Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Mu isagu awoodisa ku duqeyo hadu wax duqeynayo wamaxay waan dalbaday;)
  2. Xita hada safaraad Koonfurianska loo fuaryo wa hadii , Somaliland inay sheekadooda ku darsadan ma dayaan;)
  3. NEWS LATEST NEWS Abbaan-duulaha Ciidammada Qaranka Sanaag Oo Kormeer Ku tegey Magaalada Laasqoray Daawo Abbaan-duulaha Ciidammada Qaranka Sanaag Oo Kormeer Ku tegey Magaalada Laasqoray Daawo Written by Qaran news May 11, 2011 at 06:33 PM Abbaan-duulaha Ciidammada Qaranka Sanaag Kormeer shaqo Ku tegey Magaalada Laasqoray Iyo Sidii loogu soo dhoweeyey. Laasqoray(QRN) Abaanduulaha ciidammada qaranka gobolka Sanaag C/laahi Suufi ayaa subaxnimadii arbacada wuxu gaadhey magaalada Laasqoray ee ku taalla xeebta waqooyi gobolka Sanaag qiyaastiina 149km jahada waqooyi kaga began magaalada Ceerigaabo. Mas’uulkan oo ah kii ugu sarreeyey muddadii ciidammada qaranku ka dhisnaayeen gobolka Sanaag ee halkaas gaadhey ayaa sida ay sheegayaan wararka degaankaas naga soo gaadhey si weyn waxa halkaas ugu soo dhoweeyey ciidammadiisa qaranka ee fadhigoodu yahay magaalada Laasqoray iyo dadweyne badan oo isugu jira qaybaha bulshadu ka kooban tahay. Waxana socdaalka mas’uulkani qayb ka yahay kormeerro is daba joog ah oo beryahanba uu ku gala baxayey fadhiyada ciidammadiisu ku leeyhiin daafaha degaannada gobolka Sanaag islamarkaasna waxa la filayaa maalmo dhawr ah in uu halkaas ku sugnaan doono. Taliyaha ciidanka qaranka magaalada Laasqoray (Tusbaxle) oo isagoo halkaas ku sugan aannu khadka telefoonka kula xidhiidhnay ayaa yidhi "Waa mas’uulkii ugu sarreeyey ee noo yimaadda muddada 10 sano ka badan ee ciidankan qaranku halkan ka jirey waannuna ku faraxsan nahay oo soo dhowaynaynaa ciidan ahaan iyo bulshada degaankaniba". Sikastaba ha ahaatee mas’uulkan oo dhowaan xukuumadda Somaliland xilkan u magcawday ayaa u muuqda mid in badan meesha ka saaray canaanta ku saabsanayd kala daadsanaan iyo dhalliilaha maammul ee bulshadu hore ugu soo jeedin jireen saraakiisha sare ee ciidammada qaranka Sanaag.
  4. read here http://oodweynenews.com/news/71493-abbaan-duulaha-ciidammada-qaranka-sanaag-gaadhey-magaalada-laasqoray.html
  5. Fitnada allah ha inaga wada hayo amin ilahay ba mahad leh. Anigu warka sidisisan u so tabiya ,, Dhiig islaam wax lugu farxo maha balse wa waxa halka Somalia dhigay oo meelkasta cuquba ka socotta marka halo duceyo Salax wa halyey awoowgi ba talin jiray oo ani cidi ka dabo hadli jirin
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-A49wuQtJs&feature=player_embedded#at=13
  7. Jacaylbaro;718281 wrote: Of course she is Somalilander ...... Her personal view doesn't matter at all. dad baan ogayn in dhulka Somaliland la yidha dalku Somaliland yahay ,, dadka degena ay yihin reer Somaliland.
  8. Wararkii ugu Danbeyey Ee Xalada Dagaalki ka dhacay deg. Galgala Posted by Muumin Yare on May 11, 2011 in Warar | Wararka Aynu ka helayno degmada Galgala oo qiyaastii 60km dhinaca ka koonfur-galbeed ka xigta magaalada Boosaaso Ee Xarunta Gobalka Bari ayaa sheegaya, in maleeshiyada sheikh Maxamed Siciid Atom ay weerareen ciidamo ka tirsan Puntland oo halkaasi joogay .Waxey baasuuke ku garaaceen dhowr baabuurta ciidamada sida uu wasiirku sheegey bbc Mar uu Wareysi siinayey maanta . Waxaa uu intaa ku darey in ilaa shan ciidamada ahi ay dagaalkaa ku dhinteen afar kalena ku dhaawacmeen. Dhinaca Kale Wararkale oo madax Banaan oo ka Soo baxay degaankasi ayaa Sheegay in Khasaaraha dagaalkaasi Ay ciidamada Puntland ay soo gaartay dhmasho tiradooda lagu sheegay in ka badan 15 askari, lagana gubay tiro ka mid ah gaadiidka dagaalka. Walow aan la xaqiijin karin warkakan, hasayeshee Wasiirka Amina dowlada Gobaleedka Puntland gen. Yuusuf Ahmed kheyr ayaan Sheegay In Dagaalkii Maanta Dhacay Ay ka dhinteen 5 askari halka 4 kale uu dhawac soo gadhay Sidoo Kale Wasiirka mar Wax laga waydiyey Khasaraha soo gadhay dhinaca Maleshiyaadkii la dagaalamay ayu sheegay inay ka dileen 21 iyo dhawac fara Badan waa siduu hadalka u dhigee,, Walow aysan jirin Warar madax banaan u Xaqiijinaya khasaaraha Dhabta Ah ee soo gaadhay kooxihii soo Weeraray Deg, Galgala. Iyadoo hatan Wararka Ka soo baxay Degmada Galgala Ee Galbeedka G/bari ay Sheegayn In malayshiyaadkii Sh, Maxamed Siciid Atam Ay U ruqaansadeen Dhanka iyo buurlayda Galgala,. Iyagoo gabi Ahaanba Faaruqiye Magaalada, Bishii August ee Badhtamihi Sanadkii hore Ayey ahayd Markii Puntland ku Dhawaaqdey inay ka saartay deganka kooxdii uu Watey shiikh Maxamed Siciid Atam,….. walow Aan la sadaalin Karin halka Ay ku danbeynayaa Dagalaada Maanta Markalae ka soo cusboonaydey Deeganka galagala Ayaa noqonaya kuwa ku Soo beegmay xili Laga deyrinayao Amaanka Qeybo Kamid Ah Deeganaada dowlad Gobaleedka puntland
  9. They are the best secret service manad ogeyn wax ka dhago waweyn waligay maan arkin wa reerki sidi ay wax u dhegeysaneeyeen dhago beeleen
  10. Maxa Somalina lugu haysta waxay samaysey topic la Yidha What it means to be an Ethiopian since when is that a crime?
  11. Somaliland Recognition is Within Reach (Somalilandpress) The whistleblowers’ site Wikileaks published a leaked Cable of US Embassy Addis Ababa. This is the 7th Cable of its kind. The Cable presents a 1 hour and half long meeting between Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and Jendayi Frazer, the then U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs that covers a broad ranging issues concerning Kenya, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, and the Eritrean border. The meeting, held on Jan. 31/2008, was also attended by Donald Yamamoto, US Ambassador to Ethiopia, Ambassador Courville, Sudan S/E Williamson, AF/SPG Director Lauren Landis. Ms. Jendayi Frazer The two sides discussed the ongoing conflict in Somalia and prospect of recognizing Somaliland as independent State. Jendayi Frazer stressed the importance of stable Somaliland in the region and maintaining friendly relation with than Rayale government. Frazer stated that although the US is not ready to recognize Somaliland, but it will not oppose it if the recognition happened with “African Union context.” This meeting took place during presidency of Rayale Tahir Kahin. Mr. Rayale delayed the presidential election three times before it was held successfully in July of 2010. The election resulted in peaceful transition of power in a region known of political instability. In the meeting both Meles and Frazer wants the African Union to take the lead in the recognition Somaliland. She said that: the United States was not getting ready to recognize Somaliland, but believed that it was important to engage with them to ensure regional stability. At the same time, A/S Frazer said that the United States would not be opposed to Somaliland independence if it should happen within an AU context. A/S Frazer said that she had raised the issue with AU Chairperson Alpha Oumar Konare, who seemed to be placing unrealistic conditions for addressing the Somaliland issue. The first was that Somaliland negotiate with the government in Mogadishu, either the TFG or its successor, regarding its independence, and the second was that there be a regional consensus on Somaliland’s status, neither of which are likely to happen or result in any clear decisions. Meles stated his government position on Somaliland is similar to the United States. However, he said: the political situation within the AU was not yet ripe for addressing the Somaliland issue.’ Meles claimed the then Somaliland President, Rayale, messed up by not following his advise on how to raise the issue in the AU. Meles said that: He urged him [Rayale] to write to the AU requesting that they identify a time-frame for a discussion on the Somaliland issue. However, Rayale “messed things up” by essentially re-sending his previous letter requesting recognition and membership in the AU, rather than asking for a timeframe for a discussion on Somaliland. Meles said that, if Somaliland had taken the route that he suggested, it would have been likely that the issue could have been addressed soon. However, if the elections for a new AU Chairperson take place during the AU Summit, Meles said that the next chairperson is unlikely to be as positive towards Somaliland as Konare, which will only further delay any discussion of Somaliland. Here is the full text of the Cable from Wikileaks. United States should take steps to recognize Somaliland first The 20th anniversary of Somaliland self-declaration as independent state will be on May 18th. Somaliland declared independence after the overthrow of Somali military dictator Siad Barre in 1991. Although the international community does not recognize Somaliland, the country has beacon of hope in a region consumed by endless civil war and anarchy. While Somaliland appears to fulfill all the requirements of statehood, the lack of international recognition prevents it from establishing its position in the world as an independent nation. Since the act of recognition by one state to another is triggered by political considerations rather than a legal threshold, Somaliland finds itself in a position whereby it must justify its existence against political interests of various entities like superpowers in within the Africa Union, where their self-interests come first. The United States maintaining the position that the African Union should be first to recognize Somaliland, while politically safe, also undermines aspects of their foreign policy that claim to promote democracy in vastly changing landscape in the region. President Obama has placed democracy ahead of political interest and regional stability as it had shown through support of public uprising in number of Arab countries. The United States should take a more supportive role in Somaliland’s quest for recognition. Somaliland has initiated its own process of creating a democracy that fits within their social framework. By deferring the decision of Somaliland’s recognition to the African Union, the United States is failing to fulfill its asserted position of promoting democracy. While the African Union’s concern of recognizing Somaliland is not absolutely without warrant, one must consider the consequences for failing to recognize Somaliland. On one side of the equation is a group of people who have exercised their natural right to be free from war and oppression and determine the direction of their land and way of life. On the other side of the equation is the ambition that all Somalis will unite to form one Somali nation despite the fact that this attempt has never been successful. Moreover, the current situation in Somalia is lawless and has been so since 1991. Gambling the fate of the millions of people in Somaliland for the convenience of upholding borders that were created decades ago is in my opinion is ill advised. In the leaked cables the United States acknowledges the Somaliland government is in control of the region. However, they have withheld recognition to Somaliland on grounds that the African Union should determine the question of Somaliland’s independence. In turn, the African Union refuses to recognize Somaliland based on fears that doing so would lead to a series of claims of secession by other territories in Africa. Moreover, the African Union believes that recognizing Somaliland would create further instability in Somalia by introducing “a new dynamic into Somalia and its warring factions, thus threatening current efforts to establish peace and stabilize peace within the country.” Furthermore, the African Union further basis its position on their history of upholding the borders demarked following colonization to deter tribal claims of secession.” Other opponents to Somaliland’s quest for independent statehood have continued to argue that the citizens of Somaliland should partake in the unification of one nation and give another chance at forming the country of Somalia, which encompasses both the former British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland. But the Somaliland people have shown strong assertion for independence from the rest of Somalia as results of last election and formation of national constitution that assert their rights as independent country. In the wake of birth of Southern Sudan as independent republic, Somaliland people hope that the African Union and international community will follow suit to recognize the efforts made by Somaliland people in maintaining functioning government and flourishing democracy in the region. The Somaliland Diaspora is planning worldwide campaign and rallies to pressure the international community to recognize Somaliland. The Diaspora community in England will hold a rally to mark the 20th anniversary of the birth of the Republic of Somaliland on 18th May 2011. The rally will be held on the said date at Old Palace Yard Westminster (opposite the houses of Parliament.) The facts illustrate that Somaliland has fulfilled the legal requirements for statehood. The only element that prevents Somaliland from receiving recognition and enjoying all the benefits that flow from statehood are the political considerations of entities, which they are unable to control. Therefore, Somaliland’s pleas for recognition must be based on policy. There current administration needs to lobby the African Union to recognize the statehood of Somaliland. The situation is ripe more than ever. Strong governments with the African Union are opposed to recognition of Somaliland out of self-interest agenda to keep the Somalia intact, where neighboring countries like Djibouti, Kenya and Ethiopia are realizing that Somaliland people have shown dedication to democracy and it is the turn of African Union to support their efforts.
  12. Since when is Sheikh atam a member of Alqeada?
  13. Ciidamada Somaliland Oo Ku Ruqaansaday Deegaanka Kalabaydh Ee Gobolka Sool Iyo Ciidamada Falagaada SSC-da Oo Ka Baxay Halkaas + Xaglatoosiye Oo Ku Soo Jeeda Buhoodle. Kalabaydh(Ramaas) May 11, 2011 - Ciidamada qaranka Somaliland ee fadhigoodu yahay gobolka Sool, ayaa la sheegay in ay u ruqaansadeen deegaanka la yidhaahdo Kalabaydh oo illaa soddon KM dhanka Koonfur Bari kaga beegan Magaalada Laascaanood, kadib markii ay halkaas soo galeen dagaalyahano ka tirsan falaagada SSC-da. Wararka ka soo baxaya jidaas ayaa sheegaya in boqolaal askari oo ciidamada Somaliland ahi ay ku soo jeedaan deegaanka Kalabaydh si ay dhulkaas uga saaraan maliishiyada SSC oo shalay illaa saaka si buuxda gacanta ugu hayay maamulka deegaankaas, hase ahaatee markii dambe la sheegay in ay dib ugu gurteen goobihii ay ka soo kiciteen, kadib markii ay ka war heleen in ay ku soo jeedaan ciidamo xoog leh oo ka tirsan ciidanka qaranka Somaliland. Ciidamada SSC-da waxa la sheegay in ay taageero ka haystaan dad ka mid ah oo ku nool deegaanka Kalabaydh oo ay odayaashoodu ku martigaliyeen in ay maliishiyadu soo gasho deegaankooda, maadaama inta badan kooxda timid halkaas ay dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeedaan. Dhan kalena waxa Magaalada Buhoodle ee xarunta gobolka Buuhoodle ku soo jeeda hogaamiyaha jabhada falaagada ah ee SSC Saleebaan Ciise Axmed (Xaglatoosiye) oo maalintii shalay ka soo laabtay socdaal uu ku joogay dalka Maraykanka, isaga oo sheegay in uu u socdo Buuhoodle, si uu ula kulmo taageerayaashiisa. Ramaasnews Desk
  14. When Somaliland officials go to laasqoray Ma dhuuntaan kan gudoomiyahu waba mid habaacsan oo yaa tallow u sheegey waxan u butaciyey
  15. Sh. Atam oo Goordhaweyd La Wareegay Gacan ku Haynta Degmada Galgala Ee Gobalka Bari Posted by Muumin Yare on May 11, 2011 in Warar | 0 Comment Galgala, May 11 – Wararka ka imaanayaa Degama Galgala ee gobolka Bari ayaa sheegaya in magaaladaasi ay gacanta u gashay, oo ay la wareegeen ciidamo taabacsan Maxamed Siciid Shiikh Atam sidaasi waxaa Warbaahinta Galgala U xaqiijiyey Sarkiil Katirsan Xafiiska Madaxtooyada Puntland Ee Magaalada Bosaso La-waregidda Galgala ayaa timid kaddib marki xalay saqdii dhexe weerar mir ah lagu qaaday ciidamada Maamulka D. Gobaleedka Puntland oo indhawaalaba fariisinka ku lahaa Degmada galgala . Iyadoo Laga gubay Gaadhi Nooca Cabdi Bilah Ah oo Ay La hayeen Ciidanka Sirdoonka puntland Oo Ku Sugnaa deegaankaasi,, Waxaa jira khasaare aan la faahfaahin oo soo gaadhay ciidamada Puntland, haatanna waxaa shir al-baabadu u xiran yihiin uu uga socdaa xarunta madaxtooyada madaxda sare ee dawladda iyo saraakiisha cidamada. Ma jiro wax war ah oo ka soo baxay dhinac dawladda oo ay kaga hadlayso sida wax u dhaceen, waxaana dhinaca kale aad u yar in la helo dadka deegaanka isgaarsiinta oo liidata awgeed. Dawladda Puntland ayaa horay deegaankaasi kula dagaallan tahay kooxo ay ku tilmaantay xag-jiriin xiriir la-leh Al-shabaab oo uu hoggaaminayay Maxamed Siciid Atam, caddaysayna in ay ka cirib-tirtay halkaasi, waxaana arrintaan ku soo beegmaysaa xilli madaxweynaha Puntland uu ku sugan yahay magaalada Bossaso. Sidoo KAle ciidmadii Horey u joogay Deegaanka Galgala Ay Iyagu Haatan isugu soo Biya Shubtay tuulada karin, oo ay Fadhiisin Ka sameysteen Kadib Markii Lagala Wareegay Saaka Waaberigii Deeganka galgala Dagaalka oo Laga Soo Kala Qaday Afar Jiho Sida Dhinaca Buurta karin Galgalan, Bilcilka,iyo Xaga Galbeed ee MAgaalada, Aya Sahashay In Ciidanka, puntland Lagala Wareego Deeganka.. Sida Uu Xaqiijiyey Wasiirka Amniga puntland, Yusuf Ahmed kheyre…. Wixii wara Oo Ka soo kordha Kala soco Galgala News Desk…………
  16. If that was the case we would've never joined Somalia to form a union it's not about majority or being Minority it's about living a good life becoming something in this world. setting things correct that went wrong building that nation that was never built and leaving something behind we never inherited from our ancestors and leave it to our Childeren and grand childeren Yeah SL build some of the roads in the country they build factories schools hospitals etc .
  17. Sheikh adan siiro Nin mar walba u tagan danta dadka iyo dalka markan hargeysa tago meel ale meal aan misajidka xawaadle ahayn kuma tukkado.
  18. Bilan i don't need to learn history i was there during the Siyad bare regime and i know exactly what they used to do and who Benefited and who didn't there was no road between Gabiley and borama there was no road between Hargeysa and salahlay the only Guy who i have a little respect for and did some work was the late billa rafle he paved a few roads in northern hargeysa when he was the governor of Woqoyi galbeed Province are you telling me sool sanaag south east togdheer people willl be minority in Somaliland sool sanaag south togdheer is almost 60%of Somaliland
  19. Welcome Mr Mujahid Dhagoweyne to London England.. he will speak to the somaliland community on friday
  20. Saalax;718183 wrote: The former Somalia government did nothing much for the eastern Somaliland regions such as Sanaag it was completely neglected and they bought nothing but consent wars. Salax that is true dararweyne did not have a primary school during the siyad bare regime it was built during the former Somaliland regime before that,,, the kids used to travel all the way to ceelafweyn or even further to ceerigaabo.
  21. Che -Guevara;718181 wrote: Dha dha dha dha iska daa pie kariyoow goormaad baritey. Konfuur halwa barawani, xalwa hali, saanbuus iyo shushumoo xee kufeleey Qowdhan pie gubey-cajiib wa run waad naga cunta macaantihin mar mar waadna xita naga niiko fiicantihin;)
  22. bilan;718180 wrote: XX, talk about the triangle, but I can tell you that people of SSC benefited from the union a lot, especially under Aabo Siyaad’s rule. So just put yourself in their shoes, would you rather be part of the majority or be minority in your own home, because realistically speaking if they join you, they will be minority. Take a couple of miniutes and think about that. What did they gain from Siyad bare's regime did they got extra Hospitals roads Jobs airports in their region i don't think that is true. Yeah getting the telecommunication Minister Mogadisho Govt is being A Majority share
  23. Che -Guevara;718176 wrote: NGONGE-What Sl pie? Koonfurianska uma dha dhamo keekayagu dadka qaar uun bu u dha dhama.