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Everything posted by Jumatatu
Cusmaan Caato, Muuse Suudi, Barre Hiiraale, & Yuusuf Seeraar oo wada qorshe lagu mucaaradayo C/llaahi Yuusuf(Heshiis qarsoodi ah oo ay gaareen xubnahaasi) Warar aanu ka helnay illo muhim ah oo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in xiriir qadka taleefanka ku dhexmaray xubno ka tirsan hogaamiyeyaasha kooxaha K/Soomaaliya, ee ku jira baarlamaanka federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya in ay kaga wadahadleen qorshe ay ku abuurayaan mucaaradnimo ka dhan ah C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo ah madaxweynaha dowladda federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, waxaana wararku sheegayaan in xubnahaasi ay ku heshiiyeen in ay si wadajir ah uga soo wada horjeestaan dowladda uu madaxda ka yahay C/llaahi Yuusuf, oo aaney wax xil ahna ka qaban xukuumada lagu wado in la soo dhiso marka la magacaabo raisul wasaaraha. Dhinaca kale, wararka naga soo gaaraya Nairobi ayaa sheegaya in qaar ka tirsan xildhibaanada baarlamaanka in ay diyaarinayaan Mooshin ay uga soo horjeedinta tegista Addis Ababa ee madaxweynaha & guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka, waxaana la filayaa maalinimadi Khamiista in ay qabtaan kulan ay kaga hadlayaa arrintaasi. Xersi Aadan Rooble oo ka mid ah xildhibaanada u ololeynaya Mooshinkaasi ayaa sheegay in aysan xaq aheyn in madaxweynaha C/llaahi Yuusuf & guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan ay labadooda safar isku raacaan, waxeyna sharci darro ku tilmaameen qab dhaqanka guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka oo ay ku dhaliileen in uu safar iska aaday isagoo ku soo wargeliyey baarlamaanka safarkiisa 2 saac ka hor xilliga safarkiisa, waxeyna xildhibaanadaasi sheegeen in talaabadaasi lagu dalbanayo ciidamada shisheeye ay tahay mid lagu fududaaday, isla markaana haddii la keenayo ciidamo shisheeye ay aheyd in la soo hordhigo baarlamaanka ee aanu noqon talo & goaan uu qof keligii iska sameystay. Full article Cusmaan Caato, Muuse Suudi, Barre Hiiraale, & Yuusuf Seeraar
Originally posted by Nationalist: Say it, don't spray it, juma! You're against the international troops, because it would severely enhance Abdullahi Yusuf's grip on Somalia. You are very much right pal. I dont want C/llahi Yusuf to have the upper hand in not only dictating the role of the international peace keeping troops but also the formation of any Nationcal security force. It is an open secret the idea of empowering C/llahi Yusuf will be the benefit of a particular clan and I have every right to question this. After all this is supposed to be a National reconciliation and hence should be impartial. In simple words I will not lay down my weapons while my foes are still having it. Now C/llahi is a president of Somalia his steps and approach in this particular aspect will be under scrutiny and infact dictate his policy and attempt to create a Nation. Regarding the fact that we should trust the Mog militia leaders in finding a peaceful agreement. You have to saxiib for the sake of national unity, remember they were the core who elected him. Now whether he is seeking troops to enforce his power on them now that he has their mandate is a question to be seen.
The president of Somalia has requested 20,000 AU troops to help him disarm and bring peace back to Somalia. The question here rises how will this be implented? Where will it be deployed and who are they disarming? It is wudely accepted all the warlords in Somalia are part and parcel of the current Parliament. And the reason why they were included in a parliament and had the upper hand in nominating other members was nothing else but to bring together the armed militias who had ruled Somalia through the barrel of the gun over the last 14 years to come together and form a government of their own. Among them they elected C/llahi Yusuf as a president . Now since all the armed militias are headed by the warlords in the parliament why do we need International troops to disarm them.? Why cant they among themselves come to an agrrememnt to merge and their mitias create a National armed forces or police force among them, and the excess number create a vocational traning for them as an alternative to being armed. One of the opposing factors of an International peace keeping troops called by C/llahi Yusuf will be, since the armed militias within Somalia are divided into clan , sub-clan linage. Which militia will be disarmed and wich militia will be left intact? Will the forces in Puntland be disarmed or left alone since they are loyal to and trusted by the president? And those of Muse Sudi, Catto, Barre Hirale, Sheikh Yusuf Indhacadde etc. be disarmed because of their probable hostility towards the president and his allies in government and outside influence. Furthermore the calling for Foreign troops is not a legislation which was passed by the parliament yet the President with his delegation which included the Speaker of the parliament went to Addis to meet the AU on the question of International Troops. Could this be the many of the decission which the president will make and side step the parliament? One thing for sure though is the fact the implementation of peacekeeping troops in Somalia need not only a Parliament Bill but the acceptance of the warlords. And it will certainly not work if it turns out to be a unilateral decisson by the president.
Originally posted by SmithNwestern: The argument about clan is baseless I did not vote for him, Somali's voted for him. He has a clear vision, to fix that country which you thought did not exist. Isnt that a bit of exaggeration? Which Somalis voted for him? Unless you are saying the 275 non-elected members of parliament are a proportional represantatives of the Somali citizens. The president was elected by a reconciliation parliament, period. Whether he has the vision to bring back, lets hope he does, Somalia back to a nationhood only time will tell. And for you info my dear friend Smith, Somaliland will be a big task for the president and the parliament and they know that. You cannot simply ignore it and dismiss it as a non-existant and force them to come into fold just like that. IT requires great skill of negotiations to form a union with them, and remember it should be of their own accord as it should be of ours, mutual.
^^^Come again....
Originally posted by JamaaL-11: Don't be silly, Jumatatu. That is rich coming from someone who is already silly..! Where I made the comparison was where people like you tend to upheld one issue cause it suits your argument but disregard others cause it contravenes your propoganda. And as for the dead I have not said anything about it, but I will not be suprised if there are those who hold their grudge
Why am I not suprised? In here there are people calling for forgiveness, and that we are in the month of Ramadan and hence we should stir from condenming others. So I ask where was all this in your venom attack on S/land CID in regard to the 'alleged' story of the 15 year old. Or is it 'la jifiyana banan' in regards to other matters? What a naked hypocrisy by some SOL users.
War hedhe halke nalaga so galey? The best thing about SOL political section was its simplicity, short and straight to the point. Over the last two days we are confronted to reading something similar to Party Political Manifesto. By the time you finish reading it you will wonder what the heading was and where it is leading to.
Yeah...! That will be the day....
|^^^ have you ever heard of xaaji bas-bas, come back to me and I will tell you wat he was famous for.....
^^^ I think so too.. but is that the only part you understood?
^^^^Looooool^^^^ I really do think he will play an influential role in this government, considering also that he has already been given the parliament seat vacated by the President. Never the less it entirely depends on the new President and the approach he makes, remember the moves he make would increase the credibility of his government or could even do vice-versa. Lets wait and see.
Damn, I think we are in trouble with the judge. :rolleyes:
This thread and the response it had received reminded me of a comedy play that was made for the Somali TV back in late 1980's. The name of the play was called 'Magala jog xumo'. It comprised of many plays among them was that of two charecters who said if Allah gave them 1.3 M. Somali Sh. how would they divide. So one of them took a paper and a pen and worked on it, he was doing fine and first divided it into two five-hundred thousands. For the remaining three hundred thousands he first divided the into 0ne hundred each and said he will keep the remaining hundred because he was the one doing the hard work of the division on pen and paper (xaqal qalin). The other man refused and they came to blows and knocking each other out of the daylight. When people stopped them fighting and were asked why they were fighting they mentioned their story. They were laughed on and were told to keep on fighting untill you come to your senses. The morale being contemplate of what you have in posession.
Dont know whether he is saying it through bitterness but his assumptions are if anything rationale and objective. Mind you he does not write off the government but warns of steps that could make it not achieve the reasons it was made for. he talks about about how the Colonel suprisingly won the vote, but I guess that will not go down well with the ardent supporters like it will with those like me who are still bewildered with it, but, a big BUT accept the outcome. Ciidamo waa loo baahan yahay, laakiin ciidamadu waa in ay noqdaan ciidamo ogolaanshadooda loo dhan yahay oo baarlamaanka, dowladda & shacbiga Soomaaliyeed ay soo dhoweynayaan, ciidamo C/llaahi Yuusuf dal u qabanaya ma jiraan
You should have add a third one dear, you forgot our adeero , Ngonge.
^^ok multi-lingual
^^^Wait let me tell her...Og dear the story does not exist as far as am concerned.And if it does it is not a a state sponsored crime. But while you are on feelings, do you know how many fifteen year olds are or were on the boats or are you feelings static about that but active on others. Common Og you are being a shield for those who actually unearthed this baseless story, I dont know though whether you are doing intentionally or not.
Originally posted by OG_Girl: Jumatatu, do you really think brother before you hit the reply buttom or do you let hate blind your thinking?? Yes my princess I do think before I press the reply button, and if ever there is anyone who could vouch for me on that it is you. But what I hate is a culprit calling another a culprit and putting himself in a saint position. Now remember the 15 year old story is an alleged one and all the surrounding circumstances makes it hypothetical. One outstanding factor is she allegedly has an 'abti' in the S/land cabinet. Now common which fool would let his niece go through such ordeal? And how would a state organ suspect a 15 year old to be an assasin of a state figure and ask a Taxi driver to take her to her target? Or should we blindly accept, like in the days of Mao, every propoganda? So I ask you my dear princess would you as a governing organ allow hundreds after hundreds, and demand tarif at the same time, to go and sail in the wild seas using out of date boats knowing they will perish.? It is hypocrisy that I dont like not Puntland. Infact I have my roots established in Qardho, guess that will give many people hints . And as they say dont start throwing stones if you are in a glass house. SW is our new Sherlock Holmes in SOL, we are looking forward to your next finding before we can promote you to the status of Inspector Colombo..
Oh yes here we go, we are rosy and the rest are thorny...! My comparison was on the basis of disrespect for human rights. Whether they pay or not the Puntland governing council are part and parcel of the catalyst and causes of the plight of the boat people. Now tell me the 'alleged' story of a fifteen year old girl is more powerful than the systematic dead of hundred of Somalis, and please dont call them thugs, they are people remember that...damn.!
My point of raising the issue was exactly for this reason Nationalist, you are quick to blame the leaders of S/land on an issue which there is doubt it ever occured, and if it did it is not a State planned issue. Yet you are protecting the governing council of P/land in an issue which is famously known it occured and has marred their governance. As the Somali saying says : Marodiga takarta saran ma arke tan midka kale saran ayu arka.
Originally posted by Bari_Nomad: Jamamtu, I do not wish to engage in an argument but suffice to say your post is very disappointing. But it is true and a fact. Nationalist I do think before I write, may be you could think before you response.
Having my doubts whether the story of this young girl exists at all, cause of the extend it is used as a political pawn by those who opposse S/land, but on a parallel isuue if not worse should we not question those who allow infact to be more precise permit people to board and over crowd boats that depart from the coast of Puntland towards a journey to Yemen which they never make because of the conditions of the boats. From time to time we have heard the number of people who have lost their lives in the high seas. Now is that not a human disaster?