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Everything posted by Jumatatu

  1. Now common guys dont be so hasty..... It has been deleted cause of ( I think) the supporting article of this thread. It so vile and so tribalistic and as such against the 'golden' rules of SOL.
  2. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: Indeed, my actual intention for this thread is to find out the girl I would trust on my future kids, and that is not bad... I am very determined to find that girl. I know Dhagaxtuur was a historic reality that existed, and if so, there is no doubt that the descendents of Dhagaxtuur are alive today, at least some of them. I hope u succed in your quest, but just the thought....I know a female decendant of 'Cigal-shidaad' family...could u probably consider that as a substitute. After all they were all in history though for contrast reasons.....
  3. Shir madaxeedkii Midowga Afrika oo lagu go’aamiyey in Soomaaliya loo diro ciidamo ka socda dalal-ka IGAD War-murtiyeed laga soo saaray geba-gebada shir madaxeedkii midowga Afrika ee lagu qabtay magaalada Abuuja ee dalka Neyjeeriya, ayaa lagu sheegay in dalalka ku bahoobay urur goboleedka IGAD ee kala ah Itoobiya, Jabuuti, Kenya, Suudaan & Soomaaliya in dalalkaasi ay ciidamo nabad ilaalineed u diraan Soomaaliya, ayna iyagu bixiyaan qalabka ku baxaya howlgalada ay ciidamadaasi ka sameynayaan gudaha dalalka Soomaaliya. Shir madaxeed-ka midowga Afrika oo uu ka qeybgalay xoghayaha guud ee Q/Midoobay Koffi Annan ayaa khudbooyinkii ay ka jeediyeen madaxweynayaasha qaar ka tirsan dalalka Afrika waxa ay ku soo qaadeen arrimaha Soomaaliya, iyadoo madaxweynaha Kenya Mwai Kibaki uu sheegay in horumar la taaban karo laga gaaray martigelintii ay dowladiisa u sameysay dhimsaha dowlad Soomaaliyeed oo ay ka qeybqaataan dhinacyadii isku hayey siyaasadda Soomaaliya, wuxuuna ka codsaday madaxweynayaasha Afrika in ay xoogga saaraan sidii taabagal uu u noqon lahaa mirihii ka dhashay dowladda lagu soo dhisay Kenya. Arrinta ku saabsan keenista ciidamada shisheeye ee dalka Soomaaliya ayaa doodo waaweyn ka dhalisay xukuumadda & baarlamaanka, waxaana ay horay u sheegeen siyaasiyiin & saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamadii xoogga dalka in haddii ciidamo la keenayo dalka Soomaaliya in ciidamadaasi aaney ka imaan dalalka deriska. Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan ,Dayniile Muqdisho I think this is a sign of a good omen. Sometime earlier I would have disregarded the idea as rubbish, but now I have my second thoughts. If those Mogadishu warlords who have a had a lioin share in the federal government cause of their control in Mogadishu cannot actually stabilise it then foreign troops should be the answer. The current assasinations of known people in Mogadishu show that this bunch of warlords in Nairobi dont control the capital city, hence their ministerial positions and parliamantarian status should be reviewed. And something should be done about this anarchist forces that are controlling Mogadishu...
  4. Originally posted by Suldaanka: After a few days of closure, our nomad "cheap propaganda" merchant is back in business. 'closure'? sxb wasnt it a period of protest or mourning. I cant make out but it was either of the two or may be a combination of the two... Duke : Its funny how no one attacked me when I posted the story regarding the murder of the Somali officer in Mogadishu, why was this? Why does it have to be either of the two sxb(mogadishu & S/land) and not anywhere else? :confused:
  5. Originally posted by Mohamed nuur: somali like you should be put to death. not because they said what you said but they should be put to death because they bring anything to but failure to the nation. Bisinka..! Am glad the admin made SOL a weapons free zone...damn just to think what this trigger happy dude would have caused...
  6. Originally posted by Action Jackson: Trying to tell the ladies you have $5K in your bank acct and willing to mary any Xalimo out of desperation are we?? Spot on....!
  7. ^^^I dont think his CV is under scrutiny in here so I ask you the question again.. If Culusow is as glamorous as you picture then may be he can justify where has all the finance disappeared they accumulated during Qasim's regime...and I hope he is not going to come up with same excuse as Abdiqasim, which was.."we had to pay back the loans incurred during Barre's regime"....
  8. C/raxmaan Warsame Cilmi (Maja-weyne) Allah uu naxaristo.
  9. Originally posted by wind.talker: these self-labeled Somali "patriots" and warlord supporter-turned-federalists are against this Ethio-Puntland trade pact. They simply can't stomach economic growth in "expellee" land. Still bitter are we then...?
  10. Originally posted by Qudhac: it looks like TNG2 to me unless something major changes. Like its disintegration perhaps..or maybe the exclussion of Ethiopias' influence...but then again that will lead to the former...back to square one
  11. Eleven people were hanging on a rope under a helicopter, ten men and one woman. The rope was not strong enough to carry them all, so they decided that one had to leave, because otherwise they were all going to fall. They weren't able to name that person, until the woman gave a very touching speech. She said that she would voluntarily let go of the rope, because, as a woman, she was used to giving up everything for her husband and kids, or for men in general, and was used to always making sacrifices with little in return. As soon as she finished her speech, all the men started clapping their hands.......
  12. ^^^ falari gilgilasho kaga ma harto, ma maqashey sxb...?
  13. Qilaafkii ugu sareeyey oo soo kala dhaxgalay Col Cabdulaahi yuusuf Axmed iyo Cali Maxamed Geeddi Qilaafkii ugu sareeyey ee soo kala dhaxgalay Madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Rii´´sal wasare Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa soo shaac baxay kadib markii ay la kala shireen laba guruub oo isaga soo horjeeda dhinaca siyaasada kuwaas oo kawada dhacay magalada Nairobi ayagoo midba midka kale ku diidan yahay fikir kiisa siyaasadeed. Qilaafkaan ayaa soo jiitamayey mudooyinkaan danbe ayadoo ay keentay in ay salaanta isala garab maraan labada masuul oo markii hore xabadka isi saari jirey siyaasad ahaana kawada mideysnaa markii hore, arintaan labada masuul ayaa laga yabaa in ay dib u dhigta guuridii dowlada KMG iyo taageeriddi beesha caalamka iyo niyad wanagii shacabka Soomaliyeed ay u hayeen dowlada . Isqabqabsiga labadaan Masuul ayaa laga yabaa in uu ku sii dhax fido labada gole ee dowlad ayadoo kulankii ugu danbeeyey ee wasiirada laga dareemay qilaafka labada Masuul tasoo keentay in lagu kala tago labadii kulan ee golaha wasiirada qilafkaas oo u dhaxeyey wasiirada qarkood iyo wasiirka koowaad Si kastaba ha ahaatee is qab qabsiga u dhaxeeya masuuliyiinta Soomaliyeed ayaa laga yabaa in uu keenno bur bur shirkii mudada labada sano iyo barka loo fadhiyey sidaasna gacanta uga gasho Soomalida hogaamiye kooxeed yadii aan naxariista u laheyn shacabkooda iyo Qaramada Midoowe halkasna ay ku noqoto Soomalida Kurdiga oo kale webmaster@dayniile.com And where were we?
  14. Originally posted by Duke_Valantino: for example it will bother to a lesser extent those who happen to dislike the head of state for clan reasons, individuals such as Jumatutu and JB.[/b Need I say that u admire him for exactly the opposite factor..
  15. My question was rather constitutional. I dont see giving port access to your 'mental- colonisers' as an achievement. Puntland will wait for no one. ..wait for wat sxb.? It has a lot of a catch up to do. Its patriotic to rob and burn down schools, hospitals, and any other nationally-owned public institution. Its patriotic to dig up Italian graves, to shut down the nation's air and seaports. These, my friend, are all acts of patriotism. Still bitter are we then?
  16. Originally posted by Wiilo: Mise ujeeda waxay leeyihiin inay kolkii ciidamo yimaadaan oo hubka laga dhigo dadka hubka heysta inay si xoog ah isku dayaan inay ku maamulaan dalka. If that is the case then waxaan sugnaa waa dagaal cusub iyo waliba dhib kii hore ka badan. That is the fear..and hub-dhigasta should be in all over Somalia not only Xamar.
  17. Baarlamaanka federaalka oo is-weydiinaya sharci-nimada heshiis maamul goboleedka Puntland ugu ogolaaday dowladda Itoobiya isticmaalka dekadaha Puntland Qaar ka tirsan xildhibaanada baarlamaanka FKMG ah ayaa maalmahan hadal-haya sharcinimada qaabka loo dhigay heshiis dowladda Itoobiya & maamul goboleedka Puntland dhex-maray, heshiiskaasoo dhigaya in dowladda Itoobiya ay wax ka degsan karto, kana raran karto dekadda magaalada Boosaaso, waxaana xubnaha baarlamaanka federaalku ay wax iska weydiinayaan sida uu heshiis-kaasi u waafaqsan yahay dastuuska, maadaama dastuurku uu qorayo in heshiiyada lala galayo dalal-ka kale ay tahay howl qabashadeeda ay u taalo dowladda federaalka . Hadal heynta arrintan oo aad ugu soo kordheysa gudaha baarlamaanka ayey qaar ka mid ah xildhibaanada baarlamaanku ku tilmaameen in ay tahay arrin lagu jebinayo dastuurka, maadaama gobolada Puntland oo uu madaxweynuhu ka soo jeeda ay ka mid yihiin Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya, in haddana maamul goboleedka ka jira uu heshiisyo ceynkaas ah oo aan sharciga waafaqsaneyn uu la galo dowladda Itoobiya. Dooda arrintan ayaa laga yaabaa in maalmaha soo socda mooshin ahaan loo horkeeno baarlamaanka ayna ka doodaan xildhibaanada baarlamaanka Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan ,Dayniile Muqdisho
  18. Originally posted by Peace Action: yet it is refreshing to see Somalis exchanging ideas peacefully. As long as we are talking It is cause we have no access to AK47...if we did The Duke would have been a mass murderer and Ngonge would have long been deceased.....
  19. First and foremost welcome to SOL...we actually needed a peacekeeper in here specially over the last couple of days. But I hope you brought the troops along and that your mission is not only assessment. Trust me it can get fierce in here. Anyhows sxb welcome and I pray that you dont turn from being peace-keeping to another faction in SOL.
  20. Originally posted by waayeel: Culusoow - he is "sulux" and manifesto poster boy and that could be a reason why the big heads in this Ethiopian packed regime are not favorable to this nomination. " sulux & manifesto" isn't that something of the past? If Culusow is as glamorous as you picture then may be he can justify where has all the finance disappeared they accumulated during Qasim's regime...and I hope he is not going to come up with same excuse as Abdiqasim, which was.."we had to pay back the loans incurred during Barre's regime".... Maybe Ghedi is into something - asserting his scholarly clout and challenging the warlords. We already have him opposing the idea of peace keeping force. Lool.. sawie I had to laugh. But let me see if you can answer this question. Did Pm Geedi willingly oppose the peace keeping troops or was he pressured by the Mogadishu Warlords in the cabinet?..
  21. Originally posted by HornAfrique: I think Nationalist called for his banning, but if the Admin decided to bann him then they should have included Jumatatu and Waayeel. I bet this was not your own innovation...how long will u be a mouth-piece Horn? I wonder...!
  22. Originally posted by Duke_Valantino: I am started to gEt disapointed at you bro, Is his mission to please you..I wonder.. :confused: On the same point am glad at the appoint ment of Culusow.....important and key post of DFKMG are in 'good' hands now
  23. Originally posted by Nationalist: confront me like a man. I would have but I doubt whether you are one....
  24. Originally posted by B_A_L_L_E_R_Z: u call urself Nationalist and u call Children who are in their own Mother_land the so called SOMALIA refugees, i pitty u walaahi and i also pitty the so called SOMALI_WEYN with such talks His nationalism is narrow as his mind it does not expand further than 'reer-qurac and reer-fulaan'...very shallow indeed.