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Everything posted by Jumatatu

  1. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: I am sure this very moment Cismaan Caato and his scorned cohorts are contemplating to that option. Pray that they are not , cause if they did you would not be writing so humourously about it but rather contemplating the loss and and effects it will bring about. Duke ina edo and 'seedi',ok I will remind you again on November the 1ST and show you that Dayniile airstrip will be as normal as ever.And all this is the empty promises and declaration made by the government lead by your adeero. And by the way how is he , seriously asking, heard that he was un able to board the plane that was to take him to Addis..Pray that he gets better, so that he can witness his downfall while still living. And finally Duke , dont you think it is time 'some' family were to come clean about the false accusation of 'your' abti Qeybdiid. Shame has no boundaries I hope you remember this reference.
  2. And where is the government's decree..? Or do you assume the rubbish written in the P/landers mouth piece as being a government decree?
  3. Garoonka diyaaradaha ee Dayniile oo maanta si caadi ah u watay howshiisa asagoona ay ka soo dageen dhow diyaradood Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Dayniile ayaa maanta waxaa ka soo dagay Laba diyaaradood oo sida qaad, Sida uu noo Xaqiijiyey mid ka mid ah saraakiisha ka Howl gasha garoonkaas oo lagu magacaabo Cali Siicoow Xasan. Cali Siicoow Xasan oo ah masuuliyiinta ka shaqeysa eraboorka dayniile ayaa noo xaqiijiyey in aysan jirin wax isbadal ah ee ku yimid diyaradihii ku soo dagi jirey garoonka Dayniile howlahiina ay u socdaan sidii caadiga aheyd asagoona intaas ku daray in Kenya iyo Soomaaliya isku baahan yihiiy marka ma dhici doonto sababo loo xiro eraboorkeena ayadoo la ogyahay seerfiska wax ku oolka ah ee aan u qabano diyaaradaha nagu soo dago Mar aan u kuurgalnay dareenka dadka ee ku aadan Sida ay u arkaan hadalka soo yeeray Geedi ku Aadana Cunaqateyna labada garoon ee Dayniile iyo Ceel Axmed waxaa ay noo sheegayaan intaas ay tahay mid Riyo ah, oo haba yaraatee aan suuroobi doonin, Dadka ku dhaqan magaaladda Muqdsho ayaa aad uga xumaaday hadalka ka soo yeeray Geedi. oo u arkay in Cunaqateyntii saarnayad magaaladda Muqdsho 14 sano ee la soo dhaafay ee xagga garoomada iyo Dekadaha, taasoo ahayd mid dad Qaas ah lagu naasnujinayey . Cali Max'ed Geedi ayaa ku sheegay sababaha loo xirey garoomadaasi in ay yihiin xaalada la xiriirya dhinaca amaanka, isla markaana ay ku daba jiraan garoomo kale oo macmal ah oo ku yaala gudaha dalka Soomaliya, waxa uuna carabka ku adkeeyay in aan la isku haleyn karin mas'uuliyad ahaan garoomada Dayniile iyo Ceel Axmed, isagoo sheegay in dayuuradaha ay ku soo dagi doonaan magaalada Jowhar. Cali Max'ed Geedi ayaa waxa uu war bixintiisa ku sheegay in dowladda ay heshiis la soo gashay wadamada Kenya, Jabuuti, Ethiopia, Yemen iyo Imaaraadka Carabta sidii dakhli canshuur ah ay dowladiisa uga qaadan la heyd ganacsatada Somalida ah ee wadamadaasi ku sugan, sidoo kale waxa uu sheegay Ra'isulwasaare Geedi in madaxda dalalkaasi ay ka wada hadleen iskaashi la xiriira la dagaalanka burcad badeeda afduubka maraakiibta loogu geysto xeebaha Somaliya iyo biyaha caalamiga iyo la dagaalanka waxa loogu yeero argagixisada, isagoo sheegay in ciidamo ka socda dalalkaasi ay ilaalin doonaan badaha Somaliya
  4. If he is against the ill-conceived agenda of C/llahi Yusuf he is a 'donkey' if he blindly supports them he is a great statesmen like Maxamed-Dhere or Geedi. Have you ever conssidered Yoniis the benchmark is set likewise in the opposite side, it is only that they have confidence in themselves, obviously the same cant be said in your case.
  5. Incase you have not noticed what is hurtful for Orgi and his lot is pleasure for me...and I fail to see where the sin lies in there since it is mutual.
  6. This is for Orgilaqe and co...eat your hearts out nigga haters...you aint worth nothing more than the dirt he walks on. Waxaa ka soo degay garoonka B/doogle ee gobolka Sh/hoose Cabdi Xasan Cawaale (Qeybdiid), waxaana soo dhoweyntiisa ka soo qeybgalay dadweyna gaaraya kumanaan kun oo qofood & xubno ka tirsan labada gole dowladda federaalka ayadoona soo dhaweyntiisa ay ka qeyb qateen Fardo iyo cutubyo ka tirsan ciidanka Boliiska Filo goor dhow sawiradii soo dhoweyntiisa Xaasha.......Xaasha........Xaasha........!
  7. Legend my sincere condolences to you and your entire family bro. May Allah SWT shower him with mercy and give strenght to those whom he left behind. I would like to remind you brother Legend that it is at times like this is when you need to be strong for those who depended on him and are looking up to you now. May Alllah SWT ease the passage for you amiin.
  8. Originally posted by Sophist: The lowest point of the Service is marked by its uneven-handed coverage of the visits of the President of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and the Speaker of the Transitional Federal Parliament, Sharif Hassan. The President was the only [official] invitee to the General Assembly, and that was the prime news-making event. Speaker Hassan was invited by a non-governmental body, Association of World Parliaments, and was practically on his own. The Service should have given a prime coverage to the president. It once again, deliberately erred by totally ignoring to cover the President's [official] and historic visit, while it spent many news hours on covering minute details of the Speaker's multi-track trip. It sad to notice, but not entirely suprising, the basis of your grievances narrows down to the lack of coverage of Yeey.
  9. clearly evident still ..shame has no boundaries.
  10. Ina Lillahi wa ina Illeyhi Rajacuun WAXAA XALAY SHIL BAABUUR OO KA DHACAY COLOMBUS KU GEERIYOODAY ABWAAN CABDULQAADIR XIRSI YAMYAM Waxaa Shil Baabuur oo ka dhacay Magaalada Columbus ee dalka Mareeykanka ku geeriyooday cabdulqaadir Xirsi Siyaad "Yamyam"oo kamid ah abwaaniinta Soomaaliyeed ee Qarnigaan Nool kuwa ugu caansan .Abwaan Yamyam allah ha u naxariiste waxaa lagu xasuustaa gabayadiisa Waddaniga ah iyo kuwa guubaabada ah oo ku salaysan midnimada iyo wadajirka Soomaaliyeed : Abwaanku alla ah u naxariistii wuxuu intii dagaalada Sokeeye socdeen ka qaybgalayey dhammaanba Shirarkii dibuheshiisiinta isagoo halkaa ka jeedinayey gabayo iyo Murti ugu baaqaysa soomaalida in aay soo ceshadaan Midnimadoodii iyo qarannimadoodii : Allah UU naxaaristo , eheladi iyo dadki uu ka tageyna samir iyo imaa Allah ka siiyo...amiim..amiin..! An icon in the 'Suganta Soomaaliyeed' has gone he will be missed but surely his work will always rekindle the memories to his genuity.
  11. Taliyaha Ciidanka boliiska Soomaaliyeed Jen Cabdiqeybdii oo la sii daaye ka dib markii lagu wayey wax danbi ah
  12. Originally posted by Alpha-Geeljire: Abdullahi Yusef is a very smart man Very..!
  13. Marwada Madaxweynaha Dowladda federaalka Soomaaliyeed oo maanta si heer sare ah loogu soo dhaweeyay garoonka Magaalada Jowhar Khamiis, October 13, 2005(HOL): Marwada Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliyeed Marwo Xaawo Cabdi Samatar ayaa maanta si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay garoonka Diyaaradaha ee magaalada Jowhar, iyadoo soo dhaweyntaasna ay ka qeybgaleen Madaxwyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo xubno ka tirsan labada gole ee Dowladda Federaalka. Marwo Xaawo ayaa madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf ku wehlineysay socdaalkii uu dhawaan ku tegay Dalka Mareykanka, waxayna kadib ku soo hakatay magaalada Nairobi oo la sheegayo in ay haatan xubno ka tirsan qoyska madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ku nool yihiin. Sida uu noo soo sheegay Wariye jooga magaalada Jowhar oo aan wararkiisa ku kalsoonnahay marwada Madaxweynaha waxaa la socday Marwo Khadiijo Maxamed Diiriye oo ka tirsan Golaha Wasiirrada Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliyeed iyo weliba Wariyayaal Ajnabi ah oo dabcan Jowhar maanta u tegay in ay berri iyo habeen dambe ka qeybgalaan xuska xafladdii caleemo saarka madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo muddo sanad ah ay ka soo wareegatay. Xuska xafladda caleemo saarka madaxweynaha oo berri ku beegan ayaa waxay ku soo beegmeysaa iyadoo magaalada Jowhar ay ka wada maqan yihiin Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Siyaasadda ee Gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere) iyo Ra'iisal Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi oo ku kala sugan magaalooyinka Addis Ababa iyo Nairobi ee dalalka Itoobiya iyo Kenya
  14. Originally posted by haruun: Celebrations in 4 regions out of 18 regions. One year goes by and he calls that accomplishments. You cant be serious sxb? How can you only narrow it down to accomplishments. You must be enemy of the state number 1. You have camel-milk caliing it historical-day , Duke describing it as a landmark day . MMA singing and rephrasing the lyrics to Noolow Noolow (Istaqfurullah Illah aya ah Ma dhinte). Come on Haruun join the fun and dont spoil it, or sit aside and watch how few can make a full of themselves unknowingly..
  15. ^^^ Duke ina edo adigu weli soon agtadu kama dhalan miiya? Mise beentu uma aragtiid in ay soonka jebiso. Originally posted by Gediid: Dreaming a little is healthy but dreaming a lot waa xanuun sxb.... Not only xanuun but is also a sickness that leads to blindness to reality.
  16. Originally posted by wind.talker: P.S. The same people who are now being "trafficked" are the same ones who once forced others to flee their homes by ship and by land. Many innocent folks perished in the ocean those days. As they say, what goes around, comes around. Dude you are sick to the core and have no cure, you cannot be helped by a Doctor or even in a rehabilation among those that may bring comfort back to you. And for your info the innocent dying in the high seas merit your sombre mood and if you cant give them that shut your mouth and dont say anythiung incase you may utter rubbish foqal rubbish which you just did. :mad: :mad:
  17. Originally posted by Sky: Waris waaba Reer Baadiya, she should be speaking Somali perfectly. Everybody knows there are some screws loose in her head. Waad af-xuntahey welibana af-dheertahey, edeb iyo anshaax midna ma lihiid..boqol jeer ayan ku sheegey haku cayiin gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed gobaha layskugu yimado. Olol look at it from this side, whether Wariis speaks in fluent English or one with a heavy accent, and pretends she does not know how to speak Somali maxaa kaga shan iyo toban ah adigu sideedaba? The lady has made it her own way and acheived what she has set out to do in this World,if you are not happy, good, cause it was not her aim to make backwarded Faarax's the likes of you and Sky to be happy. Waryada isku xishooda and leave the woman alone and let her live her life.
  18. Ina Lilaah Wa inaa Ileyhi Raajicuun Allah uu naxaaristo those who have lost their lives and those affected by the tragedy...amiin..!
  19. Talk about a weird scientist and you can bet that Johhny B will pop up somewhere...wonder what is the link in here..? :confused:
  20. To all my fellow nomads in SOL I wish you the blessing of this holy month of Ramadan. I pray to Allah SWT to forgive us for our sins and guide us to fullfil our obligations of this month, to raise our awareness of our beautiful and rightful faith , to increase our Iman and that of our brothers and sisters in faith, to strenghten our unity and enhance our love for each other, above all May Allah SWT guide us towards the right path..amiin,amiin..! Once again my fellow nomads Ramadan Kariim..!