General Duke

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Everything posted by General Duke

  1. Thanks G, A.T, Dear brother its only news, we want to know the facts right. Peace to Hawd region Puntland Somalia for keeping that flag alive.
  2. Somaliland’s Hypocrisy and claim of victim hood is coming full circle. Injustice of a regime was either blamed on a region, people or symbols, like that blue flag, Mogadishu and REER XAMAR. The fact that so called Somalilanders took part in the sacking of Galkacyu and that officers from Hargaysa and the Burco triangle wantonly killed on behalf of the Siyad regime is well known. However when the tables turn Somalilanders blame not Siyad and co, for Colonl Riyaale would be no president if they did, but that Somalilanders chose to burn the Flag and curse XAMAR is laughable. Politics of the scessesionist is not based on building their hospitals (remember that BBC documentary for red nose day). But on propaganda aimed at blaming all problems on Mogadishu, get a grip people. Assalym seekers turned politicians such as Faisal Warabbe and Edna have jumped on the bandwagon. “American marines where not dragged on the streets of Mogadishu” the wise owl Edna states. But dear they did not get dragged on the streets of BALCAD, AFGOYE, KISMAYU either let alone BOSSASO, LAS ANO. Point is that the MYTH Somaliland is coming into focus, soon it will be nothing but some crazy people dragging the Somali flag in the streets of Hargaysa. Again like Guraad stated earlier Check out Buuhoodle website to gage the opinion, actually find us any people from those regions who support Somaliland and I will pay you. LOL
  3. Dahabshiil is a company long rumoured to be run by ignorant folk. Well they have proven that in a somewhat fantastic way. July 1 is the independence day of Somalia, those who seek to profit from Somali's should respect that. Dahabshiil must have mistaken themselves to be some big corporation, lol. Boycot them or not their reputation has been dented for ever.
  4. I agree with the Information minister, he is on the ground and can make better judgment than the author of the article. But with closer scrutiny I think both men are on the same path. But Puntland does need more criticism and more dialogue such as this one. Many thanks bro for the post
  5. DECLARATION ON THE POLITICAL POSITION OF THE PEOPLE OF SOOL, SOUTHERN AND EASTERN SANAAG REGIONS AND BUHOODLE DISTRICT OF SOMALIA Search the Web We, the undersigned ISIMMADA (traditional community leaders) of Sool, Southern and Eastern Sanaag Regions and Buhoodle District, hereby submit that: NOTING that there is a reported uncertainty and confusion on the part of the international community working with Somalia on the political, institutional and socio-economic development as well as regional or zone associations of the above regions and district and rumors and claims on them by certain persons or regions in other parts of Somalia; HAVING lived through nearly 8 years of civil war, disintegration of our national institutions, disruptions of almost all socio-economic services, the threat of Somali national unity breakdown, resulting in many negative outcomes, massive displacement and migration of thousands of our people abroad; CONSIDERING that several national and international attempts failed to produce Somali national reconciliation and that there appears little likelihood of a resolution of this issue in the near future; CONSCIOUS of our responsibilities to make all possible efforts to restore peace and public institutions enabling us to lay down plans and programs for the rapid reintegration, rehabilitation and reconstruction of our regions; COMMITTED to the maintenance of Somali national unity and the promotion of practical national reconciliation in order to reclaim our national dignity, sovereignty and rebuild our public institutions; RECALLING the role played by the people of Sool, Eastern and Southern Sanaag regions and Buhoodle District in the struggle for independence and national unity brought about by voluntary and happy reunion of the peoples of Somalia, who were, historically, forcefully administered by various colonial powers of Europe, following the national independence in 1960; BELIEVING in the fundamental principle of self-determination of peoples to decide their future/destiny while respecting the rights of others to life and liberty; AWARE of the need and respect for cooperation and good neighborliness with peoples and regions we share common borders such as North West Somalia and Somali Regional State of Ethiopia; HAVING considered all the above and realizing that, under the present circumstances of the Somali nation, we share common ancestry, ideals, security, socio-economic interdependence, and destiny with the peoples of Bari, North- East-West Mudugh and Nugal regions, formerly known as North East Somalia; ACCEPT, THEREFORE, the wish of the people of Sool, Southern and Eastern Sanaag regions and Buhoodle District, who freely decided through series of consultative and constitutional public conferences, to join with their brethren in the North-East Somalia, jointly forming the Puntland State of Somalia, a major partner of a future Somali federal system of government. We sincerely hope that the current position of the people we represent is perfectly clear to the international community, and that they will, thus, respect the new status of our regions; CONSISTENT with the new status of our regions, we respecfully demand that all future humanitarian, reconstruction, development and national reconciliation matters concerning our regions are to be discussed with and conducted through the Government and community of Puntland State of Somalia. No one else represents us. Long live peace in Somalia! Signed by:- ESATERN SANAAG REGION 1. Sultaan Said Sultaan Abdisalan Mohamud Ali Shire 2. Garaad Abdillaahi Ali Eid 3. Islaan Husein Abdisalan Dhiif SOOL, SOUTHERN SANAAG REGIONS AND BUUHOODLE DISTRICT 1. Garaad Abdiqani Garaad Jama 2. Garaad salebaan Garaad Mohamed 3. Garaad Abdilahi Garaad Soofe 4. Garaad Ismail Duale Guled 5. Sultaan Said Osman Ali 6. Garaad Abshir Salah Mohamed 7. Ugaas Abdilahi Isse Noor Reference
  6. Same news different persepctive ............................................ Maleeshiyooyin Ay Ethiopia Soo Hubeysay Oo Xadka La keenay. Hobyonet Muqdisho.Sabti,28-06-03. Dowlada Ethiopia ayaa soo abaabushay maleshiyoyin degaanka Kilinka 5aad oo sida la sheegay aad u faro badan kuna soo hubeysay gaadiidka dagaalka una soo dirtay dhinaca Xuduuda Soomaaliya. Sida laga soo xigtay ilo lagu kalsoon yahay oo degaanka ah ayaa caddeynaaya in 18-kii bishaan maleeshiyooyin aad u faro badan oo wata in ka badan 200 oo isugu jira gaadiidka gaashaaman & kuwa loo yaqaano Tiknika u soo dhaqaajisay xuduuda Soomaaliya gaar ahaan gobolada Hiiraan Bakool & Gedo. Ciidamadaan oo la sheegay iney hadda ku sugan yihiin dhulka Soomaalida ayaa warar kala duwan ka soo baxaaya ujeedada halkaas loo keenay. Warka qaar ayaa tibaaxaaya in dowlada Ethiopia ay dagaal kula jirto wax loogu yeeray Argagixiso, Balse idaacad ay leeyihiin mucaaradka ayaa sheegtay in maleeshiyaadkaas taageeri doonaan mid ka mid ah hogaamiye kooxeedyada oo hadda abaabul dagaal ka wada Bay & Bakool gacan saar dhowna la leh dowlada Ethiopia si uu gacanta ugu dhigo gobolada Jubbooyinka. Waxaana kaloo la sheegay in Ciidamadaas ay ka yihiin gaaska Guurguura ee sida deg-deg ah u howl gala oo ay dowlada Ethiopia ay leedahay kana midka ahaa Ciidankii Beydhabo ku soo duuli jiray, lama oga iney ka qeyb qaadan doonaan dagaalka iney dhoola tus u keeneen.
  7. Diyaargaroow dagaal ayaa ka socda Koonfurta Somaliya - Saturday, June 28, 2003 at 13:24 Muqdisho, (AllPuntland)- Wararka ka imaanaya koonfurta Somaliya ayaa xaqiijinaya in diyaargaroow dagaal uu saameeyay gobolada koonfurta Somaliya. Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa ka socda diyaargaroow xoogan, hogaamiye kooxeedka Cusmaan Xasan Cali (Caato) ayaa 4 tikniko ah iyo afar gawaarida waaweyn u diray Jubbadda Hoose, inkastoo laba tikniko ah iyo laba wiish ay dib ugu soo noqdeen Muqdisho ka dib markii maleeshiyadii saarnayd ay isku afgaran waayeen dagaalka loo diray, halka afartii kale ay ka gaareen Mugaanbe oo ay ku yaalaan beero Cismaan lee yahay oo la sheego in dalaga ku beeran ay ka mid yihiin maandooriyayaal (daroogo). Dhinaca kale Gen. Galaal iyo col. Xasan Daahir Aways oo isagu ku jira liiska uu Maraykanku radiyo ayaa Muqdisho kula lahaa beelaha degan wadahadalo ay ku macneeyeen siddii looga hortagi lahaa weerar ka soosocda dhinaca Itoobiya, waxaa socda dhaqdhaqaaq xoog badan oo lagu uruurinayo maleeshiyooyin. Dhinaca kale magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxaa ugu yaraan la isugu geeyay goobo kala duwan ilaa 600 oo maleeshiyo ah, uruurinta maleeshiyaadka oo uu ka dhashay muran badan oo la xiriira maleeshiyooyinka oo dalbaday mushahaaro ay ku dagaal tagaan ayaa hadda la xaliyay ka dib markii loo balan qaday in la siindoono lacag. Inkastoo dhaqdhaqaaqaan lagu abaabulayo in lagaga hortagayo weerar uu soo wado Jenarla Morgan ayaa haddana dhinaca Gen. Morgan ay sheegayaan in uusan jirin wax weerar ah oo ay maagan yihiin Col. Mahdi Miicaad oo ah afhayeenka Morgan ayaa sheegay in ciidankoodu ay joogaan rugahay horay u joogeen uusana jirin wax dagaal ah oo ay meel ku damacsan yihiin inay ku qadaan. Dhinaca kale ayaa Gen. Galaal oo Muqdisho joogaa sheegayaa inuu ka hortagayo waxa uu ugu yeeray ciidamo itoobiyan ah oo soo dagay Ceel barde, oo uu sheegay inuu horkacayo Gen Morgan. Wararka laga helayo dadka socotada ah ee ka imaanaya Bakool ayaa sheegaya in Gen. Morgan oo mudo ka maqnaa dhulkaas uu iminka yimid fariisamada ciidamadiisa, warku ma sheegin ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo aagaas soo galay, waxayse dadku sheegeen in markii gen. Morgan naf ahaantiisu yimid halkaas ay dib isku uruursadeen maleeshiyaadkiisii horay xooga looga soosaaray Kismaayo oo mudooyinkaan dambe ku kala firirsanaa Bay iyo Bakool. Warar laga helay Kismaayo ayaa sheegaya in deegaanka Bu'aalo looga cabsi qabo inuu ka bilowdo dagaal, ka gadaal markii maleeshiyo laga soo diray Kismaayo ay halkaas soo wajaheen, iyadoo taageerayaasha SPM/SRRC ee aagaasina ay diyaar garoow bilaabeen. Waxay u muuqataa mid diblaamisayada loogu talo galay marka la eego hadalada diblamaasiyadeed ee Itoobiye weerarka ah ee ka soo yeerayay Madaxweynaha garab ka mid ah DKGM ah/ Kooxda Carta Cabdiqaasim Salaad Xasan oo isagu ku sugan Nairobi iyo qaylo dhaanta Gen. Galaal ka wado Muqdisho oo uu ku sheegayo weerar ka soosocda Itoobiya, tani oo dadka Muqdisho u fasirteen in beesha labada nin ay kasoo wada jeedaan ay dadaal ugu jirto inay siyaasadooda ka iibshaan Muqdisho, iyadoo ay u muuqato mid quusatay DKMG ah /Carta marka la eego shirka Somalida uga socda Kenya. DKMG ah / Kooxda Carta qofba sidda uu u yaqaan ayaa la ogyahay in awoodeeda siyaasadeed, mida ciidan iyo mida dhaqaalaba ay gacanta ugu jirto beesha Cabdiqasim iyo Gen. Galaal. AllPuntland, Muqdisho
  8. Somaliland will regret the policy of isolation. While Isolationism may work for some in western countries and is a valid political thinking, it does not work in a vacuum it must take into account the realities of the state internally and externally. Somaliland is part of Somalia until the day it is recognised and joins the UN as an independent sovereign state until then Somalia issue do concern Somaliland. The advantage of this has been that Somaliland was not dragged into the southern war, but is this because of isolationism or more to do with the geographical location of Somaliland? The disadvantage of the isolationism is that while as a member of the Somali state any outcome of a Somali peace treaty will be binding on the state while its non presence would make it weaker to exert maximum influence. Thus losing its interest and affecting its future. For example what is there was a power sharing formula that was advantageous to the South and Puntland and from this a recognised federal Somali state was formed. Why would those who share power give an equal footing to those who where not there and did not see them as equals in the first place? Then all issues would be dealt by Mogadishu and the states within the federation would benefit from making decisions for the whole of Somalia. Somaliland BORDERS WOULD BE REDRAWN FROM MOGADISHU. The point is it is better to be always realistic; the south will forever not be in anarchy. Somali’s expect more from their leaders today. Economic activities in some places in the south is remarkable, for example Beletweyne is a booming city and Mogadishu’s BAKARA market is the larger than anything in Somalia and Djabouti. So in all honesty Somalia is not a dead country but a recuperating and healing one.
  9. Somaliland will regret the policy of isolation. Somaliland is part of Somalia until the day it is recognised and joins the UN as an independent sovereign state until then Somalia issue do concern Somaliland. The advantage of this has been that Somaliland was not dragged into the southern war, but is this because of isolationism or more to do with the geographical location of Somaliland? The disadvantage of the isolationism is that while as a member of the Somali state any outcome of a Somali peace treaty will be binding on the state while its non presence would make it weaker to exert maximum influence. Thus losing its interest and affecting its future. For example what if there was a power sharing formula that was advantageous to the South and Puntland and from this a recognised federal Somali state was formed. Then all issues would be dealt by Mogadishu and the states within the federation would benefit from making decisions for the whole of Somalia. Somaliland BORDERS WOULD BE REDRAWN FROM MOGADISHU. The point is it is better to be always realistic; the south will forever not be in anarchy. Somali’s expect more from their leaders today. Economic activities in some places in the south is remarkable, for example Beletweyne is a booming city and Mogadishu’s BAKARA market is the larger than anything in Somalia and Djabouti. So in all honesty Somalia is not a dead country but a recuperating and healing one.
  10. 26 of June 1960 SANADGUUARDII 43aad Markii Taariikhda Ugu Horreysay oo calan Soomaaliyeed oo xor ah la suro This was the flag the place was Hargaysa and this is our heritage, deny it the flag did not kill people, people killed people.
  11. Other interesting news, Business companies get on the act. Shirkadda Dahabshiil Oo Dafirtay Farxadda 1da Luulyo Muqdisho Shirkadda Xawilaada Dahabshiil oo ah shirkad wayn oo fadhigeedu yahay magaalada Hargaysa, magac wayn iyo laamana ku leh dhamaan magaalooyinka Somaliya, ayaa noqotay shirkaddii u horaysay ee wadani ah ee inkirta munaasabada 1da Luulyo. Calendarka taariikhda ee sannadka 2003 ee ay soo saartay shirkadda Dahabshiil ayay ku qoreen in maalinta 1da Luulyo ay tahay maalin caadi ah ee la mid ah maalmaha shaqada, halka ay maalinta 26 Juun ka dhigeen maalin faysto oo ay u yeeleen calaamad guduudan sida maalmaha Jimcaha. Dadweyne badan oo Somaliyed ayay arintani ku noqotay lama filaan, iyagoo la yaaban in Shirkadda Dahabshiil ay tahay shirkad wadani ah oo u siman dhamaan umadda Somaliyeed, iyo in ay tahay Shirkad Siyaasadeed oo u ololaysa kala go'a Waqooyi iyo Koonfur, iyadoo la wada ogsoon yahay in shacabka Somaliland nafsadiisu uusan isku waafaqsanayn kala go'a. Calendar kaas oo lagu qaybiyay magaalad Muqdisho iyo meelo kale ayay dadwaynaha jecel midnimada Somaliya ka muujiyeen caro wayn. Waxayna kula taliyeen madaxda shirkadda Dahabshiil inay ka waantoobaan ficiladaas oo dhalin kara in ay wax u dhimaan sumcadda iyo ganacsiga shirkadda Dahabshiil. Qfkii raba inuu u muujiyo dareenkiisa wadaninimo sharkaddaas, wuxuu kala xiriiri karaa sidan hoos ku qoran: Dahabshiil Headquarter Tel. 00-2522-523000 DTI-tel 00-476705-9800 Fax 00-2522-523001 Email: Source material
  12. WHAT IS THE MAN ON ABOUT? Midnimo Information Center Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga UCID ee Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Md. Feysal Cali Waraabe oo dhowaan u waramayay Telefishinka magaalada Hargeysa iyo qeybaha kale ee Warbaahinta ayaa shaaca ka qaaday inaysan jirin maalin Somaliland u dhaanta xilligan. « K/Soomaaliya gooni ayaa loo saaray, mana jirto maalin aan ka fiicanahay maanta, Somaliland waxay ku heshay magac iyo maamuus doorashooyinkii 14-kii April ka dhacay dalkan, waxaana la yaab leh inay nagu tashadeen reer Soomaaliya iyagoo sameystay Deked Somaliland lagu soo xiro oo la yiraahdo Soomaaliya, ciyaartan waxaa wata niman la yiraahdo (**********) kana soo horjeeda Dowladnimadeena» ayuu yiri Md. Feysal Cali Waraabe. « Hadaan runta idiin sheego dagaal weyn ayaa nagu soo socda oo Dowlad ayaa la rabaa in dusha nalooga keeno, nalana yiraahdo wax la qeybsada ama waa leydin bakhtiinayaa, dagaalkaas waxaan kaga bixi karnaa anagoo iska dhaafna yooyootanka, Dowladda cusubna gacan la siiyo, inagoo mideysanna aan ka hortagno talada ka soo socta shirka Nairobi ee guracan» ayuu si kulul u yiri Md. Feysal Cali Waraabe. Guddoomiye Feysal Cali Waraabe wuxuu tallaabo fiican oo horay loo qaaday ku tilmaamay Wasiiradii hordhac ahaan uu dhowaan u magacaabay Madaxweyne Daahir Riyaale Kaahin, isagoo tibaaxay in inta la magacaabayba ay yihiin kuwo leh kartida lagu soo xulay. «Haddii aan anigu Madaxweyne noqon lahaa Edna Aadan Ismaaciil waxaan u dhiiban lahaa Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda, Wasiirka Difaaca, inkastoo aan horay u aqoon hadana waa nin karti sare leh, Cawil Xaaji Cali Ducaale waa nin Dowladda uu u shaqeeyo daacad u ah, lana dagaalama musuqmaasuqa, waana Qoraa» ayuu yiri Guddoomiye Feysal Cali Waraabe. Source of article
  13. Its not just the fake foreign ministers, now the party leaders dig it in. Paranoid or what? Midnimo Information Center mic 21- 06 - 2003 - Wararkii ugu danbeeyay ee arimaha Soomaliya FEYSAL C. WARAABE OO SI KULUL UGA HADLAY SHIRKA KENYA «Dagaal weyn ayaa nagu soo socda .......» Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga UCID ee Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Md. Feysal Cali Waraabe oo dhowaan u waramayay Telefishinka magaalada Hargeysa iyo qeybaha kale ee Warbaahinta ayaa shaaca ka qaaday inaysan jirin maalin Somaliland u dhaanta xilligan. «K/Soomaaliya gooni ayaa loo saaray, mana jirto maalin aan ka fiicanahay maanta, Somaliland waxay ku heshay magac iyo maamuus doorashooyinkii 14-kii April ka dhacay dalkan, waxaana la yaab leh inay nagu tashadeen reer Soomaaliya iyagoo sameystay Deked Somaliland lagu soo xiro oo la yiraahdo Soomaaliya, ciyaartan waxaa wata niman la yiraahdo ********** kana soo horjeeda Dowladnimadeena» ayuu yiri Md. Feysal Cali Waraabe. « Hadaan runta idiin sheego dagaal weyn ayaa nagu soo socda oo Dowlad ayaa la rabaa in dusha nalooga keeno, nalana yiraahdo wax la qeybsada ama waa leydin bakhtiinayaa, dagaalkaas waxaan kaga bixi karnaa anagoo iska dhaafna yooyootanka, Dowladda cusubna gacan la siiyo, inagoo mideysanna aan ka hortagno talada ka soo socta shirka Nairobi ee guracan» ayuu si kulul u yiri Md. Feysal Cali Waraabe. Guddoomiye Feysal Cali Waraabe wuxuu tallaabo fiican oo horay loo qaaday ku tilmaamay Wasiiradii hordhac ahaan uu dhowaan u magacaabay Madaxweyne Daahir Riyaale Kaahin, isagoo tibaaxay in inta la magacaabayba ay yihiin kuwo leh kartida lagu soo xulay. «Haddii aan anigu Madaxweyne noqon lahaa Edna Aadan Ismaaciil waxaan u dhiiban lahaa Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda, Wasiirka Difaaca, inkastoo aan horay u aqoon hadana waa nin karti sare leh, Cawil Xaaji Cali Ducaale waa nin Dowladda uu u shaqeeyo daacad u ah, lana dagaalama musuqmaasuqa, waana Qoraa» ayuu yiri Guddoomiye Feysal Cali Waraabe. Source of article