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Everything posted by Zaylici

  1. As student and admirer of human philosophy and cultures, I wish if you could elucidate what Ogun stands for and all other things that are related to this ancient god. You seem to be expert in these matters and that delights me or shall say it wildly excites me whenever someone discuss on the matters of cultural manifestations and related topics.
  2. Given the calamity( disaster) that predominated Somali homeland and world at large, and the impeding one that is about to insue, what is the historical role of men and womnen of Somali origin in the daipora with regard to the resolution of this calamity. Include in your answer, my good fellow, the following two components 1- a practical means that can be employed given the dailly circumstances of the avarage Somali student/worker. 2- an immidiate and long time ends that can be persued by the personalities that delight in the performance of the public service. Your thoughtfull answers are contributions in my opnion to the sad historical reality of ours. Ponder, therefore and let us share the products of our thought and meditation, so as to better serve the noble cause of helping the disadvanted other whom we share certian commonalities. Needless to say, the disadvantaged other is non other than the Somali speaking mass in the African horn and the daisporic communites that inhibit around the world. Comprehensive approach, that is a resolution to the wider Somali problem is more approperiate than a resolution to a particular clan or region in my opnion. Untill then may we enjoy life as it presents to us, while we continue to greive with suffering masses in Somali pinansula. Haille, Samatalis
  3. I have intially posted the article to see if I can secure some more information and ideas with regard to reason and faith. It does seem that I have secured partially. I
  4. Samatalis Xussen Xayle Kan kor ku xusan waa Arday Jaamcadda Minnisota cilmi ka raacda, Sanadkii lixaad, baranayna Culuumta Falsafadda, Cilmu nafsiga,Culuumta Siyaasadda iyo Umuuraha Soomaaliga Minniabolis, Minnisota. Talaado, January 27, 2003 Qormadan soo socota waxaan u hibeeyay gabadh lo oran jiray Deeqo Cusmaan oo daganaan jirtay xaafadii Dabka ee dagmadii Waaberi, Gobolka Banaadir, Jimhuuriyaddii Dimuqraadiga Soomaaliya. Akhristow iga gudoon, sheekadaan tixana ahaandoonta, Eebe idinkiis.kala xiriiri qoraaga fariimahan Emailka soo socda Soomaaliga iyo Waayihii hore Gacanka cadmeed( ama gacanka Berbera, magacan dambe ayaa loogu yeeri jiray gacan biyoodkan u dhexeeya Yemen iyo woqooyiga dhulka Soomaalida) ee badda cas iyo badwaynta Hindiya dhanka soo xiga Geeska Afrika, waxay ahaayeen goobo safarku uu ku badan yahay. Badda cas waxay isku xiri jirtay Masar iyo wadamada kulaala badda meditereeniyaanka( sida Giriiga, Ruum, iyo woqooyiga Afrika), Hindiya, gacanka carabta( ama Jasiiratu al-carab), faaris( Iiraan), iyo bariga shishe( sida shiinaha) iyo dabcan Bariga Afrika. sidaa awgeed Geeska Afrika qayb ayuu ka ahaa dunidii hore. Bulshaawinimada Aadanaha iyo Taariikhda Adamigu waxaa uu ka mid yahay noolayaasha bulshaawiga ah( social animals), taas oo aan ula jeedo In Aadamigu yahay noole ka hela wehesha Aadamiga kale. Labo sababood ayayna iila muuqataa in ay arintan ugu wacan tahay: 1- Aadimaga musiibooyin ayaa ku dhaca( uusan awoodi karin inta badan in uu ka hortago), sida cudurada, abaaraha iwm, sidaa darteed, waxaa uu u baahanyahay cid uu kaalmaysto si uusan u dhiman xiliga rafaadka. 2- Madaama Aadamigu uu ka taag daran yahay xayaawanada kale badankood( sida shabeelka, libaaxa iyo masaska iwm), waxaa uu bartay waayo aragnimo dheer bacdigeed in uu gaashaanbuurayto( xaalufaysto) kuwa asaga la midka ah si ay isku difaacaan. Labadan arimood( difaaca nafta xiliga halista iyo iskaalmaysiga xilliga rafaadka) ayaa ka dhigaysa aadamiga noole u baahan wehesha iyo wadashaqaynta Aadamiga kale. Haddaba, Markii dadku uu helo waxyaalaha lama huraanka u ah nolosha, sida raashinka, iyo nabadgalyada, waxaad moodaa in ay dabiici tahay in la raadiyo waxyaalaha dheeraadka ku ah nolosha. Sida walxaha lagu raaxaysto oo ay ka midyihiin dharka quruxda badan, dahabka,iyo waxyaalaha la isku carfiyo ama wax lagu carafsado. Ma daama qolo walba ay ku nooshahay meel cayiman juqraafi ahaan, qolo kaligeed ma soo saari karto wax walba oo ay u baahantahay ama ay jeceshahay in ay hesho. Si haddaba walxaha loo baahanyahay ama la jecelyahay loo helo iskaalmaysiga iyo wadashaqayntu waa lama huraan.Sidaa darteed, Ganacsigu waxaa uu ogolaadaa in qolo walba waxa ka maqan ay hesho. Tusaale, u fiirso xiriirk u dhexeeya reer guuraaga iyo dadka degan tuulooyinka amba magaalooyinka, reer guuraagu waxay keenaan magaalooyinka xoolo nool waxayna ku badashaan sokor, shaah, bur, tumbaako iyo walxo kale oo ay markaas u baahanyihiin oo magaalooyinka laga helo. Reer magaalka waxay u baahanyihiin caanaha iyo hilibka, reer guuraagu waxay u baahan yihiin sokor iyo shaah iwm. Labada baahi waxaa astura iswaydaarsiga amaba ganacsiga. Waa su’aale maxay tahay xiriirka ay leeyihiin taariikhda geeska Afrika iyo wadashaqayntu ama iskaalmaysiga iyo bulwaashinimada Aadamiga aan ka soo sheekaynay?. Wadashaqayntu iyo iskaalmaysiga waxay ka mid yihiin xooggaga qaybta balaaran ka qaata dhalashada ilbaxnimoooyinka, maxaa yeelay, shakhsiyaadka wadashaqeeya oo iskaalmaysta waxay u badan tahay in ay ka badbaadaan musiibooyinka wareega( sida abaaraha, iyo cudurada waxdabargooya), ayna ku guulaystaan in ay aska difaacaan cadowgooda. Labadan arimood waxay fududaysaa in ay tarmaan( bataan), bacdina ay hantiyaan( tiradooda awgeed) dhul balaaran. Tiro badnida, ka amaan noqoshada cadowga, iyo iskaalmaysiga xiliga musiibooynka waxay u qaaraamaan soo bixitaanka tuulooyin iyo magaalooyin, kuwaa soo saldhig u ah xadaaradaha Aadamiga. Xadaarad waa eray Afcarabi ah, macnihiisuna yahay kulmid ama isku imaansho, tusaale ahaan afcarbeedka waxaa la yiraahdaa Xadara, oo macneheedu yahay waa yimid, iyo Xaadir wuu joogaa, sidaa darteed, marka ay dadka isku yimaadaan oo ay meel wadadagaan ayaa waxaa la yiraahdaa halkaa xadaara ayaa ka jirta, laakiin dadka reer guraaga ah meel cayiman ma dagaan, maxaa yeelay mar walba waxay ku jiraan hayaan ay ku doonayaan in ay ku helaan biyo iyo daaq farabdan si baahida xoolahooda loo asturo. Sidaa darteed, dadka reer guraaga ah inta badan aduunka ma aysan samayn xadaarooyiin waawayn ayagoo wali ah reer guraa,maxaa yeelay nolosha reer guraagu saldhig uma noqonkarto xadaarad ama ilbaxnimo salbalaaran. laakiin waa macquul in ay dhagaxdhigaan ilbaxnimooyin hanaqaada, bacdi markii ay ka haraan eryashada nolosha reer guraaganimada, tusaale waxaa u ah arintan qabaa’ilkii Saljuuka oo tarixi jiray bartamaha Eeshiya, qabaa’ilkan waxay ku guulaysteen in ay cagta mariyaan boqortooyadii Baysantiine( waxay ahayd boqortooyo ka faliirmatay boqortooyadii Room) oo xuruntoodu ahayd magaalada Itanbuul( oo barigaa la oran jiray Konstantanoobal) oo xarun u ah maanta dalka cusub ee loogu yeero Turkiga. Saljuukiyiinta oo ahaa qabaa’il badawiyiin ah oo xoolaha dabagala ayaa noqday mudo ka badan 500 oo sano madaxdii dunida Muslimka iyo xitaa qaybo badan oo ka tirsan Yurub iyo Eeshiya. Akhristwo, waxay ila tahay in aad fahmi kartid hadda sababha u qaaraama dhalashada magaalooyinka, bacdamaa aan soo sheegnay in jecaylka aadamigu uu jecelyahay naftiisa iyo nolosha raaxada leh ay ku kalifayaan in uu raadiyo duruufo ka gadisan duruufaha dabiiciga ah( sida reer miyinimada oo kale). Raadintan uu raadinayo nolol wanaagsana ayaa aakhirka ku kalifaysa in uu dago magaalo, bilaabana in uu la ganacsado dadka kale si uu u helo walxaha aan laga helin deegaankiisa, bacdina waxaa uu suurta galaysa in uu noolaado nolol wanaagsan oo raaxo leh. Noloshan reer magaalka ayaana saldhig u ah ilbaxnimooyinka aadamiga, sida aan soo sheegnayba.Haddaba, Geeska Afrika waxaa ka jiray dal la oran jiray Bunti, oo lahaa magaalooyin islamarkaana laganacsan jiray dunidii hore. Haddaba taariikhda qoran waxay markhaati ka tahay ilbaxnimadii ugu horeeysay ee wax laga qoro( ee Geeska Afrika) in ay ahayd tii dhulka Bunti( arintan waxaa taageeraaya qormo ku xardhan dhagax ay ka tageen Masaaridii hore oo la yiraahdo Boleermo, dhagaxan gadaal ayaan ka faahfaahin doonaa). Hadaba, cutubkaan soo socda waxaan si qotodheer ugu falanqaynayna qoraalo dadkii hore ay ka tageen oo ku saabsan dhulkii faca waynaa ee Bunti( Bunti waa magac la soomaaliyeeyay, waxaana ka bartay in la isticmaalo erayga Bunti Gen Ibraahim Liiqliiqato, oo asaga qoray buug uu u magac daray, Bunti dalkii faca waynaa, erayga afingirisiiga ah ee u dhigma Bunti waxaa la dhahaa Punt, laakiin waxaan doorbiday kaas la soomaaliyeeyay in aan isticmaalo). Ilbaxnimadii Bunti Ganacsi ayaa ka dhexeeyay umadihii hore, sida uu ku bilowday ganacsigan waa mid u baahaan cilmi baaris qoto dheer, laakiin qormadan kuma falanqaynayno taariikhdii dhaqaalaha, laakiin waxaan gudagalaynaa ka sheekaynta xiriirkii Soomaalida iyo Masaaridii hore. Faaris( Iiraan) Baabilooniya ( Ciraaq) Ciilaam (Sayloon/Sirilaanka) iyo Masartii faraaciinta waxay ahaayeen dad horayumarsan marka loo fiiriyo dadyowgii hore ay isku waaga ahaayeen. Nolosha dadyowgan aan soo xusnay waxaa saldhig u ahaa isweydaarsiga badeecadaha,qodashda dhulka iyo dhaqashada xoolaha. Dalkii Buntina ayaga ayuu la mid ahaa. Goobtii Bunti Bunti( asalkii erayga, waa eray afmasri ah, ka soo Masaaridii hore ay u isticmaali jireen dalalka koonfurta ka ah Nubiya( Sudan) amaba dalalka babaryaala badda cas) waxaa mararka qaarkood loogu yeeri jiray dhulkii Ilaahyada, mid ka mid ah sababaha dhaliyay in magacan loogu yeero Bunti waxay ahayd fooxa oo ahaa walxaha lagu sharfo Ilaahyadii dadkii hore, sidaa darteed, Masaaridii hore waxay aaminsanaayeen in fooxa iyo ilaahyada ay xiriir leeyihiin, , oo inta badan aysan kala fogayn, lagana yaabo in ay ilaahyada qaarkood dagaanayeen arligii Bunti( waa sida Masaaridii hore qabeene, tusaale, ilaahyada masaarida waxaa ka mid ahaa Heedar( Heathor, oo ahayd ilaahadii Miyuusika, jecaylka iyo quruxda), oo mararka qaarkood loogu yeeri jiray gabadhii Bunti( fiiri qormada Heathor, ilaahadii Musika, jecaylka iyo quruxda ee Caroline Seawright, 2003, bogga kowaad), sababahan aan soo sheegnay ayaana masuul ka ahaa in Bunti mararka qaarkood loogu yeero dalkii Ilaahyada( ama god’s land). Fooxa oo ahaa guud ahaan walxaha ugu faraha badan ee laga dhoofin jiray dalkii Bunti, waxaa loo isticmaali jiray, sharfidda Asnaamtii Masaarida,carfintii maydka, daawaynta dadka xanuunsan, iyo carfinta iyo qurxinta jirka Aadamiga guud ahaan, sidaa darteed, fooxu waxaa uu lahaa kaalin muhiim ah marka la fiiriyo dhaqankii, diintii, iyo nolol maalmaadkii Masaaridii hore, la yaab malaha marka, in xiriirkii u dhexeeyay Masartii hore iyo Bunti in uu ahaa mid aad u qotodheer. Maqaamkii uu ku lahaa dalka Bunti ilbaxnimadii Masar waxaa daliil u ah dhumucda qormo oo ay ka tageen faraaciintii hore oo ku saabsan dalkii Bunti, kuwaaso qaarkood aan qormooyinkan soo socda aan ku soo bandhigi doono, hadii Eebe yiraahdo. Xagge bay ahayd Bunti?, su’aashan khad badan ayaa ku daadatay, waxaa la sheegaa dalalkan soo socda in ay ka mid ahaayeen dalkii Bunti lo oran jiray ;Soomaaliya( erayga Soomaaliya waxaan qormadan u isticmaali doonaa dhulka ay dagaan dadka Soomaalida ah, Soomaali waxaan ula jeedaa qof walba oo aaminsan in uu yahay Soomaali ama ku hadla Afsoomaaliga lahjadihiisa kala duwan,Soomaaliya, haddaba, waxaan ula jeedaa dhulka Soomaalidu taraxdo ee Geeska Afrika, ee ulama jeedo Jamhuuriyadii Soomaaliya oo kaliya), Yemen, Ereteriya, iyo Sudan.Waxaa jira qormooyin taariikheed oo ay masaaridii hore ka tageen oo taageeraya in dalalka Soomaaliya,Ereteriya, Sudan iyo Yemen ay ka tirsanaayeen dalwaynihii Bunti. Tusaale ahaan waxaa jirta qorma sheegaysa in markii roob lixaad leh uu ka da’o Bunti in wabiga Niil uu buuxsami jiray, waxaa cad xiligan aan joogno in wabiga Niil uu ka soo burqado dhulka buuralayda ah Xabashida, gaar ahaan waqooyiga dalkan cusub ee la yiraahdo Itoobiya, sidaa darteedna, dad badan ayaa adeegsada arintan si ay hoosta uga xariiqaan in dhulka Xabashidu uu ka tirsanaa dalkii Bunti(fiir bogga, 2, ee qaybta uu tafatiray Mustafaa Xaaji nuur, ee buugga History of Somalis and Somalia, gaar ahaana qormada uu ciwaankeeda afingiriisigu yahay Somaliland the “Land of Punt” and its ties with ancient Egypt,). Ereteriya waxay ku andocootaa in ay dalkii Bunti ka tirisanaayeen, maxaa yeelay, waxay soo saari jireen walxii ugu muhiimsanaa ee dalkii Butni u dhoofin jiray Masar oo ahaa Fooxa iyo walxaha kale ee wax lagu carfiyo. Waxay kaleeto oo ay arintan ku daraan in Masar markii loo fiiriyo Soomaaliya iyo Ereteriya, in dalkan dambe uu u dhowyahay Masar fogaan ahaan, sidaa darteedna, aysan jirin wax loo aado Soomaaliya bacdamaa Ereteriya laga heli karo walxaha loo aadi lahaa Soomaaliya. Waxaa kaleeto jirta oo aad moodaysaa in ay taageerayso sheegashadaan Ereteriya arintan soo socota, waayihii hore ganacsiga Masar iyo Bunit waxaa uu mari jiray dhulka. Laakiin, waa dambe ayaa la sameeyay kanaal isku xira badda cas iyo wabiga niil, markaas ayayna bilaabatay in laga kaaftoomo safarkii dhulka, Haddaba maxay tahay sababaha nugu kalifaya taariikh ahaan in aan sheegano in Soomaaliya ay ka mid ahayd dalkii Bunti, amaba in Somaaliya ay hayd xaruntii dalkii hore ee Bunti. Aqoonlayda iyo qormooyinka taariikheed ee aan soo sheegi doono ayaad moodaa in ay nagu kalifiyaan in aan u eexano oraahdan; Soomaaliya waxay xubin muhiim ah ka ahayd dalkii Bunti, waxaana laga yaabaa in ay ahayd xuruntii dalwaynahaas la oran jiray Bunti. Aqoonyahan ka mid ah dadka dhulka qoda oo taariikhii hore daba gala (oo Arkiyoolajiiste ah) laguna magacaabo Neville Chittick, ayaa waxaa uu ku sheegay waraysi uu bixiyay intii uusan dhiman ka hor, in labo arimood ay halbowle u tahay in Soomaaliya ay ka tirsanayd dalkii Bunti.( ( fiir bogga, 2, ee qaybta uu tafatiray Mustafaa Xaaji nuur, ee buugga History of Somalis and Somalia, gaar ahaana qormada uu ciwaankeeda afingiriisigu yahay Somaliland the “Land of Punt” and its ties with ancient Egypt,). Kow, Bunti waxay caan ku ahayd dhoofinta walxaha wax lagu carfiyo sida fooxa, labo, Bunti waxay lahayd Buuro u dhow xeebta iyo togag ama baliyo badda u muuqda, sida ku cad sawir gacameedyada ku xardhan mowlaca Xitshabuut,( fiiri isla marjicii hore) (safarkii Xitshabuut oo faahfaahsan gadaal ayaan ka soo sheegi doonaa, laakiin hadda waxaa nagu filan in aan ogaano in Xitshabuut ay ahayd boqarad reer Masar ah, oo safaro u soo dirtay dalkii Bunti, islamarkaana diiwaan galisay waxyaabihii lagala soo kulmay safarkaas, qormada safarkan waxay ku xardhantahay mowlaceeda oo ku yaala bartamaha dalkan cusub ee Masar). Sidaa darteed waxaa dhici karta dalal ay ka mid yihiin Ereteriya in ay soo saari jireen foox, inkastoo fooxoodu uu k liitay kii Soomaalida iyo Carabta tayo ahaan, laakiin wali Ereteriyiintu way ku andacoon karaan in ay ka tirsanayeen dalkii Bunti, bacdamaa ay foox soo saari jireen, laakiin Ertertiya ma laha dhul buuralay ah oo ku gadaaman badda iyo baliyo biyood barbaryaala badda nawaaxigeeda, sababahan ayaana dhalisay in aqoonyahaynkan uu aamino in Bunti ay ku tiilay Soomaaliya( ama in Soomaaliya ay ka tirsanayd dalkii Bunti), bacdamaa Soomaaliya ay leedahay astaamihii lagu xardhay darbiga mawlaca xitshabuut( gaar ahaana woqooyiga Soomaaliya). Fikradan ayaana ah tan ay qabaan taariikhyahanada ku takhasusa taariikhda Masaaridii hore. Cadaymahan meesha kama saarayaan in Ereteriya, Itoobiya iyo yemen ay ka tirsinaayeen dalkii Bunti, laakiin waa cadaymo hoosta ka xariiqaya in Soomaaliya ay ka tirsanayd dalkii Bunti.( Fiiri isla marjicii hore) Neville iyo rag badan oo culumo xagga Akadeemiyada( jaamiciyiin) ah waxaa kale oo ay qabeen in xariirkii u dhaxeeya Soomaalidii hore iyo Masaarida in uu ahaa mid ka qoto dheer xiriir bicshaaro oo kaliya, oo uu jiray mid af, dhaqan, iyo mid dineed intaba. Culumo badan oo Soomaali ah oo ay ka mid yihiin Maxamed Jamac Xabashi, Cabdulaahi sheekh Xusseen, Cabdirahman sheekh Xassan, iyo Dr Cali Cabdiraxman Xirsi ayaa qabay in xiriirka iyo isasaamayntii Masarida iyo Soomaalidii hore in uu ahaa mid aad u dhumuc wayn. Dr Cali Cabdrihaman Xirsi oo mudo dheer daraasaynayay taariikhda Soomaalida, islamrkaana qoray buug aad qiimo badan oo loogu magac daray sidan: Arab factor in the Somali History; The orgins and the deveolopment of Arab enterprise and cultural influence in the Somalia Peninsula,” Phd dessertation, Universty of Clifornia, Los Angeles, 1977.[ Isirka carbeed ee Taariikhda Soomaalida; asalkii iyo horayumarkii shirkadda carabta iyo saamayn dhaqan[kii] gudaha gacanka Soomaalida] Dr Cali oo ka hadlayana xiriirkii Soomaalidii hore is Masaaridana waxaa uu yiri: Sida ka muuqata qabriga laksar ee uu leeyahay sarkaal ka tirsan dowladii masaarida, si wayn ayay iskugu ekaayeen qaabdhismeedka doomaha Bunti yo kuwii Masaarida, shiraacooda xataa waxaa la soo wariyay in ay isku ekaayeen. Maanta reer guuraaga Soomaaliga ah waxaa mar walba uu wataa barkin alwaax ah si uu tintiisa uga ilaashado[ wasakhda] tan waxay la mid tahay tii masaaridii hore[ ay isticmaali jireen]. Taa waxaa u dheer, barkintan Soomaalida waxay u taqaanaa Barkin ama Barshin,[ masaaridana waxay u taqiinay Barsi, labada erayna aad ayay iskugu dhowyihiin]( fiiri qormadii uu tafaray Mustafaa Xaaji nuur, ee aan horay u soo xusanay) Waxaa sababo loo hayaa in uu jiray xiriir dimeed, maxaa yeelay masaaridii hore qofka markii uu dhinto waxay la aasi jireen alaabtiisa qayb ka mid ah, sidaas oo kale dhulka Soomaalida waxaa laga helaa qubuuro loo yaqaano taamuli, qubuurahan dadka waxaa lala aasi jiray alaabahooda, waxaa kaleetoo laga yaabaa in ay jirtay kala amaahasho xagga dhaqanka ah, tusaale, waxaa jira shibmir masaaridii hore ay u haysteen in uu ahaa mid ka mid ah Ilaahyadooda, Soomaalidana shimbirkaas waxay u yaqaaneen shimbir fircown. Intaa waxaa dheer, in dhulka Soomaalida looga feesteeyo sanadka cusb sida Masartii hore, dabaal dabaga sanadka cusub oo dhulka Soomaalida qaarkiis looga yaqaano dabshid, dab ayaa la shidaa, bacdina afarta koone ayaa loo firdhiyaa, si la iskaga xijaabo xooggaga shaydaanka iyo waxyaabaha xunxun, bacdina feestadaan ka dib waxaa la sameeyaa alabari lagu baryaayo in beeraha ay si fiican u soo baxaan sanadkan bilaabanaya. Arimahan oo dhan waxay ku tusayaan xiriirkii qotada dheeraa u dhexeeyay Soomaalidii hore iyo Masaarida.( faahfaahin arintan ku saabsan ka fiiri qormadii uu tafatiray Mustafaa Xaaji nuur iyo buugga Dr Xirsi aan soo sheegnay ciwaankiisa). La soco qaybaha kale Qoraaga waxaa kala xiriiri kartaa Emailka
  5. The question is one that has preoccupied me for long time, the question is basically the following, What is the relationship between reason( or the use of the methods of reason) and faith in Islam. May the creator of the universe lead us to the right bath, Amen [ September 02, 2003, 01:36 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]
  6. Having studied their works( Socrates, Plato and Aristotle) and continue to do so, I have been constatnly astonished with regard to their level of sophistacation, does this incline me to think that they were divine, surely, Socrates claimed that he was sent to the city of Athens by the gods( there is famous story on this in his long response to the court, or shall I say in the celebrated Apology, I red this work more than I think 1000 times) morever, he publically claimed that he was divinely inspired, I am not sure if he was a Muslim, but I know based on the works assigned to him( and others too) that he was a good man, my admiration to these Athenian philosphers is an admiration that ordinary human languages fail to cupture, may I say that they were among the finest men that history have recorded, honored are those who labour both for their welfare and welfare of others through the employment of their mind.
  7. Basalm, there is a man who is always ready to dicuss on the issues of women, he considers him self a lover of women, he is particularly interested in educated women, I encourage you and others to visit the following website. you can find significant information about him and his picture too. He goes by the name Zaylici. Hope you find something that makes you happy Till then life goes as it is unless intervened and shaped as the actor wishes.
  8. On the issues of Somalia/Somaliland are quite sensitive, because many people have died, cities were destroyed, substantial population were displaced, this realities had tremendous remifications on the Somali personality and its psychology in the North/Somaliland( I hope Somalilanders would excuse me calling that land North, the reason I use the word northwestern is that I have freinds that are from the north yet do not eccept the word Somali land, to be fair to both groubs I would use both of them, although you might have a plenty of reason to think that I have prior political motivation, but rest assured that I wish to be impertial and objective in my analysis). We young Somalis should be little bit appreciative and sensitive to the painfull past of our brothers and sisters in Somaliland/Northwestern region. Moreover, itis our collective responsibility to find ways that we can insure that such history is never repeated. Precisely for this reason, it is not good idea to discuss the ganuiness of decuments, while a person is sitting in front of you saying loadly that he/she is in favour of the current course of history with regard to Somaliland/Northwestern region. It is better to discuss issues in brotherhood and sisterhood atosmphere not in an sprit of tension and animosity. The latter form of discussion contributes to the undesrstanding among the unfortunate Somali race, whereas the former reproduces the ordinary discussion of Somali Bedewiin in the coffee shops, or the so called fadhi kudirir. Let us celebrate our commonalites and work out our differences in more freindly and pragmatic ways. long life to those who restrain their unjustified tendenceies and long life to those who always remember the collectively shared things and work for the good of all including their regions. Browani philospher once told me that objective anylists( who always pay attension to the prevaling circumstances and prescribe a good way to the crisis) are in short supply among the Somal, whereas those who have dogmatic veiw of the world, such as right and wrong, good position and bad position with the regard to the subject of discussion are in large supply among the modern Somali race.Consequently, the Somali discussion ends in a depressive state, becuase participants do not benifit from their engagement with one another, on the contrary, they learn how make one another bad and angry, such is the state of of modern Somalis regardless of their politcal persuations. Perhabs this forum could use some modern thinkers who some how manage to talk about issues in a more restrained and sophisticated manner, So much for discussion
  9. Thank you Nomad Bari, for correctly mentioning the source of the article and the author. That is good behaviour and lawfull way to act. Thank you again
  10. Bari Nomad, what is interesting is that the auther of the article, Samatalis Hussein Haille and Zaylici happen to be one and the same person. Thus your contribution by transfering that article to this website was some how an expression of persceived similarity, which was actually right, I authored the article long time ago, perhabs years ago. As to the Moa, I do not think that there is reason to believe that Somalis were here for 40, 000 or 50,000 years ago. Such claim requires more evidence than supplied by 19th century orientalist Rechard Burton. So, you should be little bit carefull of what you endorse, becuase, it is always a good idea to think harder and remain sceptical. On the other hand, there is no reason either to refute the Orientalist claim, that is you could transfer if you wish the burden of the proof. neverthless, you could not argue either way with convincing reasons. if you beleive you have reasons and evidences with regard to the Somali orgin, please supply them, I have visited all the websites indicated and some more, as said before, the best they can offer is just speculations which are far from from convincing to an inquisitve mind accostomed to plousible rational reasoning and emperical evidences.
  11. As redical believer of unification of Somali speaking peoples in the African horn, I have always thought that there are two twin issues that need to be addressed, that is the issues of security and equality. so long as a clan believes that they will be massacred through the use of national army, there will be no point of discussing unity or for that matter nationalism and Somalism, similarly so long as state favours particular group it does not seem plausible to me to discuss unity or other noble sentiments. Once we adress these issues in pragtmatic manner we should be in position to discuss the issues of unification and other beautiful ideas. I believe the machinism through which these issues are addressed are situation sensitive, that is the participants will explore avenues that are approperiate to the their needs and circumstances as they see fit. In addition to my believe of Greater Somalia, I also believe the genuine and equal discussion. That is the negotiating agents should bee free from all forms of threat and forcefull pressure. That is why I am not currently against Somaliland secession, the reason among other things, is that the coursse they took was natural given the prevailing circumstances.Put your house in order, and then we will talk, that is not a bad idea after all. However, emotionalism, Zealotic tendencies and blind redicalism is what brought us to this stage if you allow me to say so.
  12. I fluently read Arabic, thus I read Arabic medivial sources and some transilated ancientGreeco-Roman sources, I have not yet come across an evidnece to incline me to think that Somalis are Arabian Immigrants, that is not to say I have not come across people both medivial and modern who are arguing that Somalis are composition of people who are Caucasiod, Negriod, like Colombia Incyclobedia (they have version on the internet, they say that the people Somalia and Ethiopia are Causiod peoples that is they are related to the continental Europerian stock), as well as ancients who argue that the Arabs or Semites intermixed woth aborginal peope such as Bantu and Hamites, thus produced modern Somali race, all these lack relaible evidence, thay are speuclations to the best, the main goal is I think to claim that Somalis are immigrants so that they could use against us when we say Somali west or "Zone 5"is ours or NFD is ours, they want -I suppose- to say you were an immigrants so this is not your homeland, live and be silent. God knows the best. This helps I think Moa, your name stands for a man that I admire with my atmost Zeal, because of his leberation of Chine from worlords and ragional worlords, the modern history of the Somal is quite similar to that of former sickman of Asia, as they used to say. SO much for discussion
  13. Me Moa I do not incline towards any thoery that asserts multiple origins with regard to the Somalis, the reason among other things is lack of compelling reason to think that there is racial distintion among the Somal. Precisley for this reason I mantain open mindedness with regard to the Somali origin, However, I have been paying close attention with regard to the history of the Somalis as it was evolving to cupture the very forcess that were contribiting to the very formation of modern Somali soceity as it is to day, the secret is that by understanding the fundemental forces at work, you are in better position to prescripe course of action that will better life, My good freind I am assentially revolutionery, that is I am driven by unending revolutionery impulses whose ultimate aim is to better the totality of Somali life, for this end, history teaches without punishment, however, if you were to experiment courses of action to better life, you should be ready to pay the consequences, something that that I wish to refrain in so far as it permissible by circumstances, that is the reason why I am interested in history, history in my humble opinion reveals the nature of human societies and the forces that shape them, It is long answer, but the above material seems to be good base for futture discussion.
  14. Sophisits I expect you to be rational in your thinking and analysis, the reason among other things is that you are studnet of Philosphy.After long years of meditaions and pondering on the subject of religion and state, I have conluded that there is distintion between religion( which is divine in the case of Islam) and the believer, the latter is human whereas the former is divine . With this in mid, we should remember that man is immersed in socioeconomic and political conditions, these conditons would determine the kind of the system that would best maximise the chnaces of living good life. I am not prejudiced to Islam, because I am Muslim too, however, long analysis on the Muslim history convinces me that theocratic state where ethnic dynasties replace one another is phinominon that cannot be escaped so long as one imagines an Islamic state led by Khalifa or AMir Al-mu'muniin, Consequently I beleive in the case of Somalia, where the majority are Muslims, ISlam should be the state religion, that is to say laws of the land should not unreasonably contradict the the teachings of the ISlam, nevethless the men of God will be part of pluralistic state, but they should not be the ruling elite, on the basis that they know Islamic laws, the reason among other things is that the state would have many laws that are man made, for instance how the regional adminstration would work with the federal government or how the minstries and partliment would work. The latter body of laws require diverse people with different skill, for that reason I veiw Islam as part of the state but the not the state per se. The Quran clearly asserts that man is the master of this universe, that is to say he runs his bussines as he sees fit. It is in this line of thinking that I beleive that rationality should be the supreme, in other words, human mind that had been fully developed and cultivated should intertpret the scriptures as they see is in the best interest of the state and soceity. I hope this helps, Fanatism and intimadation through the use of force is to be sure an appealing phinominon, but history shows that they( those who intimidate other trough the use of lethel force, and are inclined to view scriptures on literal interpretations not rational interpations) rarely lead people to good and fully flourishing life. there are people who are waiting the internet, since I use the home with, so I will finish later
  15. Well rashida, you have assentially two choices to please your self or your Dad. Somali tradition( as it related to marriage) is good but only in so far as we are in Somali pinansula, that is in the ancient times people arranged marriage becoase of their desire to create alleinces that would enable them to surivive in their unpredictable environment, however, you are fortunate enough to be in America,our beloved land, the land that allowed us to be free from the shackles of poverty, but it seems your dad forget this, he still thinks that he needs other clans to survive. His tendencies to arrange marriages could be perfectly undrestood, becouse an old habit is hard to resist as the song goes. Now, I would tell you what I would have done, either do the same way as your sister did, that is run away, or opently tell your dad that you had no desire to part of that undesired union. I would advice you not to be married, bacuase sooner or later you will break that unwished union. I believe the marriage might have survived if you were in Somalia, bacouse there your kind( women and for that matter those who cannot express their wants) enjoy less previledges and rights, the older people are autocrats and in some cases deal with their children in unkind way, that is what i think I could be wrong, however, that is precisely what I would have done. so much for adivice. Hit the road young women.
  16. Many of my freinds are obssessed with Somali orgin, no wonder then that there are many theories about the Somali orgin. However, the theories that I have encountered so far with regard to Somali orgin lack reliable evidence and convincing argument to an inquisitive mind or shall we say to a truth searching philosopher or an analytic minded medivial hostorian( I do not have these titles at this moment, but I wish to have them in the nearer future, however, I do what they do at this moment). Precisely, for this reason I refrain in my historical writtings with regard to the matters of Somali orgin. I thank all Women and Men who responded to my questions, I delightly welcome all comments irrespective to their content. I have currently 12 essays written both in English and in Afsoomaali, covering historical epoch streching from 3000BC to 1600 AD, the approach I have taken is regional one, that is I have considered the prevailing socioeconomic and religio-politcal conditions of adjacent nations such as South Arabia, Egypt, mediteranian civilisations such as Rome and Greece and ofcourse the entire East African region. The approuch I hope makes history intaligible to the modern reader. I hope unless bad health or lack of resources prevent me, these treatise will be availbale in local bookstores, certianly in Somali bussiness across the daispora and in Somali pinansula( this incluses all lands dwelled by Somali spealing nations in the African hornn With help of God we may succeed and leave something valuable to this desperate and unfortunate people of ours. The end of this writtings is to enrich modern Somali and non Somalis who are interested in actively participating in the betterment and development processes of Somali society. So much for discussion
  17. Thank you all for the response that you have offered
  18. Although the idea that morality or human mode of conduct could be based on purely on rational basis is an interesting one, but it lacks grounds. That is to say, majority of human individuls do not develop their rational capacities to fully guide the course of their life, the reason for this among other things is their nature and the invironment in which they find themslves( this idea was held by 17th century Ethiopian religious thinker, Named Zara Yacob). Man and women by nature abhore and show no inclination towards hard work, since hard labour is the only avenue for the development of human rationality, man fails to fully excercise his rational foculties becasue of his tendency not to work hard. Morever, invironment( including culture, history and religion) may not aid her tendencies to fully actualise her potentialities and thus develop rational personality. For this reasons many human personalities fail more often than not to fully establish themselves as functioning rational entities. Morality based on reasoning has no grounds, bacuase it fails to cupture the sad realities of human conditions. I therefore, reject the Kantian view of rational morality. However, I am Muslim but ralativist and secular in thinking, I am not bounded in my thinking realm. I veiw religion as legimate base of politcal community, but the socioeconomic and political distiny of the state shoulld be solely guided by an intellegent minority.Or put it differetntly, the course of the politcal community should be guided by free thinkers who are not bounded by nothing other than interest and prevailing circumstances.I therefore, agree with Kant that morality should be guided by rationality (that is the use of reason and logical principles),but with some significant modifications, that is Morality( including sacred morality) should be guided by rationality only in the circles of of fully cultivated personalities whom I call the elite of the state or intelegent minority, However, general puclic or the pastoral or peasent masses and unsophisticated urban folks, should be guided by rituals and general axioms, not by reason, and this is the realities that they are in now at this moment. In other words, irritionality albiet with some moderation is the cherecteristic of their true human conditions, although this seems to be a harsh cherecterisation, it is not entirely an exaggiration but profound depiction of true realities that can be observed upon close examination! The intellegent minority should design these rituals to enable them( masses) to live fully flourishing politcal life, however, Aristotelian this may sound, I am inclined to think that way, and hisory veiwed as source of the human past seems to substantiate the aforementioned veiw.
  19. I have compiled an essays on the following topics, remember the treatise discuss up to about 1700, Punt, Axum, Muslim states in the southern part of Somali terrotery, such as Ajuran sultanate, Muqdisho sultanate, Marka, Brava, northern sultanates, Adal( centred around Zailac),Ifat state in showa, southern "Ethiopian" muslim states, Here are my questions, I have already written on these topics using Arabic sources and local Muslim Munuscripts, as well as reference books written in English, Arabic and Somali. I was wondering if it would good idea to publish these treatise in Somali, and what do you think about the market of Somali language here in the west, do you think there would be readers or bayers of these material, or do you think I should write in English, Secondly, please tell me if you know some resources that I can use to enrich my work, thirdly, do you think it is an interesting topic, trivial question as they may sound, responses would be valuable Any suggestion would be valuabel contribution to this public work, the reason being less is known about the Somali and muslim past in the African horn, unfortuntely there are no many young people who are interested in this feild, in my opinion research on this feild would have illuminated the current Somali scholarship BY
  20. However, strange it my sound freindship for me is union that two equal people participate for their mutual benifit. Thus two people who are unequal either in physical or intellectual sense cannnot sustain an everlasting freindship, beauty both in the physical sense and in the philosophical sense so to speak, beauty in its veriety of forms is prequisite for the formation of semiperfect union, thus two people could become freinds only if they are aqual or they feel that they are equal in some crurial sense such as beauty of mind and beauty of the physical body. To be sure this is uncommon position to take, but long meditation on the subject and experience convinced me that freindship that lacks physical or intellectual bases does not last longer, moreever, it is waste of time to engage in union that is unproductive, humans though they are sociopolitcal animals who yearn for sociopolitcal union, neverthless they particapate in the social intercourses on the basis of predetermied calculations that are predominantly unconcious to use the language of pschoanalysis, thus the phinominon of freindhsip is not an accidnetal phinominon it is rather a product of invironment-genitic calculations that has profound roots in the evolution of species to use the language of the orgins of the spcies. it should be mentioned here in passing that tendencies to engage in profound philasophical analysis of given subject is an expression of genetic potetnial that has been actualised as result of some historical accidents, it is an accidetn that you are in Londen or Somalia, you may as well have been born in Ghana or Peru so to speak, the actualisation or rather the full expression of your biological disposition is contigent on prevailing forces and conditions, therefore, freindship has to be cultivated only when there is the right conditions other wise as the weak humans you will learn nothing from your experience by repeating the same old story just to gain momentery relief of psychological nature, or tension release, some people propesnsity towards anxiety or depression, so they look for to experienc anxiety,so they always say the world is bad, things are bad, the badness originates from their subjective mind, not from the objective world, which is gaint rational entity, be realistic open your eyes and learn from your experience. the above is written to confuse fool!!!
  21. Stranger once asked me if I have any ideas about freinship in its ideal form, I was astonished by the fact tha I have never given a thought to this subject before, I informed the stranger that my knowledge on the subject is limited, however, afterwards I gave somethought to the subject, thus if you want to know my thoughts on the subject see next article
  22. The upshot of my article was the following. action initiates political development, so do what you understand to be right and never mind whoever is opposing. it is actions that matters, not pleasing everyone. significant portion of ***** community shows tendencies towards seccession and this is understandable given what has happened to them and what is happening in Somalia proper. Now you live hornofarik important historical moment and your people need you do not west your time arguing with people who cannot trenscend clan bounderies and local politcs.
  23. Some interesting things will come
  24. I wonder How does Najmo our woderfull lady decided to identify her self with continent given the gact that Africans are collection of races with diverse hisotrical experiences. After all how did she decided that we better identify our selves with Africans. I see no reason for us to think our selves as Africans other than using the African forum to beat the Ethiopians. The fact is that we share nothing. even we do not share a color and geography is nothing After all Arabs are Africans. I think we better identify our selves with who we are Somalis as such. We are not whites, we are not Arabs we are not blacks after all there are Somalis who are brown why should they beleive that they are Blacks. White/Black dichotomy is Europian invention and to catogorise one on the basis of color and geography has no political significance other than illosory imagination of so called African identity as serve Africa is an entity that is meaningfull. I think we have reason to belive that Africa is identity no more than an Araninan would consider her self as an Asian. After all to be an Asian is not an identity it is georaphy and nothing more.