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Dowladda Ererterea oo sheegtay in ay sii kordheyso dhibaatada ka jirta Somaliya hadii la geeyo ciidamo ka socda IGAD. Asmara( Sh.M.Network ) xukuumadda ereterea ayaa waxa ay sheegtay in la tashi uu socdo oo la xiriira ciidamo IGAD oo loo diro dalka Soomaaliya oo ay ka jirto Fowdo. Dowladda Ererterea aya la sheegay in ay taageersan tahay mashruuca hubka dhigista Soomaaliya balse aaney ula muuqan in dalal ka mid ah IGAD ay tagaan Soomaaliya oo sii holcin kara colaada halkaasi ka jirta. Andayaab Jabar Maski oo ah isku duwaha arimaha Afrika iyo Asia ee wasaarada arimaha dibadda Ereterea ayaa shegay in ay aad u jecleysan lahaayeen in walaalahooda Soomaaliya ay hubka iska dhigaan, waxaana uu sheegay in uu rajo ka qabo in dowladda Ereterea ay dib uga laabato mowqifkeedii hore ee ay kaga hartay ciidamada IGAD ee Soomaaliya tagaya dhawaan. Andayaab Jabar Maski waxaa uu sheegay inuu socdo la tashiyo la xiriira sidii loo cadeyn lahaa ujeedada Ererterea ay u tagikarto Soomaaliya hadiiba ay dhacdo in xukuumadda Erertyerea ay isku afgartaan arintaasi, waxaa uu xusay sidoo kale in madaxweynaha Ereterea Isayas Efawerki uu aad u jecel yahay dadka Soomaalida ah balse uu shaki ka muujiyay ciidamada tirada badan ee ka socda IGAD ay tagaan Soomaaliya ay dhici karto in ay hurin karaan colaado hor leh. dowladda Ererterea ayaa sheegtay in ay aamin santahay in hadii Soomaaliya loo diro kuwo ka badalan kuwo ka imaanaya dalalka dariska la ah Soomaaliya ay suurto gali karto in maleeshiyooyink hubeysan ay hubka dhigaan. wasaaradda arimaha dibadda Ereterea oo war ka soo saari doonta kaalinta kaga aadan arimaha Soomaaliya ayaa la shaacin doonaa dabayaaqada todobaadkan sida ay shaaciyeen mas'uuliyiinta wasaaradaasi oo ka gaabsaday in ay faah faahin ka bixiyaan war hore oo ay xukuumadda Ererterea shaacisay in ay dib uga laabteen iyo in kale. warka ayaa waxaa uu intaasi ku darayaa in xukuumadda Erererea ay ka walaacsan tahay xaaladda amaan ee ka sii dartay magaalada muqdisho iyo goobo kale oo dalka Soomaaliya ka tirsan. Shabelle Media Network, Eretrea
Guddigii xaqiiqa raadinta ahaa oo galabta casir gaabad-kii Muqdisho soo gaaray(Muuqaalka wefdiga markii ay soo degayeen) Guddigii xaqiiqa raadinta ahaa ee kala socday African Union (EU), Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), League of Arab States (LAS) & Transitional Federal Government (TFG) ayaa galabta casir gaabadkii ka soo degay garoonka dayniile, halkaasoo ay ku soo dhoweeyeen mas’uuliyiin ka kala tirsan dowladda federaalka & maamulka gobolka Banaadir. Guddigan oo isugu jira saraakiil & khabiiro dhinaca milateriga ah ayaa tiradoodu aheyd 7 xubnood, halka ay ku jireen 5 xubnood oo Soomaali ah oo ku jiray Jen. Cusmaan Sheekh Badmaceeye, waxaamna la filayaa in ay kulamo kala duwan la yeesheen waxgarad kala duwan oo reer Muqdisho ah, iyagoo kulamo gaar ahna la yeelanaya saraakiisha ciidamadda xoogga dalka oo ay ku booqan doonaan farriisimadooda iyaga oo markaasina ciidamadda ka dhageysan doona aragtidooda qorshaha ciidamadda nabad-ilaalinta ee ka socda dalalk IGAD, waxeyna Muqdisho joogayaan 10 cisho. Wefdigan oo lagu soo dejiyey hotelka Saxafi International ee KM 4 ayaa la filayaa in kulamada ay la yeelanayaan waxgaradka Muqdisho ay berri sii guda galaan
161 Xildhibaan oo isku diiwan galiyey in cod diidmada qayaxan u isticmaali doonaan hadii Barlamaanka la horkeena in ciidam Itoobiyaan ah dalka Soomaliya loo fasaxo Sida ay shegayaan warka hoose ee laga helaaya xubnaha Barlamaanka FKMG in ay jiraan xildhibaano kor u dhafaya 161 in ay isticmaali doonaan codka diidmada qayaxan ama fitoowga hadii leysku daya in leysku hoos galiya in wadanka loo gacan galiya codwaga soo jireenka ahaa ee Itoobiya . Arimaha lagu diidan yahay in loo fasaxa Soomaliya dowlada Itoobiya ayaa si xowli ah uga socota saliga dowlada fadhiidka ku ah magaalada Nairobi kuwasoo inta badan ay diidan yihin xildhibaanada xiligaan in lageeya dalka Soomaliya ciidamo Tigiree ah si ay uga fushadaan danahooda siyaasadeed ama istarajiidyo , qabsashada dowlada Itoobiya wadanka Soomaliya ayaa ogol oo kaliya xubnaha wasiirada ah horeyna uga tirsanaan jire golahii SRRCda kuwaaso muda dhan shan sano lagu quudin jrey hoteelada waa weyn ee ku yaalo magaalada Adis ababa. Dhanka kale xildhibaanada ka soo jeeda dhamaan beelaha ****** marka laga reeba Geedi , Xuseen Ceydiid , Gacmadheere ayaa isku racaay in dhamaan la qaadaco qodob alaale iyo qodobkii ka hadlaaya in ciidama Itoobiyaan ah dalka la keeno ama caasimada Muqdisho la badalo ayagoona isku racay in ay shirka isaga baxaan dibna isku hubeeyaan kana horyimadaan shaqsi ale shaqsigii daba dhilif u noqda cadawga soo jireenka ah ee Tigire wadankana si wada jir ah loo difaaco waa sidey hadalka u dhigeyn. Diidmada Xildhibaanada ****** oo u badan Hogaamiyasha hubeysan ayaan la dhaliilsan karin ayagoona xiligaan heysta taageero badan oo shacabka Soomaliyeed ah Baryahaan waxaa ka jirey diidmo aad xoogan oo lagu diidan yahay dowlada Itoobiya ciidankeeda soo galaan gudaha dalka Soomaliya gobalada dalka oo dhan sida Banadir, Bari, Baladweyne. Jubada Hoose , Shabeelada Hoose , Bay iyo Bakool, Galgaduud. Gaalgacya.
Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: We must be patient and act passive to observe the moron mentality in action. Otherwise will end up on a systematic terminations from our artificial membership. This constitutes a felony..!
Originally posted by Duke_Valantino: Juma, its always easy to laugh now but you will cry later. So you want me to cry later....? Is that why you are calling for the Ethiopian troops..?
Saxardiid Everyone knows we don't have a national army. What we have at the moment is tribal based groups which are not capable to trust each other let alone help somalia to stand her feet again. But hold on for few more months (6 to 9 months don't qoute me on this sxb ) we may insha Allah see the first somali national army we can all be proud of. very sensible...!
Duke 1. Somalia has an internationally recognised government, comprised of all the clans and representing the spectrum of Somali society. 2. The government request for assistance and military aid has been accepted. The EU, is providing the funding. The AU and Arab League are providing the muscle and ammunition. 3. The government has massive support within the country and will no doubt have willing numbers of individuals joining the new Army and security forces. 4. It has the support of the down trodden the poor, those from the supposed minority clans who’s lad has been occupied. ^^^Loooooool....!
Originally posted by DinkiWinki: Im not surprised. She's going to burn in hell for all eternity. Who said, Muhammed said so. :rolleyes: Are you the one who dictates the person who goes to hell or not. It is disoriented people like you who mis-represent the Muslim religion and the mar the Honourable name of our Prophet Mohamed SCW.
Originally posted by Saxardiid: Bro this time is different. The peacekeepers aren't those who will conduct the real fighting, if it ever needed, but would be somali national army. The role of the peacekeepers will be to secure the federal buildings and training of the police, military, and so forth. The stakes are too high this time and failure is not an option. This time we have a battle harderned president who fully understands the real issues that our country is facing. Now or never. Sheekoy ku nacey..! Which Somali national force are you talking about..? And while you are at let me ask you this as well, Somali national army fighting a armed Somali militias, doesnt that constitute a civil war..? Furthermore to say your hypothetical situation is true and that it will be a conducted by a 'Somali national Army' why do they need foreign troops then? Are they not capable, mise waa kuwa horey wax uu qadi waayay , wana lo dad badsana hada..? Lool Somali National army kulaha. Kuwa oo Xaaji C/llahi uu qalab aruursanayo iyaga mahiin?
Col naago ka kacay iyo cadho nirig ka kacday midna ba sahal kuma qaboobo.
^^ I can see someone is simmering down, am not suprised mate....it was same case your 'uncle' over the last two days.
Originally posted by Duke_Valantino: So bare with the government the game has just begun. Lets see who turns out to be 'Abdi Bile'...!
Originally posted by dawoco: [QB she has washed her hands off you much like a butcher washes his hands after a pig slaughter (not that I am suggesting that you are a pig, but a metaphor is a metaphor, just like shish kebabs [/QB] Bisinka...! has it reached this stage.? just for playing Nintendo..
If u have the right to offend, and I also have the right not to be offended. My adeero Ngonge aka 'Prince Harry' came to a funeral,in which many were mourning close ones, playing the bongo and his Nintendo. But seriously common guys the question was What were you doing 1991 there were no conditions attached to it. And my adeero 'Prince Harry' exactly said what he was doing, and he actually still plays the nintendo. Damn am lucky I did not narrate what I was doing, if Nintendo can create such fuss imagine what mine would have done ..
Originally posted by Ambassador: we rather have kenyans but they refused, other africans, but according to profesor yalaxoow they are all infected with Aids (he diagnosed this himself after a mass medical checkup programme)
Originally posted by Duke_Valantino: How much did they pay for that particular show? According to Jini Boqor Xildhibaan Jinni:"C/llaahi Yuusuf wuxuu ka shaqeynayaan sidii uu Baarlamaanka ugu qeybin lahaa min 100 doolar, si cod hal dheeri ah ay ugu ansixiyaan ajandaha Ciidamada dalalka IGAD in soomaaliya loo fasaxo.." the President intends to pay $100 to MO's inorder to swing the vote on his side. So you think everyone who expresses his desire is getting paid, typical mentality.
Reer B/weyne oo iska diiday in ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo la keeno Soomaaliya Hiiraan( Sh.M.Network ) dadweynaha magaalada B/weyne ayaa ka soo horjeestay in ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah ay yimaadaan dalka Soomaaliya taasoo ay ku tilmaameen in ay tahay mid u keeni karta Soomaaliya dhibaato.bulshada ku dhaqan gobolka Hiiraan gaar ahaan magaalada B/weyne ayaa sheegay in ay raali ka yihiin in dalka la keeno ciidamo shisheeye balse waxa ay si gaar ah u diideen dowladda Itobiya ciidamo ay leedahay in lagu soo daro ciidamada imaanaya dalka taasoo ay sabab uga dhigeen in dowladda Itoobiya ay hore hub isugu dhiibtay kooxaha Soomaalida isla markaana ay raali ka aheyn in dowlad Soomaaliyeed oo cagaheeda ku istaagta. dadweynaha ku dhaqan magaalada B/weyne waxa ay sheegeen in dagaalo uu soo dhexmaray Itoobiye iyo Soomaaliya halkaasi oo dad badani ay ku nafwaayeen halka kuwo kale ay ku naafoobeen. dadweynaha B/weyne waxa ay soo dhaweeyeen in ciidamo shisheeye la keeno dalka balse waxa ay ka digeen in maamulka Soomaaliya faraha loo galiyo dowladda Itoobiya taasoo ay ku sheegeen in dhibaato kale oo hor leh ay ka dhalankarto hadii ay yimaadaan ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah dalka Soomaaliay Axmed Nuur Cali Shabelle Media Network, B/weyne
Dadweyne gaaraya kumanaan oo ka soo horjeeda in dalka la keeno ciidamo shisheeye oo isugu soo baxay Tarabuunka(Firimbi “C/llaahi Yuusuf hadda ka hor waxaan ku soo dhoweynay guriga nabadeynta isagoo aan hub & ciidan wadan) Daawo sawirada mudaharaadka Banaanbax ay soo agaasimeen dalladda culumaa’udiinka Soomaaliyeed & Midowga Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah ayey maanta salaadda Jimcaha ka dib isugu soo uruureen fagaaraha Tarabuunka ee degmada Hodon shacbi weyne tiradoodu ay gaareyso kumanaan, iyadoo dadkaasi ay ku qeylinayeen hal ku dhigyo liddi ku ah in ciidamo shisheeye dalka la keeno Dadka ka soo qeybgalay banaanbaxan oo soo buux dhaafiyey fagaaraha Tarbuunka ayaa waxaa la hadlay mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dalladda culumada, guddoomiyaha midowga maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah, guddoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir & xubno kale oo si weyn u sheegay in ay kaga soo horjeedaan in ciidamo ajnebi ah dalka la keeno, waxeyna mas’uuliyiintaasi kala duwan ay si gaar ah uga soo horjeestaan ciidamada dowladda Itoobiya in ay dalka yimaadaan. Nimankii walaalaheen ahaa ee hogaamiye kooxeedyada ahaa maanta iyaga ayaa dowlad noo ah, dowlad ayey yihiin markaan maadaama ay ku jiraan golaha wasiiradda, wadankii nimanka laga rabo in ay dejiyaan waa iyaga, in la yiraahdo awood Itoobiya wadanka ha la keeno si ay dejiso waxaan u maleynayaa in aysan munaasib noo aheyn, raggan hogaamiye kooxeedyada ee magaaladan 4-teeda gees hubka dhigay ha la keeno oo magaaladan nabadgelyadeeda ha xasiliyeen, dowladdu haddey tahay dowlad Soomaaliyeed ha timaado dalkeeda waana soo dhoweyneynaa, haddiise ay tahay dowlad ku gambaneysa ajnebi dee ciidan ajnebi in uu dalka yimaado insha ALLAAH dhici meyso horay ayaana u sheegnay haddii aan nahay dallada culumaa’udiinka Soomaaliyeed, mana yeeleyno in uu ajnebi dalkeena nagu xukumo†ayuu yiri Xaaji Cali Yuusuf oo ka mid ah dallada culumada Soomaaliyeed, wuxuuna sheegay in kooxaha hubka haysta in ay ka shaqeeyaan nabadda gobolka & guud ahaan Soomaaliya. Ciidamaddii hore ee milateriga & booliska ayaa ku filan nabadeynta dalka & hub ka dhigista maleeshiyooyinka, waana wax been ah oo aysan waxba ka jirin in dowladihii hore ee ay madaxda ka ahaayeen Cali mahdi & C/qaasim ay u fashilmeen sababo la xiriira ciidamo shisheeye oo aysan helin, ciidamaddii xoogga dalka looma yeeran haddii loo yeeran lahaa wax badan bey qaban lahaayeen waana ay ka adag yihiin howlahaasi nabadeynta dalka, waana in hadda la tijaabiyaa ciidamaddii xoogga dalka lagana kaaftoomaa dalabka ciidamadda shisheeye, mana aha in lagu degdego ciidamo shisheeye kumana sii jiraan kuwa safka hore (Front line states)†ayuu yiri Prof. C/kariin Cali Diiriye oo ka mid ah Jaaliyadaha dibedda, isagoo ugu baaqay Jaaliyadaha Soomaaliyeed ee dibedda in ay banaanbaxayo ka sameeyeen dalalka ay joogaan. Waxaan go’aansanay in hubka laga bixiyo magaaladda, 5-ta hogaamiye kooxeed ee magaaladan joogana waxaan ka codsanayaa in ay go’aankaas nala qaataan, ayna muujiyaan wadaniyad & waxa uu shacabku doonayo oo ah nabad & kala dambeyn, raga soo horkacaya Amxaarada ee leh Amxaaroy na maamul waxaan leeyahay caqligiinu ha shaqeeyo, waxaan u sheegeynaa beesha caalamka, Q/Midoobay, Jaamacadda Carabta, EU, & dalalka Islaamka in aanan lagu fiirsan Amxaaro, Amxaaro haddii ay dalka timaado dhiig badan baa qubanaya, iyaga waxaa laga sheegay wixii naga horyimaada waan jiireynaa, anagana waaba ka hortegynaa, Melle-Zenawi waxaan leenahay meeshaad ka timid baan kuugu imaaneynaa, kama fiicnid ciidamadii ka kala socday 35-tii kun ee UNOSOM kafa fiicnid, golaha xukuumadda waxaan leenahay ka laabta go’aankii aad ugu fasaxdeen ciidamo shisheeye dalka in ay yimaadaan haddii kale nama meteshaan dalkana ma iman kartaan, waayo waxaad nagu soo hogaamineysaa cadowgii soo jireenka ahaa ee ay mudadu colaada inoo dhexeysay, C/llaahi Yuusuf dalkuu u dhashay waana muwaadin cid dalka u diidi karta oo ka xigtana ma lahan, hadda ka horna waxaan ku soo dhoweynay guriga nabadeynta isagoo aan hub & ciidan midna wadan, maantana madaxweyne ILLAAHEY baan nooga dhigay, waan ku xambaaraneynaa, waan ku soo dhoweyneynaa laakiin ciidamadda aad dabada ka wado C/llaahi jooji, qabiil & wax kale cid kugu raacdeysaneysa ma lahan adigaana madax noo ah, shacabkuna waa ku doonayaan laakiin dadkii ku doortay howtul-hamag ha ku hogaamin, waxaan u sheegayaa golaha baarlamaanka in “Suurtagal ma tahay in la yiraa Yuhuud waxey maamuleysaa Sacuudiga†sidaas ayey ka dhigan tahay in Amxaaro dalkan maamusho, mana yeeleyno mana ogolin, wuxuuna shacabku ka mideysan yahay in aysan dalkan Amxaaro maamulin†ayuu yiri C/llaahi Xasan Ganey (Firimbi) oo ah guddoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir. Abwaan Abshir Nuur Faarax (Bacadle) oo ka mid ahaa abwaanadii halkaasi shiribyada & gabayada ku soo bandhigay ayaa mid ka mid ah shiribyadii uu halkaasi ku soo bandhigay waxaa erayadiisa ka mid ahaa: ]“Amxaaro isma aaminee, odaygu aarsiyuu wataa, IGAD-na waa la ogyihiin†[/quote Firmbi
YAA YIRI MUQDISHO WAA NABAD!: Who said Mogadishu is peaceful?
Jumatatu replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Duke_Valantino: It’s where the warlords and scrap merchants rule with an iron fist. No doubt that businessmen like Abdirashid Ilqayte, Half, Daylaf, Bashir Rage and others live in splendour . Their hotels and houses are wonderful, and their kids go to private schools. Somalida waxay ku mah-mahda "cirtada dhame aya caydada yaqaan" -
YAA YIRI MUQDISHO WAA NABAD!: Who said Mogadishu is peaceful?
Jumatatu replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Duke_Valantino: There are grave robbers and money laundererd and drug dealers and outright killers. The streets are dusty and divided with millitias and so-called Islamic courts running parts of the beloved capital. Come on stop the nonsence Xamar needs to be brought back to the civilised world. You sound like as if you care, though we know your wailing is for your uncle to realise his dreams. Hence please spare us this patriotic cry of yours. -
Nairobi, Kenya, 02/11 - The African Union (AU) needs to avoid sending peacekeeping troops from neighbouring states with a history of involvement in Somalia, the US-based International Crisis Group (ICG) has warned the continental body. "Having Somalia`s neighbours lead and constitute such a force, especially Ethiopia, would be unnecessarily inflammatory and could jeopardise the entire peace process," the ICG said in a statement issued in Nairobi Thursday. The AU Peace and Security Council has approved the deployment of troops, mainly drawn from the regional Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) to join the Somalia peacekeeping mission. "By forcing the issue at this critical stage, IGAD`s members risk crossing the `Mogadishu Line` where peacekeepers become party to a conflict - as they did during the U.S.-led intervention of the early 1990s," said Matt Bryden, ICG`s Director of the Horn of Africa Project based in Nairobi. Kenya has stated that it would not send its troops, Although it was willing to send peace monitors to Mogadishu. Authorities in Nairobi argued that sending troops could jeopardise its role as a peace broker in case the soldiers are involved in unbecoming acts. Last month, the AU accepted in principle the deployment of African troops to Somalia. It then charged IGAD nations with the responsibility of sending initial troops, pending the arrival of the AU troops. At an emergency meeting in Addis Ababa last week, the AU Peace and Security Council, gave IGAD the green light to send 7,500 troops. This was in response to a request from Somalia`s interim President to help him return his administration to the war-torn country and disarm its warring factions. However, the Nairobi-based Somali interim government is reportedly deeply divided over the issue, while the country`s parliament, also still located in the Kenyan capital, has not yet approved any foreign military deployment. On the other hand, several Somali leaders and armed groups have threatened to oppose such an intervention by force. A minister in the current cabinet, who is a former warlord has reportedly urged Somalis to attack foreign peacekeepers who will be sent to support the government when it returns home later this month. The government was formed in exile after last year`s peace accord, which was signed amid a resurgence of violence in Mogadishu. Osman Ali Atto, the housing minister, particularly urged Somalis to attack troops from Ethiopia, historically a foe of Somalia. This indicated fresh signs of division within the new government headed by President Abdullahi Yusuf, who was elected at the end of peace talks in Kenya. The ICG advised the AU that troops from Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya should not be part of the proposed peacekeeping force in neighbouring Somalia. "All seek to project their own strategic interests in Somalia and have backed rival factions during the conflict. Instead, the AU and Arab League should jointly take responsibility for mustering international backing for a broad-based peace support operation in Somalia," the ICG said. Donor governments need encourage such an initiative, said the ICG, which offered to cover the cost of the Somali government`s relocation to Mogadishu. Bryden clarified that the ICG "will not meet the costs of an IGAD deployment." ICG also warned that foreign troops should only set foot in Somalia if the transitional Parliament endorses the plan. Somalis usually resist outside interference. The last peace mission in Mogadishu ended in a bloody and humiliating withdrawal by US and United Nations troops in the mid 1990. According to foreign affairs analysts in Nairobi, Somalis hate what they see as attempts by Ethiopia to dominate the Horn of Africa and install a client regime in Mogadishu. On the other hand, Ethiopia is wary to keep off Islamist influence over the region. Although Yusuf wants a combined AU-Arab League (AL) force of 7,500 troops to help his exiled government`s return, ministers from Mogadishu, including Atto, have privately argued this role could be performed by local militias, who alegedly have the required military muscle. But certain diplomats in the Kenyan capital said these remarks only reflected the mistrust of Yusuf`s intentions rather than confidence in the competence of the militia groups. Several Somali cabinet ministers and dozens of MPs are currently visiting Mogadishu to assess the security situation ahead of the government`s planned return. Somalia has not had a central government for almost 14 years since an array of clan-based fighting groups ousted President Siad Barre in 1991. Since then, warlords and their militias loyal to specific clans and sub-clans have been battling each other and civilians for control over certain areas of the country.
YAA YIRI MUQDISHO WAA NABAD!: Who said Mogadishu is peaceful?
Jumatatu replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
^^Cheap very cheap propaganda...but what else can we expect from u...! -
Originally posted by HornAfrique: Jumatatu does not want the government to succeed solely because of the qabiil orientation of the man heading it and will more then welcome a chance to go back to 1991 standings. Ugaas you are wrong in your assumption as the government working is concerned. As for being against the 'qabiil orientation' by the man leading you are right. I sincerely want the government to work, to work in the sense that it is a reconciliation government and a product of all that are within it. To work in a way which it will solve the differences not ignite it. Personally I have no faith and trust in Yeey, but this is over-riden with the assumption to believe that he will not be dictating pace of this reconciliation government. And that the government will be free from the (direct) influence of Ethiopia. And it is with this reasons I believe are the obstacles and my tantamount opposition against the government in its current form. I will not in under any circumstances oppose a Somali government under the leadership of Yeey that adheres to its principle of reconciliation rather than creating an atmosphere of animosity and rivalary. And if you say that Yeey and his backers were not or are not doing that in the current climate then proof me wrong ,Ugaas.