Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Abwaan Dhibaatada idin haysata anagu markan anagu leeyahay waxan ka hadlaya reer Somaliland From lawya cade ila iyo yoocade Midowgi anagu rabnay eeh Somaliweyn eeh aanu habeen ku riyoonay banu islahayn kaga dhabe caqabado fara badan banaga horyimid mid dibad iyo mid gudo ba Lixdanki anaga Somaliweynimo raadinayney cidna jajuubtay ma jirto. koonfuriansku may xishoon eh laakin dee eed uma laha iyago Danahoodu waxay ahayd kursi ku fadhiso iyo darajo been isku naba Niikada na hala badiyo ileen wala xoroobay anagu laakin shaqo fara badan ba na sugeysey. Anagu tayadu mid ka qoto dheer bay ahayd 1948 Ingriisku marku bixiyey Dhulki hawd iyo reserve area oo gacanta loo galiyey Boqor xayle selleisei ayuu kacdoonki kacdoonki Koobaad eeh shacabka oo ay kiciyeen ururki la odhan iray eeh xisbulah eeh burco lugu asaasay 1945 wa marki taliski Booliska eeh ingriisku ku laha burco dhigada laga dhigay burco iyo daroor ba la raba ina xuduud la kala dhiga hargeisa iyo harta sheikha ba la raba ina xuduud la kala dhex dhigo. anagu qaladkanu leenahay cidna danbiga dusha kama saarno Adeeer cid Somaliland lugu jajuubo ma jiro dalku wa dimuqradiyad Afkaartada ayaad dhiban karta si xor ah oo xalaal ah Xita dad haday jir haba yaradan eeh jecel inay so noleyaan midowgi burburay 1991 dee codkooda wala dhegeystaa anigu waxan ba ahay dadka jecel in xisbi la furo dadkaasi ay ku muujiyan fikirkooda siba lo arko oo nin walba u tiisa sheegto dalka oo dhan qofki waxa aminsan Awdal gabiley saaxil hargeisa togdheer sool sanaag , laakin yaryarka taleexi iyo A khadar waxay ku odhanayan anigu reer hebel baan ahay xajigu na wa reer hebel dabeedna anigu qabilkan ka jecelahay qaranimada wa cajib.
  2. Fool us once, shame on you. Any national agreement in Somalia must include the legitimate stakeholders who represent the various constituencies that form the Somali political entity. But a unilateral agreement signed by old comrades, aiming to trick the Somali people yet again, is an experiment for failure. If anything, Somalia has experienced first-hand a litany of failed experiments. Who are the Legitimate stakeholders Faroole was there in kampala Caalin was in nairobi both the two sharifs were there and faarmaajo only Amiir Godane was Missing.
  3. Again Qabyaalada inagada dugsi ma leh qabyalaadi waxay dumiso mooyaane nothing is better than Qaranimo
  4. Faroole is doing a great job when it comes to foreign affairs better than the illiterate Warlord Cabdilahi Yusuf and Ciyaalo Xamar boy tuute Muuse i mean Faroole gets funds from the international community to fight piracy. At the same time he him self has secret deals with the pirates behind the scenes he Continues his jihaad against Mr cheese and Sh dalxiis and now Sh dalxiis and Mr cheese can't stand each other, and now faarmaajo is forced by Mahiga and Museveni to resign because of farooles lobbying in uganda Kenya Ethiopia.The Somalia tournament was a success in garowe and that was the first initiative to pave the road for a reconciliation conference to Reconcile the Somalia People in Garowe and a possible relocation of the capital. Move all the UN agencies offices for Somalia from Nairobi to garowe and Bosaaso. He expelled ssc elements (nabadiidis) From his parliament he keeps the elders Garaads in a little cage in garowe.
  5. Dhega-weyne iyo Axmed Mirre Oo Kulan Xaasaasi Ah La Yeeshay Aqoonyahanka, Wax-garadka BUUHOODLE iyo Written by Qaran news Jun 17, 2011 at 10:24 AM Dhega-weyne iyo Axmed Mirre Oo Kulan Xaasaasi Ah La Yeeshay Aqoonyahanka, Wax-garadka BUUHOODLE iyo SOOL London(Qaran news)-Mujaahid Ibraahim Cabdilaahi Xuseen [Dhega-weyne] oo uu weheliyo Mujaahid Axmed Mirre, ayaa xalay kulan kula yeeshay magaalada London siyaasiyiin, aqoon-yahan iyo wax-garadka deegaanada Sool iyo Buuhoodle ee ku dhaqan cariga Ingiriiska. Ma jiro wax wara oo ka soo baxay kulankaas. Haseyeeshee, sida ay Wargeyska "Yool" u sheegeen ilo u dhuun dalool oo ku sugan Magaalada London, u jeedada kulankan labada masuul la yeesheen dadka deegaanka Sool iyo Buuhoodle, ayaa waxa u jeedadiisu ahayd sidii la isugu soo dhowayn lahaa dadweynaha deegaanadaa ku dhaqan iyo kuwa kale ee gobollada kale ee Somaliland. Waxa kale oo ilahaasi tibaaxeen in kulankani uu ka dhashay gogol labada Mujaahid u fidiyeen aqoon-yahanka iyo wax-garadka dega Buuhoodle iyo Sool, kaasoo u jeedadiisa lagu tilmaamay inuu ahaa qorshe Mujaahidiintu ay ku rabaan in xal waara loogu helo mashaqooyinka soo noq-noqday ee u dhexeeya dadka deegaankaas iyo beelaha gobollada dhexe, gaar ahaan deegaanadii hore u taageeri jiray ururkii SNM. Sidoo kale, waxa wararku intaa ku darayaan in dhinac-yadii kulanka ka qaybgalay ay si qoto-dheer isla rog-rogeen dhaqdhaqaaq-yada siyaasadeed iyo xaalada guud ee ka jirta deegaanada Buuhoodle iyo Sool, iyadoo sida ilahaasi sheegeen labada Mujaahid ay garowshiyo ka muujiyeen qaybo ka mida tabashooyinkii dhinaca kale, halka iyagu-na dhankooda u soo bandhigeen waxyaabo badan oo ay ka garaabeen siyaasiyiinta iyo wax-garadka deegaanada Sool iyo Buuhoodle. hase yeeshee ma jiro wax wara oo intaa dheer oo ka soo baxay kulankaas. Dhinaca kale, labada Mujaahid oo iyagu muddooyinkan dambana si weyn isugu lamaanaa, ayaan ilaa iyo hadda la ogeyn halka uu salka ku hayo isu soo dhowaashoodu. in kastoo ay jiraan faallooyin badan oo ay dadku ka bixiyaan wadda jooga cusub ee labada Mujaahid, haddana ma jirto wax hadala oo ka soo baxay dhinacooda oo si cad *****lka uga qaadaya u jeedada damacooda fog iyo kan hadda mid-na.
  6. The People of Somalia are not Mistreated in Somaliland any way lets stick with the topic.
  7. Thankful;728948 wrote: Didn't someone from your enclave claim that NW Somalis are closer to a person in Addis then they are to someone in Mogadishu? Didn't Siilaanyo try to send a couple suspected ONLF to Ethiopia after 300 had crossed through, but was stop by local people in Awdal? And how does faisal represent the entire people of Somaliland or the govt of Somaliland come on any way this topic is not about Somaliland but about your enclave and how it treats the Somalis that are from Ethiopia in your regions
  8. Taleexi;728909 wrote: How to make xayaysiin 101 class must be in order. abti adigu ilkalad wax ku eegeysa wan is ognahay
  9. Taleexi;728908 wrote: PL mucaarad badan bay yeelatay. Mucaraadku ha danbeyo shacabka wa wax laga naxo sida loogu dhibayo Goboladaas Buntiland run ahaanti
  10. Saalax;728936 wrote: oba hiloowlow and why don't you be concerned with the consent shelling of Mogadishu by AMISOM? Because dee dan kama laha aslong as sheikh dalxiis is wearing his koofiyad
  11. Recognising Somaliland would boost the fight against piracy Written by European Voice Jun 16, 2011 at 06:02 AM Attempts to tackle the scourge of piracy and keep the Red Sea open for merchant shipping. On 6 June, Catherine Ashton, the EU's foreign policy chief, spoke to the Asia-Europe Meeting in Budapest and, among other things, she touched on the situation off the coast of Somalia, pointing out that 500 people have been imprisoned for piracy off the coast of Somalia and saying that the solution to piracy “lies on land”. It does, of course. With the decent of Yemen and the port of Aden into chaos and with a very real risk that it will become the preserve of fundamentalists, one of the world's most vital arteries has a distinct possibility of being cut. So what to do? How can we help tackle the scourge of piracy and keep the Red Sea open for merchant shipping. Well, one simple way would be to recognise the country of Somaliland. A couple of weeks ago the peaceful democratic Islamic nation of Somaliland celebrated 20 years of independence. On the same day that Ashton was vapouring about things needing to be done, a Somaliland court put six pirates in prison for a total of 45 years. Is it not time that this peaceful land was granted recognition by the international community? Not just because we morally should, but because it is in our interests to support the only part of that unhappy corner of the world that is looking forward to peace and prosperity? Godfrey Bloom MEP Brussels
  12. HARGEISA (Somalilandpress)–Flights between Somaliland and Djibouti have been halted due to the volcano that is erupted in Eritrea two days ago. Speaking to the press, the Somaliland’s Minister of Civil Aviation said they are worried about the situation and there have been problems since the last two days. The Minister said that there were no flights from/to Djibouti yesterday as the result of the volcano which affected many countries in the region. He told the reporters that they are trying to find ways to overcome the problem but they are lacking the necessary equipments to estimate the danger. The minister said the flights to UAE and other countries have not been affected. Red ashes could been seen on the Somaliland sky for the last two days which some described as the result of the volcano. A huge Volcano erupted in the border between Eritrea and Ethiopia two days ago which affected the aviation in the two countries. Reports also said the Clinton’s trip to the Horn of Africa have been cut short because of the volcano. “We are currently working on improving the Hargeisa and Berbera airports. We have very limited budget and we are trying to do the necessary and important improvements” Said the Minister
  13. Progress against the odds for governance in Somaliland Somaliland has defied the odds by delivering unexpected progress in governance according to a newly published global research project. The UK based Overseas Development Institute reports that despite lacking formal recognition as a state, Somaliland has developed a type of rule-based governance to which the rest of Somalia can only aspire. The territory has managed to establish basic public security, gradually improve its business environment, and is increasingly capable of providing for its citizens. A pragmatic blending of ‘traditional’ and ‘modern’ institutions, in which the de-facto government’s legitimacy rests, has been instrumental in driving this progress. The story is taken from Mapping progress: evidence for a new development outlook, a new report that pulls together the findings from stories of progress across 24 countries. It identifies the crucial role of effective leadership, smart policies, proper institutional foundations and international partnerships in driving development. So-called Surprise Performers such as Somaliland have delivered progress against the odds, often recovering from crisis and war or dealing with ongoing conflict, challenging political situations and highly inaccessible topography. The surprise elements of progress in these countries often lie in the speed of recovery, sometimes allowing them to eclipse previous levels of development. ODI Director Alison Evans said: “The performance of Somaliland is a reason to be optimistic about its future. It’s time the world woke up to the change that is happening across the developing world and we believe this report provides the evidence needed to begin altering perceptions. “We have identified four key drivers of progress but there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the conundrum of progress. What we can now say with clarity is that progress in development is not only possible, it is happening. “Looking at the strongest examples across Africa we can see that the most transformative and sustainable developments have occurred when the commitment to change has come from within countries and communities.”
  14. I asked you First but you refused to answer so what can i do ?
  15. A khadar its not that easy you can't answer a question with a question try again abti
  16. Yeah the nabadiids indeed do not like peace there for its cantarabaqash to them
  17. President Siilaanyo keeps his word he's one of the few honest African leaders When garaad abshir asked President Siilaanyo govt delegation we are willing to give peace a chance release the prisoners of war thats what the garaad asked he did that. The garaad also asked if the govt of SL could pay blood money for the casualties and the unfortunate lives that were lost the president did that also the Govt paid bloodmoney The garaad even asked the delegation if they could remove the national army from widhwidh and the president withdrew the national army from widhwidh the garaad on his turn accepted that no ssc rebel elements were allowed in widhwidh and both parties agreed on that. And peace was given a chance widh widh is one of the safest towns in the horn africa now ,and 3 months ago Keyse abdi yusuf former ssc rebel army leader said that he is willing to continue the peace process between the widhwidh community and their government. Its going in the right direction give peace a chance and inshallah kheyr bey noqon.
  18. A_Khadar;728744 wrote: I am not sure what/where you are tying to take this beyond here if they clearly said they don't need your thugs in their homes. Doesn't make you any difference if they support ssc cause, p/l or above all somaliweyn. Or you are having Kalshale nightmares so you are ok with anything but not ssc. Thats the whole point those elders don't support the so called ssc jabhad and they do not support Xaglatoosiye my question is why dont they support Xaglatoosiye? They could've support Alshabaab who knows, if Somaliland tomorrow leaves including the police and the admin Amay shabaab meesha so degta ileen Alshabaab ba wa Somaliweyn eh? A khadar why dont you answer the question why dont these elders in laascanood support ssc or xaglatoosiye.
  19. The Somaliland police was already there national army just arrived today from oog to assist the police because there will be reconciliation conference in widhwidh on the twentieth of june inshallah.