Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. oba hiloowlow;716364 wrote: ^^ in conclusion Somalidiid waaye lool tool toolka naga dhaaf niyow Ha wa Somali diid wa nin ka so horjeeda wax alaale wax ay Somali u tagantahay wa ninki Somalida bay iyo bakool ka so qaxay dagaalada yidhi waxay ka danbeyaan dilalka qorsheysan eeh ka dhaca Bosaaso wa wax lala yaabo.
  2. Kuwaiti Emir Meets Somaliland President KUWAIT CITY — This weekend the Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah IV Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received a high level delegation from Somaliland led by President Ahmed M. Silanyo at his palace for talks. The Emir applauded the President and the people of Somaliland for their efforts in stabilizing their country and for the formation of functioning government. He urged the Somaliland people to maintain peace and tranquillity that the state had been enjoying for the last two decades. He said Kuwait is willing to assist Somaliland directly in key areas of development. He pointed out that Kuwait is already providing funds for a number of initiatives including hospitals and airports. The President thanked the Kuwaiti Ruler for the warm welcome and briefed him of the situation in Somaliland. He discussed the areas of security, development, economy and political atmosphere. The President talked in detail about the opportunities to invest in mineral exploration, marine resources, agricultural products and livestock supplies for the Gulf nation. He said Somaliland is open for business and is willing and keen to deal with Kuwait, its corporate and other relevant sectors. The President also past on a report detailing Somaliland’s needs and an urgent request for practical assistance as well as aid and investment which the Kuwaiti Ruler promised to study. Later in the day, the Emir organized a meeting between Somaliland delegation and Kuwaiti donor groups and aid agencies. They told the President they will send officials to Somaliland to gather information and decide how they can help. This is the first time a Somaliland leader has directly met with the Emir of Kuwait. Mr Silanyo expressed his profound thanks and appreciation for the Sheikh, government and people of Kuwait for their support and understanding. The Gulf nation has one tenth of entire world’s oil reserves and a per capita income of US$55,300. The President and his delegation which includes the Foreign Minister have been touring the Gulf states of United Arab Emirates and Kuwait for the past two weeks. The trip was aimed at promoting relations between the Arab nations and the African state. Somaliland was also seeking direct investment and development assistance in number of fields. Both UAE and Kuwait insisted they will help Somaliland combat maritime piracy off the coast of neighbouring Somalia. Somaliland is a former British protectorate that gained independence June 1960. It later unified with the Trust Territory of Somalia (the former Italian Somaliland) forming what became known as the Somali Republic. However the union collapsed in 1991 following two decades of internationally-hidden civil war that left more than 50,000 Somalilanders killed. In May 1991, Somaliland declared the restoration of its sovereignty however it has not managed to regained international recognition.
  3. Faroole wa nin tolkis neceb wa ninki la heshiiye galmudug si ugu xumeyo tolkis degen Woqoyiga Galkacyo ,, wa ninki yidhi dadki masajidka lugu laayeye iyo beelaha is dilay waxa ka danbeya ssc oo ah tolkis dega Bariga gobolka sool. Wa ninki Maraykanka jabuuti jooga ku yidhi cirka ka duqeyaa galgala oo ah tolkis Bariga sanaag galbeedka bari. Wa ninki yidhi dawlada sh sharif ba ka danbeysa dagaalka galkacyo oo u jeedo inadeerki Farmaajo sabab galkacyo ba tageertay farmaajo marki ay is haysteen beesha calaamka. Wana Ninka tolkis ka ganacsada eeh yidhi Somalida Ethiopia degen Maha Somali eeh wa Dad Ethiopian oo afsomaliga bartay yaa yidha Nimankaas ka afsomali badan.
  4. muxu laha cali dhuux war dheer baan islaha deg sidi wadaadki eh xaaji xunjuf iyo waalihi baan islaha wabiga jidhsii dhe
  5. Well he is part of the transitional federal government of Somalia he knows if he sets foot in the garowe clan enclave controlled territories he most likely would be arrested. But i don't think they will hold him that long he will be deported back to Xammar.
  6. For the first time in years of talks the Hamas leaders were invited to the headquarters of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs instead of merely meeting at a hotel or the intelligence agency — a signal that Egypt was now prepared to treat Hamas as a diplomatic partner rather than a security risk. A new policy by the Egyptians no more pleasing isreal.
  7. In Shift, Egypt Warms to Iran and Hamas, Israel’s Foes Egyptian officials, emboldened by the revolution and with an eye on coming elections, say that they are moving toward policies that more accurately reflect public opinion. In the process they are seeking to reclaim the influence over the region that waned as their country became a predictable ally of Washington and the Israelis in the years since the 1979 peace treaty with Israel. The first major display of this new tack was the deal Egypt brokered Wednesday to reconcile the secular Palestinian party Fatah with its rival Hamas. “We are opening a new page,” said Ambassador Menha Bakhoum, spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry. “Egypt is resuming its role that was once abdicated.” Egypt’s shifts are likely to alter the balance of power in the region, allowing Iran new access to a previously implacable foe and creating distance between itself and Israel, which has been watching the changes with some alarm. “We are troubled by some of the recent actions coming out of Egypt,” said one senior Israeli official, citing a “rapprochement between Iran and Egypt” as well as “an upgrading of the relationship between Egypt and Hamas.” “These developments could have strategic implications on Israel’s security,” the official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the issues were still under discussion in diplomatic channels. “In the past Hamas was able to rearm when Egypt was making efforts to prevent that. How much more can they build their terrorist machine in Gaza if Egypt were to stop?” Israel had relied on Egypt’s help to police the border with Gaza, where arms and other contraband were smuggled to Hamas through tunnels. Balancing its new independence against its old allegiances, Egypt is keeping all its commitments, including the peace treaty with Israel, Ambassador Bakhoum emphasized, and she said that it hoped to do a better job complying with some human rights protocols it had signed. But she said that the blockade of the border with Gaza and Egypt’s previous enforcement of it were both “shameful,” and that Egypt intended soon to open up the border “completely.” At the same time, she said, Egypt is also in the process of normalizing its relations with Iran, a regional power that the United States considers a dangerous pariah. “All the world has diplomatic relations with Iran with the exception of the United States and Israel,” Ambassador Bakhoum said. “We look at Iran as a neighbor in the region that we should have normal relations with. Iran is not perceived as an enemy as it was under the previous regime, and it is not perceived as a friend.” Several former diplomats and analysts said that by staking out a more independent path, Egypt would also regain a measure of power that came with the flexibility to bestow or withhold support. If Egypt believes Israel’s refusal to halt settlements in the West Bank is the obstacle to peace, for example, then “cooperating with the Israelis by closing the border to Gaza did not make sense, as much as one may differ with what Hamas has done,” argued Nabil Fahmy, dean of the public affairs school at the American University in Cairo and a former Egyptian ambassador to the United States. Many Egyptian analysts, including some former officials and diplomats who served under then-President Hosni Mubarak, say they are thrilled with the shift. “This is the new feeling in Egypt, that Egypt needs to be respected as a regional power,” said Emad Gad, a foreign policy expert on relations with Israel at the official Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies. Egypt is recognizing Hamas, he said, for the same reason the Egyptian prime minister recently had breakfast with his family at a public restaurant without heavily armed body guards: any official who wants to stay in government is thinking about elections. “This is a new thing in Egyptian history,” Mr. Gad said. Mahmoud Shokry, a former Egyptian ambassador to Syria under Mr. Mubarak, said: “Mubarak was always taking sides with the U.S., but the new way of thinking is entirely different. We would like to make a model of democracy for the region, and we are ensuring that Egypt has its own influence.” In the case of Iran, a competing regional power, Ms. Bakhoum noted that although Egypt broke off relations with the Islamist government after its 1979 revolution, the countries reopened limited relations in 1991 on the level of a chargé d’affaires, so normalizing relations was more of an elevation than a reopening. The deal between the Palestinian factions capitalized on the forces unleashed around the region by Egypt’s revolution. In its aftermath, Hamas found its main sponsor, the Assad government of Syria, shaken by its own popular protest movement, while the Fatah government in the West Bank faced throngs of young people adapting the chants of the Egyptian uprising to the cause of Palestinian unity. Egypt had laid out a proposal virtually identical to the current deal for both sides as early as 2009, several participants from all sides said. But the turning point came in late March, about six weeks after the revolution. For the first time in years of talks the Hamas leaders were invited to the headquarters of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs instead of merely meeting at a hotel or the intelligence agency — a signal that Egypt was now prepared to treat Hamas as a diplomatic partner rather than a security risk. They also met with Egypt’s interim head of state, Field Marshal Mohamed Tantawi, the leader of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and Mr. Mubarak’s longtime defense minister. “When I was invited to the meeting in the Foreign Ministry, that was something different, and this is what the agreement grew out of,” said Taher Nounou of Hamas. “We definitely felt that there was more openness from the new Egyptian leadership.” Foreign Minister Nabil el-Araby told the Palestinians that “he doesn’t want to talk about the ‘peace process’ any more, he wants to talk about the peace,” Ambassador Bakhoum said. She said the Egyptian government was still studying how to open the border with Gaza, to help the civilians who lived there, and to determine which goods might be permitted. But she said the government had decided to move ahead with the idea. Mona El-Naggar contributed reporting.
  8. Saalax;716053 wrote: Xaaji Xunjuf in my opinion. It doesn't really matter what they say or not since we know what they are and the people of Somaliland know what they want for their future generations & destiny. Nacam Somaliland people made it clear they want to live in peace with their neighbouring countries Djibouti Somalia Ethiopia
  9. Aaliyyah;716052 wrote: Well put bilan. They will have to stick with their three cities indeed. Likewise I wish them success so long they do not attack other ppl!..And they are always wlc to join somaliwayn and be part of the unity bt if they dnt want to..cidna lama khasb saad horay u tidhi!.. xaji lol sibaad cuqdad uga qabta ma gabadh hamar u dhalatay aya ka dhaqaajisay...iska cafi walaal and im sure she only represented herself and no one else Dumarku haday mar ku Khiyameyaan waliga ilawi meysid qalbigay kaga jiraysa ila ad godka galisiid :D
  10. Wa halki faisal cali waraabe if you want to claim land based on tribalism go claim wardheer
  11. wa hagaag Aaliyah you are right it's not nice to generalize but you never know if their jacayl is sincere
  12. gabadha roda afjano wa gabadh gob ah i like her allot.
  13. if i was a koonfurian and i had the so called resources they had i would declare independence from Somaliland That said nice hees:D salax adeer never fall for koonfurian Jacayl xita markay isi shukansanayan wax ka jira ma jirto wa huuhaa
  14. Dahabshiil oo Ballan Qaaday Inay Taageeri Doonaan Horumarinta Dhallinyarada May 1st, 2011 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Shirkadda wadaniga ah ee Dahabshiil ayaa ballanqaaday in kaalin muhiim ah ka qaadan doonto wax kasta oo lagu horumarinayo da’yarta Somaliland ee u baahan in laga qayb qaato mustaqbalkooda. Maamulaha guud ee shirkadda Dahabshiil Mr. Cabdirashiid Maxamed Siciid oo hadal kooban ka jeediyey maanta xaflad ballaadhan oo lagu furayey tartan kubadda cagta ah oo ay ka qaybgalayaan 80 kooxood ka dhisan magaalada Hargeysa looga furay garoonka ciyaaraha ee Hargeysa Studuim, waxa uu kaga dhawaaqay in shirkadiisu diyaar u tahay inay kaalin buuxda ka qaadato barmaamujyada kala duwan ee lagu horumarinayo da’yarta dalka. Shirkadda Dahabshiil oo iyadu maalgelisay inta badan kharashka ku baxaya tartankan, isla markaana bixisay 300 kubbadood oo kuwa cagta ah, ayaa waxa kale oo shirkaddu ballanqaaday in dib-u-habaynta Hargeysa Staduim kafaala qaadayso iyada oo lala kaashanayo Wasaaradda Dhallinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha. Ugu horreyn Mr. Cabdirashiid Maxamed Siciid waxa uu yidhi, “Waxaan halkan ka hambalyada Xidhiidhka Kubbadda Cagta ee i siiyey fursadan qaaliga ah ee lagu furayo tartanka kubadda cagta ee dhallinyaradu kaga qaybqaadanayso wareeggan isreebreebka ah ee kubbadda cagta. Waxa kale oo aan hambalyeynayaa dhallinyarada tartankan ka qaybqaadanaysa ee isugu timi inay tartan caafimaad qaba ku loollamaan.” Maamulaha guud ee Dahabshiil waxa uu tilmaamay in sida ay uga go’an tahay dhallinyarada ka qaybqaadashada tartankaasi uu muujinayo hankooda mustaqbalka, kaas oo uu ballanqaaday inay ka qaybqaadanayaan. “Isu imaatinkiinnan baaxadda lihi waxa uu muujinayaa sida aad diyaarka ugu tihiin ka qaybqaadashada barnaamijyada horumarineed ee naftiinna, qoysaskiinna iyo ummaddiinnaba wax taraya, iyada oo ay muuqato inaad u baahan tihiin in barnaamijyo iyo mashaariic shaqo-abuuris ah la idiinku talogalo si aad uga midho dhalisaan himiladiinna, waxbarashadiinna iyo tacabka waalidkiinna si dedaalladaas wadartoodu u noqoto mid loo aayo. Shirkadda Dahabshiil waa wax ka go’aan oo aanay Ilaahay mooyaane cid kale abaal kaga doonayn inay kaalin kasta oo ay buuxin karto ku taageerto horumarinta bulshada qaybaheeda kala duwan gaar ahaan barnaamijyada ku abbaaran da’yarteeda ee mustaqbalkooda dhisaya,” ayuu yidhi Mr. Cabdirashiid. Gebogabadii waxa uu maamuluhu soo jeediyey in la sii wado tartannada noocan ah ee dhiirigelinaya dhallinyarada, “Ugu dambayn waxaan bogaadin kal iyo laab ah mar kale u soo jeedinayaa guddiyada kala duwan ee hawshan agaasimay, kooxaha dhallinyarada ah iyo cid kasta oo gacan ka gaysatay ama dhiirrigelisay barnaamijkan, waxannuna leenahay dedaalkaa muuqda ha kala goynina ee halkaa ka sii wada, Allena ha idinku guuleeyo Aamiin.” ayuu hadalkiisa ku soo gunaanaday Maamulaha guud ee shirkadda Dahabshiil. Waxa kale oo uu xusay in Shirkadda Dahabshiil ka qaybqaadato horumarinta ciyaaraha ee da’yarta ee meelo ay ka mid yihiin dalalka Yurub, Sucuudiga, Jabuuti, kanadda iyo New zealand. Dhinaca kale, masuuliyiin ka tirsan dawladda oo ay ka mid yihiin Wasiirka Wasaaradda Dhallinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha iyo Badhasaabka Gobolka Maroodi-jeex oo ka qaybgalay xafladaasi ayaa iyaguna hadalo ka jeediyey. Badhasaabka Maroodi-jeex Mr. Axmed Cumar X. Cabdillaahi (Xamarje) ayaa sheegay inuu ku faraxsan yahay in dhallinyarada gobolkiisu fursad u helaan tartan noocan ah, isagoo tilmaamay ay muhiim tahay dhallinyarada la dhiirigeliyo. Ugu dambayn Wasiirka Dhallinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha Md. Maxamed Ibraahim Madar oo si rasmi u furay tartankaasi, ayaa ballanqaaday in wasaaraddiisu dib u soo noolayn doonto tartamadii ciyaaraha ee dalka, isla markaana ay tayeyn doonto.
  15. 'Liibaan';716025 wrote: Brother CHE, well said, the VIVE is for all Somali Regions that want to live under the Blessed Flag of SOMALIA, with the White Star and the Blue background. We hope clan-secessionists to rejoin the rest of Somali tribes and regions to restore United SOMALIA. So that means your are against Djibouti because they refused to live under that Blue flag and the NFD state of kenya
  16. AfricaOwn;716026 wrote: Somehow this will unite people? In the south they wave the blue flag so what's with the turmoil? Good point waving the blue flag and dancing in the west declaring nonsense clan states from abroad sure will not bring peace and stability to Somalia nor will it restore the Somali state . if the so called Blue flag could not unite Libaan and his clan cousins from garowe i don't know what will
  17. Somaliland is making a break trough when it comes to the Arab world For the First time especially the Khaliji Arab states relations between Somaliland and the Khaliji Arabs are opening up, a Somaliland office being opened in the UAE.There will be coorparation in health infrastructure and in the exploration of natural resources. The Khaliji Arabs feel they are losing political influence in the horn of africa as african states and Igad are deciding what happens to the transitional federal govt And the millions of dollars they spend on the TFG fell into the pockets of corrupt leaders Mostly spent in Nairobi. The Khaliji Arabs are concerned about piracy in the horn they are losing Millions of dollars to pirates and Somaliland is the only Main force combating these pirates in the horn africa piracy is a big issue for them they are losing Millions to pirates the UAE and Kuwait both have large shipping lines they can't afford to lose Millions of dollars. So supporting Somaliland is benefiting them in the long term The Kuwaitis have big interest in Somaliland they already fund the airport projects in Somaliland the Amiir will also fund the Military hospital in sheikh it's under construction now.The Somaliland presidents trip was to attrack Kuwaiti investors in Somaliland to boost the economy of the country. It's going well so far stay tuned.
  18. ^^ But they are not head of states we were talking about head of states mar ba meel u bood thankful:D
  19. Chinese president hu jintau with King abdulah Bin abdulaziz al saud i only see the saudi flag behind him Don't forget Amiir sabah is a Royalty while Siilaanyo is a president
  20. Yeah i can tell the difference Bush is holding the hand of the Amiir sabah and sarah palin is wearing a t Shirt Just like lara croft. While president Siilaanyo is not holding the hand of the crown prince of kuwait.