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Posts posted by valerie

  1. socrates..if i was in dat girls' place..i'd never get in dat car...u would never let ur sisters do why ur acting like its kool..

    Rudy is being ****** and childish as usual..he thinks he is funny..(sorry wallalo..i am honest).

  2. Come u know the amount of cute somali boyz..around..they're a bit inexperienced wen it comes to treating a woman..but give em a break..Be patient..

    The other day i saw this 'cute as hell' somali brae..he's going out wit timo jilec..u know..How sick is dat..

    I was so time i saw her (me n my girls)..(WE R NICE PPL)..we had a good drawing class dat day...(OOPS HER FACE)..

  3. I think da sista who posted this topic...wanted to know bout others ppl's opinions and experiences relating to her topic..Besides..I dont and wont give respect..If i dont get respect back..And dat goes 2 u Rudy...


    And Nuune..wallalo..I think Rudy is man enough to stand up for back off..Plz..

  4. Clever and honest girls like --Hibo, Princess sexy, and I, are just revealing out the facts..Ok for E.g.

    from OG Moti 7:Why do u smile when a foriegn man says a silly joke and when a brother says a good joke u say war nadhaaf dhaan dhaanyahow?

    Reply from Hibo 7: Coz if I laugh too hard you may assume I have done prostitution and judge me.

    Come on..Isnt dat so true...??


    And the Loser>>Rudy..U aint got any other occupation except comment on every little thing I post..Grow up..N be a MAN.. smile.gif

  5. i am actually facing the same problem..especially when i am around somali ppl..i stutter when speaking in somali language and i am very shy..I call all somali women wateva their age :aunt ,,and men wateva their age as well: uncle..(not kids though)..And I only notice that when they are gone..ppl just laugh @ me.. WEIRD...

  6. The Issue

    During the Somali civil war hazardous waste was dumped in this

    African nation by industrialized countries. The alleged

    perpetrators were Italian and Swiss firms who supposedly entered

    into a contract with the Somali government to dump waste in the war

    ravaged African nation.



    In the fall of 1992 reports began to appear in the

    international media concerning unnamed European firms that were

    illegally dumping waste in Somalia. By most reports, several

    thousand tons of waste, mostly processed industrial waste, had

    already been dumped there. It was also reported that waste was

    seen being dumped off the Somali coast into the Indian Ocean. To

    further compound the country's environmental problems, a storage

    facility in northern Somalia filled with pesticides had been

    destroyed during the war. The spilt chemicals and resulting fire

    poisoned one of the few sources of drinking water in the famine

    ravaged country.


    The primary cause of this is cost. It has been estimated that it costs

    as little as $2.50 per ton to dump hazardous waste in Africa as

    opposed to $250 per ton in Europe.


    Due to the chaotic state of the Somali Republic, no trade

    protection measures are effective at this time. It is also worth

    reiterating that Somalia has still not signed the Basel Convention

    or the Bamako Convention, which bans the import of hazardous waste

    in African States.


    The dumping of this waste threatened human health and

    therefore human rights.


    The issue of dumping in Somalia is two

    fold in that it is both a legal question and a moral question.

    First, is there a violation of international treaties in the

    export of hazardous waste to Somalia. Second, is it ethically

    questionable to negotiate a hazardous waste disposal contract with

    a country in the midst of a protracted civil war and with a

    government that can best be described as tenuous and factionalized?

  7. Huda comes u cant figure out why he chose this topic..(Continiental Bachelor )..That explains it..


    2 da ladies..There's a brother who needs love not s**.. smile.gif

  8. Bisharo..stop being rude..i can talk about lots of offending issues bout u men dont get me started..besides..periods..r not something we made up..its how its meant to be..(creation)...if u've got questions..i suggest u ask the most closer females ur family..preferably publish this in public..plz..ur a disgrace to the male community...

  9. hey liqaye..all i've got to ur the man..bro..4 real..i am a woman..but totally agree with some of the things u mentioned.(havent read it all!!)..except..the comparisn of a human i.e.(woman) cows....

    --Several somali women were bunched up in a group, gossiping and yapping about cute boys, fashion, relationships i.e. nothing. This behavior extends to all women of all cultures (and also different animal species. Cows group together and moo and gnaw on grass and take notice of bulls brave enough to approach the group)--.


    plz...brov..with so much respect..i must tell u dats a are reasons why Allah has created women different to animals(cows) cut that crap out...brov..RESPECT.....N EID MUBARAK 2 U ALL..