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Everything posted by Jumatatu

  1. I realise that in effect, what used to be Somalia has been split into roughly three territories - Somaliland, Puntland and the rest of Somalia, so just to clarify, the questions I'm going to ask concern 'the rest of Somalia'. By this I suppose you mean you know the answers to your questions in regard to what u dont term as being 'the rest of Somalia. Hence if you do then fill in the blanks with the same answers cause they are the same. And if are you saying they are not, then you are probably well informed to refuse the comparison. I could have honestly answered your questions sincerely but the thought it would not be mutual crossed my mind.
  2. Q.Maxad shegtay hoono? A. Xaabadna ma sheegin. Q. Iskawaran, mala faayo?
  3. Look at the Job-description again : job description : Data entry and locating and move files from attic to receptionRetrieving files, sending files to branches, logging on to excel, global tracking system, good p.c. skills, physical lifting and shifting, accurate data input, work on own initiative, self starter & reliable It does not in anywhere specify where you will charge nor be responsible for collecting interests. Winger I appreciate your sense of awareness..but where does the boundary lie. With Reed I assume you live somewhere in UK, now in here we buy grocery from Supermarkets that sell Alcohol, bank with Banks that charge Interests..etc..etc. In everyday of our lives we interact or work with or for companies that are unlawful in accordance with the Sharia. My point,though it is not an expert point of view, is since you are not directly dealing with the aspect of interest according to the job-description it is sort of sad that u had to drop the job. You have also been advised to seek the help of a learned person in this matter, which is fair, but can you also make sure that he does not interact with interest paying and charging companies here in UK. The matter should not be dealt in a sense of 'La jifiyana banan'.
  4. Jumatatu

    Going Home!

    Going back home...sweet home. It is an ideal idea and benefitial sxb...but a far fetched one. I remember someone saying "we did not come to Plymouth..Plymouth landed on us" or something like it if am not wrong. My notion here is unlike the seaman and those who went to settle in Khalijka for personal reasons..the rest of the Somalis, infact the majority, were forced to exile(note am not using "Diaspora”) by circumstances not their doing.And however we try to disguise it those circumstances still exists. Yes and I think many will agree with me that we would love to go and make the sacrifice but at this actual moment and foreseeable future it is not possible. Which brings me to : In light of my above assumptions, do you think it’s time we stopped having these dreams and attempted to make the best with what we have? I could not agree more... and in the presence and future we could only be usefull if we first establish ourselves as a society and a community living abroad.
  5. ^^^^ keep trying pal..that is what it is all about...blud.. Rudeboy
  6. Ngonge I got the correct answer straight away but that was pure guesswork It was the same here sxb but in the next two or three go's you will see guessing wont work.....and when u find out what exactly you are looking for, you will look like dumb to have missed it in the first place and that is where the fun is.. however it does not measure your inteligence at all
  7. dameer iyo doc ka yeerba daanka aa lagu dhuftaa I dont think I could have chosen a better one ..how about this; Doqon ha u gargaarin hana gargaarsan
  8. Calusho ku socote oo xaarko kugo dag this is the best I have come across so far...Waxaan maqli jirey habar weyna ma cajuusa.... NGONGE saxiib labada kale reeb lakiin...in calosha ay socoto iyo in u xarku ku dheego
  9. sotaano = gorgorod ( refer to previous answer) I think it is best that we move beyond this under garments word - wirowiro
  10. goono = skirt maxaa goonada gaban kuso gelshey ? = why are you wearing short skirt? word - gorgorod
  11. sentence, waraa checkmate surweelka buufka ayaa ka xiratay. meaning waraa checkmate u tugged in your shirt Qac Qaac ....Enow school of Languages maso mariin miya..? shaatiga hoos gelisey na se uu fasiri laheyd? loooooooooool
  12. DHUUNI = greedy wilka waa dhuuni - the boy is greedy word - Damac
  13. code: baanjo I thought baanjo was only refered to a person with 'calool weyn' as opposed to fat...cause u can be fat in any other part...but baanjo refers to the stomach only. shuraako = shirko - share..sharing aar balka shuraako waaye ha isku darina word - Buuf
  14. The ludicrisy in Somali politics is at times very amusing True..but that is outdone by the ludicrousy of the one amused by it.Have you ever heard of the madman laughing at the madman.
  15. Baruur = fat waa neef baruur badan word - butac
  16. MANALAGARAADBAA Are you sure about this one.? Or should it be : Manala garad ba?
  17. Ngonge : Oh, I give up. Salaam pal....just dont give up. keep expressing you might get through to us...we are not that stubborn.. we are more or less like your charecter RudeBoy . And you are pretending to be Xaaji Abukur-Dhaqan-Yaqaan ... And if it is any consolation Ahmed will be the first evictee
  18. tuujiye waa nin areebo ah (tuujiye is uncleanly man) Loool checkmate I thought 'areebo' was only associated with reference to female.. QARACAN = shocked, shocking word: Murugo
  19. :rolleyes: I have heard of inan but not enan as for the word Bilcan it is Somali and am sure it will suprise as those that are suprised by 'egga' and 'inan'
  20. Inan = boy or girl...depends on where the tone is stressed, whether on the 'i' or 'a' wa inan fican - she/he is a good boy/girl word - Bilcan
  21. Here is where we part ways. You’re trying to move away from the fact that he’s a Muslim while I’m basing my entire argument on that fact! Then lets also agree that Mike Tyson is a Muslim .Ngonge pal..he claims to be one.islam does not require you to be only verbally...but submission.Which brings me to my next question..if Ahmed was atheist and a Somali will your position have been different. As for the youth and children the problem exists I agree with you but the influential factors are beyond the Imans, Waresis and Ahmeds. Sometimes the militancy in some of us encourage them,the youth and children, to burst out. Instilling in the mind of those growing that they have the best alternatives is better than threatening them with hell-fire if they cross the line.
  22. Good Morning NGONGE pal..! Again, what he does as an individual is his choice and his alone Exactly..that is my point. What he is doing in BB has nothing to do with Islam and its principles. And BB is not a convention for people of diiferent religions to present their case. It is a low, degrading and worthless piece of entertainement. What am trying to stir away from Ngonge is to attach to Ahmed, though he claims to be, the Moslem religion. Which brings to my point and have to agree with you, is he hypocrit? Yes. So lets not make him a loss to us, but rather to himself. But, to argue that a man walking around naked and mingling with homosexuals is a matter of interpretation and choice, therefore it’s ok, is even worse( and more worrying) than what this guy is doing! Loooool...trust me bro i did not help him make that decission. Neither did I make the decission for the recent 'Slim-fast' posters appearing around London.As you say we are all sinners but there are those who realise their mistake and repent and those who slide forward to go astray. As in my first quote..it is their individual choice and responsibility.
  23. Jumatatu would you have the same attitude if it was a girl who was 'behaving' this way? Seriously speaking I wouldnt bother cause it is her choice...and am aware whether I like it or not will not change her attitude and it is the same with Ahmed. But Ayub let me ask you , do you really think we are a society who are all morally correct...nope...hence what am advocating for it is to respect and tolerate the other persons choice. What is this Merkani language anyway? I dont think there is a language called as merkani, but there is a dialect of the Somali language spoken in Merka, however it is not that much different than the one spoken in Xamar and it is surroundings... They speak it in Merka. Sawahili / Somali. that is called Bajuuni spoken by the bajuunis who inhabit barawe and all the way down to Kismayo
  24. gudcur = darkness Gudcur habeniimo = darkness of the night word - Hillac
  25. Arday : student waxan ahey arday : I'm a student Word: Macalin