruud Gurxad oo ah Afhayeenka Culumaa’udiinka Musaalaxada iyo sixitaanka ayaa sheegay in madaxweynaha markii ay la kulmeen uu u sheegay in uu diyaar u yahay in uu la hadlo dadka ka soo horjeeda dowladdiisa, wuxuuna carrabka ku dhuftay in uu madaxweynaha u caddeeyay in dowladda uu madaxda ka yahay ay dalka ku xukumi doonto shareecada Islaamka. “Marba haddii uu madaxweynaha caddeeyay in uu dalka ku xukumayo shareecada Islaamka, isla markaana ay Ciidamadii Itoobiyaanka ahaa dalka ka baxeen aniga waxaan qabaa in aan loo baahneyn in laga hor-yimaado dowladda uu madaxweynaha ka yahay Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed”ayuu yiri Shiikh Nuur Baaruud. Sidoo kalena, Afhayeenka Dhaqanka ee Golaha Dhaqanka iyo Midnimada Beelaha XXX Axmed Diiriye Cali oo isna ka mid ahaa xubno ka socday Golahaas oo madaxweynaha la kulmay ayaa sheegay in markii ay la kulmeen madaxweyne Shariif uu u sheegay in aysan jirin wax uu ku diidan yahay in uu la hadlo dadka ka soo horjeeda. “Wuxuu nagu yiri Madaxweynaha wakiil waad iga noqon kartaan, wax alle iyo wixii aad igula talisaanna waan idinka qaadanayaa”ayuu yiri Axmed Diiriye Cali oo sheegay in ay wakiilasho buuxda ka soo qaateen madaxweynaha, dhinacyada ka soo horjeedana ay ka rajeynayaan in ay iyana ka ogolaan doonaan in ay dhexdhexaadin ka dhex sameeyaan. Axmed Diiriye oo sii hadlayay waxaa uu sheegay in uu madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ugu muuqday nin u damqanaya dadkiisa iyo dalkiisa, wuxuuna caddeeyay in ay uga mahadceliyeen go’aankii uu dorraad qaatay ee ahaa in aan laga jawaabin madaafiic lagu tuuray Xarunta Villa Somaliam taasi oo haddii laga jawaabi lahaa keeni lahayd dhibaato soo gaarta dadka shacabka ah ee ku dhaqan Muqdisho, sidii horayba u dhici jirtay. Dowladda Soomaaliya ee uu madaxweynaha ka yahay Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed ayaa waxaa ka soo horjeeda ururro dhowr ah, kuwaasi oo qaarkood dhawaan sameystay Xisbi ay ku mideysan yihiin oo la magac baxay Xisbul Islaam. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online Mogadishu, Somalia
Sheekh Xasan Turki oo ku sugan Magaalada Muqdisho, lana kulmaya Madaxweynaha Hogaamiyeyaasha Islaamiyiinta Sheekh Xasan C/llaahi Xirsi Turki iyo Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow Abuu Mansuur ayaa si kala gooni gooni ah u soo gaaray Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasimada Soomaaliya, iyadoona imaanshahooda uu ka soo baxayo warar is khilaafsan. Sheekh Xasan Turki oo hogaamiya Mucaskarka Raaskambooni isla markaana ah Gudoomiye Kuxigeenka Xisbul Islaam ayaa maalin ka hor soo gaaray Degmada Afgooye, isagoona kadib usoo gudbay Magaalada Muqdisho. Wadaadkan oo ka mid ah xubnaha liiska ugu jira waxa uu Mareykanka ugu yeero Argagixisada ayay warar qaar ahi sheegayaan inuu socdo qorshe lagu kulan siinayo isaga iyo Madaxweynaha cusub ee Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif. Sidoo kale wararka ayaa intaa ku daraya in Afhayeenka Alshabaab Abuu Mansuur iyo Madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif ay u socdaan wada xaajoodyo taasoo ku aadan sidii Alshabaab loogu qancin lahaa inay ku soo biiraan dadaalada nabada, ayna taageeraan Dowladda cusub. Inkastoo aan la heyn xog dhab ah, hadana wararka aadka loo hadal haayo ayaa ah kulamada la filayo inay yeeshaan qaar ka mid ah Hogaamiyeye diimeedyada, iyadoona Xubno aan la carabaabin ay wadaan dadaalo la isugu keenayo dhinacyada Islaamiyiinta ee mabaa'diida isku diidan.
If those who did the cowardly shelling are proud of it why dont they claim it? So far, no group has claimed the shelling because everybody knowes that there is no justification for this kind of shelling anno february 2009. Whoever did it should publicely claim the shelling and try to justify it.
Residential construction still going on Banana plantation Afgoye
More pics from African Village in between Mogadishu and Afgoye
Outher Mogadishu model: Because of the constant conflict within Mogadishu city, most resources have been directed to the surroundings of Mogadishu city. This kind of development is understandable but should not lead towards a situation where all want to build outside of the city which results in an enlarged Mogadishu city. This kind of new development is exemplified by African Village, in which a group from the diaspora have invested in the surroundings of Dayniile and created a holiday resort between Mogadishu and Afgoye. African village:
Now, It has become apparent from the models of Galmudug and Ceeldheer/Mareeg that a group can be active in regional institutional building while still dominant in the economy of Mogadishu. The people of Galmudug and Ceeldheer both are dominant in Suuqa Bakaaraha and Suuq Bacaad respectively. These markets are the nr1 and nr2 of Somalia. The money they make from the dynamic economy of Mogadishu they can invest in their interior regions so that the people in those regions can enjoy a fair level of living standard. Also, their people will be focused on the developing of the interior regions and will receive self-fulfillment and joy after seeing the realization of their vision. It is time the other groups in Mogadishu follow the same strategy and put money in their well-endowed lands. Development should not be concentrated in Mogadishu city alone but should be directed to the interior regions.
Sport for Interior Regions: Football The football teams of Ceeldheer: Beach footbal