Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Somalina my number one favourite is Sh dalxiis and second is Mr salaad cali jeele
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yB63ttLxq4s&feature=player_embedded
  3. Berbera way shidantahay waleh
  4. Somalina ala xaqiirsanida Manu ahayn ninka booliska iyo nidaamka iyo kala danbaynta u sameye galmudug. oo mamuulka ila xarardheere gaadhsiiyey caalin shaqa fara badan bu qabtay maxaad ku saniftay awoow.
  5. Somalina awoow dee wa dagaaaladi sokeeeye ka hor am arkin ninja iyo wax indha madow toona ,, ma qof idho shareeran xidhan baad raadiineysey loool
  6. Somalina awoow ma kaga sheekeyee bari aan xammar ka soo baxay oo aan jawhar tagay , waligay magaalo Somali ma arkin ooo sida wacan dadka loogu so dhaweyo., wa magaalo aad u barwaqeysan , laba habeen baan u howday. wabiga shabeelle na wa ag mara. laakin shirb / gabay guurow contest maan arkin lol.
  7. ^^^^ looooooooooooool waxasi gabay maha wa wax waagacasub isku gey geysay. i am sure Amiirku can do better then that. Ileen wuxu ka so jeeda Ahlu gabay. i wanne hear it from the Amiir him self. cod ma haysin?
  8. ^^ gabiley governor was never attacked , i don't see the link Saaxib. as salaax lay diray said this topic is about Mudug lets stick to that .
  9. awoow ma jacaylbaro baad igu qaldaysa anigu wanaaag baaan la jecelahay waalahayga somalia.,, somalina adeero caalin maxaa kugu diray galmudug meel fiican bu gaadhsiyey Oba wa run wa inay ku heshiyan koley midnima wax lugu gaadha sidan u arko
  10. Oba ,, koley magaalo hadu mamuuul meel ka jirto waxa fiican in hal mamuul ka jiro manay ahayn hadi kale wa confusing.
  11. tallow mamuulka galmudug ma balaadhin raba ila woqoyiga galkyaco?
  12. Somalina;685418 wrote: See, I told you. He is your father indeed! loooool Xaji, sannadka cusub waxaad ku soo dhaweysen fadeexo. PL looks good right now marka xooga yar break iska qaata, tani wey idinka kor duushayee. Ceeb badanaa. One day xabsi baad ku xukunteen Ruushkii, maalintii danbena airport-ka ku sagootiseen. Guddi sameysta hadda oo sumcada idin soo celiya...loooool Puntland sanadka cusub waxay ku wabireysten gudoomiyaha gobolka mudug oo qarax lala beegsaday iyo suldaankoodi u leh Somaliland maxay hubka nooga dhigtay Now awoow fadeexada qolada aad dalka wadaagtin eeh mamuulka budhcad badeedka bay buux dhaafisay
  13. Haye gudigani wa gudigi imisaad? Gudi for Buhoodle Gudi for ceelbaardale issue Gudi for diyaarad Gudi hargeisa beautification Gudi xil wareejin Gudi ilaalinta hantida qaranka Gudi xaqiiqa raadis galbeedka onlfti so dagtay
  14. Somaliland shaqo kuma laha argagixiso ma waxay na moodeen dawlada budhcaad badeedka eeh badaha isbaaro dhigtay oo kale
  15. The dervishes just like the shabaab of today they had a international agenda. Muhammad abdulla hassan even composed a poem saying (mar hadaan wayey calan lay nashiro tan iyo nairobi ) How is this different from alshabaab threatening to capture adis ababa or nairobi
  16. Chimera there are Millions of sources that tell you that dervishes had foreign allies such as the ottoman Empire , And today Alshabaab has Arab Allies, they had foreign fighters like sunusi sudanis , the Alshabaab has foreign fighters from pakistan. Now u can claim they were pan Somalism but in their are poems they always refer them selfs as anauguna darawishti saalixyadanu ahayn kuwi saancadalaha sawrta ugu ridayey.
  17. You are wrong chimere the dervishes were influenced by a sheikh called Maxammad ibn saalix.and the saalixiya order they used to claim Darawish AL saalixiya never Somali or Fighting for pan Somalism. You can read it in the poems of Gabay xoog the dervish poet. And why would the Mullah make a deal with the italians and declare war against the British while making treaty's with the italians.. it doesn't add up, Also Sultan nur Axmed amaan the pro dervish sultan in the early stage of the dervishes had Sunusi Soldiers from Sudan not Somalis. it's mentioned in the book. seventeen trips through Somaliland.
  18. General Duke;685245 wrote: Puntland will deal with this issue as it always does, with calmness and confidance. It wont do a Gaboose beenaale routine, thats not the style of the state... puntland should do something about the governor of mudug being attacked
  19. The new SOL is great i am getting used to eat allready , i just miss my signature picture.
  20. you should do what ever u like we could care less. , jigjiga baa adis ababa looga taliya ta ku seexo:D