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Everything posted by Jumatatu

  1. ^^Lool...sxb I dont actually think he is afraid of to be 'kharajiin', and I dont think there is a price on his head in Mogadishu either, on the contrary they love the guy in Xamar.. . Lakiin there is something else that is behind his intention and am afraid he is not alone in that.Abdullahi does not want to come to Mogadishu and take the seat of power there. Now whether he is right or wrong in his reason is argumentative, but what is beyond argument is that his actions will determine the tenure of his presidency..it will entirely depend on his tactical manoeuvre. Lets hope for the better and future of the Nation the old man comes to his house in Wardhigley.
  2. A conflict of deep and principally dividing is emerging to surface between the President, the Speaker of Parliament and PM's cabinet. It is not a big secret that the President is not keen on this government delegation going to Mogadishu. He did not approve nor was he aware of the first delegation led by Muse Sudi, and he is trying his best to block the second which is planned for this monday led by the SPeaker of the Parliament. The president's argument is that the government should not go there untill and unless the peace-keeping troops go in advance and secure government building and places of importance. While the some of the cabinet have the oppossing view and have the support of the Speaker and the PM. Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka & ra’isul wasaaraha ayaa go’aan dhex-dhexaad ah ka qaatay doodo ka dhashay soo jeedin ka timid madaxweynaha dowladda FKMG ah ee Soomaaliya oo diiday safar xilligan wefdi ka socda dowladda ay ku tagaan Muqdisho, wuxuuna madaxweynuhu socdaalka wefdiga Muqdisho ku sugan ku tilmaamay mid uusan waxba ka ogeyn, isagoo xusay in aysan waxba soo kordhineyn tegista Muqdisho loona baahan yahay in laga shaqeeyo sidii xukuumadda & baarlamaanku ay u ansixin lahaayeen dalabka ciidamadda shisheeye ee ka howlgalaya Soomaaliya si loo dedejiyo dib ugu noqoshada dowladda ee gudaha dalka, iyadoo tan & markii uu madaxweynuhu ku soo laabtay Nairobi, uuna soo gaabiyey safarkiisii uu ku tegay Neyjeeriya uu waday olole uu kaga dhaadhicinayo xubno ka tirsan xukuumadda & baarlamaanka in tegista Muqdisho ay ka muhiimsan tahay ansixinta xukuumadda & baarlamaanka ee keenista ciidamadda shisheeye, waxaana fikirka madaxweynaha ka soo horjeestay guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka & ra’isul wasaaraha oo soo jeediyey in marka hore la soo ogaado fikirka waxgarad-ka ku dhaqan Muqdisho, kadibna wixii talaabo ah lagu dhaqaaqo, waxeyna ku adkeysanayaan wefdigu haddii ciidamo loo baahdo & haddii aan loo baahneyn-ba in ay iyagu soo sheegayaan marka ay ka soo laabtaan Muqdisho........Kulan lagu dhammeynayey arrintan oo xalay ay yeesheen madaxweynaha & guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka ayaa keentay in hadalo kulul ay isku-weydsaarsadaan madaxweynaha & guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka, waxeyna wararku sheegayaan in guddoomiyaha baarlamaanku uu yiri waxaan tegeynaa dalka, iyadoo madaxweynuhuna uu olole ugu jiro sidii safarka wefdigaasi loo baajin lahaa, iyadoo arrinta safarka, tan keenista ciidamadda shisheeye & arrinta farriinka dowladda ay dood adagi ka taagan tahay. Source: dayiniile.com
  3. Golaha wasiirada DFKM oo isku raacay in la keena ciidama shisheye: Shir albaabada u xiranaa golaha wasiirada oo socday muda badan ayaa maanta lagu ogoladay in la keena ciidamada Shisheye wadanka Soomaliya , waxaana cod aqlabiyad ah ku ogoladayin la keena ciidama shisheye 60 wasiir halka ay diideen 9 wasiir waxaana shirka isaga baxay wasiirka Howlaha Guud Cismaan Xasan Cali Caata oo aad ugu carooday arinta ah in ciidama la keena Soomaliya Source: dayniile.com
  4. Originally posted by CAAMIR: Looking the pictures, I thought these were real African troops before i read the little description at the bottom . Hey blond boy..! They are real African troops..unless you are suggesting Somalia is in the middle of Belgravia....
  5. ^^Indeed..! and what was the job that needs to be done again..Mr.insider?
  6. Muse is counting on these guys...that is why he does not need foreign troops ..I think...
  7. Originally posted by Duke_Valantino: I just got inside information.... ...the warlords dont really have the ability to bring order to Xamar. Ok Mr.Insider...why dont they all be sacked then since they have no influence and cant do anything about the situation in the ground. Am sure their post could be filled by others who are reliable and can do something...
  8. Originally posted by J B: What is Muuse telling A/Yuusuf? come home n TRY on these famouse shoes?
  9. ^^^ In other words Muse's rejection does not count...is that what you are implying mate?
  10. ^^^ We are expereincing first hand the side-effects of making the Al-xaaj a minister...buckle up people there is more to come..the 'minister' does not shy away from making straight blatant responses..
  11. Originally posted by Baashi: Awoowe xaal rag baa meesha ka socda Benta mahiin sxb..howlaha mesha ka socda kuwa aan wax ka aqaan mahiin..wayo wa rag dumar kala gadanaya..tasna cilmigeda ima bilowna.
  12. Originally posted by Baashi: Alle-u-Baahane, Awoowe xisaabta aad cimaamada iigu laabtay waad ku mahadsantahay. Inkastoo aanu rag badan nahay misana shaaha innoogu fillan intan ^^dey in uu wax ku badsadu raba...
  13. ^^^saxiibo fududida....shabaq aa lagu dhigtey, dalaq aad iska so tiri..xita hodi hodi ma dhihiin. Sidi nimanki 'jnanalayasha' la oran jirey aa lacagta iyo is bandheyska kaso horeysa. Bal hubi horta, waa intaaso Bashi ku wada mid dhalma deysey oo mushari mahiine aan wax kale cunin ilko la'an daradiis.
  14. ^^ 'La jifiyana banan' miyaa waxada ... :confused:
  15. Originally posted by Ameenah: Brainless creators, these men! They should come with a warning label They actually do come with one..but woman being a woman go for the warning label..nothing but warning label... Juba : but just to get under our skin! and tell me who wouldnt want that..?
  16. Originally posted by *Chauvinist*: Let me go eat my delicious baris made by the woman. i will be back for u who else could make it so delicious..?
  17. ^..gosh..for once I thought I was in an orientation camp for revolutionary youth...phew..!
  18. My gender mates could not work out that by clapping they would have to let go of the rope...damn...may be we have an advantage in many other aspects..but wits..I hand it over to ..'xalimos'.
  19. Bottom line..Ali Samatar was part and parcel of, if not leader, a government that sent its troops to go and massacre innocent civilians it was meant to protect. This was a crime against humanity and the one of the catalyst to civil war that the country, Somalia, is so embroiled in now. And those who carried out this should face trial at any given oppurtunity, and as a result if it is succesful so shall follow the warlords who have committed subsequent atrocities.
  20. "sama diido dembi ba ku dhigan lagugu dili doono"
  21. Originally posted by Ambassador: somalinet is also owned by a puntlander if you check at checkdomain.com ^^^Looooool...sxb are you implying that SOL is owned by a Puntlander.....