General Duke

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Posts posted by General Duke

  1. PM Gaas to address two UN sessions in New York


    Posted by Pi2 on September 24th, 2012



    New York- 24 sep, 2012— Somalia’s Prime minister Dr. Abdiwali Mohamed Ali will attend today’s UN session and another especial meeting on Somalia’s current situation on 26th of September , Puntlandi learns.



    Prime Minister Gaas was sent to the United Nations meeting to represents Somalia as well as the new elected president Hassan Sheikh Mahmud who due to burden of tasks requested Gas to represent him.


    On Wednesday 26th of September Prime minister Gaas will address especial meeting at united nation head quarter in which Somalia’s close friends will meet .


    High dignitaries from the world including US foreign secretary ,UK prime minister and Turkish prime minister will also attend and address the meeting.


    The participants of the meeting are stakeholders whose their decision matters and they will discuss about how the new Somali government carry out their day to day activity.


  2. References:


    1. The Ragged Dick series.






    4. Mike Lofgren uses this term in this fascinating article:








    8. Emmanuel Saez, 2nd March 2012. Striking it Richer: the Evolution of Top Incomes in the United States (Updated with 2009 and 2010 estimates).


    9. Joseph Stiglitz, 2012. The Price of Inequality. Allen Lane, London.


    10. Lawrence Mishel, Jared Bernstein and Heidi Shierholz. The State of Working America 2008/2009. Economic Policy Institute, cited by Joseph Stiglitz, as above.




    12. OECD, 2010. Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth. Chapter 5, Figure 5.1.

  3. A potent myth is being used to justify economic capture by a parasitic class.


    By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 24th September 2012


    We could call it Romnesia: the ability of the very rich to forget the context in which they made their money. To forget their education, inheritance, family networks, contacts and introductions. To forget the workers whose labour enriched them. To forget the infrastructure and security, the educated workforce, the contracts, subsidies and bail-outs the government provided.


    Every political system requires a justifying myth. The Soviet Union had Alexey Stakhanov, the miner reputed to have extracted 100 tonnes of coal in six hours. The United States had Richard Hunter, the hero of Horatio Alger’s rags-to-riches tales(1).


    Both stories contained a germ of truth. Stakhanov worked hard for a cause in which he believed, but his remarkable output was probably faked(2). When Alger wrote his novels, some poor people had become very rich in the United States. But the further from its ideals (productivity in the Soviet Union’s case, opportunity in the US) a system strays, the more fervently its justifying myths are propounded.


    As the developed nations succumb to extreme inequality and social immobility, the myth of the self-made man becomes ever more potent. It is used to justify its polar opposite: an unassailable rent-seeking class, deploying its inherited money to finance the seizure of other people’s wealth.


    The crudest exponent of Romnesia is the Australian mining magnate Gina Rinehart. “There is no monopoly on becoming a millionaire,” she insists. “If you’re jealous of those with more money, don’t just sit there and complain; do something to make more money yourselves – spend less time drinking, or smoking and socialising and more time working … Remember our roots, and create your own success.”(3)


    Remembering her roots is what Rinehart fails to do. She forgot to add that if you want to become a millionaire – in her case a billionaire – it helps to inherit an iron ore mine and a fortune from your father, and to ride a spectacular commodities boom. Had she spent her life lying in bed and throwing darts at the wall, she would still be stupendously rich.


    The rich lists are stuffed with people who either inherited their money or who made it through rent-seeking activities: by means other than innovation and productive effort. They’re a catalogue of speculators, property barons, dukes, IT monopolists, loansharks, bank chiefs, oil sheikhs, mining magnates, oligarchs and chief executives paid out of all proportion to any value they generate.


    Looters, in short. The richest mining barons are those to whom governments sold natural resources for a song. Russian, Mexican and British oligarchs acquired underpriced public assets through privatisation, and now run a toll-booth economy(4). Bankers use incomprehensible instruments to fleece their clients and the taxpayer. But as rentiers capture the economy, the opposite story must be told.


    Scarcely a Republican speech fails to reprise the Richard Hunter narrative, and almost all these rags-to-riches tales turn out to be bunkum. “Everything that Ann and I have,” Mitt Romney claims, “we earned the old-fashioned way”(5). Old-fashioned like Blackbeard perhaps. Two searing exposures in Rolling Stone magazine document the leveraged buyouts which destroyed viable companies, value and jobs(6), and the costly federal bail-out which saved Romney’s political skin(7).


    Romney personifies economic parasitism. The financial sector has become a job-destroying, home-breaking, life-crushing machine, which impoverishes other people to enrich itself. The tighter its grip on politics, the more its representatives must tell the opposite story: of life-affirming enterprise, innovation and investment, of brave entrepreneurs making their fortunes out of nothing but grit and wit.


    There is an obvious flip-side to this story. “Anyone can make it – I did without help” translates as “I refuse to pay taxes to help other people, as they can help themselves”. Whether or not they inherited an iron ore mine from daddy.


    In the article in which she urged the poor to emulate her, Gina Rinehart also proposed that the minimum wage should be reduced. Who needs fair pay if anyone can become a millionaire?


    In 2010, the richest 1% in the United States captured an astonishing 93% of that year’s gain in incomes(8). In the same year, corporate chief executives made, on average, 243 times as much as the median worker (in 1965 the ratio was ten times lower, namely 24:1)(9,10). Between 1970 and 2010 the Gini coefficient, which measures inequality, rose in the United States from 0.35 to 0.44: an astonishing leap(11).


    As for social mobility, of the rich countries listed by the OECD, the three in which men’s earnings are most likely to resemble their father’s are, in this order, the UK, Italy and the US(12). If you are born poor or born rich in these nations, you are likely to stay that way. It is no coincidence that these three countries all promote themselves as lands of unparalleled opportunity.


    Equal opportunity, self-creation, heroic individualism: these are the myths that predatory capitalism requires for its political survival. Romnesia permits the ultra-rich both to deny the role of other people in the creation of their own wealth and to deny help to those less fortunate than themselves. A century ago, entrepreneurs sought to pass themselves off as parasites: they adopted the style and manner of the titled, rentier class. Today the parasites claim to be entrepreneurs.

  4. Macallinka;873705 wrote:
    @ Duke you keep saying u have met the man, you are related to him all these nonce will not help. You are accusing the guy to be paying everyone and is behind the insecurity in the capital and you have no source .....that is what matters? when u r put on the spotlight u switch to about his leadership abilities
    ? what is that?


    There must be something that the new president and thousands of others all over the places are seeing in him...! So u call them IDP or whatever but that is the fact !

    Macalinka, I am not against Farmaajo the individual, like I have said I have met him many times and he is a pleasant fellow. However does that mean he is equipped to be the PM of Somalia? The answer is no. Farmaajo’s greatest weakness is his support base, the old ladies singing the weak mindless sycophants following him everywhere and whispering sweet lies into his ever eager ears.

    Why would Dahir Culowsow and Dayniile support Farmaajo and no other candidate? Is it out of love, or clan kinship or the mighty dollar? I shall leave you to answer that one.


    Also have you just landed on planet Earth? Where were you when the glue sniffing kid’s video emerged? Or the last tiem Farmaajo caused a riot in Mogadishu that resulted in the deaths of poor young men. Adeer open your eyes what we have here is a failed PR event and one that aims to put pressure on the President.:D

  5. DSC00150.jpg

    Sawiro+warbixin—- Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo ka qeyb galaya shirka QM oo kulamo la qaatay Madaxda Adduunka


    Posted by Pi on September 25th, 2012



    Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Dr Abdiweli Mohamed Ali oo ku sugan New York oo uu ka qeybgalayo shirka Qaramada Midoobey ee Golahiisa Guud ayaa kulamo la qaatay Madax ka kala socotay waddamada Adduunka oo uu kala hadlayey xaaladda waddanka, isbedelkii dhowaan ka dhacay Muqdisho iyo doorashadii Madaxweyne Hassan Sheikh Mohamud iyo farriin uu uga sido Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya. Sawirada qoraalka hoostiisa ka daawo


    Ra’iisul Wasaare Dr Abdiweli Mohamed Ali ayaa mas’uuliyiintii uu la kulmay waxaa ka mid ahaa Madaxweynaha Dalka Kenya, HE Mwai Kibaki, Madaxweynaha Northern Cyprus ee Turkiga, HE. Dr Dervis Eroglu, iyo Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda ee Norway HE Mr. Heikki Holmas.


    Madaxweyne Kibaki ayaa hambalyo u soo jeediyey shacabka Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan Ra’iisul Wasaare Abdiweli Mohamed Ali iyo dhameystirkii xilliga KMG ah isagoo ku ammaanay Ra’iisul Wasaare Abdiweli inuu hoggaan suuban la yimid oo suurtogelisay in Soomaaliya uu ka dhaco isbedel demoqraadiyad ah. Sidoo kale labada Mas’uul ayaa ka wada hadlay la dagaalanka Al-Shabaab iyo xiriirka labada shacab ee dhanka dhaqaalaha iyo horumarka, iyagoo xusay in Somalia oo nabad ah ay ka dhigeyso geeska Africa nabad.


    Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda Norway HE Mr. Heikki Holmas ayaa waxey ka wada hadleen sida ay Norway uga qeybqaadan karto isbedelka iyo horumarka Soomaaliya. Ra’iisul Wasaare Abdiweli ayaa ka codsaday Norway inay dib u dhiska dalka iyo sidii hay’adaha Dowladda loo dhisi lahaa ay ka qeybqaataan, isagoo xusay in saacidaada toos loo siiyo NGO-yada ay keeneyso inay wiiqdo awoodda dowladda. Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda Norway ayaa ku raacay Ra’iisul Wasaaraha sheegeyna inuu la xiriirayo waddamada kale sida kuwa Yurub sidii dowladda toos loogu saacidi lahaa si loo dhiso hay’adaha Dowliga ah.Sidoo kale labada mas’uul waxey isla garteen in goobaha iyo deegaanada dalka loo baahanyahay in la gaaro oo la fahamsiiyo nabadda inay rajo iyo nolol ku jirto.


    HE. Dr. Dervis Eroglu: Madaxweynaha Northern Cyprus ee Dowladda Turkiga ayaa sheegay inay daneynayaan in Somalia iyo Northern Cyprus uu xiriir wanaagsan dhex maro oo ay ka saacidaan Somalia arrimo fara badan.

    Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Dr Abdiweli Mohamed Ali ayaa lagu wadaa inuu la kulmo Madaxweyne Obama iyo xaaskiisa Michelle, Xoghayaha Guud ee QM Ban Ki-Moon, iyo madax kale. Waxaana lagu wadaa in Ra’iisul Wasaare Abdiweli uu khudbad taariikhi ah ka jeedin doono Golaha Guud ee QM maalinta 27ka September 2012, isagoo sidoo kale sanadkii hore khudbad taariikhi ah halkaas ka jeediyey.

  6. Macallinka;873691 wrote:
    ^ What issue sxb, you are accusing the guy to be behind this news and you have no source? You are accusing him the gunfire in the city?

    I can understand you lot coz tacsi baa inii taalo laakin Abwaan is what concerns me !

    Macallinka you are quite funny. Lets not inject subclan talk here adeer. We know who is taking video's of glue sniffing kids and is so desperate that they start false party's:D


    Also whats so special about Farmaajo's leadership abilities? I have met the man several times and read his thesis which was terrible..

  7. A_Khadar;873674 wrote:
    If someone else made this news, I still don't understand why it's his fault.. He can't help people whom are not his clan to love him and want him to be their PM. I see him as a man who can unify many somalis, yet I also see many haters in here..

    The fact remains most of these tabloids are not fountains of wisdom and logic. They are hired hands, who hired them and paid them to direct their focus on Farmaajo? Also since he lost his post as PM, Farmaajo has been touring the world and his supporters have been busy mythmaking and building a false persona regarding the man. I have met the man many times and in fact we are related. However he has been given bad advice and worse PR. Farmaajo needs to be saved from those around him.

  8. Abwaan;873664 wrote:
    I know, it looks like that to me. Dayniile posted the story hours after Dahir did. I agree that they mislead the people. Tabloids waalan iska dheh.

    I dont blame Dayniile, or Waagacusub or even Amiin Ammir. These people are doing their jobs, much like the Sun and the Daily Mirror in the UK. However its the Farmaajo team and the whole over the top nonsense. His arrival in Mogadishu, his many meaningless and contradictatory utterences and now this..:D

  9. Abwaan;873651 wrote:
    A_Khadar, sxb do you know the whole source of this Farmaajo syndrome? Waagacusub:D Daahir Calasoow muxuu dad ku ciyaaray. He posted this three days ago and Somali websites started reporting it too one after another. Not that I like Dahir Alasow and his tabloid website, but let us give this dude a credit for misleading a lot of Somalis, who blindly and sadly beleived his rumours....Very sad indeed.

    Abwan Dahir and Dayniile have been used by the Farmaajo camp to create this story. I must say it blew in Farmaajo's face but the lead up to it was skillfully executed..:D