Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Former Islamist becomes the international Communities puppet and cries after he found out they want to get rid of him
  2. Waleh shax aad u qurux badan ba ka socotta meesha talow ya ku guuleysan
  3. Taliye ku xigeenka Ciidanka Booliska somaliland oo soo gaadhay magaalada laascaanood +Video Apr 12 Taliye ku xigeenka Ciidanka Booliska Somaliland Cabdiraxman Liibaan Axmed ayaa maanta soo gaadhay magaalada laascaanood isagoo maalmahanba safaro ku marayay gobolo kala duwan wuxuuna galabnimadii maanta shir la qaatay saraakiisha ciidama gobolka sool isagoo ku sheegay in socdaalkiisa ujeedadiisu ay tahay u kuur galka xaalada ciidanka booliska isla markaana barito uu kormeeri doono saldhigyada ciidanka amaanka
  4. only the Parliament can sack or impeach the speaker of parliament it seems sharif hassan played his cards well
  5. Xukuumada Oo U Gurmatay Markab Ay Ku Go’doonsan Yihiin Muwaadiniin Reer Somaliland Ah April 10th, 2011 MuwaadiniinHargeysa(Somaliland.Org)- Xukuumadda Somaliland ayaa gurmatay samato bixinta markab ay saaran yihiin todobaatameeye qof oo muwaadiniin ah oo saaran markab cilad farsamo oo soo wajahday darteed ku xaniban xeebta Buulo-caddo ee galbeedka Somaliland ka dib markii ay dadkaasi ka soo carareen kacdoonada siyaasadeed ee ka jira dalka Yeman. Wasiirka Wasaarada Kalluumaysiga iyo khayraadka badda Md. Cabdilaahi Jaamac Cismaan (Geel-jire) ayaa saxaafada u sheegay in ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha Somaliland ay u gurmadeen sidii loo bad baadin lahaa muwaadiniintaasi badda ku go’doonsan iyo markabkaba. Sidoo kale, Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Saaxil Maxamuud Cali Saleebaan (Ramaax), ayaa sheegay in markabkaasi mishiinka ka soo gaadhay ciladu, waxaanu tilmaamay inay u direen Dooni soo jiida. Markabkan waxa dadka ku go’doonsan ka mid ah Haween xaamilo ah oo wadata 9 carruur ah, waxaanay xukuumada Somaliland ka dalbatay inay u soo gurmadaan.
  6. Members of the Somaliland coastguard rescued a ship carrying 77 Somali passengers including16 children. The ship is said to have developed mechanical problems and got into difficulties at high seas off the coast of Zeila, 270km north of Berbera. After their distress call was answered, they told the Somaliland coastguard that they were fleeing the violent unrest currently sweeping Yemen. The coastguard and some members of the international anti-piracy task forces in the Gulf of Aden were able reach them and deliver much needed supplies including food and water. After being stranded for five days, their ship was pulled by another big ship and safely docked this morning (6 AM East African Time) at the port of Berbera. They were warmly welcomed by relatives and members of the government including Mr Abdullahi J. Osman, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources. Upon arrival, they thanked the government, coastguards and the Berbera port authority for their support. They urged other Somalis fleeing Yemen to consider taking airplanes.
  7. Sunday, 11 April: War on terror? Local newspaper Waaheen has reported that the Minister of Interior’s office is establishing an Anti-Terrorism Task Force and branches aimed at combating internal and external threats. The paper said, the United States was providing the funds to form the new Anti-Terrorism forces in the country. The Counter-Terrorism unit will include snipers and assault personnel and these be recruited throughout the six regions. The force will be commanded by the former Intelligence officer, Mr Ibrahim Farah Dodi. This will not be the only force in the country trained and financed by a Western nation. Britain already funds and trains the Special Protection Unit (SPU) designed to protect foreign dignitaries and diplomats visiting the country. UK also trains and funds the Somaliland coast guard and plans to replace all their equipment and weapons. Last year, they delivered 14 vehicles along with communication equipment that is currently used to connect 12 different coastguard stations. The Interior Minister revealed this week that the coastguards will soon received 19 new boats, 3 state of the art radars and construct a new floating dock and new facility in Berbera. Issues related to coastal protection have become ever more important in the light of maritime piracy, regional instability and increased trade involving Somaliland.
  8. Taleexi;710952 wrote: What Halgan? Halganki Dibo xoreynta Somaliland.
  9. ^^ It was all worth 12 years of struggle and 20 years of prosperity and success and a peaceful nation.
  10. Taleex Somaliland is all inclusive even for Ethnic Somalilanders from Mudug that includes also Garaads from greenland and Jubbaras state as long as they were From Nugaal Godan pre 1960-
  11. ^^ Siilaanyo is not mentioned one time in the article reread the article
  12. Ganacsade caanka ah Puntland oo xalay lagu toogte Magaalada Galkacyo Wararka ka imaanaya Saakay Magaalada gaalkacyo ayaa sheegaya in xalay magaaladaasi, lagu Dilay ganacsade caan ka ahaa Xarunta Gobolka Mudug. Ganacsadahani oo lagu Dilay dhinaca Woqooyi ee Magaalada, ayaa la sheegay in ay Toogteen Koox ku hubeysan bastoolado, waxaana la sheegay in kooxdii dilka gaysatay ay ka baxsatay. Kooxaha dilka gaystay ayaa la sheegay inay u duubnaayeen wajiyada islamarkaana ay ku hubaysnaayeen bastoolada, iyadoo dilkaasi kadib ay ka baxsadeen goobtii uu dilkaas ka dhacay. Ilaa iyo hadda majiraan Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan Maamulka oo ka hadashay dilkaasi hase ahaatee ciidamada ayaa waxa ay wadaan baaritaano ay ku baadi goobayaan kooxihii dilkaasi gaystaty. Dilkaani ayaa waxaa uu qeyb ka yahay dilal maalimihii u dambeeyay ka dhacayay Magalaada Gaalkacyo ee Xarunta gobolka Mudug kuwaasi oo lala bartilmaameedsanayay Mas’uuliyiin, waxgarad, Nabadoono iyo dad rayid ah oo badankooda la sheegay in loo dilay aanooyin qabiil.
  13. Somaliland and Mogadishu congratulate Guelleh on election victory HARGEISA — President Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo has congratulated Djibouti President Ismael O. Guelleh (IOG) on his third election win and paid tribute to the people of the tiny Red Sea nation on Sunday. The President says he hopes ties between the two states could be raised to a new level. Thousands of Djiboutians with dual citizenship also cast their vote in Somaliland on Friday. Ismael Omar Guelleh succeeded his uncle in 1999 (Reuters) “I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to you President on behave of myself, my government and the people of Somaliland,” he said in a statement. “We are confident that the progressive values and development Djibouti has achieved under your leadership will continue in the right direction with your re-election. We are convinced that the cooperation between the two nations will turn into a lasting friendship that produces tangible fruits,” Silanyo continued. “Again, with sincerity we congratulate you for your historic victory. We hope for you, Mr President, your government and the people of Djibouti, who are our brothers, a future filled with development, stability and prosperity,” he concluded. SOMALIA During a conference meeting held in the capital Mogadishu, elders and leaders of Southern Somalia’s prominent clan, the ******, also sent their best wishes. They pledged their support for Omar Guelleh who tried to resolve the conflict in Somalia numerous times. “We wish to express our profound congratulations to President Ismael Omar Guelleh for his historical win for the third time,” Mr Mohamed Hassan Haad said, a peace activist speaking on behave of the traditional leaders. “We hereby also congratulate the citizens of Djibouti for choosing the right path in exercising a peaceful vote which will continue their country in the right direction,” he added. Djibouti election President Guelleh won his third term in office after winning 80% of the votes cast on Saturday despite opposition groups boycotting the election. He faced an independent challenger, the former Constitutional Council Chairman, Mr Mohamed Warsama Ragueh, who received about 19% of votes. More than 150,000 people have registered to vote but the country’s prominent opposition parties — the Union for Democratic Change (UAD) and the Union of Democratic Movements (UMD) — have all boycotted the poll after they accused the government of lack of freedom and intermediation. They called for demonstrations against the ruling People’s Rally for Progress (RPP) party, which left at least one person dead after police used force to disperse them. Guelleh, 63, will rule the tiny but strategic nation for the next six years, continuing the legacy of his family who ruled Djibouti since independence in 1977. He is often given credit for steering Djibouti on a right course of development and stability while creating jobs and improving living conditions.
  14. Somaliland and Mogadishu congratulate Guelleh on election victory HARGEISA — President Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo has congratulated Djibouti President Ismael O. Guelleh (IOG) on his third election win and paid tribute to the people of the tiny Red Sea nation on Sunday. The President says he hopes ties between the two states could be raised to a new level. Thousands of Djiboutians with dual citizenship also cast their vote in Somaliland on Friday. Ismael Omar Guelleh succeeded his uncle in 1999 (Reuters) “I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to you President on behave of myself, my government and the people of Somaliland,” he said in a statement. “We are confident that the progressive values and development Djibouti has achieved under your leadership will continue in the right direction with your re-election. We are convinced that the cooperation between the two nations will turn into a lasting friendship that produces tangible fruits,” Silanyo continued. “Again, with sincerity we congratulate you for your historic victory. We hope for you, Mr President, your government and the people of Djibouti, who are our brothers, a future filled with development, stability and prosperity,” he concluded.
  15. bOmar MoalimFriday, April 08, 2011Before discussing the current Nairobi conference and the arrogance of the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General Augustine P. Mahiga, it is important to understand that he is not the only one who benefits from the misfortunes of Somalia. When Somalia’s central government collapsed in 1991, the core national assets, such as the air space, national borders, territorial waters, citizens and everything that Somalia owned became guard-less. Countries, organisations and individuals started exploiting those assets at will. These countries and organisations profiteer from the Statelessness in Somalia by creating projects that generate billions of dollars which cannot be earned if there is a strong government in Somalia. These projects are countless but the $10billion a year global fight against piracy and “the peace and reconciliation projects” now run by Mr. Mahiga are good examples. Of course there are many countries and organisations that would like Somalia to become peaceful but they do not run the show.Piracy is evil but the insurance and oil industries of some countries earn billions because of it. There is also probably group5 in the making – a new security firm that will escort the ships and charge the shipping lines and charterers high security fees-* *so these countries or organisations see a strong Somali government as the evil that should be fought. Similarly peace and reconciliation conferences are good but there are those who make it a business. They sow differences in leaders and groups so that the process and the projects of mediation do not stop. The conference which is scheduled to take place in Nairobi allegedly aims to strengthen the relationship between the TFG and the regional administrations in Somalia.There are two regional administrations in Somalia, namely Somaliland and Puntland. There are 10 to 15 others who proclaim to be regional administrations but none of them comes under the definition of a regional administration as per the transitional federal charter of the country and as such they do not represent a village in Somalia. The TFG sees the conference as a hindrance to the path of peace in Somalia while Somaliland does not agree to participate in the Nairobi conference. The only regional administration present in Mr. Mahiga’s conference will be Puntland! Mr. Mahiga believes that the decisions and opinions of Somalia’s government, president, and majority of its parliament members, clan elders, civil society and religious leaders do not matter when it comes to what path their country should take. He says these are few people who are either misinformed or misunderstand what is at stake and presents himself as the only one who can decide what should be done when and where! The UN’s colonial style policies towards poor Somalia are the root causes of the rifts between the TFG and Puntland. Puntland will only prosper and be strong if there is prosperous strong Somalia. All Somali leaders including those of Puntland do not accept Mr. Mahiga as a colonial governor who has authority over Somalia’s national leaders. The international community spends a lot of money in the name of creating stability in Somalia. These funds are misused by some to divide Somalia. If the purpose of an economic assistance is to have Somalia represented by a Tanzanian or a South Korean, all Somali leaders should reject it and condemn the donors in the strongest terms.President Farole of Puntland will be a national hero if he goes to Mogadishu and resolves his differences with the national leaders or invites them to Garowe for that matter. He’ll be on the wrong side of history if he talks behind Mr. Mahiga or asks him to convey massages to the national leaders.It is clear and crystal that the conference has been rejected by the overwhelming majority of Somalis.* Instead of spending huge amounts of money on delegates who do not represent any one while millions in the country are suffering from severe droughts, Mr. Mahiga is urged for the sake of goodness to visit Garowe or Mogadishu and say it loudly that he is not a colonial governor and that he will never ever try to impose his will on the Somali people again. If Mr. Mahiga wants to assist the Somali people, he should try to convince his country of Tanzania to treat the Somali emigrants humanely and respect their human rights. He should also resign from his current post as majority of Somalis now know that he is there to do divide the country.
  16. Taleexi;710916 wrote: War maanta khaldaamiintii rajo bay muujiyeen. Gaboose is not khaldaan he is from mudug your more khaldaan then him
  17. Taleexi;710642 wrote: That is what I am talking about. Talking about what Taleexi xaafada madareemin ma idinka so weeraray?
  18. oba hiloowlow;710626 wrote: ^^ ciidanka waa ogeyd awal hore markii qabiil qabiil dhufeysyada loogu jiray waxaa la maqli jiray heer hebel iyo heer hebel ayaa isku heysto degmadaas ee banaadir ama isku rasaaseeyay, marka ciidan qabiil horumar lagu gaaraaya aayasan jirin dhibaatooyin iyo neceyb mooye.. Marka Shariifka madaxweyne soomaaliyed waa, ciidankii jubbooyinka lagu talogalay oo xamar la keena wax dhib uma arko ileen halbowlahii waaye xamar.. Oba hiloowlow bal tada an ku raaco Ciidanka xooga TFG aad ka sheekeneyso may xoreyaan Jubooyinka ileen Jubooyinka ba so umadax maha marka gandi hada isago keeney fikirka inu ciidamo lugu so tabbo baray kenya lugu xoreyo goobooyinka gedo iyo lababa jubba wax xun maha isla wax baad rabtin laakin kalo wado baad rabtiin inad u martan.
  19. Very nice pics i see hormar dere.