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Posts posted by valerie

  1. hey man..the best things is to explain things to her..and say wat u have to say..its not working..i thought i fancied u and i dont..watever..belive me..brov..

    --honesty is the best policy--

  2. wallalo ruby...i said no offense at start..u see ...farax's do a lot of things in life..dat are wrong..and when u ask them why..?--i dont know..i couldn't wat.. i am a man..or i am allowed to have 4 dat wat u guys think makes u more of a man/ actions of a proper muslim..All the guys dat still do dat..Just grow aint cool/ gangsta style(as most of u think) anymore..

  3. One simple statement my friend always used to repeat..she says,..girlfriend..."What leads men to do things is not their brains its their lower tools(u know wat i mean).."..if it offends anyone(especially guys)'s just a say..and its my friend's words..and i think it make all sense.. :D:D

  4. see..i have been with this guy for 6 yrs...i loved him like all over..coz..he moved 2 england..and completely changed...ofcourse i aint having dat..i am not going to pretend its alright when he dates other women and dont call for 4 months..sometimes...i left him...and i am fine...never been happier...(i guess!!)


    All i dat if it dont work..its not the end of the world...but u will probably take a lot of time to heal...(u wont forget)..

    --hope dat helps--

  5. My personal view..i dont think (well at least 4 men from my experience in u.k) men would want to take a religious girl..who wears a hijab..prays..etc..i used to chat to this guy 4 almost 1 month...who used 2 call me almost everyday...bugging me with his calls..(never said dat 2 him..ofcourse!!) In ramadan..he called once...n said..wats up gal??..wat u been up 2??..i was like ..i am reading qur'an..wallao..can u call me later..coz..i am quite busy..he goes u read qur'an??..i said ..yes..he started laughing..!!wats so funny i said..he said nothing i'll call u later..he called bout 3 hrs later..(it was time for taraweeh prayer)..i said wallalo ..i am getting ready for know (get off my line brother)..he's like taraweehdanah mad tagta ..hijabka mad gashata??..i said ofcourse..he laughed..then he bad..k then i'll call u 2nite..i said ok..He did not call me ever since..its been 2 months..not like i am interested..but i know why he didn't call..and i am not wat he expected!!...tough luck mate..i aint doing this for no man..if i chose 2 b religious.. then it aint 4 nobody..but 2 b closer 2 Allah..

  6. lol...u guys are funny...well check those out..well i am not good at speeling words in somali but i'll try..


    zainab hoongori

    sandullah sagachan


    well if i got more..i'll come back ...