Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Hahaha where is the so called sovereignty. People brag about. Dowlada dhexe kulaha. Dowlada taagta daran eeh awoodoodu dhaleecayn tahay oo kaliya. Eeh bunkerka ka so dhex hanjabaysa this is a joke.
  2. Elections went well transparent and fair. Very good progress.
  3. That's what I guess I think maybe another 50k. Perhaps for hadaaftimo 30k and dhahar 20k.
  4. Impossible Maroodijeex has the most people of all of Somaliland. I don't think there are allot of people even left in sanaag to register. 100.000 is pretty much the entire region.
  5. No one wadani are in detention. All light criminals were released during eis Not sure I think if you are 16 in Somaliland you are allowed to vote.
  6. Almost 40. 000 more votes then 4 years ago. Even saaxil. Has increased allot Maroodijeex almost doubled I think all regions had an increase. Sool and saaxil are about the same size qua population.
  7. Imika ma waxad ku haysta hassan muxu u salaam wayey the cheese monger.
  8. So he tells me suldaan maxammad abdiqadir AUN went to xamar appointed these mps. Ina xirsi qani when did he go. Suldaan hassan of hargeisa when did he go. Suldaan jamac samatar of awdal and suldaan dhawal when did these guys go to xamar appoint these buffoons in the bunker. Bal wuxunoogo sheekenayo eeg. When dis this happen. It never happend.
  9. Maakhir is right on this one Egyptians never cared for somalis or greater Somalia. Awrkay nugu kacsanyeen. All they cared for was the weakening of Ethiopia. Same they supported Eritrea independence Party. They were surprised the Arabs when afewerki made ties with Israel.
  10. There were no elders that went to Mogadishu in 2012 and elected ur Parliament this is the biggest lie. The koonfurians try to tell. Give us the evidence there is no xildhibaan ku sheeg in dowlada taagta daran that somaliland or somalilanders help create.
  11. They should be isolated and even put in jail the terrorist state of Eritrea and abiye Ahmed who carried out massacres in tigray. Deserves to be punished accordingly.
  12. Does it really matter the traitors don't represent any one. You call them xildhibaan Somaliland. But cant set foot in the land they claim to represent. Bal waalidan eega.
  13. Meles zenawi he never supported Somaliland. He supported your leader cabdilahi yusuf iyo adeerka sharif sakin. SOMALILAND BERI hore Bay idinka tagtay ii at xoolonimadina aragtay. With or with out recognition. Somaliland is here to stay for milleniums to come.
  14. These talks were a failure to begin with no agenda no time frame. No arbitrators. Once these things come there can be talks Somaliland will never ever share a county or a govt with Somalia. They know it to.
  15. Xaasidnimadu ma fiicana Well done Kenya. Keep marching forward.
  16. Do you think it's nice and respectful to disrespect somaliland national day. What's wrong with you are childish. Maalin ta qashinka. War waxani gunsana.
  17. I think peope only from that region can vote. What's the point of pl local elecions. If reer baydhabo and reer Mogadishu are voting.
  18. Galbeedi why do you make things up. Affirm what what Siilaanyo sign. So you have evidence for your claim. That Siilaanyo signed to be part of Somalia. This is treason you are accusing president Siilaanyo of treason. Why do you need to lie.
  19. Yeah it's better they cancel it all together along as these talks have agenda and no real arbitrators it's useless. Walanweyn laga ma garbaxo. Wa gar maqatayaal.
  20. U forget afeweriqi 30 years. Somalia holds farataag elecions it cannot hold 1man 1 vote elections like In kenya or in Somaliland.
  21. Muuse is leading the country into glory May Allah bless him. Dadkaaga dhinac ka raac galbeedi. Hambada farmaajo haku saxan.
  22. Majority of oromo are amhara followers they will never uprise against amhara leader.
  23. The reason why the Dr cannot win anything is because. Simply Somaliland doesn't participate in Somalia politics what so ever. The Southern dir have it then bad unfortunate for them. Because their 30 seats in the South cidlay ku dhacayaan. And the one in the North iyaguna wa calooshood u shaqeystayaal they don't represent any one. Thats why they are always 3rd of 4rd. Besides dad aan waxba isku ahayn ba afka la isku geliyey. The awdalite and the jesus folks and the duriyad are some how related and share same customs and traditions and there is allot of kinship woqoyism. Bal qolooyinka koonfurians meel ku sheeg. Adigu. As for the South Western clan I think iyaga is naquusay isma aaminsana. Kalsoonidu wa wax aad u muhiim. They have no confidence what's so ever. I agree with you the democracy dad badan bu fashilinayaaa.