General Duke

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Posts posted by General Duke

  1. Out of the rumored 9 Ministers.....


    Minister of Finance & Money = Cawil Salebaan, Puntlander & reer Mudug , close kinsmen


    Minister of either Defence or Information = Col. Ilmimooge, Jubaland/Jigjiga, friend of Duke's from Minneapolis.


    Foreign Minister/Deputy Pm = Fowziyo Adan, widow of a famous man from Duke's reer Abti's.


    Minister of Interior = Galmudug & gone are Galgaduud, don't know the man, but I know many in Mogadishu who say they do...:D

  2. Suldanka. Lol If clan matters as you say. Fowziyo my late Abti's widow will be FM/Deputy PM. My close kinsmen Minister of Finance & a good friend of mine from Minneapolis another Minister. Out of 9, 3 is not bad.:D

    I am quite for the fact & laughing cause it's all very ammusing. Also our own, US election upon us. Have the secessionist gained independence since getting Xaglatosiye in their payroll?


    Also Khartumo should stay..

  3. Golaha Wasiirada oo laga dhigayo 9-Xubnood iyo Odayaasha Muqdisho oo ka digay

    Print here| By: Monday, October 29, 2012 // u Jawaab

    Warar ay AOL ka heshay Aqalka Madaxtooyada iyo Xafiiska Ra’isul Wasaaraha ayaa sheegaya in si weyn loo yareeyay tirada golaha Wasiirada.

    Ilaa 9 Wasiir oo kaliya ayaa lasoo sheegayaa in uu soo magacaabi doono Ra’isul Wasaare Dr Saacid saacadaha soo aadan.

    Gudoomiyaha odayaasha dhaqanka beelaha ****** Nabadoon Maxamed Xasan Xaad ayaa sheegay in ay ka warhayaan in 9 Wasiir kaliya la magacaabayo.

    Waxaa uu sheegay intaas aysan noqonayn mid cadaalad ah beelo badana ay iska horkeeni karto.

    ‘Waxaan ka digayaa in 9 wasiir la magacaabo, maxaa yeelay taas uma cuntanto shacabka iyo beelaha Soomaaliyeed, waxaana ay keenaysaa isku dhac hor leh’;ayuu shegay Nabadoonka.

    Si kastaba ma jirto hada rasmi ah oo kasoo baxay dowlada kaas oo cadeynaya in Ra’aisul Wasaaraha uu 9 Wasiir kaliya magacaabayo.

    AOL Muqdisho Office

  4. Khadafi;882380 wrote:
    Xamar cadeey belongs to two primary groups
    , it belongs to the Banaadiri, bantu groups live in afgooye and jowhar and not Xamar.


    some of the interior has its shares by the unuka groups...If the Unuka groups wants to claim it by force, well then xamar should be shared by all somali clans...


    Laakin Duke, Boosaaso is now a commerical city with many diffirent somali clans, why not share that too?

    Let me correct you, the Bantu Clan as well as those from Bay & Bakool today are a large segment of Mogadishu.

    2. The Marka clan also lives in Mogadishu, so are clans from Hiiraan, and other parts of Somalia. Why complain about Kismayu distribution when their population does not even have adequite representation in Mogadishu?


    3. No one is against the sharing of Bosaso admin or Puntland's, and the new clans that have moved into Puntland will with time have adequite representation. Its their State as well.

  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;882371 wrote:
    America doesn't have sub clan rivalries and clan disputes in cities and villages you are comparing the incomparable.


    It might develop Somalia faster we yet have to see that time will tell when federalism is implemented but pure clan states will never work.Even With Puntland it needs to include others why cant Galmudug and Puntland be united under one federal state it will make the state more diverse. Why cant the lower shabeele and the 2 jubas be one state it makes the state more diverse what if gedo and bay and bakool join hand in hand it will make the state more diverse.

    XX, you are quite ignorant of American History when you say it does not have tribal or ethnic differences in its make up. Take for example the State of Utah, it was formed by a religious minority that was persecuted and chased out of other States. Its founder and first governor Brigham Young was considered a prophet by the Mormon Church that he led. Throughout America you have ethnic communities who formed and dominated small, medium to even major cities. In my State of Minnesota there are Germantown, New-Prague and even Indian reservations, all indicating that in recent past communities lived quite separately but within the law. You have Boston dominated by the Irish; Chicago was led by a family of Irish descent the Daley family for more than half a century. Their votes and power came from their Ethnic group the Irish. You have Atlanta Georgia considered an African American metropolis and one has to go back a while to get a White Mayor of Alanta.

    What’s quite ludicrous is the fact that you want an SNM dominated nation but fear a D, dominated regional States in Somalia. You are way too obvious lad.

  6. ^^^^You are right Mogadishu's dominant clan will have a good say on the running of the city, however the argument here is if you want fairness then the Reer Xamar (Banadiri) the clans who dominate Marka, the Somali Bantu's and D&M clans should have a fairer share of the Cities power structure. Thus out of the 16 districts of Banadir, these clans should at least have a couple of heads and deputies and so on.

  7. Dhanka kale Prof.Gaas ayaa maanta Qado sharaf u sameeyey Issimada iyo Nabadoonada Gobalka Mudug oo uu maanta ku casumay Hotel Golden Plaza.


    Raysalwasaarihii hore ayaa sheegay in uu xiligan booqasho ku yimid deegaanada Puntland oo uu kasoo jeedo isla markaana u yahay xildhibaan uga mid ah Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, waxaana si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyey magaalada Gaalkacyo, ayadoo la filayo inuu sidoo kale uu booqasho ku tago deegaanada kale ee kamid ah Puntland.

  8. IMG_0365.jpg]


    Raysalwasaarihii hore ee Dowlada Soomaaliya Prof.Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa maanta booqasho ku tagay qaar kamid ah xarumaha magaalada Gaalkacyo oo uu todobaadkan booqasho ku yimid.


    Prof.Gaas ayaa maanta goobaha uu booqday waxaa kamid ahaa Dugsiga Cumar Samatar oo ah kan ugu weyn ee magaalada Gaalkacyo ku yaal halkaasi oo ay ardayda iskuulkaasi dhigata ay su’aalo ku weydiiyeen.


    Prof.Gaas ayaa sidoo kale khalkaasi khudbad qiimo badan ugu soo jeediyey Ardayda ayagoo is dhaafsanayey su’aalo iyo jawaabo.


    Halkan ka dhageyso Khudbadii Prof.Cabdiweli Cali Gaas

  9. Ducaysane;882345 wrote:
    So if Mogadishu and Kismaayu is shared, does that mean the end of federalism?

    New York, Los Angeles are shared Cities they have a Jewish & Latino Mayors and Federalisam is strong in the US.


    The people of each city must have greater representation. Mogadishu is a multi clan city even today and should not be dominated by any one group. Thats the jist of the argument here.


    Federalisam will develop Somalia much faster than a centralised system ever did. It can also address the political issues that have arisen in the war years.

  10. Much talk has been made about the distribution of power of the up and coming Jubaland Admin & that of the City of Kismayu. Many have argued that certain clans are not well represented and that some are monopolizing power. These same groups tend to ignore that the capital of Somalia does not have equitable distribution of power and that the 16 districts of the capital is monopolized by a single group without any regard to the vast Somali populace who reside within the capital.


    Its important that we start at the heart of the problem, Mogadishu admin and that of the Banadir region should be distributed to the various clans and groups that reside within it. The clans of Marka, barava, the Somali Bantu’s and Somali’s of Arab ancestry, should all be accorded greater representation in Mogadishu and Banadir region..


    A sinle clan or community should not dominate the national capital at the expense of other Somali's. Its great that everyone is interested in Kismayu and the Juba's but they should not ignore the plight of the Somali population in the National Capital.


    Charity starts at home, President Xasan needs to show great leadership and address this problem ASAP..