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Everything posted by Meiji

  1. Maxamed Qanyare, Muuse Suudi iyo Cusmaan Caato oo kulan aan caadi aheyn u qabtay Xildhibaanada Beesha ******. Kulan ay manta Xildhibaano ka soo jeeda Beelaha ****** ku yeesheen Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ahaa mid ay fikradiisa lahaayeen Xildhibaan Maxamed Qanyare Afrax, Muuse Suudi Yalaxow iyo Cusmaan Caato, kuwaasoo hormuud ahaa Xildhibaanada Beesha ******, iyadoona kulanka looga hadlayay arrimaha ka taagan Caasimada iyo dagaaladii ka dhacay. Kulankan oo ka dhacay Hotelka Naasahablood-2 ayaa ahaa mid aad xasaasi u ah, waxaana ay ka soo saareen war murtiyeed, iyadoona ka digay in lagu duulo deegaanada ay beesha ka soo jeedo. Qodobo ka mid ah kuwii ay soo saareen Xildhibaanada Beesha ****** ayaa waxa ay marka hore ku cambaareeyn ajaanib dambiilayaal ah oo ku sugan Magaalada Muqdisho, iyagoo sheegay in dadkaasi ay u yimaadeen magaalada Muqdisho in lagu barakiciyo dadka shacabka ee 20-ka sano ku dhex jiray dagaalada sokeeye. Caato, Qanyare iyo Suudi oo kulanka hormuud u ahaa Xildhibaan Maxamed Qanyare Afrax oo ugu dambeyn kulankaas ka hadlay ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in ay aad uga xun yihiin dagaalada manta ka dhacay Magaalada Jowhar oo uu ku sheegay in qalad ay aheyd. Maxamed Qanyare ayaa intaa ku daray in Ajaaniib ka yimid dalalka Afganistaan iyo Pakistan ay mukulaal madow ka yihiin dad uu sheegay inay yihiin dulaaliin oo dalkan ku soo horkacay, isagoona sheegay inay dalkan ay dhibaato hor leh oo in Ciidamo shisheeye mar kale ay qabsadaan ay ku soo hogaaminayaan dadkaas. "Ajaaniib laga keenay Pakistan iyo Afganistan oo dad Soomaali ay Mukulaal Madow ka yihiin ayaa dalkaan marka la rabaa in dhibaato hor leh loogu keeno"ayuu yiri Qanyare oo intaa ku daray hadii ay yihiin Xildhibaanada Beesha ****** ay iska difaaci doonaan waxa uu ugu yeeray cadaw soo duulay. Hooyga wararka Somaliyed m
  2. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: .. Let's not judge the dead saaxiibayaal ,,, those guys are gone and have nothing to do with what is happening now. They did great during their time, that is all we know. First time we can agree on something! 13 SYL young men are legends.
  3. Al Zeylaci, We know were you stand, and my stance can be deducted from my views (posts). Let the guessing over to the public. Religious warlords will go nowhere. They have been defeated in Maxaas today.
  4. Al-Zeylaci, We are talking about the Pakistani/Afgani/Ara b fighters. I did not know that Shongoli was a Paki/Arab/Afgani etc. You should also start reading before commnenting. I did not root for the warlords, only made CRYSTAL CLEAR that warlords such as M.dheere/Muse/Raage etc have EVERY RIGHT to come to MOGADISHU and ARM THEMSELVES since religious pretenders have brought in foreign fighters to attain political power. Now, explain me what exactly is wrong with that statement?
  5. Al-Zeylaci, Those are SOMALI from Arab origin. They have lived peacefully in the city for centuries! However, the foreign fighters that came to Somalia to back up one of their factions, be it sharif or alshabab, are only bringing more trouble. Today, the religious pretenders are more despised than the previous warlords. Look how deep the religious pretenders have fallen... The religious pretenders are now known for: - massacre of civlians - Warmongering while people are tired of fighting. - assaninations of people who do not conform with their rules - brainwashing of children -been stubborn . All the above characteristics were what made people despise the old warlords of Mogadishu..and these characteristics are now clearly exhibited by the religious pretenders.
  6. Originally posted by General Duke: Emperor made a valid point, why is this man making all this noise when the "Presidnet" is quite. He attacked Hassan Dahir yesterday and the Sharif is too scared to speak. Today he attacked the foreign groups and the Sharif is quite in this. Is Walid Abdalla the President of Somalia? Maybe this is not the time to talk but a time to fight? Why would Sh.Shariif talk when he can spend his time organizing the defense of his regime?
  7. Waa ognahay salaad Jele , Max'ed Dhere , Muuse suudi iyo kuwa kale oo caan ku aha dhibaatada shacabka The sheer hypocricy of the religious warlords! The old warlords kept the city under conflict and always prevented the civilians to live under peace and stability. Isn´t that what the religious pretenders are doing now?? 150 killed, 300 wounded, 30.000 displaced within 8 days???? The conflict of the previous warlords never had that magnitude and brought that much disaster to the civilians of the city!!! They have made things worse and brought Afgani-Paki-Arab foreign Jihadi fighters! At leaste M.Dheere, Muse Suudi, Bashiir Raage are SOMALIS, AND NATIVES OF MOGADISHU. No matter how much we despise them, they have every right to come to the city and arm themselves against those crazy foreign jihadi fighters. This war has turned ugly because the religious pretenders brought in foreing fighters, so the religious pretenders can say whatever they want about the old warlords.
  8. ^ They have done what they could 66 years ago, and launched the modern history of Somalia. I wonder what we (the current Youth) would have done 66 years ago if those incredible SYL youth were never born.
  9. Dhowr bilood ka hor 15kii May ee 1943kii, waxaa la isku raacsanyahay in C/qaadir Sakhaawadiin iyo Yaasiin Xaaji Cusmaan Sharmarke, oo ahaa laba saaxiibo oo aad isugu fog, ay is weydaarsadeen afkaar la xiriirta nidaamka gumeystaha iyo sida looga bixi karo iyadoo midba feker gaar ah uu qabay. C/qadir Sheekh Sakhaawadiin oo ahaa ninkii keenay fekerkaas ayaa qabay in la aasaaso Jimciyad Islaami ah oo umadda mideeya inta Xisbi siyaasi ah loo gudbin, halka uu Yaasiin X.Cusmaan uu ka qabay in la aasaaso xisbi siyaasi ah oo shacabka oo dhan metela. Wadahadaladooda way joogteeyeen iyagoo dhalin kalena kusoo biiriyay, illaa ay markii dambe isku raaceen in la aasaaso naadi ay dhalinta ku kulmaan oo ay isku bartaan waxna isku baraan gaar ahaa ku bartaan Luqadda Engriisiga oo aheyd mid ku cusub dalka,inta laga gaarayo waqti ku haboon oo xisbi siyaasi ah isu beddeli karo naadigaas, waxyna ugu magac dareen SYC Somali Youth Club. It is truelly amazing how those two young Somali men have come together and discussed issues which affect the land of Somalis. Through their ideas they have set into motion the modern history of Somalia, and who would have thought that they would open a new chapter in Somali history: the creation of the first Pan-Somali political party and the inspiration of many Somalis to this day!
  10. Xuskii 15ka May ee ugu horeeyay iyo muuqaal sawir ah Talaado, May 15, 2007(HOL): Sanad kasta bisha May 15keeda waxaa dalka Soomaaliya laga xusaa aasaaskii xisbigii gobanimo-doonka ahaa ee SYL, kaasoo ahaa kii ugu horeeyay ee dalka laga furo isagoo ay ku mideysanyihiin dadyowgii ku noolaa koofurta Soomaaliya. Haddaba inta aanan u guda gelinn dhalintii aasaastay xisbigaas iyo axwaashiisa aan is weydiino sida uu ku bilowday fekerka xisbiga iyo dhalintii dhidibada u aastay. Dhowr bilood ka hor 15kii May ee 1943kii, waxaa la isku raacsanyahay in C/qaadir Sakhaawadiin iyo Yaasiin Xaaji Cusmaan Sharmarke, oo ahaa laba saaxiibo oo aad isugu fog, ay is weydaarsadeen afkaar la xiriirta nidaamka gumeystaha iyo sida looga bixi karo iyadoo midba feker gaar ah uu qabay. C/qadir Sheekh Sakhaawadiin oo ahaa ninkii keenay fekerkaas ayaa qabay in la aasaaso Jimciyad Islaami ah oo umadda mideeya inta Xisbi siyaasi ah loo gudbin, halka uu Yaasiin X.Cusmaan uu ka qabay in la aasaaso xisbi siyaasi ah oo shacabka oo dhan metela. Wadahadaladooda way joogteeyeen iyagoo dhalin kalena kusoo biiriyay, illaa ay markii dambe isku raaceen in la aasaaso naadi ay dhalinta ku kulmaan oo ay isku bartaan waxna isku baraan gaar ahaa ku bartaan Luqadda Engriisiga oo aheyd mid ku cusub dalka,inta laga gaarayo waqti ku haboon oo xisbi siyaasi ah isu beddeli karo naadigaas, waxyna ugu magac dareen SYC Somali Youth Club. Kulankii ugu dambeeyay ee ay yeesheen aasaasayaasha xisbigaas waxay isku raaceen 3 Qodob oo kala ah:- In xukuumadda Engriiska ee dalka heysata loo qoro codsi ay ku doonayaa in ay furtaan Naadi la yiraahdo SYC.(Somali Youth Club) oo dhalinyarada ku kulanto. In la kireeyo Guri u qalma howlaha dhalinyarada ee lagama maarmaanka u ah soona jiidan kara dhalinyarada. In la dejiyo barnaamij kumeel gaar ah oo d.abooli kara qorshaha shaqo ee loo baahanyahay lagama-maarmaana u ah howlaha dhaliyarada. Markii ay qoreen codsigii ayay 13kii dhalinyaro waxay tageen xafiiskii xaakimkii isticmaarka ee Engriiska u fadhiyay Muqdisho waxyna u gudbiyeen codsigoodii, iyadoo qaar ka mid ah dhalintaas ay qabeen in fekerkooda guuleysan doono halka qaarna ay qabeen in ay xarig muteysan doonaan,laakiin wuxuu ugu jawaabay oraahdii caanka baxday ee aheyd:- ( Waxaad ka koobantihiin dhalinyardiina qabiilo kala duwan waxaana hubaal ah in aadan kuwa hishiin Karin feker iyo ra’yi toona, aniga waxaan idiin arkaa dhurwaayo iyo ari mooro lagu wada xareeyay, sideed naadi ugu hishiin kartaan khilaaf la’aan..) Hase yeeshee, dhalintii 13ka aheyd oo aan hadal kulul ku celin Karin madaxa mustacmaradda ayaa ugu jawaabay , Hadalkaada waxaan ka dhiganeynaa cashar aan ka faa’iideysano,waxaan a barbaarin doonnaa Dhurwaayada, si aysan ariga u cunin,mana fogaan doonto in aad aragto anagoo ku wada nool Naadiga oo aan wax muran iyo khilaaf uusan ka dhex jirin. Maalmo ayay jawaab ka sugayeen ka dibna waxaa la soo gaarsiiyay warqad lagu xusay in Engriisku uu hadda ku jiro dagaal uusanna u baahneyn in siyaasadda la farageliyo, balse loo ogolaaday in ay furtaan naadi dhalinta ay ku kulmaan waxna ku bartaan. Kulankii ugu horeeyayba waxay iska dhex doorteen madaxdii hoggamin laheyd naadiga. Sheekh C/qaadir Sh. Sakhaawadiin ayay guddoomiye u doorteen halka Xaaji Maxamed Xuseen iyo Maxamed Xirsi Nuur(Siidii) loo doortay ku xigeeno iyadoo Yaasiin Xaaji Cusmaana loo doortay Xoghaye. Xisbiga oo ujeedadiisa fog ay aheyd ka xoreynta dalka gumeystaha kusoo duulay ayaa wuxuu ka dhigtay talabadiisii ugu horeysay ee uu qaado la dagaalanka qabyaaladaa iyo midab kala sooca. Dhaliyaradii aasaastay xisbiga SYC oo markii dambe isu beddelay SYL (Somali Youth Lego) waxay ahaayeen 13 dhalinyaro oo da’doodu aad u yaraeyd aqoontoodan aad u xaddidneyd. Waxaan halkaan idinku soo gudbineynaa magacyadooda iyo da’dooda iyo weliba sidii xubin nimada ay ugu kala horeeyeen:- Magac M/Dhalasho Gobol S/Dhalasho Da’da 1. Cabdulqaadir Sakhaawadiin........ Tayeeglow Bakool 1919 24 Jir 2. Maxamed Xirsi Nuur(Siidii)........ .Mareeg G/gadud 1915 28 Jir 3. Yaasiin Xaaji Cusmaan Sharmarke.....Hobyo Mudug 1917 26 Jir 4. Xaaji Maxamed Xuseen Maxaad........Muqdis ho Banadir 1917 26 Jir 5. Cusmaan Geeddi Raage............Muq disho Banadir 1925 18 Jir 6. Dheere Xaaji Dheere............Mu qdisho Banadir 1926 17 Jir 7. Daahir Xaaji Cusmaan (Dhegaweyne)......Ho byo Mudug 1925 18 Jir 8. Cali Xasan Maslax...... 1919 24 Jir 9. Maxamed Cali Nuur.......Mugadisho Banadir 1927 16 Jir 10. Maxamed Faarax Hilowle.......Mareeg G/gaduud 1925 18 Jir 11. X. Maxamed Cabdulaahi Xayeesi......Muqdish o Banadir 1918 25 Jir 12. Huudow Macalin Cabdulaahi Saalax....Mareereey Sh/hoose 1926 17 Jir 13. Maxamed Cusmaan Baarbe........Baardh eere Gedo 1910 33 Jir Kuma koobnaanin 13kaas nin ee markiiba waxaa kusoo biiray dhalin aad u fara badan waxaa xusid mudan kaalintii lama ilaawaanka ahaa ee ay haweenka Soomaaliyeed kasoo qaateen xisbigaas SYL,waxaaba la oran karaa maba najaxeen haddii aysan taakuleyn oo aysan garab istaagin haweenka. Xisbigu wuxuu dhisay dowladdii daakhiliga aheyd wuxuuna lasoo kulmay dhibaatooyin fara badan illaa uu dalka ka gaarsiiyo madax banaani buuxda. http://www.hiiraan.c om/news/2007/may/war arka_maanta15-1218.h tm
  11. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Not as funny as the Kharajites you support adeer. Amir Sharif Ahmed, Mahdi Dheer and the Brigades of Shielkh Jaylani will defeat the foreign heretics, kill all their foreign fake Muslims and execute their Somali leaders. LOOOOL. So far, Alshabab/Xisbi Islam have united against the other factions and as such are coming to each other defense. The logical step was for the different Somali factions who have weakened themselves by their constant division and competition to unite against those that threaten them all. Hence, why Duke who at first was laughing at the defeat of the Sharif camp is now rallying behind Sharif camp for he knowes that if he laughs today and the extremists direct their attention towards his interests after subjugating the other factions, his side will be alone. It is only time for the secessionists to jump on the anti-Alshabab bandwagon The religious pretenders are not only uniting the various factions in Somalia but will soon force the Somali people into the arms of the warlords they despised and to embrace foreign intervention.
  12. Shariif Al-Khabeeth became Cabdullahi Amxaar Ina Sharmaarke became Ali Gheedi Kashafa, Can we then also say things like: Aweys became Muse Suudi Turki became Qanyare Always fabricating excuses to justify their warlord campaigns. Also, what is your view towards the Afgani/Paki, Arab and other foreign jihadi fighters in Somalia? I am looking forward to your answer.
  13. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka: Besides I think your more secular then the average Somali in the West. Just to be clear: - What exactly is secularism? I believe in the necessity and importance to keep the judicial system independent and separate from the executive and legislative systems. We can have Islamic Law as the moral foundation for our judicial system, while the other two systems are only influenced by Islamic teachings in as far as the men in those systems are Muslims who have their religious obligations. The term secularism has a bad taste since pictures of Turkey's society come to mind. I would never support or propagate for a muslim society in which women can not even dress Islamically and were religion is feared by the state and as such supressed as much possible. The state should draw its inspiration from our religion, the citizens must all freely and independenlty pursue to purify themselves and the state should assist as much as possible by: stimulating and assisting the advancement of Islamic knowledge in society, the stimulation and assistance in expressing our deep faith through our architecture, education, moral values etc. In short: give the citizens no excuse to not fullfill their religious obligations by providing every service in assistance of fullfilling those religious obligations. What I oppose is simple: - Political pretenders who use the religion for political ends. In this, they use the religion or the implementation of the Islamic Law as the panacea for the problems we face as Somalis. The administration of the law while necessary and novel is only one dimension of managing society sucussfully. To complete other dimensions of sucessful administration intelligent leaders must treat other subjects as independent sciences that can be studied in its own right. This means that we rely on the science of medicine when dealing with public health, a military science when waging a war, a diplomacy when we want to achieve certain things without a war, goverment administration when dealing with Federal and local administration, modern accounting and economic planning when dealing with economic management. PS: It would not be far-fetched for every Somali president to end up his speech with ''Allah Akbar'' like the US presidents end their speeches with ''God Bless America'' LOL
  14. Soomaaliyeeey, For a minute, lets replace these religious pretenders names with the familiar names of the previous warlords and political pretenders: Replace Aweys with Muse Suudi or Qanyare name opposing lets say Abdiqassim or A.Yusuf titular presidency. And replace this Warsame dude with a minister of Abdiqassim's or A.yusuf's foreign-created regime's. Now can you deny that their retorics are not similar and one could easily confuse the utterings of Aweys with one of the previous utterings (never ending excuses to justify fighting and opposing) of the warlords? Now again, can you honestly not see the similarity in rethorics of Warsame dude with the retorics of every single socalled minister of every foreign-created regime that existed ever since 1991? Soomaaliyeey, do not be fooled by these religious pretenders! Yesterday, these religious pretenders were fighting side by side against the old order and now that they have achieved the defeat of the men that were politically/militari ly visible in the old order they are fighting for the spoils and are becoming like those they have defeated: political pretenders and warlords. The religious pretenders will go the same path as those before them: warlords and political pretenders.
  15. "Waxaan idiin xaqiijinayaa in Dowladda Soomaaliya ay maalmaha soo socda dalka ka xoreyn doonto kooxaha ka soo horjeeda oo isugu jira kuwo ajnabi ah oo Afghanistan iyo meelo kale ka yimid iyo kuwo dano shisheeye u adeegaya" ayuu yiri Wasiirka oo ka hadlayay xaflad lagu xusayay maalinta dhanlinyada Soomaaliyeed ee 15-ka May http://www.hiiraan.c om/news/2009/May/war arka_maanta15-6482.h tm Do they themselves not have foreign fighters (AMISOM) and are created and work for foreign interests just like Alshabab's leaders were trained and indoctrinated in Afganistan by Alqaida?
  16. "Haddii uu C/llaahi Yuusuf dhihi lahaa Shareecada Islaamka ayaan qaatay waan ka yeeli lahayn, laakiin Shariifka iyo Raggiisa kama aqbaleyno, waayo C/llaahi bannaanka ayuu ka joogay, laakin Shariifka isagoo madax nooga ah Maxkamadihii Islaamka ayuu naga tegay, isla markaana uu barnaamij kale galay"ayuu yiri Shiikh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo ka jawaabayay weydiin ahayd waxa lagula dagaallamyo dowlad qaadatay shareecada Islaamka http://www.hiiraan.c om/news/2009/May/war arka_maanta15-6480.h tm It doesn't make sense to me, what the hell is he baffling about?
  17. Sh.Aweys fits more in the shoes of Muhammed Abdulle Hassan, lets be real. You may hate him or love him, but atleast be real.
  18. Whereas all you have to offer the Somali people is 'gradual reform' under the heavy cog of government bureaucracy, the Islamists are and have been providing immediate and exacting justice. Gradually kulahaa. Homey, if somebody has stolen my farm, I want it back NOW, not gradually, not systematically: I want it back NOW. And you know the only force in Somalia capable of providing that immediate justice ? that exacting rule of law ? Kashafa, Your reasoning is emotional and thus you cannot look at the subject objectively and come up with an effective solution to complex problems. What we need to do is to de-politicize and personalize complex problems and more importantly keep our emotions under control because they will only impede us in solving those problems. Your ''swift Justice'' is one that is not intended to bring genuine justice but is rather intended to score political points. The problem is not studied, analyzed and put in its proper context, yet you want to solve it swiftly? Your approach and logic is practically not different than that which political pretenders used in 1991: ''Siad Barre and his ruling clique stole property by using the state apparatus and gave their clansmen the looted property, we need to get it back''. A simple logic, which was clothed in emotional terms by political pretenders who needed to rally deprived Somalis by promising ''swift justice and an end to state plunder and terror’’. What was the result of it? The complete lumping together of those Somalis who through hard and honest work accumulated capital (private property been one aspect of it) with those who through connections to the dictatorial regime of Barre accumulated capital based on their belonging to particular groups which were linked to the regime of Barre. The clannist Jabhado brought ''swift Justice’’ which was basically the complete looting of private property from Somalis which were targeted based on the group they belonged to. This ''swift Justice’’ left alone those Somalis which belonged to the groups of the Jabhado despite having collaborated with the regime of Barre and thus having acquired capital through corruption. Another thing is that the clannist Jabhado only addressed the ''Injustices'' committed against people hailing from their clans, while not mentioning or propagating for the injustices committed to other Somalis. Eventually, the clannist Jabhado and their ringleaders distributed the looted capital amongst themselves and their supporters. The majority of Somalis was left with no justice and experienced more injustices. Now, tell us Kashafa: Will the Islamist Jabhado bring ''swift Justice’’ and just return all property to those from whom it was stolen regardless of whether they had rightfully accumulated it or not .... or will the Islamists put the criminals who pre-1991 looted capital (private property) by the pen and those who did the same post-1991 but ''swiftly and through the gun’’ in the same category, namely: thieves? Will the Islamist Jabhado pursue ''Swift Justice'' for their supporters alone and ignore other injustices committed against the other Somalis or will they systematically tackle every case of injustice regardless of against whom it is committed and by whom it was committed. Will the Islamist Jabhado eventually re-distribute the capital amongst themselves and their supporters or give it back to their rightful owners? Alshabab leaders are on record saying that foreign Jihadi fighters have every right to stay in Somalia, and will be given land and women for their service. The first sign of the many injustices to come as a result of a politically motivated ''Swift-Justice’’ campaign ala 1991. PS: The bolded piece in the Quote already shows that your ''Swift Justice'' is politically motivated and can hardly be called genuine justice.
  19. NGONGE, Sweet words that have their deep meaning and can mobilize many Somalis from all over Somalia. Those ''sweet words'' can become more powerfull than the ''sweet words'' that have led to the existence of such an organization as Alshabab. A political organization that rises above clan-structured Somali society and led to a Somali from Zeylac (Northern Somalia) been the governor of Kismanyo and leader of the Alshabab group at a time no one could envision such a development. Now, do you still believe that such ''sweet words'' mean nothing?
  20. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka: Meiji sxb you do sometimes make logical comments but when the M. Society card come's up then it all goes up in smoke. Besides I think your more secular then the average Somali in the West. If there was any Mogadishu society then it probably died in 1991 when all Somali clans lived there in harmony. When you see people who been witnesses to gross violations of islamic law and the killing and looting of fellow muslims but woke suddenly up in 2006 abd became caadil. Ilaahayoow amuuahaan sahal laakinse inkaar baa ku dhacdey Muqdishu iyo dadkeeda. Maybe my political views towards Mogadishu and the importance of empowering society (especially civil society) to overcome the many problems Somalis face would have made sense if you would for once put aside that negative feeling towards the city for what happened in 1991. Bro, dont become stuck in the past like some secessionists. One thing is clear, all evils of the civil war and even during the 30-year existance of the Somali Republic will be corrected systematically and gradually. What we need to do is to de-politicize Justice, and look at it objectively. We should not seek justice for our own interests alone while leaving out or ignoring the justice other groups deserve. For example, The secessionists seek their own justice and always propagate that the oppressive dictatorial regime of Barre massacred the Somalis in North-Somalia. They are so focused on seeking justice for themselves, that they completely overlook or ignore that of other Somalis. What about the 300.000 Somalis that died as a consequence of the famine? What about the countless Somali nomads that died because their wells were poisoned in Northeastern and Central Somalia? etc etc. Let us seek justice for all Somalis, and approach it from a Somali-perspective. Think about that for a minute. PS: Islam will have a very important role in Somalia's future. But we should be aware that political pretenders dont mis-use our religion as a platform to achieve political power.
  21. So far the pseudo-islamist warlords and their actions have pushed many people into the arms of those warlords they despised: pseudo-clanist warlords. Another development would be: - Pushing the Somali people into embracing foreign intervention. We can already see the signs on this forum. The pseudo-Islamists have betrayed the Somali people after showing their true face: What does this all tell? The Somali people would rather live under pseudo-clanist warlords and accept foreign interference in our affaires than to live under oppressive, misguided, pseudo-religious warlords and their aim to transform Somalia into a free haven for Jihadi foreign fighters to plot their military campaign to ''conquer the world from Alaska to Japan''.
  22. Maxamed Dheere oo dib mar kale ula soo baxay Hubkiisii, dhaq dhaqaaqyana ka wada Waqooyiga Muqdisho. Gudoomiyihii hore ee Gobolka Banaadir Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (M/Dheere) oo shalay soo gaaray Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa dhaq dhaqaaqyo ka wada Waqooyi Muqdisho, iyadoo Maxamed Dheere dib loogu arkay Hubkiisii. Maxamed Dheere ayaa waxaa durba degay Hoygiisii xilligii uu ahaa Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa Muqdisho, Hoygaasoo hada ka hor uu diiday inuu wareejiyo, waxaana uu ahaa guri loogu tala galay inay degaan Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir. Siyaasigan ayaa xeritaankiisa ay sabab u aheyd labo arrimood oo uu diiday, iyadoo mid ay aheyd inuu Hubkiisa soo wareejiyo, mida kalena ay aheyd inuu wareejiyo Hoyga uu degan yahay, waxaana shalay dadka ay layaab kula noqotay markii ay arkeen Maxamed Dheere oo sii galaya Guriga iyo isagoo la soo baxay Tikniko fara badan. Ku dhowaad 10 gaadiidka dagaalka iyo Maleeshiyadii daacada u aheyd ayaa la arkayay iyagoo si aad ah u ilaalinaya Maxamed Dheere, isagoo shalay kulamo goono gooni ah la qaatay Xildhibaano beeshiisa ka soo jeeda sida Salaad Cali Jeelle iyo Xaaji Muuse Suudi Yalaxow, kuwaasoo ku kulmay Hoyga Xaaji Muuse oo ku yaal Degmada Kaaraan. Dad ku dhow dhow Maxamed Dheere ayaa ii sheegay in Maxamed Dheere ay u yeereen Odayaal iyo waxgarad ka tirsan Beeshiisa, si uu gacan uga geysto dagaalada ka dhex oogan beeshiisa oo sida la rumeysan yahay ay isku heystaan gacan ku heynta Saldhiga Yaaqshiid. Ma cada sida uu saameyn ugu yeelan karo Maxamed Dheere xaaladaha ka taagan Waqooyi Muqdisho oo haatan ay muuqdaan kuwo dagaalka ku soo siqaya, waxaana uu Maxamed Dheere dhaq dhaqaaqyo ka wadaa deegaanadan, taasoo aanay ilaa iyo hada cadeyn. Ilaa iyo hada wax war ah ma siinin saxaafada Maxamed Dheere oo ka mid ahaa Hogaamiye kooxeedyadii Soomaaliya, iyadoona dad badan ay su'aalo iska weydiinayaan soo laabashadiisa xilligan oo dagaalo ka holcayaan Magaalada Muqdisho. Hooyga wararka Somaliyed m
  23. ''This war is between Somalis who tasted the sweetness of being free and stability and aides of foreign enemies against their interest ... It is a political war The troops who came to keep Muslim leaders away from the leadership have to leave the country. (Then) we are granting every Somali that there will be no fighting. We will sit together and solve everything through dialogue, Source: http://www.reuters.c om/article/latestCr ... USLE392447