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Everything posted by Jumatatu

  1. Originally posted by Qudhac: this swift and barbaric killing was a clear signal of how welcome the government of imbaghati will be in muqdisho.. no wonder c/y wanted 200,000 african soldeirs :eek: Wonder if it would have the opposite effect on Hargeysa...
  2. Jumatatu

    No comment!

    they will certainly reap the seeds they cultivate...Inshallah..!
  3. ^^^^Looooooool^^^^^ i heard it in a different version...where he actually took his wife to the doctor complaining of stomach-ache and the doctor kept on saying "dabadeedna"...the guy got angry and said..." xaad dabadeeda karabta calool xanuun aan kugu keene"
  4. Originally posted by Farxan: Waxaa in badan halhays ii ahayd in aan ninkii reer koonfureedka ahaa oo u haystay in caynka lagu qurxinayo hadalka, marwalba ka daba yiri WAA QOYN KAA.. I bet you have a nice one regarding dabadeedna
  5. One of the phrases I like and still lingers in the Somali lingo is ; 'kow-dheh' it is ironic no matter how much you tell it is still 'kow' never beyond...
  6. ^^ tell m e how sxb? am simply expressing my appreciation at a humour
  7. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Duke... what minister u talking about even our beloved president is refugee in Kenya
  8. What choice does he have, if some of his compatriots are barbarians enough to go and dig up 100 hundred year old graves. he has to show not all of us agree with those who did this act. It was very well calculated of the President and I say kudos to him for that
  9. Quote from Dayniile.com Dhinaca kale, dadka ku dhaqan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa siyaabo kala duwan uga hadlay wareysigii BBC-du la yeelatay madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf, waxaana qaar ka tirsan reer Muqdisho ay sheegeen in ay ictiqaadsan yihiin in madaxweynaha ay wadna-qabad ku noqotay mar kasta oo lagu soo qaado in uu tegayo Muqdisho & in kale, waxeyna dadkani sheegeen in Muqdisho & madaxweynuhu ay isku dhib qabaan, waxeyna dadkani sheegayaan in laga yaabo in imaatinka dowladda ee Muqdisho ay noqoto imtixaanka ugu weyn ee hal-xiraalaha ku ah madaxweynaha, halka dadka qaarkiina ay tilmaamayaan in madaxweynuhu wax waliba uu runta ka sheegay uuna u hadlay sida lagu yaqiinay qof mas’uul ah, lana xukminayo hadalkiisa wanaagsan ee aan la eegeyn waxa u qarsan, isla markaana go’aanka uu ka qaatay imaantinka Muqdisho ay tahay mid dhaxal-gal ah maadaama uu ku quustay kuwii horay u tegay, beel ahaana u xigay dadka Muqdisho waddadii ay mareen, uuna isagu doonayo in uu noqdo sida uu horay-ba u sheegay ninkii xasilin lahaa Soomaaliya, maadaama uu yahay ninkii billaabay xabadii cuntay Soomaaliya. “C/llaahi marka uu leeyahay maleeshiyada Xamar ciidan ka dhigan meyno, waxaa ka horeysa in aan anagu diyaar u nahay in aan ciidamo u noqono isaga, dadka Nairobi ku sugan ee la leeyahay Xamar bey imaanayaan waxaan u sheegeynaa in aysan Xamar joogiun cid ay metelaan, isla markaana aysan wax soo dhoweyn ah ka heleyn Muqdisho†ayuu yiri guddoomiyaha ururka dhalinyarada SNA-da Cakaaro. “Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys waa nin culimo ah oo u taagan sharafta diinta, tan dalka & tan dad-kaba, waxa uusan Sheekh Daahir dalkan ka noqonna C/llaahi ka noqon maayoâ€. I think Sheikh Dahir will be added to the cabinet..
  10. This is an article by a World rebuted Sciencetist warns the rest of the World not to become like Somalia...cajiib...we are now darn bad example..Ebbow na bixi An environmental collapse that would transform the world into a "global Somalia" could begin in 50 years if we fail to do anything about it, a world authority on the rise and fall of civilisations warned yesterday. Professor Jared Diamond, of the University of California, Los Angeles, said society was on the brink of irreversible decline unless 12 major environmental problems were tackled. Read on in here And we call our ourself as proud species..
  11. Originally posted by wind.talker: JUMATATU - Save us the I have a Dream speech. These so-called Islamic Courts have openly claimed responsibility and they don't even have a hint of guilt. Let me ask u the same question u asked Qurac In the name of Islam, they dig up old bones. Which Islam do these men adhere to? I'm simply trying to dis-associate the name of Islam from these barbarians.......is that to difficult for u to understand
  12. He is asking whether President Yusuf will accept Riyaale as vice-president or whether he will make him a junior government minister...
  13. ^^ You are much right mate..I mean where else would a 16 year old (zam-zam) be jailed, tortured, raped and brought and paraded in court of law for trying to kill a Vice-President....
  14. People you are so hastly jumping to conclussions. And you are so easily believing the hype that those who carried out this acts were militias under the direct orders of the Islamic Courts. Were they were they not no one knows, but one thing for sure is that we cannot say is that these outrageous and unjustified acts were carried out by forces loyal to Islami. In saying this am not hesitant to say that those junta courts in Mogadishu cannot be classified as Islamic. Hence by linking 'allegedly' the rich name of Islam with these bad taste you are just helping those who want to mar the name Islam as a whole.
  15. President Yusuf is reluctant to sit in his throne at the centre of Somalia, Mogadishu. He has embarked on a mission and lobbied among the parliamantarians to shift the centre of power from Mogadishu to anywhere else in Somalia, citing all sorts of obstacles under the sun. It is not a hidden secret for C/llahi's dislike of Mogadishu and its warlods and anyone who comes from there. But having skillfully manouvered to capturing the biggest seat in the reconciliation government he had to retreat from openly oppossing the idea, but the old wise man had other ways of doing it. Like for instances calling for foreign troops, he knew this will irk the most stubborn of them, but eventually the response from the International Community was not to his liking initially, though later he got a verbal promise from the AU. Now C/llahi knows among his allies in the SRRC are warlords from Mogadishu or its surrounding and helped him when this sit against a handful number of USC candidates, with that in mind he does not want to stir the pot and anger those supporters within the government ad parliament at this early stage. He himself is suprised at their 100% backing of him and remains suspicious. He knows and is experienced in this game, suspicious. What ever the case C/llahi will not go to Mogadishu with the sole promise of all the warlords in his government, and cannot stay away from it cause all International donor countries have set a condition, that he and his government should be functioning from the centre of Somalia before they can be dealt with and their demands of aid met. Hence the dilema is yet there and has come onto surface over the last few days with the Prime-minister being at the forefront of taking the government to Mogadishu and Colonel yeey not buying any of that rubbish call(well at least to him). Quote from a script of the Presidents interview with BBC Somali-service on the question of returning to Mogadishu and why the foreign troops...note how he stirs from making a direct reference to it .. BBC. Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf dad fara badan oo Soomaaliya ihi waxey is-weydiinayaan, halka dowladdu degeyso oo leysku raacay waa Muqdisho, dhibaatada xoogeeda wadanku halka ay ka jirtana waa Muqdisho, raggii hogaamiyeyaasha kooxaha ahaa ee maleeshiyada joogta loo tirin jiray in ay xukumaan dowladda ayey ka mid yihiin, marka maxaa loogu baahan yahay ciidan shisheeye in uu yimaado maadaama ogolaanshiyihii kooxaha la wada haysto. C/llaahi Yuusuf. Aad baad u mahadsan tahay waa su’aal muhiim ah oo aad u wanaagsan, horta meesha la tegeyo Soomaaliya waa Soomaaliya oo aniga haddii la yiraa geed qurac ah hoostii ha la tago aniga diyaar ayaan u ahay, meesha la tegayo in ay Muqdisho tahay & in ay meel kale tahayna runtii wax xikmad ah oo ku jira ma jiraan oo Soomaaliya waa Soomaaliya, tan raggii hogaamiyeyaasha ee kooxaha hubeysan waa runtaa oo baarlamaanka ayey ka mid yihiin oo ay xubno ka yihiin xukuumaddana xoog bey u galeen oo waxyar baa ka maqan, waana ku kalsoonahay in ay diyaar u yihiin in ay hubka iska dhigaan laakiin dee keligood ma ahan wax hubeysane shacabkoo dhan & ummaddoo dhan baa hubeysan waxaa hubeysan oo dhanna qaar badan oo in aysan fiicneyn laga yaabo baa ku jira, dowladduna markey tagto maleeshiyo qoysnimo ku dhisan ka dhigan meyso ciidan oo noqon meyso sidii wax reer hoos tagta, inta aan ciidan Qaran oo Soomaaliyeed ka dhisaneyno wax badan qaadan meyso bilo yar bey qaadaneysaa bey ila tahaye, in ciidan amni oo xarunta dowladda ilaaliya ayaa Afrika looga baahan yahay, waxaa kaloo loo baahan yahay ciidankaas la dhisayo ciddii na la dhisi laheyd oo tababaridiisa gacan nagu siin laheyd, waxaa kaloo loo baahan yahay dekadaha & garoomada dayuuradaha & ilaha dhaqaalaha ciidan gacanta ku sii qabta, waayo dad qabaa’ila oo isa soo laayey ciidan maleeshiyo ah oo qoys qoys u dhisan ma oran karno howshaa iyagu ha fuliyeen, dad Soomaali ah oo isku jira oo keliya ayaa ciidan noo noqonaya, dad aan isku jirin, Soomaali reer walba ka imaan, ciidan Qaran noqon, la tababarin, maskaxeedooda laga saarin wixii Soomaaliya soo martay ciidan ka dhigan meyno anaga And the other thing which does not commonly unite the President and his parliamentarians and members of the cabinet is the issue of foreign troops, and both camps dont want to resolve this issue now prefering to wait untill one makes to move. My fear is when that time comes we might not have a government to debate the issue. As the famous Somali phrase says 'Fanole fari kama qodna'.
  16. Originally posted by J B: Is A/Yusuf´s comming to Mogadishu That is the $64,000,000 question.
  17. If you go to : www.islamicfinder.org You can download the prayers' time plus the Athan to your computer...and all the cities of the World are in there. It is good and accurate and uploads itself as long the PC has an access to the net once a week. I hope it answers your needs....Inshallah
  18. Originally posted by Bari_Nomad: I'd give the old man one piece of advice...stay clear of Lascaanod; lest history repeat itself. Otherwise, I'd say he has a good chance seeing retirement. Madaxweynaha Soomaliya Ha Noolaado. Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Soomaliya Ha Noolaado. Gudoomiyaha Barlamaanka Soomaliya Ha Noolaado. Kuwi hore ha noladaan la oran jirey sxb halke ku dembeyeen war ma uu heysa? Qofki Illah (SWT) nooleynayo aya noolada ...ee 'ha nooladantan ha iska dhameyn'. And the other thing , the Lascanod incident wasnt it orchestrated by the subclan of Ina Yeey, so why should he fear, unless he is scared of vendeta by 'ilmo-boqor'... . Bari sxb history cannot be re-writen dont joke around with...
  19. Originally posted by Nationalist: Born in Medina hospital, bred in Xamarweyne, Waberi and then Hodan. Macbudko..! Wallahi i remember he once said he was from Kismayo, then Bari, then Nugal. And now Xamar..! Shib aniga wayabe ..malaha 5 matano ah aya magacaan isticmaleysa... As the famous member of Baro family says : "wareer badana" . Juma: born in Digfer raised in warta-dhiga(well almost).
  20. ^^ I knew this sort of dreams and hypothetical situations will emerge once C/llahi yusuf became a president. But then again it is just dreams nothing more or less. However it shows the mythical believes of Yeey's supporters. I'm waiting on the sideline for this ballon to burts. people are already dreaming of sitting under the shade of the mango tree...dont you think it is wee bit early for that .