Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. It’s because they are very barbaric by nature it was only hidden because afweyne was at the realm. Koonfurians can’t be saved any time soon I am not saying it can’t be done buts it’s hell of a job not sure the likes of culusow can pull it off
  2. We are there somaliland is present in all its land the border as of now is closed and there are no pirates to be see any where
  3. This is amazing this is the last stronghold out side of somaliland influence and has now been incooperated fully into somaliland great news for reer somaliland in particular reer soo bad news for the pirates
  4. Weren’t Ethiopians already there how on earth did he sign a pact with the Ethiopians when Ethiopia was always the guardians of bay and bakool
  5. He is the son of the former first chairman of snm the somaliland independence movement Mujahid axmed jimcaale and he is from one of the main clans of hargeisa so he is not some minority something happend I think he was depressed something happened his father was a very remarkable man a journalist a lawyer a freedom fighter a great thinker a teacher in Saudi Arabia his father was also one of the first mayors of hargeisa in the sixties
  6. Good stuff keep them qadaad weyn locked up not a single tear from the people of Somaliland these social media cats are open enemy of Somaliland ku jira xabsigs liinti ba lo qooshaya tan indhaha yaryar leh. Let them keep crying
  7. 4.5 kumu helin duapoly bu ku helay u know wax u diidaya beesha shanaad ama beesha kale dr inay jagada raisal wasaaraha markooda qabtaan majirto ama beesha south west state
  8. What is this colonial thing u are taking about are u against colonial border if that’s is the case u should be against all Africa. Colonial border and start with the Kenyan Somalia border created by the brits and the Italian called the Anglo Italian border but u will not for u are hypocrite and we know this.
  9. Well things have changed. The past nine years tplf is gone ileeey is in jail abitigis is the new land lord of jijiga. And he seems to have warm relations the new pm we yet have to see how he builds his cabinet. as for sool and sanaag are now fully integral part of the Somaliland republic they are happy they have registraties two origanisation and one is likely becoming the new party in somaliland run by a fellow from laaacanood a former deputy of the Hass patrolium company so it looks very promising
  10. Why on earth would afewerki help defeat shabaab when he funds shabaab him self
  11. I think he might have been blackmailed maybe by a relative that’s about it. So he revealed it and made it sound like he is the victim gaaladu love that shit. Ayaan Hirsi Ali also lied when she came to Holland on false papers and false name and false date of birth and false entrance she almost lost her Dutch passport last minute ba loo daaye I don’t think he will lose his British passport
  12. Of all the people mma u mentioned the most important general caynaashe who was also executed by ur idiol general afweyne for he was afraid he might over power him
  13. Mogadishu’s doesn’t belong to a clan that’s nonsense
  14. But question is this a bad thing yougslavia which was much more smaller the. The former Somali republic dissolved in what six countries . Why keep a country United if there is going to be a war and killings is it worth it to control a certain territory if u have to kill for it
  15. Did he pay the fifthy million. Afewerki wanted
  16. That’s the thing we were a protectorate so not colonised u think we are like you who have been under severe Italian subjugation this is not the case with us
  17. Thé yanks are proud to be free from the queen but they are all ethnically Irish or English or Scot’s one people different interest same boat remember Blair and bush dream team As for the koonfurians the Italians did have short term treaties with the sultanes of maguartania But they betrayed their subjects and humiliated them and shipped them away to Asmara. That’s where the sultan of Bari died. You can’t compare it to the treaties the British signed with the Somalilanders . And yes some empires were greater then others u can’t compare the British empire to the tumaal of Europe Italy . The Italians were even humiliated by miniliq of Abyssinia in 1896 Adwoa battle where as the British besieged tewordos in the early 1800s and he ended killing him self the two cannot be compared not even close wa Adigu is barbar dhiga Slovenia and get Russian empire
  18. Very shocking. Calling for rape. What was slaanta thinking
  19. What did u erase u have accepted the Anglo Italian border between Kenya and Italian Somalia . U have officially given up or madness of the cancerous somaliweyn. Ilkaha laga daadiye afweyne na wa lugu qasbay to give up on Somali galbeed in 1988 . When he lost the war both millatary and politically he wanted his good for nothing clan to try to replace the indegenouse people of somaliland and we all know how that ended . U love ur Italians till this day u call ur indepedence day luuliyo an italian word or name for July what a madness. How can somalilanders be somali hating. When they are the top definition of what a Somali is. In the whole region Somaliland is the only Somali country with 100 Percent inhabited by Somali ethnic the koonfurians have Bantus bajunis and Yemeni refugees Djibouti Haa canfars. Somaligalbeed has Amharas and other sort of Ethiopian peoples living in Somali region of Ethiopia that leaves out only Somaliland the highest on the foodchain of Somalis
  20. So sad the people she wants to unite with now want to rape her Waauw all in the name of somaliweyn
  21. Nothing much has changed they are now under Ugandan rule
  22. Nonsense and historic revionism we know for certain the duriyad clans were the most wealthy in terms of camels even the so called dervishes were started with five thousands camels owned by sultan nur the dervish sultan from the main Burco clan The dervishes stole the Dayaxweerar camels owned by the hargeisa community so many more. Luckily we got our revenge on the mad mulla and his bandits when we took the biggest raid in history at the hagoogane raid. Where the infamous Cali Dhuux was cheerleading for ina igare and xaaji waraabe Bal daya wakaa wadaadki sii dabaayshaday walugu digta hadu ruuux ku darnaan jiray
  23. The mad mullah was a camel thief after 1904 there was not a single incursion against the British matter intact after the ilig treaty in 1907 the mad mullah ageeed to be part of the Italian empire and be protecterate under them , after that he started just accumulating wealth and stealing camels nothing heroic of freedom fighting spirit so if one steals ur hard earn wealth if u fight backs gainst him does that make u unpatriotic not at all u just want what belongs to u ma ninki ina shixiri inanadis gawracay Ayaad islaanimo ka sugaysa ama garaadki reer laaacanood kurka jaray just for power .