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Everything posted by Jumatatu

  1. Yep sxb that is a good idea, lets start by suggesting Ngonge as a prime-minister. In that way we will be sure Bari-Nomad and Bashi will be excluded from the cabinet and our dear OG-girl will be given a Minister without a protofolio. While the likes of Raula, Ameenah, Northern will be given high portoflios......
  2. damn Smith you have changed sxb Wallahi you are turning softie , cause I would have assumed your response to Suldanka would have been , no the President will now appoint Riyaale as the next PM.... . Warya come back to your bold-self sxb Smith, other wise am going to quit SOL, there is no use of arguing with the one who lives in cockooland (Nationalist). Ali Geedi seemed to be very arrogant in his live Question and Answer interview on BBC the other day. He showed no respect for the Parliamenterians... And you know what else annoyed me the way he kept on saying in his 'slang' 'dowladeydii'...damn bet he is now counting the cost of annoying the parliamentarians.
  3. ^^Indeed..^^ I also endorse the comment made by my ex-rival ( ) and great friend Smith. But what am pondering here and perhaps he could help me is , would the president and his backers the Ethiopian really accept this democratic sign from 'parlamanka ayey so dhob-dhoben'.
  4. The goverment of mockery led by Geedi has been shown the door by the parliamantarians who did not find their names in the long list of the Government. This is turning out to be a joke...I bet more farce is to follow.. Xukuumadda Prof. Cali Max’ed Geeddi oo la riday Kulankii baarlamaanka FKMG ah ee Soomaaliya oo maanta leysku riiqay, ayna ka dhacday doodo ad-adag oo mararka qaar ku dhawaanayey gacan ka hadal ayaa ugu dambeyntii cod loo qaaday xukuumadda Prof. Cali Max’ed Geedi waxey isku raaceen 153 xildhibaan in la rido xukuumadda, iyadoo uu ku dhawaaqay guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan in xukuumadda Prof. Cali Max’ed Geeddi codkii ku kalsoonida loo diiday, isla markaana madaxweynuhu uu mar kale soo magacaabo ra’isul wasaare cusub, ama uu dib u soo magacaabo ra’isul wasaare Cali Max’ed Geedi. Xildhibaanada u codeeynayey ridista xukuumadda & xildhibaanadii loo magacaabay xilalka wasaaradaha muhiimka ah ee doonayey in aanan la ridin xukuumada ayaa doodoodii waxey noqotay mid hal meel halis ah gaartay, waxeyna wararka ka imaanaya kulankii maanta sheegayaan in la arkayey xildhibaan ka mid ah golaha wasiirada oo xildhibaanada kale ee beeshiisu ay ka gaartay gacan ka hadal, iyadoo xildhibaanadii codeeyey ay muujiyeen in ra’isul wasaare Prof. Cali Max’ed Geedi uu jebiyey qodobada 12-aad & 45-aad, isla markaana dhismaha golaha wasiirada aanu aheyn mid sharci ah. Wixii warar ah ee ka soo baxay madaxweynaha & ra’isul wasaaraha ee ku saabsan aragtidooda ridista
  5. Wasiir Ku Xigeenada Wasaaradaha 1- Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda Xasan Axmed Jaamac 2- Wasaaradda Awqaafta iyo Arrimaha Diinta Cali Shiikh Maxamed Nuur 3- Wasaaradda Batroolka iyo Tamarta Axmed Cumar Gaagaale 4- Wasaaradda Beeraha Xirsi Aadan Rooble 5- Wasaaradda Boostada iyo Isgaarsiinta Cabdikaafi Macallin Xasan 6- Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Cismaan Maxamuud Dufle 7- Wasaaradda Dalxiiska iyo Duurjoogta Mukhtaar Munye Bishaar 8- Wasaaradda Deegaanka iyo ka hortagga Aafooyinka Cali Xareed 9- Wasaaradda Dastuurka iyo Arrimaha Federaalka Maxamed Axmed Kulan 10- Wasaaradda Dhallinyarada iyo Isboortiga Bashiir Maxamed Aadan 11- Wasaaradda Dib u Dhiska iyo Dib u dejinta Cabdikariim Cige Guuleed 12- Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga Saalax Cali Faarax 13- Wasaaradda Gaadiidka Cirka iyo Dhulka Yuusuf Maxamed Khayr 14- Wasaaradda Ganacsiga Amiin Maxamed Shiikh 15- Wasaaradda Garsoorka Cabdirashiid Maxamed Xidig 16- Wasaaradda Hawlaha Guud iyo Guryaynta Maxamed Cali Bilaal 17- Wasaaradda Hidaha iyo Tacliinta Sare Cabdalla Boos Axmed 18- Wasaaradda Horumarinta Haweenka iyo Daryeelka Qoyska Khadiija Maxamed Diiriye 19- Wasaaradda Xanaanada Xoolaha Mustafa Shiikh Cali Dhuxulow 20- Wasaaradda Dhaqan celinta iyo Tababarada Maleeshiyooyinka Xasan ***** Yacquub 21- Wasaaradda Iskaashi Goboleedka Axmed Maxamed Goonle 22- Wasaaradda Kalluumaysiga iyo Khayraadka Badda Maxamed Jaamac Furux 23- Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Maxamed Xasan Ibraahim 24- Wasaaradda Qorshaynta iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga Ibraahim Maxamed ***** 25- Wasaaradda Shaqada iyo Shaqaalaha Maxamed Cismaan Maye 26- Wasaaradda Warfaafinta Cabdalla Xaaji Cali 27- Wasaaradda Warshadaha Ciise Weheliye Maalin 28- Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha Yuusuf Maxamed Cabdulqaadir 29- Wasaaradda Dekedaha iyo Gaadiidka Badda Mire Xaaji Faarax 30- Wasaaradda Hantida Qaranka iyo Qalabaynta Maxamuud Cabdi Xasan (Beegos) 31- Wasaaradda Dib u Dhiska iyo Xiriirka Jaaliyadaha Dibedda Cabdullaahi Axmed Cabdulle 32- Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Xuseen Maxamuud Muuse 33- Wasaaradda Horumarinta Miyiga iyo Daaqa Saciid Xasan Shire 34- Wasaaradda Macdanta iyo Biyaha Xuseen Cismaan Xuseen
  6. Originally posted by Sophist: Anyhow, there are only four additional cabinet posts! the rest junior ministers and already existing cabinet members-- like Sheekh Aadan Madoobe. Think again : Magacyada wasiirada cusub ee la magacabay ayaa kala ah sidatan:- 1. C/llaahi Sheekh Ismaaciil (Wasiirka arrimaha dibedda) 2. Cumar Maxamed Maxamud (Cumar Filish) (Wasiirka Diinta & awqaafta) 3. Cabdalla Deerow ***** (Wasiirka dastuurka & arrimaha federaalka) 4. Bootaan Ciise Caalin (Wasiirka dhaqancelinta & tababarka maleeshiyooyinka) 5. Yuusuf Axmed Max’ed (Wasiirka tamarta & korontada) 6. Xasan Maxamed Nuur (Shaatigaduud) (Wasiirka beeraha) 7. Cali Axmed Jangeli (Wasiirka boostada & isgaarsiinta) 8. C/casiis Sheekh Yuusuf (Wasiirka caafimaadka) 9. Max’ed Max’uud Xeyd (Wasiirka dalxiiska & ilaalinta deegaanka) 10. Max’ed Warsame Cali (Wasiirka dhalinyarada & isboortiga) 11. Barre Aadan Shire (Barre Hiiraale) (Wasiirka dib u dhiska & dib u dejinta) 12. C/raxamaan Maxamud Cali (Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga) 13. Cali Ismaaciil Cabdi (Giir) Wasiirka gaadiidka cirka & dhulka 14. Muuse Suudi Yalaxow (Wasiirka Ganacsiga) 15. Sheekh Aadan Madoobe (Wasiirka Garsoorka & cadaaladda) 16. Cusmaan Xasan Cali (Caato) (Wasiirka howlaha guud & guriyeynta) 17. Xuseen Maxamud Sh. Xuseen (Wasiirka hidaha & tacliinta sare) 18. Fowsiya Maxamed Sheekh (Wasiirka horumarinta haweenka & daryeelka qoyska) 19. Xuseem Ceelaabe Faahiye (Wasiirka xanaanada xoolaha) 20. Ismaaciil Maxamud Hurre (Buubaa) (Wasiirka iskaashiga gobolada) 21. Xasan Abshir Faarax (Wasiirka kaluumeysiga & kheyraadka badda) 22. Saalim Caliyow Ibrow (Wasiirka maaliyadda) 23. C/risaaq Cusmaan Xasan (Wasiirka Qorsheynta & iskaashiga caalamiga ah) 24. Ibraahim Aadan Xasan (Wasaarada shaqada & shaqaalaha) 25. Cali Max’ed Faqi (Wasiirka Warfaafinta) 26. Cabdi Max’ed Tarax (Wasiirka Warshadaha) 27. Cali C/llaahi Cosoble Siyaad (Wasiirka waxbarashada) 28. Maxamud C/llaahi Sifir Ra’isul wasaare ku-xigeen ahna Wasiirka Gaadiidka Badda iyo Dekadaha 29.Xuseen Maxamed Ceydiid Ra’iisal wasaare ku xigeenka ahna Wasiirka Arrimaha gudaha 29.Sheekh Aadan Mdoobe Ra’iisal wasaare ku xigeen ahna wasiirka Garsoorka 30.Maxmed Qanyare Afrax Wasiirka Amniga Qaranka 31.Maxamud Sayid Aadan Wasiirka Hanti dhowrka Qaranka & qalabeynta 32.Maxamed Ibraahim Xaabsade Wasiirka Dib u heshiisiinta iyo xiriirka Jaaliyaddaha dibadda 33.Maxamed Maxamud Guulled (Gacma-dheere) Wasiirka horumatinta Reer Miyiga iyo Daaqa 34.Maxamed Salaad Nuur Wasiirka Macdanta iyo Biyaha35.Mowliid Macaan Maxamud Wasiir-dowlaha Beeraha 36.Maxamed C/llaahi Kaamil Wasiiru-dowlaha Xafiiska Ra’iisal wasaaraha 37.Khaalid Cumar Cali Wasiiru-dowlaha Xafiiska madaxweynaha 38.Ibraahim Sheekh Cali (Jeebbo) Wasiiru-dowlaha arrimaha dibadda 39.Axmed Sheekh Maxamed (Laxoos) Wasiiru-dowlaha Amiga Qaranka 40.Salaad Cali Jeelle Wasiiru-dowlaha warfaafinta 41.Ibraahim ***** Wasiiru-dowlaha Qorsheynta (deputy-minister)Ciise Weyliye Maalin Wasaare ku xigeenka Qorsheynta & iskaashiga caalamiga ah (deputy minister)Cabdi Dhuxulow Dhagdheer Wasaare ku xigeenka Xanaanada Xoolaha Note: there are many more State-ministers to come, and dont undermine their role...
  7. This has to be the mother of all mockery..naming high number of ministers and in doing naming the same roles as 'state-miniters'. I think the cabinet meeting of the Federal government will include playing cards, billiards, badminton, etc.., how else can you pre-occuupy and accomodate high number of ministers without amenities....
  8. It is a very sad event indeed, and I hope it comes to an end sooner rather than later. One thing for sure though it is an issues that does not only deserve or requires 'baaq' but direct interference to halt this senseless clash amid two groups who are the closest of all.
  9. Originally posted by Nationalist: [QB ]Gedid, beenfaafinta naga dhaaf. [/QB] That is rich coming from Nationalist...a man who given the chance will say the first man to land on the moon was from Bari.. And saxiib C/llahi Cisse's role and leadership is beyond questionable, but you are so tainted and tribalistically minded that you fail to notice the achievement of others other than your close circle. :confused:
  10. Originally posted by Nationalist: [QB ]Gedid, beenfaafinta naga dhaaf. [/QB] That is rich coming from Nationalist...a man who given the chance will say the first man to land on the moon was from Bari.. And saxiib C/llahi Cisse's role and leadership is beyond questionable, but you are so tainted and tribalistically minded that you fail to notice the achievement of others other than your close circle. :confused:
  11. Originally posted by Nationalist: [QB ]Gedid, beenfaafinta naga dhaaf. [/QB] That is rich coming from Nationalist...a man who given the chance will say the first man to land on the moon was from Bari.. And saxiib C/llahi Cisse's role and leadership is beyond questionable, but you are so tainted and tribalistically minded that you fail to notice the achievement of others other than your close circle. :confused:
  12. Do I see lack of tolerancy in here and a huge amount of hypocrisy. You, Somalis, are the one kiling ourselves in terms of clan(note not tribe) differences and yet you scorn and say we have been invaded and our beliefs damaged by the spread of Christianity in Somali society. Hello...! We have crrised crossed thusands of miles and oceans to come to the land of Christianity for refuge and yet insult those of our society who follow their worship. You watch all they dish out in TV and watch and enjoy their sense of entartainment, while on the other hand you curse those among you who wish to follow their belief, at least those who did are being true to themself and not hypocritical. Christianity in Somalia existed for long and it is not something new so you better get used to it. If you want to counter and stop its spreading then you can tell your wadads to be more convincing and interpret the Koran and Sunna in its original form and not to mingle the qabill mentality with it.Tell the Somali society to practice what they believe in and then and only can you tell and show your children the concretness and beauty of Islam. But you cannot have it both ways and be suprised at the out come. For example the preacher of Christianity in Somalia is telling chuldren how GOd loves them and how they should respect their mankind, while the wadaads are building armed militias to spread their ideologies and killing or using a junta Islamic court to punish those they deem are against them. So tell me who would you choose given the choice..?
  13. ^^^then you tyhink null and void..
  14. ^^^then you tyhink null and void..
  15. ^^^then you tyhink null and void..
  16. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Jumatatu, keep chassing Smith and Nationalist, I am not intrested your opinion. Ehem..! Am not giving you my opinion. Am just opposed to your distortion of facts. Or are you used to been applauded even if you are wrong.? I wonder indeed..! Nationalist: if Siad Barre ruled with justice, SSDF and SNM and the respective Pland and Sland would have never had to stoop so low to coöperate with Ethiopia. Am not justifying it sxb, but give credit to the old deceased man where credit is due. The SYL under leadership of former president Marhum Abdirashid Ali Shermarke spearheaded Somali-Weynism Does the name Abdullahi Isse ring a bell?
  17. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Jumatatu, keep chassing Smith and Nationalist, I am not intrested your opinion. Ehem..! Am not giving you my opinion. Am just opposed to your distortion of facts. Or are you used to been applauded even if you are wrong.? I wonder indeed..! Nationalist: if Siad Barre ruled with justice, SSDF and SNM and the respective Pland and Sland would have never had to stoop so low to coöperate with Ethiopia. Am not justifying it sxb, but give credit to the old deceased man where credit is due. The SYL under leadership of former president Marhum Abdirashid Ali Shermarke spearheaded Somali-Weynism Does the name Abdullahi Isse ring a bell?
  18. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Jumatatu, keep chassing Smith and Nationalist, I am not intrested your opinion. Ehem..! Am not giving you my opinion. Am just opposed to your distortion of facts. Or are you used to been applauded even if you are wrong.? I wonder indeed..! Nationalist: if Siad Barre ruled with justice, SSDF and SNM and the respective Pland and Sland would have never had to stoop so low to coöperate with Ethiopia. Am not justifying it sxb, but give credit to the old deceased man where credit is due. The SYL under leadership of former president Marhum Abdirashid Ali Shermarke spearheaded Somali-Weynism Does the name Abdullahi Isse ring a bell?
  19. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Do you know why Siyad Bare went war with Ethiopia 1977? Well, I will tell you, freedom fighters that time (OLF)where controling over 75% of our Land , since Djibouti took their independence from France and refused to be part of Somali Rebulic and declare their own... Siyad Bare scared that Oggaden will do the same and he will loose his control over "us" so he wanted to spoil it.He thought the Land will back soon and people refuse to be part of His kingdom!!!! What a great and deliberate distortion of the truth. It only sums up one thing dear that you have been spoon-fed with pack of false interpratation of history and you failed to question neither look for facts. OLF controlling 75%..? They did not even control 75% of a square centimetre, cause they simply did not exist at all at that time. There was what was called the WSLF and they themselves only existed in paper. The work in the ground which was fighting the 'xabashi' was done by real Somali soldiers in the Somali National Army led by then President Siyaad. And the best thing you can do OG-girl is show respect to the thousands who have died for a cause that u only support from your arm-chair. Siyaad above anything else merits the praise of the people from the Western region of Ethipia and NFD of Kenya.He has brought into fold and given them high ranks of the government people who were not even born in Somalia but were from these regions. People like the Gabyos, Taraaxs, Aden Kukays,Malinguurs and many others whom he posted as diplomats representing Somalia in the wide World.Not mentioning the thousands of others who were integrated into the the Somali civil service. This was due to the article in the constitution which said any Somali born in an ywhere of this world has the same right as the same one born within Somalia. To come around and bite the hand that fed you is a disgrace. The war was bad not for the Somalis in region five but the others of Somali state cause it resulted to the annihilation of our armed forces. And I believe to this date the Siyaad won that war against the Xabashi but was beaten by the two international powers of the world at that time cause they did not want the expanssion of Somalia. It is not Siyaad you should blame but those who have homed in to the Ethipians in order to achieve their political gains. The kinds as such SSDF, SNM, and USC who were given bases in Ethiopia to counter primarily the Somali rebellion groups whithin Ethiopia. And in latter stages the so called leaders of Somaliland, Puntland and the tenetless warlords who have made Ethipia their masters, but please not Siyaad. With Siyaad, Somalia always caused fear in the hearts of Ethiopians.
  20. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Do you know why Siyad Bare went war with Ethiopia 1977? Well, I will tell you, freedom fighters that time (OLF)where controling over 75% of our Land , since Djibouti took their independence from France and refused to be part of Somali Rebulic and declare their own... Siyad Bare scared that Oggaden will do the same and he will loose his control over "us" so he wanted to spoil it.He thought the Land will back soon and people refuse to be part of His kingdom!!!! What a great and deliberate distortion of the truth. It only sums up one thing dear that you have been spoon-fed with pack of false interpratation of history and you failed to question neither look for facts. OLF controlling 75%..? They did not even control 75% of a square centimetre, cause they simply did not exist at all at that time. There was what was called the WSLF and they themselves only existed in paper. The work in the ground which was fighting the 'xabashi' was done by real Somali soldiers in the Somali National Army led by then President Siyaad. And the best thing you can do OG-girl is show respect to the thousands who have died for a cause that u only support from your arm-chair. Siyaad above anything else merits the praise of the people from the Western region of Ethipia and NFD of Kenya.He has brought into fold and given them high ranks of the government people who were not even born in Somalia but were from these regions. People like the Gabyos, Taraaxs, Aden Kukays,Malinguurs and many others whom he posted as diplomats representing Somalia in the wide World.Not mentioning the thousands of others who were integrated into the the Somali civil service. This was due to the article in the constitution which said any Somali born in an ywhere of this world has the same right as the same one born within Somalia. To come around and bite the hand that fed you is a disgrace. The war was bad not for the Somalis in region five but the others of Somali state cause it resulted to the annihilation of our armed forces. And I believe to this date the Siyaad won that war against the Xabashi but was beaten by the two international powers of the world at that time cause they did not want the expanssion of Somalia. It is not Siyaad you should blame but those who have homed in to the Ethipians in order to achieve their political gains. The kinds as such SSDF, SNM, and USC who were given bases in Ethiopia to counter primarily the Somali rebellion groups whithin Ethiopia. And in latter stages the so called leaders of Somaliland, Puntland and the tenetless warlords who have made Ethipia their masters, but please not Siyaad. With Siyaad, Somalia always caused fear in the hearts of Ethiopians.