Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Dowladda Soomaaliya waxaa u hartay 7 bilood Media PlayerDaar noocyada kale ee Maqal/muuqaal Augustine Mahiga, ergayga gaarka ah ee u qaabilsan Qaramada Midoobay Soomaaliya Ergeyga gaarka ah ee Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabbilsan Soomaaliya, Danjire Dr. Mahiga, ayaa sheegay in shir khaas ah oo heer sare ah oo ku saabsan Soomaaliya lagu qaban doono Addis Ababa, kaas oo ka garab dhici doona shir madaxeedka Midowga Afrika ee ka dhacaya Addis Ababa oo maanta furmay. Shirka Soomaaliya looga hadlaayo waxaa wada jir u qabanaaya Xogahayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay, Ban Ki-moon iyo Guddoomiyaha Midowga Afrika Jean Ping. Wuxuuna shirku dib u eegi doonaa xaaladda nabad raadinta ee Soomaaliya. Dr. Mahiga wuxuu warkiisa ku sheegay in ay xilliga dowladda u harsan ay tahay wax ka yar toddoba bilood, welina loo baahan yahay in la qabto hawlo badan. Dr Mahiga wuxuu kale oo uu sheegay in dowladda ku meel gaarka ay soo bandhigtay sida ay iyada la tahay in wax u dhacaan, taas oo ay ku muujineyso waxyaabaha ugu muhiimsan ee ay qaban doonto inta wakhtigeeda ka haray. Soomaaliya gudaheeda iyo dibaddeedaba waxaa si buuxda la isugu raacsan yahay ayuu yiri Mahiga, in xilliga ku meel gaarka uu ku dhammaado bisha August sidii uu qorayay heshiiskii Djibouti. Hadda waxaa socda ayuu yiri wada tashi ku saabsan sidii la isugu af garan lahaa sidii Ku meel gaarka looga gudbi lahaa iyo qaabka siyaasadeed ee xigi doona. Wada tashigu waa in uu Soomaalida dhexdeeda ka billowdo ayuu yiri, isaga oo ku daray in loo baahan yahay in laga wada qeyb qaato, oo dhinacyada oo dhan laga qeyb geliyo si la isugu af garto dhinaca loo dhaqaaqayo. Wuxuu sheegay in hey'adaha ku meel gaarka ahi ay wadatashigaa dhexdooda ka billaabeen, iyada oo ay hagayan madaxweynaha, Af hayeenka baarlamaanka iyo ra'iisal Wasaaruhu. Dr. Mahiga wuxuu kale oo uu sheegay in uu isagu billaabay in uu arrintan kala tashado dhinacyada gobolka ee daneynaya Soomaaliya iyo dhinacyo kale oo caalamka ahba. Labaatan sano oo dhibaato ah ka dib, waxaa la joogaa ayuu yiri Mahiga xilligii Soomaaliya ay mar kale noqon lahayd dal ay dadkiisu ku nool yihiin nabad iyo ammaan horumarna sameeyaan
  2. Moonlight Where do you get those numbers from do you have a source to back it up human right organisation perhaps. adna don't act like Somalis were living in a paradise during the kacaan regime. Tribalism was very much alive during the kacaan regime Somalis mistrusting each other was high during the late generals rule. killing of civilians Looting burning down villages poisoning wells carpet bombing Somali cites.300.000 people displaced. Sure Somali capital city has been devastated by civil war and it needs to be rebuild and it fell in the hands of anarchist and the so called demoliton crew i believe with the right mind set Somalia will find it's unity and peace and it can prosper ,Just unite the capital city under one administration and everything else will fall in the right place.
  3. Moonglight obviously there are still some problems and things will get better soon inshallah. look at the bright side though Ceelasha biyaha is the fastest growing city in the horn
  4. jacaylbaro hargeysa bbc4 maad ku dawatiin horta?
  5. Great stuff the somali people were liberated from tyranny that day we shall remember this day as a great day it was indeed.
  6. Awoowo Somalina maxa aqoonsiga iyo Amiirka isku xiidhay , anigu hada ma tageersani alshabaab laakin siday wax u jiraan uun baan sheegey in amirku ku talo jiro inu xilka ka qaado fuaad shangoole wa intaas uun awoow:D
  7. hadhow bay odhan doonan qoladi qabilku madax baray eeh ssc eeh qarandiidka aha anaga lanugu qalaya oo anaga lano jeeda;)
  8. Xabashi boy Passer by , Maxammad cumar cismaans guns are aimed towards Ethiopia and your TPLF that should answer your question and not towards Somaliland or Somalia.
  9. PasserBy;689975 wrote: Xaaji Borat, Are you sure A Osman has good intentions for Somaliland? :rolleyes: you are really obsessed with the Admiral Maxamed cumar cismaan;)
  10. Qodax i think geographically renaming a state that is outside their control is as effective as renaming a chid who doesn't belong 2 you u as of today , the O'gdan region is under the control of the TPLF regime of Ethiopia. And renaming it will only cause confusion the onlf leaders know that to. The name was given to the region by the colonial powers. So i think the point their using is that the name has historical signifiance for the region. i think if you name it the somali galbeed region it will be associated with Somalia and it will damage the cause and struggle for independence So it's smart actually naming it o'gaden the land doesn't need to be associated with somalia in any form or kind. The inhabbitans are Somalis it should not be referred as somali then it will be associated with Somala. But i agree with your point where you state that the People who support the onlf should support Somaliland and the self determination of the people of Somaliland. Somaliland is not going to harm them in any way. Nor is Somaliland their enemy, Somaliland Somalia Djibouti all want what is best for the Somali region of Ethiopia.
  11. Duke i still wonder what the pirates will do if sharif gets another term in office what will you guys do write more letters to the international community
  12. Thankful;689908 wrote: You should be asking the same question for yourself, as you do remember your regional government agreed to the United States 2 track policy with Puntland for Somalia! i could care less if sharif stays or gets another term;)
  13. What will the pirates do if sharif gets another term for let's say another 2 years perhaps Cry harder
  14. ;) wabuu is cajabiyey calooshu intu kuusay lol
  15. That's good news there we're only waiting now for Mujaheed Maxammad xashi cilmi to present the full budget of Somaliland 2011
  16. a khadar don't confuse ssc guys i mentioned with the patriotic Somalilanders from eastern sool and Buhoodle region there is a difference between a clan rebel group motivated by diaspora members such as the nsum Group. Don't ever confuse the people of Somaliland in particular population from eastern sool and buhoodle region with clan rebels.
  17. Al Shabaab iyo Ahlu Sunna oo galabta ku dagaalamay Galgaduud Waradhuumale:(Sh. M. Network) Ciidamada Culumaaudiinka Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca iyo kuwa Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al Shabaab ayaa maanta ku dagaalamay deegaano ka tirsan gobolka Galgaduud, iyadoo dagaaladaasina ay ka hadleen masuuliyiin ka tirsan Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca. Wararka Shabelle ay ka heleyso deegaanka Waradhuumaleh ee gobolka Galgaduud ayaa sheegay in galabta halkaasi uu ka dhacay dagaal culus oo dhexmaray ciidamada Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca iyo kuwa Xarakada Al Shabaab, waxaana dagaalkaasi uu saameyn ku yeeshay qoysaskii reer guuraaga ahaa ee deegaankaasi ku noolaa. Dagaalka ayaa bilowday sida la sheegay Markii Ciidamo ka tirsan Culumaa’udiinka Alu Sunna Waljamaaca ay weerar ku qaadeen fariisimo tuulooyin ku dhow dhow Wardhuumaleh ay ku lahaayeen Ciidamada Al Shabaab, iyadoo xiligaasi kadibna uu halkaasi ka dhacay dagaal mudo saacado ah socday. Ilaa iyo hadda lama oga qasaaraha ka dhashay dagaalka u dhaxeeyay Ciidamada Al Shabaab iyo Ahlu Sunna waljamaaca, hase ahaatee dadka deegaanka ayaa Shabelle u xaqiijiyay in ay jireen tiro dad ah oo ku waxyeeloobay dagaalkaasi, inkastoo aysan tiradooda cayimin. Sheekh C/risaaq Max’ed Cali Ashcari oo ah afhayeenka gobolada dhexe ee Culumaa’udiinka Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca oo Caawa wareysi siiyay Idaacada Shabelle ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Ahlu Sunna ay guulo ka gaareen dagaakii galabta ka dhacay deegaanka Waradhuumaleh, isagoo tilmaamay in dagaalkaasi ay qaadeen kadib markii ay soo gaartay cabasho uga timid dadka deegaanka oo ku aadan sida uu sheegay dhibaatooyin ay kula kulmeen Ciidamada Al Shabaab. Majiro wali wax war ah oo ka soo baxay dhanka Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al Shabaab oo ku aadan dagaaladii galabta ka dhacay gobolka Galgaduud, hase ahaatee wararka Caawa laga helayo deegaanka waradhuumaleh ayaa sheegay in halkaasi in xaaladu ay tahay mid degan.
  18. Well at least the ssc guys stayed consistent and gave their unconditional support for the TFG wether sh dalxiis leads it or Warlord Cabdilahi yusuf
  19. taleexi adigu cadalaada waad ka so horjeeda waan ku ogahay marka gudi cadalaad inay wax qabato sideeda babaad uga so horjeeda
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2sSLH4XJNs&feature=player_embedded
  21. Somaliland:Ethiopia Donates 100 Scholarships to Somaliland Students HARGEISA (SomalilandPress) — The top one hundred students from Somaliland have received full scholarships from the government of Ethiopia to attend Ethiopian universities and colleges. It was during President Ahmed Mohamud Silaanyo’s visit to Ethiopia that the Ethiopian government offered to give this 100 scholarship to Somaliland government and its people. These students consist some of the top high school graduates from all sector of Somaliland, some from the minority communities and four handicap students. Speaking to the departure students at a farewell ceremony Ethiopia’s representative to Somaliland told the students to be the ambassadors for Somaliland while in Ethiopia and that they should take advantage of these scholarships. Also present at the farewell ceremony were vice minister of Education Ali Hamud Jibril and few other government officials. Source:SomalilandPress
  22. war shaw meesha wax ba ka dhacay lool iley oo la feedhey oo cisbitaalka loola cararay;)