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Everything posted by Jumatatu

  1. Guys am speechless, I simply dont have the words to express it, it has not sunk it yet, I cannot believe it, but then again that is why I not only support Liverpool but luvvvvvv them, what the heck after all.... WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS Nuune, Ngonge, Northern and the rest of KOP fans enjoy it was long time coming which makes it more sweet
  2. Jen. Morgan "Waan ku faraxsanahay in aan wada fadhino raggii aan wada dagaalanay oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Yuusuf Indhacadde & C/qeybdiid Jen. Max’ed Siciid Xersi (Jen. Morgan) oo ka mid ahaa xubno maanta soo gaaray Muqdisho, isuguna jiray xildhibaano & qaar ka tirsan ergadii shirka dib u heshiisiinta ayaa shir jaraa’id oo uu Jananku ku qabtay hotel-ka Naasahablood wuxuu sheegay in uu ku faraxsan yahay dib ugu soo laabashadiisa Muqdisho, isagoo xusay in ku soo laabashadiisa Muqdisho in ay qeyb ka tahay dedaalada nabadeynta ah ee ay Mudqisho ka wadaan xubnaha labada gole ee dowladda. Jananka wuxuu sheegay in Muqdisho ay ku sugan yihiin xubno dhinaca fikirka xal u helida mushkilada Soomaaliya ay isku u arkaan, uuna isagu qabo in Soomaalidu ay iyaga is xaliyaan, isla markaana uusan qabin in ciidamo shisheeye oo ay ku jiraan kuwa dowladaha safka hore in ay xal u keenayaan Soomaaliya.
  3. Originally posted by Sheikh Muhammed bin Awad: to give them a last chance if they fail that's it this warlords will be held to account. They'll be killed or arrested. Duh...! And who would do this?
  4. Originally posted by Sheikh Muhammed bin Awad: to give them a last chance if they fail that's it this warlords will be held to account. They'll be killed or arrested. Duh...! And who would do this?
  5. Originally posted by nin_brown: As for the deligates...anagaba waan is dhiibnay why deny them the same rights. Well said....
  6. Originally posted by SOO MAAL: "Ninkii ciidan meel geystay isagoo u hubeysan hadhow marka uu doono ayuu ku soo celin karaa, waxaana loo sheegayaa in hubkii magaalada laga saaray dadka aan wax ogeyne dadka anigoo kale ilbaxa ah waxaas looma sheego" Waxaad uu sheegta 'odeyga jahiilka ah' inta uu nin reer Pukeland ah oo hub heysto nin reer Xamar ah oo uu dhibaya hubkiisa cidama ajanabi ma jirto mana dhaceyso. Only and when he realises that would he come to his senses.
  7. ^^ Wind sxb first take a chill pill and dont get so absorbed into everything about Yeey. Keep in mind everybody has to go including him.And Wind it is not envy it is bitter anger.. I thought you already recorded my malicious intent long time ago.
  8. Originally posted by Sky: haha comparing allpuntland to those pathetic websites is pure comedy. im not saying this, becuz the guys behind allpuntland are my kinsmen This statement is pure comdey in its self and an insult to the inteligence of Nomad users in SOL. rahima, gabarey, youve seen how general duke always makes sure he has sources from the websites that arent eye to eye with each other to prove its the real deal. now does he really deserve that outburst? Sky sxb ma xishoodki aya idin ka tagey oo gabdhaha waad uskugu tagtaan...or is both users (sky & Duke ) the same...
  9. Originally posted by General Duke: its Waagacusub/Dayniile/Onkod, reliable sources of info if there ever were any .eh..eh..eh..! They are more reliable than any of the trash you quote from Pukeland Media, but then again how would you know?..
  10. Eureka...! Horn finally u managed to unlock the code..! For those of you who are wise enough please not in no way am I condoning the art of fortune-tellers. So just read the thread see the humorous side of it and add your kick, if it troubles you my advance apology. But if you are like someone Sheikh 'fatale' Awad who does not envisage the downfall of Yeey, the let it be known it was designed to upset you ..
  11. Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan oo booqday Hiilweyne Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan oo ka hadlay halkaasi ayaa wuxuu sheegay inuu ku faraxasan yahay sida la isugu duba riday howlaha ka soconaya xarunta Hiilweyne isagoo tilmaamay in dowladda federaalka ay gacan ka geysaneyso suggida amniga, wuxuuna sheegay in looga baahan yahay dadka reer Muqdisho inay taageeraan dadaalka ay wadaan xubanaha labada goleâ€wasiirada hubeysan ee Muqdisho waxaan ka dalbanayaa inay qaadaan isbaarada Muqdisho, ayna soo diyaariyaan 80 tikniko oo kale si loogu xoojiyo tiknikada hadda ku xareysan Hiilweyne iyo Laantabuuro†ayuu yiri Shariif Xasan oo intaa ku daray in Muqdisho haddii nabad laga dhigo ay u suura gelin doonto cidkasta inay nabad ku dhex lugeyso. Wasiirka ganacsiga dowladda federaalka Muuse Suudi Yalaxow oo isna kulankaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in wasiirada hubeysan ee Muqdisho iyo xubnaha labada gole ay ka go’antahay nabadeynta Muqdisho waa qaadaynaa lug ayaadna ku mari doontaa Muqdisho†ayuu yiri Muuse Suudi oo intaasi ku daray inaysan ka seexan doonin howsha ay u hayaan Qaranka Soomaaliyeed. Guddoomiye waxaad meteleysaa madaxweynihii iyo ra’isul wasaaraha, waxaadna nasiib u yeelatay in ciidamadaadii caalamka oo dhan lagu dacweeyey ee la dhihi jiray ciidankaada waa ciidan dadka cuna, oo gaadiid iyo hub haysta oo dadka laaya maanta iyagoo tababar ciidan qaadanaya ayey salaan kaa qaadanayaan†ayuu yiri Wasiirka Ganacsiga Muuse Suudi Cidna aan wax na siin ammaani meyno dadka degan Sh/hoose & Afgooye si wanaagsan ayey noo soo dhoweeyaan Geel badanna waa noo keeneen dadka reer Balcad-se waxba kama hayno†ayuu yiri Muuse Suudi oo sheegay in isaga laga codsaday in uu joogo Laantabuuro, isla markaana wasiirka hub ka dhigista & tababarka maleeshiyooyinka Bootaan Ciise Caalin loo xilsaaray Hiilweyne
  12. Website-yo ku been abuurtay guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka markii ay soo qoreen in uu ka badbaaday bam Balcad Warar been abuur ah oo ay qoreen qaar ka tirsan boggaga Internet-ka, ayna ku sheegeen in guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan lala beegsaday Bam, uuna ka badbaaday, ayaa noqday warar been abuur ah oo markii loo kuurgalay ay cadaatay in aysan waxba ka jirin, waxaana weriyeyaal ku wehliyey guddoomiyaha & xubnaha labada gole socdaal ay maanta ku tageen xerada Hiilweyne oo ay maleeshiyooin halkaasi lagu xareeyey, waxa uu sheegay in wararka sheegaya bam lagu tuuray guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka in ay yihiin kuwa been abuur ah, isla markaana guddoomiyaha & xubnaha ku wehliyey socdaalkaasi aysan wax shid ah la kulmin maanta. Wuxuu sheegay weriyuhu in guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka uu si nabad ah ku dhammeystay socdaalkiisa maanta uu ku yimid Hiilweyne, uuna halkaasi warbixin kaga dhageystay wasiirka hub ka dhigista & dhaqancelinta maleeshiyooyinka Bootaan Ciise Caalin, uuna nabad ugu soo laabtay. Warbixinta socdaalka guddoomiyaha oo sawiro wadata kala soco bogga dayniile com saacado kadib hadduu ALLE yiraa.
  13. Qaar ka mid ah wafdigii Geedi oo is dhiibay. Posted on Sunday, May 22 @ 19:48:11 CEST by editor Qaar ka mid ahaa wafdigii sii raacay Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa la cadeeyay inay iska dhiibeen dalal ka mid ah Yurub iyaga oo markaa aan ku soo laaban doonin Afrika Qaar ka mid ah xubnahaas ayaa tagay Jarmalka halka kuwa kalana ay tageen dalka beljim tiradoodana waxaa lagu sheegay lix. Geedi oo Seminaar xanaanadda Xoolaha ah u tagay Paris ayay arrintani ku tahay foolxumo weyn taas oo keeneeysa inay ka fiirsadaan dalalka Yurub iyo qaar kaleba inay siiyaan Visa ergooyinka la socda. Waxaa ka mid ah xubnaha is dhiibay nin la yiraa Maxamed Mire oo la xaqiijiyay inuusan ku soo noqoneeyn dalka kenya ee uu ka ambabaxay. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in xubnahaas is dhiibay ay gacantooda hanti ka baxday. Nuur Cali Faarax. Paris France Waagacusub News
  14. Originally posted by Sky: the split on the most expensive highway ever built in somalia No wonder the history of Somalia is tainted...there is always the presence of this sort of false presentation in its narration. Having said that I take this oppurtunity to hope for the quick restoration of the 'most expensive highway' as it is vital for the community in the area.
  15. Wind sxb, as usual, thanx for your concern but am afraid to tell you that you misunderstood the whole concept...
  16. During the last months of his tenure President Barre ( Allah uu naxaariste) went to consult one of his many fortune-tellers. Barre told him that he did not like the direction things were going and said he wanted to know what the future holds for him.The fortune-teller asked whether Barre was ready for the truth and able to handle it. And the answer was affirmative. The fortune-teller told Barre that he was coming to an end in his rule of Somalia. But what Barre was more interested in was what will happen after him. And the fortune-teller told President Barre that the country will go into turmoil and witness tribal war at its worst magnitude, and that he will be followed by four men who will either be elected or claim to be presidents of Somalia and that both them and their immediate deputies will have the letter C (cayn) starting with their names or common names. Only after the end of time for these four Presidents will Somalia be able to recover and led by a leader who will lead his country(Somalia) to prosperity . I think now we can assume the four being : 1)Cali Mahdi and Cumar cartan 2)Caydiid Garad and C/raxman Tuur 3)C/qasiim and Cali Khalif 4) C/llahi Yusuf and Cali M. Geedi Therefore we should not worry (that is if we believe in what fortune-tellers predict) we are at the end of the turmoil as the tenure pn C/llahi and Cali Geedi is coming to an end pre-maturely. But I wonder who could be that promised leader.....?
  17. Originally posted by Sheikh Muhammed bin Awad: I don't agree with the tactics of our fellowing nomad Juma at all he follows a tactic of "hit and run" like the iraqi insurgents. Looooooooooooooool...! Thanx for the compliment sxb. However my 'fellowing' nomad I doubt whether you would have disagreed my posts and despised them had I praised Colonel Yeey and declare my undying support for the TFG. So I understand where you are coming from and am not suprised...
  18. Bannaanbax ka dhacay Muqdisho Bannaanbaxan oo ay si wadajir ah u soo qabanqaabiyeen dalladda culumada Soomaaliyeed iyo midowga maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah ee Muqdisho ayaa dadkii ka qeybqaadanayey waxay socod ka soo billaabeen salaaddii Jimcaha kaddib masaajiddada magaalada Muqdisho iyo waddooyinka taga fagaaraha Tarebuunka halkaasoo ay isugu soo urureen markii dambe. Banaanbaxeyaasha oo wata boorar lagu cambaareynayo kuwii ka dambeeyey arrintii la sheegay ee ahayd in kitaabka musqulo lagu galay. Carada dadka Banaanbaxeyaashu waxay ku dhawaaqayeen erayo ay ku muujinayaan carada ay u qabaan cidda la sheegay in ay xushmo darreysay Kitaabka Qur'aanka Kariimka ah. Inta badan culumadii ka hadashay bannaanbaxaasi ayaa waxay si isku mid ah uga warrameen xurmaynta diinta Islaamka iyo taariikhda Islaamka, waxayna aad u cambaareeyeen kuwii ka dambeeyey falkaasi lagu xushmo darreeyey kitaabka. Khudbaddii mid ka mid ah culumada Sheekh Nuur Baaruud Gurxan oo ah guddoomiye ku xigeenka dalladda culumada oo ka mid ahaa culumadii ka hadashay bannaanbaxaasi ayaa si qiiro leh u hadlay. "Waxaan halkan ka muujinaynaa sida aan uga soo horjeedno tallaabada xun ee musxafka {kitaabka} lagu nijaaseeyey oo Mareykanka iyo ciidamadiisu ay ka sameeyeen xabsiga Guantanamo Bay ee uu Muslimiinta ku cadaabayo. Caalamka Islaamka oo dhan meel ay joogaanba waxaan ugu baaqeynaa arrintaasi in laga biyo diido in Mareykanka tallaabo laga qaado, cunaqabatayn dhaqaale in lagu soo rogo, in shidaalka lagula dagaallamo. Maanta Mareykanka waxaa dhib ugu filan in uu warbaahinta ka arko inta halkan isugu soo baxday. Mareykanku waa fulay oo intaas ayuusan ka seexanaynin, marka ha is-yareysanina, bannaanbaxuna wuxuu ka mid yahay hababka wax lagu cabbiro. Allaahu Akbar" ayuu ku soo khatimay warkiisii. Inta badan bannaanabaxyada dhinaca diinta ah ee ka dhaca magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa soo abaabula culumada iyo dalladaha maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah, iyagoo ay si weynna uga dhex muuqdaan ururrada bulshada rayidka ah Culumadu waxay ka mudaaharaadeen warkii lagu sheegay in kitaabka la sharaf dilay
  19. Somali Muslims protest over Koran report 20 May 2005 15:11:43 GMT Source: Reuters MOGADISHU, May 20 (Reuters) - Thousands of Somali Muslims and militiamen marched through the streets of the capital Mogadishu on Friday to protest at a report that Americans desecrated the Koran. Newsweek magazine issued an apology and retraction of its report that the Muslim holy book had been desecrated by U.S. interrogators at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. The report in the magazine's May 9 issue sparked protests across the Muslim world, from Afghanistan, where 16 people were killed and more than 100 injured, to Pakistan, India, Indonesia and Gaza. In Mogadishu, Muslim leaders spoke on loud speakers mounted on vans to condemn the United States. Witnesses said the demonstrations were peaceful with no burning of the U.S. flags as reported in other countries. "On behalf of the Islamic community, I condemn America and its government, because of how they mistreat prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and our people in Afghanistan and Iraq," said Shiek Nur Barud, who represented the Islamic umbrella body. "Evil Bush will go soon but Islam will remain forever," the cleric said as the crowd shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is Greatest). Protesters pinned slogans to the wall saying: "Those who use our Koran as toilet paper are our first enemy", "We have to fight those who violate our Koranic verses". Despite Newsweek's retraction, anger over the report still simmers in parts of the Muslim world. The White House this week called on Newsweek to help repair the damage done to America's image by explaining what happened and how it got the article wrong. Many Somalis remember the U.S. military involvement in Somalia, which ended in humiliation in 1993 when 18 U.S. personnel in a U.N. peace force called UNOSOM were killed in a battle in Mogadishu as recalled in the 2001 Hollywood film "Black Hawk Down". Somalia descended into anarchy after warlords ousted then military ruler Mohammed Siad Barre in 1991.
  20. Originally posted by Sky: sheikh muhammad. much love and respect. nothing but love and respect for someone who loves his country so much. i salute you brotherman! Loves his country or loves Colonel yeey? In his tribalistically tainted post I did not see any patriotism except admiration for a clan and a man.
  21. Originally posted by wind.talker: You know Reer Puntland are more than happy Col Yeey is busy building Somalia - that should keep the old man busy until his time's up. In other words Pukelanders are happy to see the back of Colonel Yeey..
  22. Originally posted by General Duke: Wind, lol mate, no thanks never did like women from OZ Then the women from OZ must have been blessed by God.
  23. The irony in here is not whether Qeybdiid or Cali Madoobe deserve the appointment, God knows that they both deserve it in their own rights and are both capable of fulfilling the obligation required. However though what is suprising here is a PM who disregards the appointment made by his cabinet minister specially the one responsible for the position of National Security. Apart from the fact it shows that this TFG is dead and buried.But if we had to look at it hypothetically ( that is how this government sums up to at this stage)how will the commander of the police force follow the directives of the Natinal Security Ministry if he was not appointed by the Minister himself ?
  24. Originally posted by Sky: reer muqdisho waa inay ogaadaan that these men qanyare-yalaxow-caato are their enemies. Sky, you want Reer Muqdisho to believe coming from you that these guys are their enemies while C/llahi Yusuf is their saviour. Just turn around the situation and tell me if you would have belived them had they advised you the same, I doubt it. and i assume the ppl of muqdisho are SICK N TIRED of the status quo And I bet you also assume that they cant wait their knight(c/llahi Yusuf) in shining armour to come and rescue them. Things you guys convince yourself with is beyond human comprehension...