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Everything posted by Jumatatu
Originally posted by SOO MAAL: You putting too much faith on Guulwade Riyaale, don't you know that he was senior Siad Barre's spy. I am sure he does not have the same devotion or obsession for Somaliland like you. Sxb I think it is you who is reading to much into Ngonge's obsession. which I doubt if he has one. The guy would not know Somaliland if it hit him in the forehead let alone aspiring for its existance. It is well documented when Ngonge was asked to pinpoint Somaliland in the World Atlas, he confidently pointed at New Zealand and hugging the Atlas showing his affection for his motherland.... Back to the topic under discussion. I think we all agree that the 'patron' of 'our' TFG is Ethiopia. Thus anything Geedi says or does, or for this matter his boss President Yeey, is conditionally pre-commissioned, pre-approved and censored by the patron. Need I state the wishes of the patron for Somalia? Having said that I still strongly believe my doubts whether Yeey would have endorsed the remarks made by Geedi on BBC. He let that slip in order to attain his short-term needs, in which he can achieve it with the help of the 'patron'. It is politics after all, innit?
All but one released....it is emerging that they are not the prime suspects...phew...!
Three released over Pc shot dead Three people arrested in connection with the fatal shooting of Pc Sharon Beshenivsky in Bradford have been released. The 38-year-old was shot dead and her colleague Pc Teresa Milburn, 37, injured during an armed raid at a travel agency on Friday. Five men and a woman were arrested in London on Saturday. On Tuesday two 22-year-old men were released on police bail. The woman, 18, has been released without charge. Three other men, aged 18, 24 and 31, are still being held in police custody. Police have until 1100GMT on Wednesday to issue charges or release two of the remaining suspects. The third man, who was arrested at a later date, is still being questioned by police........ bbc.co.uk
^^Haruun sxb please take this thread to the God forsaken political section, before people notice you are a 'xabadi-kento'..
Gang of Somalis quizzed over shooting It is understood they all have links to south-east London and have been living in Britain for some time. The group – four men and one woman – was held during raids on Saturday in London. Bradford's pioneering Automatic Number Plate Recognition system played an important role leading up to the arrests. It was through the system, which is now operating nationwide, that the police traced a large silver car used as the get-away vehicle. The system was launched in Bradford last May, and involves a series of fixed cameras placed at locations around the city. They record every number plate which passes them. The technology enables officers to check vehicle details against police databases and to track any car identified to them within seconds. At the launch of the system Chief Supt Geoff Dodd, of Bradford south police, said: "I believe that this is the best investigative tool we have had since the introduction of DNA analysis, which broke new ground for the police service." The four men and a woman were snatched in three separate operations. They are being interviewed at separate police stations across West Yorkshire. Another man, who was also arrested in the raids in London, remained in the capital last night. The arrests were made by the Metropolitan Police's specialist crime directorate. kate.o'hara@ypn.co.uk Source: Yorkshire, Nov. 21, 2005
^ I dont know what you are yapping about but it is not shocked it is sad. Furthermore the reasons that there are morons killing & maiming people back home does not necessarily qualify us to be cold blodded murderers as you put it. However scornful situation back in the blackhole we emigrated from is it will always be sad to see Somali individuals making headlines for the wrong reasons in any of the countries that gave us refuge and chance to rebuild our lives when we were desperate. To say it should have never happened or will never happen it is over estimation, but it will always be "sad".
First it was terrorism now this, the murder of a unarmed policewoman. It is sad we are making headlines in UK for all the wrong reasons.
Pc Beshenivsky had three children and two step-children The father of murdered policewoman Sharon Beshenivsky has visited the spot in Bradford where his daughter was gunned down by armed robbers. The 38-year-old was shot dead and her colleague Pc Teresa Milburn, 37, injured during the raid at a travel agency in Morley Street on Friday. Her tearful father, Billy Jagger, laid flowers among a growing swathe of floral tributes to the shot officer. Six people are still being questioned in West Yorkshire over the shootings. The five men - all Somalians - and a woman, whose nationality is not known, were arrested in London over the weekend and brought to police stations in West Yorkshire . Police had until late Monday morning to question five of those arrested before applying to a superintendent for more time to continue holding them. The sixth suspect, who was arrested late on Sunday, can be held until at least Monday evening. Streets around the scene of the robbery remained cordoned off on Monday as forensic examinations continued. Pc Milburn, who was shot in the shoulder by the robbers, paid tribute to her dead colleague after leaving hospital in a wheelchair. She said: "Friday should have been a normal day at work, instead I lost a colleague and a dear friend. "Sharon and I enjoyed working together immensely. "Nothing can bring Sharon back and my wholehearted sympathy goes out to her family. "Despite my own injuries I am thankful to be back at home with my family." Meanwhile, travel agency owners in Bradford said the robbery was one of a growing number at Pakistani-owned businesses
^^Bisinka iyo Tabarak... xay ka walax tahey mahaan wala dhar-dhigte? Ebow na mooti aanya.. Medina....!
Dont you think this is bit to over statement..?
Wiil qaba gabar uu dhalay Cabdullahi Yuusuf oo lagu xirey magaalada Shariqah ee dalka Imaaraadka isagoo lacag shilin soomaali been abuur ah usoo wada Soomaaliya War aan caawa ka helnay magaalada Shariqa ee dalka imaaraadka ayaa sheegay in halkaas lagu xiray wiil qaba gabar uu dhalay Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed . Wiilkaas uu Cabdulaahi sodoga u yahay ayaa sida la sheegay waxaa la yiraahdaa sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen ciidanka nabadgelyada ee dalka imaaraadka Alsayid Cali Cabdullahi Caynab. Wiilka la qabtay ayaa waxaa uu ka mid ahaa koox soomaali ah oo lacag been abuur ah u soo waday dalka Soomaaliya. Ciidanka ayaa gacanta ku dhigay lacagtaas oo lagu qabtay gegida diyaaradaha ee magaalada Shariqah ee dalka Imaaraadka Carabta. Lacagtaas ayaa cadadkeeda waxaa la sheegay inuu aad iyo aad u badan yahay. Wixii akhbaar ee kusoo kordha warkaan anaga ayaa idiin soo sheegi doona. Ku noqo beejka dayniilecom @hotmail.com
Nin looxirey lacagihi lagu qabtey Dubai Warar lagu kalsoon yahay oo laga helay ilo muhiim ah oo ku sugan magaalada Shariqa ee dalka imaaraadka ayaa waxey sheegayaan in halkaas dhowaan lagu xiray nin qaba gabar uu dhalay Madaxweynaha Dowlada FKMG ah ee Soomaaliya Col.Cabdulaahi Yuusuf... Nin oo aan magaciisa la aqoonin ayaa la sheegay inuu soo galay raadkii lacagihii sida sharci darrada ah lagu soo geliyay dalkaasi isla markaasna la doonaayay in laga soo dhoofiyo, waxeyna ay sheegeen saraakiisha amaanka ee dalkaasi inuu ka mid ahaa kooxo Soomaali ah oo lacagaha Shilin Soomaaliga ah ee been abuurka u waday dalka Soomaaliya, iyagoo ka keenay dal kale oo ay ku soo daabaceen waxaana socsda baaris dheer oo ay wadaan Boliiska Dembiyada ee dalkaasi iyagoo sheegay iney weli ku raad joogaan shaqsiyaad kale oo Soomaali oo weli ku dhuumaaleysanaaya gudaha dalkaasi, ilaa hadda lama yaqaano cadada lacagaha la qabtay warar aan la xaqiijin ayaa sheegaya iney dhan tahay ilaa 300 oo biliyan oo shilin Soomaali ah waxaana loo soo waday magaalada Jowhar oo fariisin u ah garabka ka mid ah garabyada is haya ee dowlada FKMG.
The history of Talex has been wiped out by the history not far away, the complete bombardment of Hargeisa day and night by the very ones who were established to protect its existance, the annihilation of thousands of people including women and children by those close to them, and many more similar accounts utterly make the Talex incident incomprehensible and under value. Who should people remember the British who came to colonise them or the their brethens who came to kill, torture and maim them cause they were of different lineage. The history against the colonialism would have made sense with the presence of a nationalism feelings. Other than that this thread can only be classified as a blob.
Originally posted by Yoonis_Cadue: Mr Gheedi will come back to Moqadishu the capital in Somalia so will the President H.E. Yusuf inshallah! Wir...! Car..! aas ma kudhaca..?
^^The above is a de facto attempted coup.
Waraysiga Raisal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya ee BBCda...
Jumatatu replied to Yoonis_Cadue's topic in Politics
R/wasaare Geeddi oo Soomaalida BBC-da kala hadley Isagoo jooga Jowhar ayuu Ra'iisalwasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi khadka Telefoonka si toos ah uga jawaabey su'aalo ay soo weydiiyeen Soomaali meelo kala duwan joogay. Su'aalahaas oo dhinacyo badan taabtey, waxa hadalka u qeybiyey Ra'iisalwasaaraha iyo dadka soo wacey Yusuf-Garaad Cumar. Waxana su'aalaha Mr Geeddi la siiyey ooy ku baxeen barnaamijkii baxey galabnimadii Jimcaha (11kii November 05) oo gabi ahaan loo daayey su'aalha dadku ay u soo jeediyeen Mr Geeddi. Waxa halkan ku qoran qaar ka mid ah su'aalihii Mr Geeddi la weydiiyey iyo jawaabahoodii oo u qaran sidii ay iddaanadda uga baxeen. Cabdi Muse- Canada: Haddiiba xubnaha Baarlamanka dowladda Federaalku, si kastaba ha ku dhacdee ay xilka kaa qaadaan, ujeedo kasta ha ku timaadeed, ma aqoonsan doontaa, mise waxa aad diidi doontaa sidii markii hore ee go'aanka ay gareen, bishii May 17dii aad u diidey? R/wasaare Geeddi: Cabdi Muuse su'aashaas iskama laha ee waa loo soo dhiibey ayeey ila tahey!! Maxamed Ibrahim Macalin-Sweden: Laba mar ayaad Xamar tagetey oo labadaba lagugu weerarey, laakiin aad ka badbaadey, halka Guddoomiyaha Baarlamanka, Shariif Xasn Shiikh Aden oon gobolka u dhalan uu dhowr jeer tagey oon lagu weerarin. Maxaa adiga bartilmaameed aad u tahey? Shicibka Soomaaliyeed nafteena ayaan u horeynaa R/Wasaare Geeddi: Waddanku dhibaatooyin ayuu soo marey, siyaasadda xukuumadda aan madaxda ka ahey ayeey khasab ku tahey iney wax ka badesho Soomaaliya, marka qof bedel sameenaya waa khasab inuu cadow yeesho. Ra'iisal Baarlamanka hawshaasi ma ahin mid isaga u taal. Marka in dalka la dejiyo cadow diidan ayaa hawlahaas maleegey. Shacabka Soomaaliyeedna nafteena ayaan u hureynaa ilaa aan xaalka jira wax ka badelno. BBC: Waxa na soo gaaraya su'aalo badan oo dad kala duwan ay e-mail noogu soo direen kuwaas oo R/Wasaare ku weydiinaya cidda aad u maleenayo iney ka dambeyso weerarkii dhawaan lagugu markii aad Muqdisho tagey? R/Wasaare Geeddi: Horey ayaan u sheegey in arintaasu ay aheyd arin ay sameenayaan koleyto dad Soomaaliya nabad iyo dowladnimo u diidan oo laga yaabo iney la xiriiraan argagixisada caalamka, guddi ayaan u magacwney, iyaga ayaan baaritaankii ku jira iyaga ayaanan ka sugeynaa ciddii ka dambeysey. BBC: Su'aalaha qaar waxa ay ku leeyihiin, ma laga yaabaa iney qaraxyadaas ka dambeeyaan kooxaha jecel iney muujiyaan in Muqdisho aysan nabad aheyn oo siyaasad ahaan aad adagi isku qeyb tihiin? R/Wasaare Geeddi: Anigu cidna far ku fiiqi maayo, wixii baaritaanku uu soo saaro ayaan ku camal fali doonnaa. Shaafici Maxamed Abshir-US: Maadaama uu Ra'iisalwasaaruhu isku-dayey inuu dhawaan Muqdisho kula kulmo Wasiiradiisa hubeysan, iyaguna ay diideen iney la kulmaan, horeyna uu u yiri tallaabo ayaa laga qaadayaa, talaabada xigta ee uu hadda ka qaadayo maxey tahey? Tallaabo ayaa laga qaadayaa Wasiirada Muqdisho R/Wasaare Geeddi: Go'aan ayaan ka soo saarney shirkii dhawaan xubnaha Golaha Wasiirada ka jooga Muqdiso aan kula yeeshey Villa Soomaaliya. Go'aankaas waxa ka mid ahaa in aan tallaabo ka qaadi doono wasiiradaas, wakhtiga aan ka qaadayo iyo meesha aan uga qaadayan waa wax aniga i khuseeya. BBC: Su'aalo badan ayaa sheegaya in garoomada dayuuradaha ee Dayniile iyo Ceel Axmed ay la mid yihiin kuwa kale ee Muqdiisho ka shaqeeya, maxaa labadan Airport bar tilmaameed looga dhigtey: R/wasaare: Shaki ayaa ka jira labadaas Airport, wixii ka soo baxana dib ayaan ugu sheegi doonnaa shicibka Soomaalida iyo beesha caalamka. Cali Macalin Xasan-Muqdisho: Maalintii dhaweyd ee Mr Geeddi Xamar lagu weerarey, iyadoo dadka qarax ku dhacey oo dhiigoodii iyo hilbahoodii dhex galgalanaya, inuu Ra'iisalwasaaruhu dhaho waxa aan rabaa inaan khudbadeyda sii wato - dadka ma qabataa?, siduu dadka ugu naxariisanayaa nin sidaas yeelaya? "Geesi ma ahin ninka su'aashaas i weydiiyey!" R/wasaare Geeddi: Qosol inta uu ku dhuftey ayuu ku jawaabey. Arintaas waxa aan ka leeyahey, geesi ma ahan ninka su'aasha I weydiinaya, sabatoo ah isago meel ka hadlaya ama duruus bixinaya haddii uu lamayeeriga dhgax ku soo dhaco inuu carari lahaa ayuu muujiyey. Anigu jugta markii aan maqley waxa aan hubinayey in jugtu tahey mid dhibaato geysaneysa iyo iney wax iska yar aheyd, markii aan arkey in dadkeygii dhiig ka da'yana, waa anigii shirka xirey ee ka tagey. Marka ma uusan fahmine, waxa aan jeclahey inuu aad uga fiirsado. Cali Macalin Xasan-Muqdisho: Waxa aan maqalney in Ra'iisalwasaaruhu uu ka degey baabuurkii uu la socdey ee la qarxiyey dadkuna wax ku noqdeen, haddii uu wax la sii ogeysiiyey muxuu ugu sheegi waayey dadkii la socdey ee halkaas wax ku noqdey? R/wasaare Geeddi: Laba Wasiiro ayaa ila saarnaa baabuurka, qofkeenna kama degin, marka weli waxa aan arkayaa in ninka su'aalaha i weydiinaya uu ilo khaldan ka soo xiganayo warkiisa. Cabdalla Xaashi Xirsi-Muqdisho: Mar walba adiga iyo kuwa kaa soo horjeeda waxa aad xigataan qodobo destuurka ku yaal ood ku soo heshiiseen, waamxey sbaabta diidan in inta artikalada aad ku soo heshiiseen aad meel iska dhigtaan aad ku xukuntaan dadka shareecada Islaamka oo ah tii eebe u soo dajiyey in koonkan lagu maamulo? R/wasare Geeddi: Horta waan saxayaa qofka ila hadlaya magaca Jamhuuriyadeed qof ma badeli karo, Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya ayaa ilaa hadda la yiraa, magaca kale meesha uu ka keeney isaga ayeey jirtaa, haddii umadda Soomaaliyeed codeyn laga qaado ooy xulato iney badesho waa wax aan anigu wax ka qabin. Axadiga KMG ah ee Soomaaliya waxa ku qoran shareecada Islaamku iney tahey diinta kaliya , saldhigna u ah dhammaan shuruucda dalka, marka jahwareerka kooxo ay wataan oo siyaasad dadka diin looga dhigayo anigu ma aaminsani. Marka haddii ay dad fara ku tiris ah ay jiraan oo nabad, qaranimo iyo dowlad aan rabin macnaheedu ma ahin in umadda ay jahwareeriyaan kooxaha aan filayo inuu ninka ila hadlaya uu ka tirsanyahey oo ku mitidaya Islaam lama ahee gaalo ayaa meesha joogta iyo dowladdu gaalo weeye, waxa aan uga digi lahaa ineysan dadka naga jahwareerin, Soomaaliya Islaamnimadu kuma cusba, kumannaan iyo kumannnaan sano ayeey diintu jirtaa, marka waxyi cusub oo soo degeyna ma jiree, waxa aan jeclaan lahaa in diinta Islaamka laga galin khalad, shicibka Soomaalina aan lagu jahwareerin. -
Waraysiga Raisal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya ee BBCda...
Jumatatu replied to Yoonis_Cadue's topic in Politics
Originally posted by haruun: lol Soomaal, Don't attack the messanger(Geedi), attack the message(Warlord Yusuf" I do anything to be president" + Ethiopia, "Im dying to see Somalia breakup into ministates".) On the contrary I dont think C/llahi Yusuf did/will endorse such a statement. Am adamantly sure he is irked by that utterance made by Geedi in the interview. -
Horn sxb welcome back, am sure you will break more hearts now...
Originally posted by Curling Waterfall: What do u reckon will happen to the politics sections now (with the departure of u know who(s?))? Do u think it will turn into a puntland state? sxb u could not have been more accurate..
Mujibar was trying to get into the USA legally through Immigration. The Officer said, "Mujibar, you have passed all the tests, except for one. Unless you pass it you cannot enter the United States of America. Mujibar said, "I am ready." The officer said, "Make a sentence using the words Yellow, Pink and Green." Mujibar thought for a few minutes and said, "Mister Officer, I am ready." The Officer said, "Go ahead." Mujibar said, "The telephone goes green, green, green, and I pink it up, and say, "Yellow, this is Mujibar.'" Mujibar now lives in a neighborhood near you and works at a Verizon help desk.
A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the motor of a Harley motorcycle when he spotted a well-known heart surgeon in his shop. The surgeon was there waiting for the service manager to come take a look at his bike when the mechanic shouted across the garage, "Hey Doc, can I ask you a question?" The surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to where the mechanic was working< on the motorcycle. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked, "So Doc, look at this engine. I open its heart, take the valves out, repair any damage, and then put them back in, and when I finish, it works just like new. So how come I get such a small salary and you get the really big bucks?" The surgeon paused, smiled and leaned over, and whispered to the mechanic... "Try doing it with the engine running
^^ I think there you have your answer JB. I admire your skills in getting the best out from the people..
It is commonly annouced officially if an indivisual, or in this case individuals, are banned for breaking the golden rules of SOL. And I have yet to see an official annoucememnt regarding the banning of HOrn & Wind, unless it is in some other thread and I've missed it. However if we are to believe the words of those who are celebrating the banning of these two individuals then it can be concluded that it is a shame, infact to be more precise it is a sheer shame. These act not only devalues the credibility of SOL Forum reputed for being a host for different opinions but also tilts the balance and favours one side. As a result it will not be wrong to assume that there is no such investigation but only a mission to silence two individuals who were a thorn to tribalistically oriented views and propoganda held by many users in SOL, not mentioning that many of them are ghosts of a single user, thus nullifying the fact a single user with many nicks in the forum is not permitted.
Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Rejoicing others misfortune isn't something to be exulted about, believe me. You can be next, who knows. How can you even say that when you are egging them on by publicly publishing the process and results of your flawed investigation. I cant believe that a men in your position can be so partisan , but then again you are Somali, arent we all?