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SOMALILAND: 300 police recruits to be trained on human rights
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
The training will take place in Ethiopia with the Support of the United Kingdom and human rights is not the only thing they will be trained on police recruits learn techniques for handling disputes and internal tensions including national protests and demonstrations. Ethiopia only provides the location of the training. United kingdom is planning another training in the next two years in a train-the-trainer training’ programme.The training will have three phases two in Ethiopia and one in Somaliland. -
SOMALILAND: 300 police recruits to be trained on human rights BERBERA — The ministry of Interior, partnering with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has started a new program to train some 300 Somaliland police recruits in the town of Mandera, in Sahil region. The inauguration ceremony was attended by officials from the ministry of Interior, police commissioner, Mr. Mohamed Saqadhi Dubad and delegates from the UNDP. The aim of the programme is to help the police recruits learn techniques for handling disputes and internal tensions including national protests and demonstrations. The recruits will undertake training on human rights rules and humanitarian law principles. The training is to be conducted by Somaliland officers who received their training in Ethiopia with the support of United Kingdom. The officers received training in the areas of leadership, diversity, professional standards, community policing, human rights, intelligence led policing, serious crime, forensics, command and control and counter terrorism. UK plans to train further 450 officers in the next two years in a ‘train-the-trainer training’ programme that will cost US$968,000. The training will have three phases; two in Ethiopia and one in Somaliland. This is the largest number of recruits to be enlisted for the Mandera academy.
red sea Somalina believes TFG is the best solution for Somalia and only some leaders can make TFG successful
Allaha u naxariistee Sh. xasan Cadde oo Muqdisho ku geeriyooday
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to oba hiloowlow's topic in Politics
alayaraxma raximin -
Taleexi;694595 wrote: Maxaad dalka la damacdeen hadduu Duke madaxweyne noqdo? waxay ka baqaysa inu cabdilahi yusuf oo kale ku noqdo war hoy hoy ma ii maqleysin wa habaar qabihi mudug gah gah gah
i agree down with qabyalaad
Che nabadiidku na wa guuraya , nabadoonkuna wa so galaya;)
Weleh nimanki way ka so darayaan;)
nuune;694244 wrote: Xaaji Xeyraan , is every SSC origin a rebel? I need one page explanation if you have spare time now PLEASE no ofcourse not the rebels are the qarandiids and nabaddiids only, and they should not be confused with the noble people of sool sanaag and cayn the majority of the people of ssc origin are peace loving Somalilanders
Actually taleexi abti it's the rebels who refused peace and they used kalshaale disputed area between the two brotherly clans as a reason to declare a war on the Somaliland armed forces. who are stationed there in the buhoodle district as peacekeeping forces in between the various clans in the Buhoodle region it's the rebels they are the one who are using the clan card to get sympathy fromt he diaspora community and their Tribesmen with in the country. But we know what your plans are and it's not going to happen. the rebels will be cleaned from south eastern togdheer.
^^ eeg watan sheegeyo dagaal uun baad hurinaysan nabada aad baad u necebtihin laakin anagu nabada baanu ka shaqeyneyna nabada dalkayaga waanu ilaalinayna anagu.
kalshaale dee wa dhul daaqsin waxa la isku dilaya ,, in dhulka an dagaal ka dhicin. hadaydan ciidanka qaranka so weerarin dagaal ba ma dhaceen
Kuwan irin ma jidbaalay akhriyan iyaguna kulaha 1000s displaced Meesha la isku dagalay ba shacab ba degana
Army Boosting Forces After Deadly Unrests In Eastern Somaliland KALSHALE (Somalilandpress) — The Somaliland army is boosting its forces in the Buhodle district a day after deadly clashes left more than 20 dead in the village of Kalshale. According to eyewitnesses in the town of Burao, hundreds of heavily army vehicles were heading to the flashpoint areas to confront an armed clan militia backed by Somalia’s semi-autonomous region of Puntland. The Sool, Sanaag and Ceyn group, abbreviated as SSC, on early mornings of Monday launched a counter-attack against army positions in the village of Kalshale. The army was originally moved to the area to shore up a fragile ceasefire between two warring local clans who clashed over grazing pasture and water sources after a server drought.
Grenade attack in Mogadisho Civilians Hurt and TFG soldiers
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Muqdisho:-Qaraxyo xalay lagu weeraray goobo kala duwan oo Muqdisho ka mid ah. 10. februar 2011 Muqdisho(Allpuntland)-Qaraxyo kala duwan ayaa xalay lagu weerary goobo kala duwan oo ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho iyadoona qaraxyada qasaaro ay gaarsiiyeen dad rayid ah iyo askar ka tirsan ciidanka Dowladda KMG. Qaraxyada oo dhamaanba lagu beegay fiidkii hore ee xalay ayaa midka koowaad waxa uu ka dhacay Suuqa xaafada Buulo Xuubeey ee Degmada Wadajir isla daqiiqado ka dib ayaa qarax kale waxaa uu ka dhacay Laami yaraha xaafada Buulo Xuubeey ee degmada Wadajir ee Gobolka Banaadir. Labaadan qarax oo ahaa Bam Gacmeed islamarkaana ka wada dhacay Xaafada Buulo Xuubeey ee Degmada Wadajir ayaa waxaa ku geeriyooday hal qof oo rayid ah halka in ka badan 15 qof kalana ay ku dhaawacmeen. Ka dib qaraxyadaani ayaa xaafada Buulo Xuubeey ee magaalada Muqdisho waxaa ku soo faafaay ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda KMG oo howlgalo sameeyey hasayeeshee lama sheegin cida ay u soo qabteen qaraxyada. isla xalay Fiidii ayaa qarax 3aad oo nooca gacanta laga tuuro waxaa lagu weeraray ciidamo ka tirsan Dowladda KMG oo fariisin ku leh xaafada Tabakaayo Madow ee Degmada Dharkeenleey ee Gobolka Banaadir, waxaana dhaawacyo kala duwan ay gaareen 6 qofood oo Seddex ka mid ah askar Dowladda ka tirsan yihiin . -
Grenade attack in Mogadisho Civilians Hurt and TFG soldiers
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Three Govt Soldiers Hurt in Mogadishu Grenade Attack 9 February 2011 Mogadishu — Unknown men on Wednesday night attacked Somali government forces in Mogadishu with hand grenade, injuring at least four persons, three of them were government soldiers, witnesses said. Locals told Shabelle Media Network the blast of the grenade once heard in the neighborhood of Dabakayo Madow in Dharkenley district of Mogadishu unexpectedly. The wounded people are shortly after the explosion reported to have rushed to nearby Madina Hospital in Benadir region. After the explosion, the attacked soldiers have fired every direction, but no further casualties were reported so far. Government forces in the area began search operations, thought the assailants had immediately escaped from the scene after the grenade attack. -
Qasaaraha ka dhashay qaraxyo ka dhacay degmooyinka ................ Muqdisho :(Sh. M. Network) Waxaa sii kordhaya qasaaraha ka dhashay qaraxyo Bambaano oo xalay lagu weeraray Suuqyada Buulu Xuubeey iyo Suuq Boocle oo ka kala tirsan degmooyinka Wadajir iyo Dharkeenlay ee magaalada Muqdisho. Hal qof ayaa ku dhintay oo ilaa iyo hadda la garan la’yahay meedkiisa, iyadoo ay ku dhaawcmeen 21-kale kuwaasi oo dhamaantooda ahaa dad rayid oo xiligasi ka agdhwaa goob lagu weeraray bam gacmeedyo, waxaana dadkii ku dhaawcmay bambaanooyinkasi 19-ka mid ah la gaarsiiyay Isbitaalka Madiina ee magaalada Muqdisho. Bamka 1-aad ayaa waxa lala eegtay Suuq Buulo Xuubay iyadoo midka kalena lagu tuuray Laamiga labaad ee Suuqa Buul Xuubeey degmada Wadajir ee gobolka Banaadir,waxaana saakay degmadaasi lagu arkayay ciidamo baaritaano xoogan ku haya xaafadaha degmadaasi. Kooxihii falkaasi ka dambeeyay ayaa waxaa la sheegay in ay ka baxsadeen, iyadoo aan ilaa iyo iminka la’ogayn sababta keentay in goob ay ku sugan yihiin dad rayid ah lagu weeraro bamgacmeedyo qasaaro gaystay. Dhinaca kale degmada Dharkeenlay gaar ahaan Suuq Boocle ayaa iyana halkaasi xalay waxaa lagu weeraray Bamgacmeed qasaaro u gaystay ilaa 6-qof oo 3-ka mid ah ay ahaayeen ciidamada dowladda KMG Soomaaliya, iyadoo aan ka hadlin weeraradaas kala duwanaa ee xalay lagu qaaday labadaasi degmo oo dariska ah Mas’uuliyiinta dowladda KMG ee ka talisa degmooyinkaasi. Bambaanooyinkaan xalay lagu weeraray xaafado ka tirsan degmooyinka Wadajir iyo Dharkeenlay ayaa waxaa uu imaanayaa xili Mas’uuliyiinta labadasi degmo ay sheegeen inay sugeen amaanka degmooyinka ay Maamulaan.
Dawlada Somaliland oo Ciidamo dheeraad ah u dirtay degmada buhoodle Dawlada Somaliland ayaa ciidamo dheeraad ah oo ciidamada qalabka siida u dirtay degmada buhoodle eeh koonfuurta bariga gobolka togdheer. kuwaso oo ku gaashamaan babuurta dagaalka kuwas aaya saaka gelinki danbe ka so ambabaxay magaalada burco. Dhanka kale waxa magaalada buhoodle laga so waramaya in odaysha halka ka so jeeda wado hadalo u socdaan.Ciidamada cusub eeh Somaliland oo ku birii doona kuwi hore u sii joogay. Ciidamada Somaliland aya la sheegeya inay gelinki danbe ku wabireysteen magaalada qurilugud eeh Degmada buhoodle. inta badan shacabka degen degmada buhoodle aya cabsi ka qaba inu dagaal dib uga qarxo baliga hagoogane iyo kalshaale eeh degmada buhoodle. Dhanka kale waxa jira ababuul ay wadan taliyasha ciidamada Somaliland eeh kala fadhiya degmada buhoodle iyo adhicadeeye iyo oog. Sarkaal ka tirsan ciidamada qaranka ayaa sheegey inu maanta ka ambo baxay magaalada oog uu ugu tagay ciidamad qaranka eeh ku sugan baliga kalshaale.Wuxuna sheegey maanta inay xaaladu degentahay balse saansaan coladeed ay dhici karto maalimaha so socda.
Somalialnd Political Parties on Kalshaale Buuhoodle Issue
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Well done by the Somaliland political parties -
Col. Axmed Maxamed Dalbac Oo Ku Biiray Ciidamada SSC-
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to A_Khadar's topic in Politics
A_Khadar;693954 wrote: According the above pics is neither but joined to his people. XX. Are you relying on the lost men in Hargaysa (likes Xaabsade) or you beleive the above avidences. If Dalbac joins to puntland/ssc, you can argue one or the other if that makes you feel better but the man is no longer on your side rather against you. That is the facts. Just like Mustafe galaal and we know where he is right now