Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. The Queens Message A message form the Queen was delivered in Hargeisa yesterday by Mr. T. E. Bromley. British Consul-General in Mogadishu, on the occasion on Somaliland independence day. The Message said: “I, my Government and my people in the United Kingdom, wish you well on this day of independence. The connection between our people goes back some 130 years and British administration of the Protectorate for 60 years. I look forward to a continuing and enduring friendship between our two countries.”
  2. British Rule In Somaliland IS Ended The Times Monday, June 27, 1960 Independence Day Celebrations HARGEISA, Somaliland, June 26, 1960 (Reuter): British rule ended here at midnight last night as fireworks and singing crowds heralded the Independence of Somaliland. Celebrations continued throughout the night. A big electric sign on a hillside carried the message: “Long Live independence.” Celebrations in the capital were repeated in settlements and outposts throughout the territory. The rejoicing will continue tomorrow, which has been proclaimed a public holiday. Early this morning crowds thronged the polo ground for the final act of independence. Mohammed Haji Ibrahim Egal, the Prime Minister of independent Somaliland, took an oath on the Quran to the new state and hoisted the blue and white, starred flag. Nearly 1,000 British-trained Somaliland Scouts were then handed over to the Prime Minister by Brigadier O. G. Brooks, the Colonel Commandant. After the ceremony, the crowds swarmed into the town, cheering and shouting freedom slogans. At dusk last night the band of the 1st Battalion, the Royal Highland Fusiliers, beat retreat and the Union Jack was lowered. The last toast to the Queen was proposed by Mr. P. Carrel, who was acting Governor until midnight, at a reception. He said: “This is the last occasion on which we British can offer best wishes for the future of the people of Somaliland and Somalia (the Adjacent Italian trust territory). May they have a happy life and prosperity for the rest of their days.” Union With Somalia The Prime Minister responded with a tribute to the British association, saying: “We have not always seen eye to eye, but we share a Common ideal in the simple things of life. This is not the end of British-Somali relations. These relations are simply taking another shape for the better.” Somaliland plans to unite with Somalia on Friday when Italy gives up her United Nations trusteeship there. A delegation from Mogadishu, including Adan Abdullah, who is likely to be the first President of the new republic of Somalia and Somaliland, has been greeted warmly by the crowds here. Adan Abdullah was met by the Prime minister on his arrival at the airport. Police and Somaliland Scouts lined up to give a general salute and he was greeted by a fanfare of trumpets. Adan Abdullah told the crowds that the people in Somalia eagerly awaited their independence on Friday. He said that there was no major obstacle in the way of union of both countries. There were difficulties in detail, “but there is no doubt that these will be resolved”.
  3. East Africa Marks Two New Nations The New York Times Monday, June 27, 1960 HARGEISA, Somaliland, June 26 (Reuters) – A blue and White starred flag was hoisted here today after all-night celebrations ending seventy-three years of British rule in this East African Territory at the south end Red Sea. Mohammed Haji Ibrahim Egal took an Oath on the Quran as Premier of the new nation of Somaliland. Nearly 1,000 British-trained Somali troops were handed over to him by the retiring commandant; Brig. Gen. O. G. Brooks. Mr. Egal welcomed a delegation from a neighboring Italian Somalia, scheduled to unite with Somaliland to form a republic of 2,000,000 population when Italy gives up her United Nations trusteeship Friday.
  4. Sheekh Shariif Oo Billad-Sharaf Guddoonsiiyay Ra’iisal wasaarihii Iscasilay Mr Farmaajo. Muqdisho(Ramaas) June. 26, 2011-Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa xalay guddoonsiiyay billad-sharaf Ra'iisal wasaarihii iscasilay ee Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdilaahi Maxamed (Farmaajo), shahaadadaas oo ka turjumaysay wax-qabadkiisii muddadii yarayd ee uu xilka hayay. Billadda ayaa lagu guddoonsiiyay xafladdii lagu maamuusayay 51-guuradii kasoo wareegtay markii ay Somaliland xorinmadeeda ka qaadatay Ingiriiska oo laga xusay Magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana la sheegay in muddadii uu xilka hayay uu ku guuleystay wax ka qabashada musuq-maamusqa iyo dib u dhiska ciidanka Soomaaliya. Xubnihii ka qaybgalayay xaflada ayaa aad ugu riyaaqay billadda la guddoonsiiyay Farmaajo, waxaana markii lagu dhawaaqay in la siinayo billad hoolka oo dhan is-qabsaday sacab iyo sawaxan muujiyay in lagu soo dhaweynayo billadda la siinayo. Ra'iisal wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya ayaa xafiiska ka tagay 19-kii bishan, kadib markii uu cadaadis badan kaga yimid dalka Uganda oo ay ciidammo ka joogaan Soomaaliya iyo Qarammada Midoobay, isagoo sheegay inuu u tanaasulay in ay sii shaqeyso dawlada ku meel gaadhka ah iyo in ay shacabka Soomaaliyeed ka baxaan dhibaatada sida uu ku dooday. Inkastoo Farmaajo aanu ka hadlin xaflada lagu guddoonsiiyay billadda ayaan haddana waxaan la ogeyn halka uu kici doono, balse waxa uu hore u sheegay inuu la shaqeynayo dawlada federal-ka ah ee Soomaaliya
  5. Go’aamo Hordhac ah oo Lagu Kala Saxeexday Shirweynihii Nabadeynta ee Widh-widh June 26th, 2011 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Xukuumadda Somaliland iyo ergooyinka beelaha Beelaha sool iyo buhoodle iyo garabka hubaysan ee SSC ee ka qeyb galay shirweynaha nabadda ee Widh-widh, ayaa maanta si ramsi ah u kala saxeexday heshiis hor dhac ah oo ka kooban 8 Qodob, si loogu gudbo wajiga labaad ee wadahadalada shirweynaha nabadeynta. Heshiiskan hordhaca ah waxa saxeexay dhinaca Xukuumada Somaliland Wasiirka Xanaanada Xoolaha Dr. Cabdi Aw Daahi Cali, ahna madaxa weftiga xukuumada u metalaya wada hadalada shir nabadeedka Widh-widh, dhinaca garabka hubaysan ee SSC waxa u saxeexay Guddoomiyaha Golaha Khusuusiga C/Risaaq Xasan Ismaaciil, waxa kale oo isna wax ka saxeexay madaxa shir nabadeedkan Keyse Cabdi Yuusuf iyo laba Xildhibaan oo ka kala socday Goleyaasha Baarlamaanka kuwaas oo kala ah Md. Maxamed Axmed Barre (Garaad) oo ka socday aqalka odayaasha iyo Md. Maxamed Faarax Qabile oo ka socday Golaha Wakiilada. Heshiiskan hordhaca ah oo nuqul ka mid ahi soo gaadhay shabakada wararka ee Somaliland.Org waxa qodobadiisu u dhignaayeen sidan:- 1- Shirweynaha Nabadda waxa la isla gartay Nabad iyo midnimo waarta oo dhex marta SSC, iyo beesha sool iyo buhoodle iyo dawlada Somaliland. 2- Shirka Nabadda ee Guuleed waxa la isla qaatay awood qaybsi siyaasadeed iyo wada tashi buuxa, waxaana lagu soo qabyo tirayaa wareega dambe ee wada hadalada shirka. 3- Shirka Nabada ee Guuleed waxa la isla qaatay in wixii ku saabsan arrimo ciidan in looga wada hadlo si hoose gaar ahaan Madaxweynaha Somaliland iyo Guddida gaarka ah ee shirka Widh-widh. 4- Shirka nabadda waxa la isla gartay in la sii daayo maxaabiista dagaal ee SSC isla markaana maxaabiista kale ee loo haysto dambiyada gaarka ah la horkeeno Garsoor lagu wada kalsoon yahay sida ugu dhakhsaha badan. 5- Shirka waxa la isla qaatay in la joojiyo dhul qodista iyo dhul durugsiga aan la ogolayn. 6- Shirku wuxuu ku baaqayaa in la xaliyo shaqaaqadii iyo dhibaatadii ka dhacday Kalshaalle. 7- Shirka Nabadda ee Widh-widh waxa la isla qaatay in ahmiyad weyn la siiyo deegaamada Buhoodle iyo sool oo dib u dhac badani ka muuqdo si loo gaadhsiiyo gobolada kale ee dalka, gaar ahaan dhinacyada waxbarashada, caafimaadka,biyaha iyo wixii la mid ah. 8- Shirka Nabada waxa la isla qaatay in si kama dambays ah loo qaato gogol nabadeed oo ay ka soo qeyb galaan SSC iyo beesha sool iyo buhoodle inta shirka ka maqani.”
  6. Naxar Nugaaleed;730464 wrote: ^ you know there are more chinese muslims then all Somalis combined all over the world... Say walahi
  7. War-saxaafadeed: Madaxwaynaha Somaliland Oo Guud Ahaan Shacabka Ku Hambalyeeyay Sanad-Guuradda 51-aad Ee Ka Soo Wareegtay Xornimadda Dalka. Hargeysa (Ramaas) June 25,2011 - Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa hambalyo u diray guud ahaan shacabka Somaliland gudo iyo dibadba sanad-guurada 51-aad ee ka soo wareegtay wakhtigii Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland ay xornimadeedii ka qaadatay gumaystihii Ingiriiska 26-kii bishii June 1960-kii oo barri ku beegan. War-saxaafadeed kooban oo uu soo saaray afhayeenka aqalka Madaxtooyadda Somaliland Cabdilaahi Maxamed Daahir (Cukuse), isla-markaana Madaxwayne Axmed Siilaanyo shacabka ku hambalyeynayo maalintan ayaa isaga oo dhamaystiran waxa uu u dhignaa sidan “Madaxweynaha JSL, Mudane Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud ( Siilaanyo) Isaga oo ku hadlaaya Magaciisa iyo Ka Qaranka Somalilandba waxa uu Hambalyo iyo Boogaadin u dirayaa Dhamaanba Shacbiga Reer Somaliland Meel kasta oo ay joogaanba, Dalka Gudihiisa iyo Debadiisaba, Xuska, Munaasibada Sannad Guurada 51-aad ee ka soo Wareegtay 26-June-1960 oo ah Maalintiii ay Somaliland Madaxbanaanideeda ka qaadatay Mastucmaradii Boqortooyada Ingiriiska UK. Madaxweyne Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud waxa uu Shacbigiisa reer Somaliland u rajaynayaa inay Sannadkan sannadkiisa ku gaadhaan nabad,guul iyo Barwaaqo, waxaanu ugu baaqayaa in ay dhan uga soo wada jeedaan adkaynta nabad-gelyada iyo qaranimada Somaliland isaga oo ku ammaanaya sida ay markasta heeganka ugu yihiin ilaalinta iyo difaaca Qarannimada Somaliland.”
  8. The Hargeysa Bridge Been opened Somaliland president opens new Sl parliament
  9. ^^ The Company is owned by one of Siilaanyos Cabinet members
  10. A list of some accomplishments of the Siilaanyo Administration. Hargeysa Bridge The berbera airport Zamzam Mineral Water Company New terminal opened Cigaal international airport
  11. President Siilaanyo: one year in power Posted on 24/06/2011 in Special Report Nearly it is now one year; from the day the people of Somaliland went in the Ballot-boxes in order to cast their votes enthusiastically. 26th June 2010 was a D-Day which presidential elections held in Somaliland have been peacefully concluded, which the Kulmiye party lead by the current president of Somaliland Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud Siilaanyo has won 49.59% votes from his nearest rival the UDUB party which got 33.23% of votes cast and although his competitor Mr. Dahir Rayale Kahin and his party claimed that there were vote rigging and fraud of the Ballot boxes, however he accepted the final outcome announced by Somaliland National Electoral commission (NEC). This was a brave and courageous decision made by the former president Mr.Rayale and his party and issued a statement that his party accepted the verdict of the people and saved the country from sinking into a state of anarchy and chaos. The transfer of power went peacefully as hoped and this was also a genuine stride taken in the right direction. Nevertheless, the question that is circulating in everyone’s mind is to what extent that President Siilaanyo and his Kulmiye party achieved during one year in office? Does he really live up to his campaign promises? What has been changed from the situation of the country during the course of one year? Let me glimpse back at the early days after Siilaanyo became the “The Fourth President of the republic of Somaliland.” Somalilanders were excited and kept their hopes and ambitions alive when Kulmiye party defeated their main rival UDUB party which was in power for eight years and the people of Somaliland became sick and tired of the empty and broken promises made by the former administration. Despite the obvious disappointments as well as disillusionment, it is not doom and gloom for Somaliland people but revived their current ruling party will honor their commitments and pledges made in the presidential elections. The news of appointing twenty Ministers and six deputy Ministers were greeted with wild jubilations and the excitement reached fever pitch as they came to know the small based government compared to thirty ministers and eleven assistants appointed by the former president. Mr. Siilaanyo had repeatedly made commitments in the wake of his victory to form an effective and small based government, most of the people he had lines up as members of his new cabinet were seen as bunch of qualified enough running smoothly to their portfolios in this new born government. Expectations were high since the president came to power through one man one vote, he brought on board a bunch of honest and qualified people to replace the corrupt and incompetent officials who dominated Somaliland’s top governmental posts over the past years. President Sillaanyo embarked on a mission of developing close mutual ties with neighboring countries and he kicked off with his first trip to overseas with Djibouti in which he was given a hero’s welcome. There is alarge mass of Somaliland people based Djibouti who did everthinh they could to receive their president with enthusiasm and jubilation. Mr. Siilaanyo met his Djiboutian counterpart Mr. Ismail Omar Gelle and discussed the bilateral relations between the two countries. President Gelle gave the go ahead of setting up Somaliland representative office In Djibouti And this was seen as a step of healing the rift between the two nations. The president also toured Ethiopia and there he met with Ethiopian premiere Mr. Meles Zenawi and discussed of ways and means of improving the bilateral ties be it Security, trade, and terrorism. Courts and Judiciary system Although not effective, Mr. Siilaanyo made changes to the Judiciary system after issuing a presidential decree in which he dismissed Judges and nominated others to ensure that the country gets an honest and fair judiciary system. This was a bold move in which the president took. Foreign Policy As we know that our foreign policy is based on strengthening ties neighboring countries, regional and international organizations in order to explain our cause in a way that would bring us international support. During this one year in office, there were many high level delegations that visited Somaliland. The last was the Minister for Cooperation and European Affairs for Holland Mr. Ben Knapen. Somaliland foreign Minister Mr. Mohamed Abdillahi Omar attended high level meetings. President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud siilaanyo made his first reshuffle in his administration, almost one year after he was elected as the country’s leader for the next five years. The president recently delivered a speech to Somaliland Parliament and the senate in which he officially announced that the formation of political parties is open to Somaliland citizens.
  12. Saylici Oo Nin China U Dhashay Diinta Islaamka Ku Soo DhaweeyayPosted in June 24th, 2011 by lug in NewsHargaysa (lug)- Madaxwayne ku Xigeenka Somaliland Al-Xaaji C/Raxman C/laahi ismaaciil (Saylici) ayaa si diirran ugu soo dhaweeyey Diinta Islaamka nin la yidhaahdo Jewi cheki oo u dhashay dalka China oo islaamay. Md. Saylici wuxu uu sheegay inay Diinta Islaamku tahay diinta keliya ee Xaqa ah ee Illaahay Quraankiisa ku sheegay. Ninkan Shiine ah oo Ganacsade ah ayaa Shalay Salaadii Duhur Ashahaadada loogu Qabtay Masaajid ku Yaala Madaxtooyada Somaliland Gudaheeda halkaasi oo Masuuliyiintii Salaada ku Tukanaysay Masaajidku ugu Duceeyeen ninkaasi ku soo Biiray Diinta Suuban ee Islaamka. Masuuliyiintii halkaasi ku sugnaa ayaa dhamaantood soo dhaweeyay Ninkan Chines-ka ah ee ku soo Biiray Diinta Islaamka, iyada oo isla markiiba la Raaciyay Qof bara Waysada iyo Salaada. Waa Markii ugu horaysay ee Maajidka Madaxtooyada uu ku Muslimo Ruux Markii hore Gaal ahaa .
  13. http://www.togaherer.com/2011/06/24/madaxweyne-siiraanyo-oo-booqday-xarunta-agoomaha-kuna-sii-tukaday-masaajidka-tabliiqiyiintasawiro-quruxbadan/
  14. Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Oo Maanta Kormeer Ku Tagay Xarunta Agoomaha Ee Magaalada Hargeysa , Kuna Tukaday Masaajidka Tabliiqa. Hargeysa (Ramaas) June. 24, 2011- Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa maanta kormeer ku soo maray xarunta carruurta agoomaha ee Magaalada Hargeysa, isaga oo ku kuurgalayay sida ay tahay xaalada carruurta ku jira xaruntaas . Madaxweynaha oo ay kormeerka ku weheliyeen qaar ka mida xubnaha golaha wasiirada iyo saraakiil sare oo ka tirsan xukuumadiisa ayaa soo kormeeray qaybaha kala duwan ee ay ka kooban tahay xarunta agoomuhu, waxaana uu xog wareysi la yeeshay masuuliyiinta gacanta ku haya maamulka xaruntaas oo Madaxweynaha uga waramay xaalada ay ku sugan yihiin carruurta ku jirta halkaas oo tiradadooda gaadhayso boqolaal qof oo isugu jira wiila iyo gabdho oo ay noloshoodu aad u liidato. Ka hor intii aanu booqan xarunta carruurta agoomaha waxa uu Madaxweynuhu sallaadii Jimacaha ee maanta ku tukaday masaajida la yidhaahdo Tabliiqa oo ku yaala dhanka Bari ee Magaalada Hargeysa,halkaas uu ku sugnaa qadar saacad ah. Kormeerka Madaxweynaha ee maanta ayaa la sheegay in tahay ay qayb ka tahay qorshe ismuujin ah oo uu ku doonayo uu shacabka uu ku tuso in uu weli haysto kalsoonidooda , iyada oo soo ifbaxeen dhaliilo tiro badan oo loo jeedinayo xukuumada uu hogaamiyo oo aanay weli cago dhigan siyaasadeedu.
  15. Somaliland: President Silanyo visits Hargeisa Orphanage Center 24/06/2011 in Latest Headlines Hargeisa (JSLTimes.com) – The president of Somaliland Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud Siilaanyo pays visit today a mosque located in the east of Hargeisa where the president prayed the Friday prayer. Reports say that the president was on board on a vehicle and he was not escorted by bodyguards, but was accompanied by a minister by the name of Hirsi Haji Hasan and the president’s special secretary Mr. Ali Mohamed Ali. After performing the Friday prayer, some of people who were praying in the mosque gathered around the president and they greeted him and they congratulated on the president’s visit to the mosque. When the president left the mosque, while on board on his special vehicle drove around the main roads of the city particularly down town. In addition to that, the president also toured Hargeisa Orphanage center and met with children having their lunch and they told the president about the condition they are living. Finally, The president observed sleeping rooms and the president came across a baby who is twenty days old and as reports say is abandoned and was brought here to be taken care of. It was twenty days left, when the president of Somaliland Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud Siilaanyo was seen walking and shopping the main market places in the capital.
  16. What khadar does not know there will be local elections and end next year there will be parliamentary elections and the Diaspora want to organize their community back home. Not to forget more political parties are about to be formed that said new alliances are about to be made between the various Somaliland communities&regions.Former President rayaales return who will be the next udub leader currently the udub party is disorganized and ucid might lose the local elections another party will come out there as a winner.
  17. He never faced any Humilations in Hargeysas Airport we love former president daahir rayaale Kahin and he was welcomed with respect.
  18. ^^ your speaker of parliament (Khusuusi leader) wants peace if thats defection so be it but every one is trying hard to bring peace and a long lasting solution.