Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. There has never been a dr president and. The farmers of baydhabo waligood gudoomiye barlamaan may dhaafin. Wa labba aan Waxba isku so kordhinayn baa is raacay by the way samafal d and h hada manay alliance ahayn since carte iyagu uunba isku celinaya labbada boos eeh ugu sareyeye mise waxad leedahay taasi alliance maha eeh wa natural
  2. And what makes u think the us cares for a bunch of folks from bay and bakool who were send back to their native country
  3. Muse biixis father was born in Djibouti so he has a Djiboutian passport
  4. This is just silly as if pig fat is some sort of cryptonite against Muslims silly people these ukrainians
  5. By the way che somaliland isn’t a case of secession it is a case of dissulution of the so called union any way now we have done the semantics u act as if somaliland didn’t sit with the koonfurians for over a decade there were talks it’s just the koonfurians are not real talks and solutions just want to waste time how many times have visited Istanbul ankara Addis Ababa Djibouti London and held talks all ended in failure so don’t say that we didn’t sit with them
  6. She is an Ethiopian a somalia passport will do nothing for her she can’t open a zaad account she can’t warqad dembi baadhis ah with a walanweyn passport
  7. Dee bigfootka wa reerkiina basaboorka somaliland itoobiya lugu taga Tanzania Kenia jabuuti South Africa Uganda South Sudan malaysa iyo England xita maalin dhawayd na imaaraatka lugu taga ta labaad naagtaani basaboor may rabin Dhalashada id card somaliland bay Rabtya sii ay warqad dembi baadhis uso hesho that’s all naagtuna somaliland umay dhalan wa ajanabi wa naag itoobiyanad ah
  8. Hargeisa ku Dhalatay yes Laakin hargeisa umay dhalan this woman is an Ethiopian from qabri dhahare she was only born in Hargeisa’s somaliland law states a person from somaliland is a person who’s parents and grandparents hail from somaliland soil. This is not the case with her since she is the big foot community from Ethiopia
  9. How is it racist to point out the Color hair and eye colour of a certain people that they are being killed. I see nothing racist about that
  10. Why would muse take. Four ministers with him if it was just to get the visa surely I don’t argue that the visa isn’t part of his visit but it isn’t the main issue
  11. Everything from bussineslicences to accepting somaliland passports alll the way into investing in somaliland companies Guele remains a great leader and a great friend
  12. His second home met with key minister and the president and prime minister of Djibouti guele remains a great friend of Somaliland
  13. Somalia lost its sovereignty long time ago when Ethiopia invaded in 2006. Its now basically a joint AU UN colony. The AU in charge of the security and the UN running the diplomatic channels of the failed state
  14. So mm the koonfurians have no tahriibayaal is that what u telling us. And everything is rosy and great
  15. Muse biixi didn’t steal any elections he won fair and squir as the observers told also his party lost the last parliamentary elections they lost the. Majority vote in parliament so tell me. Where do they feed u these lies
  16. Good on alshabaab that they are more competent then the paper govt in the bunker
  17. Galbeedi is it 75 percent unemplyenent or 80 percent it think ur making these numbers up. What ever it is u trying to look Somaliland look bad comparing it to the most failed state in Africa which can’t Hod elections selections and can’t even build a security apparatus . Dadka ha waalin galbeediyow waxani walanweyn jacayl ka badane
  18. Leave the royal family of Djibouti alone galbeedi they are honourable people
  19. Affars are not our friends they have been fighting Issa folks in the region for quiet some time not a lot of people are aware of this
  20. What do the secessionist possibly gain. From walanweyns killing each other what ever the secessionist achieved was on their own terms the past three decades it’s never on the back of others. Besides why can’t Somalilanders have an opinion or a say what happens in Somalia a government that claims somaliland and it’s people that a bit unfair isn’t it
  21. Instead of calling him out mma why not adres what adressed with what he said which part do u disagree do u think a new president can be selected in what ten days this is a long process obviously I won’t say democracy has failed in Italian Somalia how ever it remains a very slow slow process