Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Wrong wrong wrong if they can say that they are not part of Somaliland they could've said they are part of ssc clan jabhad but they didn't if they can call Somaliland Somalidiid don't say they can't Support ssc clan jabhad openly as they said in the video they support Somaliweyn.
  2. Liibaan how come the so called elders in the video u posted didn't mention one time ssc or the ssc clan Jabhad or even xaglatoosiye ?
  3. Al shabaab is part of the problem so is the TFG and the African mercenaries you cannot just blame Ahmed Godane For all the problems sure Alshabaab did their part but Alshabaab is an organization not one individual is responsible. The same way Buhuku Bahaka is not responsible for all the Killings Amisom commits it's much more complex than you think.
  4. Jacaylbaro;728661 wrote: Shabaab and Amisom are both 5 years old sxb ......... who was responsible for the other 15 years ??? Warlords and some more warlords
  5. Not exactly thankful what the foreign Minister of Ethiopia Haile Mariam Desalegne said was that if the former Somali republic (Somaliland and Somalia) want to go their separate ways they must agree on that which is politically correct because in africa we haven never seen the case like that one of kosovo the Minister just wants to be politically correct and thats just fine. But Ethiopias interest is to Have two seperate states for the former Somali republic in the long term there are more things at stake then simple port revenues their very own existence is at stake. From 1992 till 1998 Ethiopia used the Djibouti port only, they did fine they still do though not as much as they used to but they still do. Ethiopia fears a few things one Somali Foreign policy one Somali Military force or an Islamic state next door. Why they don't recognize Somaliland right now its very simple why should they give away their powers that's like shooting yourself in the foot they can have political influance on Somaliland , somaliland continues to use Ethiopia to address the world international community embassies in addis ababa. Thats why Somaliland has a different foreign policy now unlike the former udub Administration Somaliland is much more involved in the horn africa politics and they are strengthening their relations with the Arab world looking for other opportunities.
  6. Thankful Ethiopia's policy right now is to keep Somaliland in this current status quo have some influance over it the moment mogadisho gets a government that functions they will engage with Somaliland and they will Politically support the independence of Somaliland. Ethiopia does not want to see the Somali state that they used to fear in the 70s Supporting Somaliland is in their very own interest but recognizing Somaliland right now is just not smart and we know that. Ethiopia support the two state solutions in the long term but right now the current status is just fine Somaliland not politically recognized Somalia a paper government that exist only on paper.
  7. caydarus;728496 wrote: wards only does not proof, where is the pictueres?
  8. Aaaliyah inadeer i hate qabyalaad or qabil ma jecli i wish the garaad clan no harm or any other clan in Somaliland wa walalahay i just believe dagaal is no option its no good look at Somalia 20 years of war dagaal wilku ma dhasho wiil ba ku dhinta bay somalidu tidha
  9. Washington: Dr. Axmed Xuseen Ciise oo ka Hadlay Xarunta Dawladda Maraykanka u Qaabilsan Horumarinta Dimuqraadiyada “Somaliland iyadaa isku filan inay dhisto dal dimuqraadiya, waxay se u baahantahay in lagu taageero horumarka dhaqaale iyo..dr Axmed ciise.. Hargeysa ( GNS) Waxa ka dhacay Xarunta Horumarinta Dimuqraadiyada ee Dalka Maraykanka, National Endowment for Democracy, shir balaadhan oo loo qabtay in lagu xog waraysato Dr. Axmed Xuseen Ciise oo haatan ku sugan magaalo madaxda dalka Maraykanka ee Washington. Shirkaas oo ah “Somaliland: Sanad ka Dib Doorashadii Madaxatinimada” waxa lagu casuumay inuu ka hadlo Dr. Axmed Xuseen oo soo bandhigo aragitida aqoonyahan ee ku saabsan horumrarka ay gaadhay Somaliland iyo caqabadaha ay u baahan tahay in ka talaabsado. Waxana ka soo qaybgalay madax , safiiro iyo wakiilo hayadaha ugu muhiimsan ku siyaasadda arrimaha dibedda iyo mucaawinooyinka uu bixiyo dalka Maryakanku sida USAID iyo State Departmentka. Dr. Axmed Xuseen Ciise wuxuu uga warramay shirkaas halkii ay Somaliland maraysay 1991 iyo halkay maanta marayso, horumarkay gaadhay iyo dhibaatooyinka dhaqaale ee horyaala. Wuxuu aad ugu dheeraaday dhibaatada dhalinyarada reer Somaliland haysata ee ay ugu horayso shaqo la’aanta wuxuuna tilmaamay siyaabaha kala duwan ee lagu waaji lahaa dhibaatooyinkaa. Wuxuu xusuusiya inay dawladda Maraykanku ahayd tii ugu horaysay ee wax ka qabata dhibaatooyinkii Somaliland horyaalay 1992 markii dal burburay dib loogu soo noqday oo ay ka mid ahaayeen biyo laa’aan iyo miinooyinkii dalka daadsanaa, waxaanu tilmaamay in labadaa arrimood ba ay dawladda Maraykanku gacantii ugu horaysay ka gaysatay ilaa imikana loo aayo mucaawinadaas, balse intii ka dambaysay inaanay jirin mucaawino muuqata oo laga helo dalka Maraykanka marka laga tago seminaaro iyo tababaro yar yar. Wuxuu tilmaamay in loo baahanyahay imika in laga caawiyo mashaariicada kaabayaasha daqaalaha sida wadooyinka, dekedaha , warshadaha wax soo saarka, soo saarista macdanta iyo kor u qaadista aqoonta dhalinyarada. Waxa kale oo ku dheeraaday sida dimuqaardiyada Somaliland ay aadka ugu baahantahay in golaayaasha dalku ay lahaadaan awoodii dheelitirka (checks and balances) ee dawladnimo si loo helo dimuqraadiyad buuxda. Ka dib khudbadii Dr. Axmed, waxa la guda galay dood furan oo taabatay dhinacyo badan oo ka mid yihiin furista ururada siyaasadeed, dekedda Berbera iyo damaca kaga jira dalal badan oo China ka mid tahay, dhalinyarada iyo dhibaatooyinka horyaala, maamulka xukuumadda cusub iyo waxa ilaa imika u qabsoomay iyo waxa aan sidii la rabay u socon ee u baahan saxitaan, dalalka jaarka ah, dhibaatooyinka ka taagan deegaanka buuhoodle iyo siday Somaliland u aragto arrimaha ka taagan Somalia iyo inay wax ka qaban karto. Dr. Axmed Xuseen Ciise oo ku sugnaan doona dalka Maraykanka laba todobaad oo kale wuxuu sidoo kale ka hadli doonaa dawr xarmood oo kale oo ay ka mid yihiin National Democratic Institute, NDI iyo USA Africa Foundation, wuxuuna booqan doonaa magaalooyinka waaweyn ee Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco iyo Portland
  10. Cali Sabarey oo Sheegay In Kooxdiisu Burbur qarka u saaran tahay, dagaaladana aanay sii wadi karin June 14th, 2011 Buuhoodle (Somaliland.Org)- Ku Xigeenka horjoogaha kooxda nabad diidka ah ee SSC, Cali Sabaray, ayaa ka waramay burbur iyo kala daadsanaan ba’an oo soo foodsaartay kooxdaasi, waxaanu qiray in cududa ciidamada Somaliland aanay u babac dhigi karin kooxdiisa oo uu sheegay in ay soo waajahday xaalad dhaqaale la’aan sababi karta burburka maleeshiyadiisa. Cali sabaray waxa uu sheegay in uu daalay oo uu doonayo in cid kale kala wareegto xilka uu ka hayo SSC. Ku xigeenka horjoogaha oo ku sugan magaalada Buuhoodle waxa uu sidaasi ku sheegay waraysi uu siiyay shabakadda Internet-ka ee lasanod.com oo kamid ah baraha ay adeegsato kooxdani. “Dagaaladii aanu ka wadnay way hakadeen sababo dhaqaale xumo, sidoo kale ciidamaddii Somaliland aad iyo aad ayay isku soo xoojiyeen oo waxay soo degeen degmada Widhwidh waxaana yimid afar guuto ilaa Laascaanood-na aad ayay u joogaan ciidamo degaanka ah waa lagu kordhiyay. Halgankii aanu wadnay waxa soo foodsaaray dhaqaale xumo, iyo masuul xumo,” ayuu yidhi Cali Sabaray, isagoo hadalkiisa sii watayna waxa uu yidhi “Maamul Xumaddu waxay ka jirtaa maleeshiyada oo aan habaysanayn maamulkii oo kala maqan. Hogaankii koowaad ee SSC iyo isimaddii ayaa ka abo baxay dalka dhawr bilood muddo laga joogo manay soo laaban walina wax dhaqaale ah iyo wax tallo ahna kama hayno.s idoo kale jaaliyaddii dibadu wixii ay nasiin jireen waxay ku ha kiyeen shirkii ay ku yeesheen London.” Cali Sabarey waxa uu sheegay in uu daalay oo aanu sii wadi karin maamulka kooxda SSC waxaanu yidhi “Anigu waxaan qabaa in isbedel la sameeyo ciidanka Somaliland-na si adag ayuu iskusoo xoojiyay sidaasi darteed. Shakhsi ahaan waxaan jecelahay in cid kale maamulka gacanta ku dhigto anigu waanu daalay muddooyin adagna waanu, soo marnay.
  11. meeting was held in the center for National Endowment for Democracy which was organized for a major event that Dr. Esse delivered a speech who is currently in Washington. The meeting was about the last presidential election which took place last year. Dr. Ahmed Esse was officially invited to present reports and air his thoughts on Somaliland’s progress towards democracy and the current constraints that it needs to overcome. This special occasion was attended by ambassadors, the USAID and State Department. Dr. Ahmed holding a speech to the National Endowment for Democracy Dr. Esse spoke the situation that Somaliland went through in 1991 and where it is now. The progress achieved and the current economic difficulties facing Somaliland. He deeply talked about the challenges that Youth is confronted with be it unemployment. He added by pointing out of how to tackle such issues. He reminded the participants that US government was the first to extend a hand to Somaliland when it comes to problems faced in 1992 including providing drinking water and clearing the landmines. He said that the US government does not provide a concrete aid a part from workshops and seminars. He also pointed out that the country needs help when it comes to improvement of roads, ports, production of factories mining minerals and improving the education of the youth. He added by stressing that Somaliland democracy needs that the two houses should have checks and balances. After the speech, there was a debate that were raised on different issues ranging from the formation of political parties, the intention of China towards Somaliland resources, problems facing the youth such as unemployment, the new administration and what is has so far accomplished and what needs to be corrected. Other issues discussed include the relations with neighboring countries, the border dispute between Somaliland and Puntland and what Somaliland sees as the way forward for finding a lasting solution to Somali problems. Dr. Ahmed Husen Esse is in USA for the past two weeks and is set to to make speeches in other centers including National Democratic Institute, DNI and USA Africa Foundation. He is expected to tour major US cities including Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco, and Portland.
  12. Bilan laba reerood ba jidka 2 maalimood isku fadhiistay wa clan clash ileen laba reerood ba is laayey haba iska dilaan dad innocent ah oo aan dagaal shaqo ku lahayn but hey wa xaajo mudug
  13. Awoow this has nothing to do with Somaliland why mention it ? As for the Minister being killed there are tons of topics about that no need to make more topics about that. If it was about Somaliland i would mention it and i know that i make lots of topics about Somaliland but this one is not.
  14. Meles Zenawi presents gold medal to Somaliland student Posted on 13/06/2011 in Latest Headlines Addis Ababa(JSLTimes.com) – The Ethiopian premiere Mr. Meles Zenawi presents gold medal to Somaliland student who was studying in Addis Ababa for the first time. The student by the name of Ahmed Shaadi Abdillahi was awarded to the gold medal after receiving the highest marks. Mr. Ahmed was among ten students the Somaliland government sent to Ethiopia for scholarship to pursue tertiary education. Mr. Ahmed and his Somaliland colleagues graduated from the Military University in Addis Ababa. Highly organized ceremony A graduation ceremony in honour of those doctors was held the office of the Ethiopian Prime Minister Mr. Meles Zenawi and it was highly organized. On the other hand, another highly organized and well done party was held for Somaliland doctors by the Ethiopian army in Addis Ababa. However, the party was attended officials from Somaliland representative office to Ethiopia, an officer sent by Somaliland government and Somaliland students in Addis Ababa and other guests. Somaliland office to Ethiopia Mr. Ayaanle Salad Diiriye who is the deputy representative of Somaliland office to Ethiopia made a speech in the event and congratulated the students on their tremendous achievement. He added by giving advices and examples to the graduating students. Col.Abdirahman spoke on behalf of Somaliland government and pointed out the efforts made by the government to educate those graduated students. Furthermore, Mr. Abdiwahab Dahir also spoke on behalf of Somaliland student committee in Ethiopia. Finally, in honour a certificate was presented Somaliland representative office to Ethipia, Mr. Ahmed who received the gold medal and other members who played an important role when it comes to the preparation and organization of ceremony including Muha Dahir Farah, and Said Jama. In conclusion, the ceremony went well.
  15. Somaliland: Senate passes unanimously the bill of Telecommunication Posted on 13/06/2011 in Latest Headlines | Hargeisa(JSLTimes.com) – Today’ s session for Somaliland House of Senate passed the Bill of Somaliland telecommunication with overwhelming majority that has been passed by Somaliland representatives. Overwhelming majority The session was attended by 76 senators. 75 senators voted in favor of passing the Bill unanimously. The remaining member abstained of voting for the bill. Having the bill passed with overwhelming majority by the two houses of Somaliland namely the Senate and the representative. Officially be put into effect It is now expected to be signed by Somaliland president Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud Siilaanyo. Once the president puts the pen to paper and signs the Bill, it will officially be put into effect. Passing the bill is important for Somaliland. The implementation of many investment projects was delayed. One of the investment projects is the completion of setting up the Fire optic cable in which the previous administration under former president Mr. Dahir Rayale awarded to Local Telecommunication company by the name of Somcable owned by Mr. Mohmed Aw Said.
  16. bilan;728457 wrote: ^^^You must love clan clashes, so XX what happened to Mudug clan clashes that you were predicting last week. Yeah it happened unfortunately and no i do not love clan clashes but this happened yesterday so
  17. Anigu Waxaan Jeclahay In Cid kale Meesha Gacanta Ku Dhigto Anagu Waan Daalay" Cali Sabarey-(Maqal lasanod Online. Monday, June 13, 2011 Buhoodle,(lasanod Online)- Ku-xigeenka Hogaanka SSC Col. Cali Sabarey ayaa waraysi uu siiyey Allcayn kaga hadlay xaaalada uu marayo Hogaanka SSC. Col Sabarey wuxuu walaac xoogan ka muujiyey in shaqadii uu waday hogaanku oo yidhi waxaa beryahan galay hakad sababo la xidhiidha maamul iyo dhaqaalo xumo labadaba. Isagoo sheegay inaan sida hadda lagu jiro waxba ayan ku soconayn, uguna baaqay shacabka SSC ee samaystay Hogaanka inay si dhaqaso ah ugu sameeyaan isbedel dhan kasta. Col. Sabarey wuxuu waraysigan ku sheegay inuu qabo isbedel in lagu sameeyo madaxda sare Hogaanka ee isagu kamid yahay.
  18. No nassir said that C/jamaals Cismaan arch enemy is some one from the maakhir region i wanted to know who that individual is. So please lets stick with the topic.
  19. Sensei;728446 wrote: ^ You have, you have injected SL the minute you posted the article. Where and when?
  20. The only way Somalia can ever have a govt is to create an entity inside Mogadisho free of outside Powers igad african union Kenya uganda i know it's hard but as long as there is foreign meddling it does not look good.
  21. These people are amazing they will always find a way to inject Somaliland into a topic about Maakhir and vs garowe
  22. Raysal Wasaaraha Dalka Itoobiya Oo Bilad Dahab Ah Ku Maamuusay Sarkaal Ka Tirsan Ciidamada Qaranka Somaliland Oo Kaalinta Koowaad U Galay 70 Arday Oo kuliyadda Caafimaadka Ku Dhamaystay Dalkaas Hargeysa (Ramaas) June 13,2011 – Raysal wasaaradaha dawlada federaalka Itoobiya Atto Males Zanawi ayaa bilad dahab ah guddoonsiiyay Axmed Shaadi Cabdilaahi oo ah sarkaal ka tirsan 10 askari oo culuumta caafimaadka ka baranayey jaamacad ku taala dalka Itoobiya, kaas oo kaalinta koowaad u galay 70 arday oo shahaadaha digreega koowaad ee culuumta caafimaadka ka dhamaystay Sarkaalkan reer Somaliland ee kaalinta koowaad u galay jaamacada milatariga Itoobiya ku bartaan culuumta caafimaadka, ayaa waxa bilad dahab ah ku maamuusay raysal-Wasaare Males Zanawi oo muujiyey sida uu ugu faraxsan yahay kaalinta uu galay. War-saxaafadeed kooban oo uu maanta soo saaray Taliyaha guud ee ciidamada qaranka Somaliland oo soo gaadhay shabakada wararka ee RAMAAS ayaa isaga oo dhamaystiran waxa uu u dhignaa sidan “Bishan June ee aynu ku jirno 11-keedii waxa lagu qabtay guriga Raysal wasaaraha dalka Itoobiya xaflad balaadhan oo ay ka soo qeyb galeen marti sharaf badan oo ka socota dalka Itoobiya, Safiirro,Milatari Attach-yo iyo madax badan. Xafladaasi waxa loogu xidhayay 70 dhakhtar oo dhamaystay waxbarasho caafimaad, Jamhuuriyada Somaliland waxay ku lahayd ardaydaasi toban dhakhtar oo ka tirsan ciidanka qaranka oo dhamaystay waxbarashadaasi oo qaadanayay Digree-gii koowaad (BS), dhakhatarkii ugu sareeyay jaamacadaasi ee galay kaalinta koowaad waxa weeye sarkaal ka tirsan ciidanka qaranka Somaliland oo magaciisa la yidhaahdo Axmed Shaadi Cabdilaahi, waxaanu qaatay bilad dahab ah waxaana u xidhay biladaasi Raysal wasaaraha dalka Itoobiya. Waxa kale oo jira 10-ka dhakhtar ee ugu sareeyay waxbarashadaasi 7 ka mid ahi waa reer Somaliland,fagaarahaasi la isku arkay waxay dhakhaatiirtaasi uga soo hooyeen Somaliland magac iyo ammaan balaadhan. Waxa kale oo jira laba arday oo kale oo dhamaystay kulliyada ciidanka lugta sanadkii 2008/2009 waxaanay qaateen iyaguna bilado dahab ah,haddana waxay ka tirsan yihiin saraakiisha ciidanka qaranka. Taliyaha Ciidanka qaranku wuxuu u mahad celinayaa dawlada Itoobiya, gaar ahaan Taliyaha ciidanka Fadaraalka Itoobiya Gen. Samooro Yonis, waxa kale oo uu Hambalyo iyo bogaadin u dirayaa saraakiishaasi xilkoodii gutay ee magaca iyo sharafta u soo hooyay dalkooda.” Ramaasnews Desk