Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. News of the two earliest recognitions of the new nation broke at a banquet which president Mayardit hosted a state house the night before attended among others by the preisdent of zimbabwe, eritrea the saharaoui arab democratic republic, Somaliland and the secretary general of the united nations. waynaka
  2. Maya gooni meesha waxa maraysa wax sharci ah ama qaanun ay dhigteen nimanku afrikaanku maha iska goo Banghazi ,, Meesha qanuunka afrikanku wuxu sheegeya in Afrika ahaato sidi isticmaarku ugu ga tagay. Tasay oo wada dhigteen,,oo ay wada sharcieysten ,Ethiopiana wa dal anu jaarnahay marba wixi maslaxad ugu jirta Somaliland ba lugu dhaqaqaya. Masaaridu iyadu waxay jeclaan lahayd inay Somalidu askar u noqdaan oo ay xabashi la dagalaaman dabeedna iyaduna ay webiga nilka dhuuqdo. laakin wadamada, afrika eeh wabiga nileku maro ba arinta ka biyo diiday dawlada melez zanawi talabo bay ka qaday wasiirka arimaha dibada eeh masaridu wuxu sheegey siyasadi Somalia iyo Somaliland ay kula dhaqmi jireen waxbay ka badalayan. Dawladi xusni mubarak wadnahay farta ku haysey wikeleaks ba qarxisay oo waxay u ogaatay in ay maraykanku so fududeeynayo kala goointi Jamhuuriyadi hore eh Somali eeh burburtay 1991 Siyasadu aniga waxay i sheegeysa jaarkaga nabad kula noolow ha noqoto Somalia Jabuuti iyo Ethiopia iyo yemen wixi maslaxadada na ka shaqe wixi qaranimadada iyo jirtaankaga diidan na wa cadawgaga kobaad. 2007 Midowga afrika waxay casuntay madaxweynihi hore daahir rayaale kahin shirki afrikan unionka qadiyada Somaliland na madaxweynaha rwanda paul kagama ayaa golaha hor keenay in la casumo Madaxweynaha Somaliland misana qadiyada Somaliland u noqdo qodobada shirka la isla so qaadanayo.. Shirka cidi ka baxday ma garanaysa waxa ka booday shirka madaxweynaha Masar Xosni Mubarak iyo Madaxweynaha sudan Cumar xassan al bashir oo yidhi hada shirka midowga afrika la keeno Madaxweynaha Somaliland inay iyagu midowga afrika ka baxayaan,, maanta wax badan ba is badalay taasi 2007 bay ahayd madaxweynaha sudaan dalkisi laba loo kala gooyey sandula lagaga dhigay , Xosni mubarak na wu qaxay. Dawlad cusub na masar ba laga asaasay, xiidhiidh cusub na Somaliland waxay la sameyey dawladan cusub eeh ka dhalatay konfuurta sudan wax badan ba is badalaya in the next coming months.
  3. Mashallah iog is doing great stuff with Djibouti
  4. As we all know Somalia hasn't had an affective government nor are there any international embassies based in Somalia in particular from the western countries EU and US and the majority of the world. How ever there are leaders presidents each and one of them ruling parts of the country one of them is Caalin ruling parts of the mudug. And than there is another one based in garowe Mr Faroole ruling parts of mudug and and nugaal and parts of bari.You have also the western backed TFG leader Mr Sharif ruling parts of Mogadisho when ever there is feud between the garowe leader and the TFG leader, the garowe leader cuts off all ties with the leader of the TFG and undermines the authority of the western backed TFG leader. What's also strange and unexplained is the nomination of the prime minister of the TFG , 3 leaders of Somalia the garowe leader and the TFG leader and the speaker of the parliament and his 500 army Parliamentarians all want to appoint the TFG Ministers of the country. So who is the Legitimate president of Somalia? Faroole Sharif Ahmed Sharif Sakin Godane Caalin Or perhaps the Tanzanian Mahiga i think we should exclude him for now because he is not a Somali lol
  5. Xildhibaanno ka tirsan Baarlamaanka oo ka digay in shirka wadatashiga lagu qabto meel aan Muqdsiho ahayn Sabti, July 16, 2011 (HOL) – Xidlhiabanno ka tirsan baarlamaanka KMG Soomaaliya oo maanta kulan ku yeeshay Muqdisho ayaa ka digay in shirka wadatashiga ah lagu qabto meel aan Muqdisho ahayn, iyagoo sheegay in haddii ay taasi dhacdo aysna kasoo bixi doonin go'aanno ay Soomaalidu isku raacsan tahay. Mudanayaashan ayaa sheegay inay maqneen in kulanka wadatashiga ah lagu qaban doono meel aan Muqdisho ahayn, waxayna madaxda DKMG ah ugu baaqeen inay ka fiirsadaan go'aankaas. "Waxaan maqalnay in kulanka wadatashiga ah ee maamullada Soomaaliya iyo DKMG ah ay ka qaybgalayaan lagu qabanayo magaalada Garoowe, waana taas midda aan ka digayno," ayay xildhibaannadan ku sheegeen bayaan ay kulankooda kasoo saareen. Xildhibaanadan ayaa sheegay in kulankaas ay tahay in lagu qabto Muqdisho haddii la doonayo inay kasoo baxaan talooyin Soomaalidu u dhan tahay, waxayna sidoo kale ay sheegeen in haddii caasimadda laga wareejiyo shirka ay noqonayso in la liiday jirtaankeeda. Inkastoo aan si dhab ah loo ogeyn halka lagu qabanayo iyo waqtiga la qabanayo shirka wadatashiga ah, ayaa haddana waxaa dhawaan uu madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Sheekh Maxamed Faroole uu sheegay in shirku uu ka dhacayo Garoowe. Hadalka xildhibaannadan kasoo baxay, ayaa wuxuu imaanayaa iyadoo dorraad ay sidoo kale digniin noocan oo kale ah ay soo saareen
  6. President Ismacil cumar geele made the right decision appointing Aboubaker Omar Hadi as the New Chairman to Port, Freezone Authorities. He is a very capable individual and a hardworker well done Mr president.
  7. Djibouti Appoints New Chairman to Port, Freezone Authorities Posted on 16/07/2011 Aboubaker Omar Hadi, former commercial director at DP World-Djibouti, and currently general director of a port in Lagos, Nigeria, will soon return to Djibouti as the chief of his county’s strategic assets, replacing Aden Doualeh as chairman. Many here and in Djibouti were surprised to learn this reshuffling at the governing bodies of the maritime agencies because Aboubaker had left Djibouti in August 2008, for West Africa, in what many of his colleagues and associates had said was a loss to his home port. He was hired by Sifax Group, an international private maritime company jointly owned by Nigerians and Europeans, with its head office in Lagos, and branch offices in Ghana and the United States. Based in the commercial city of Nigeria, Aboubaker, a father of five, has been managing a port and a cargo-handling services company, a subsidiary of the Sifax conglomerate. He has had 30 years of service at the Port of Djibouti, where he began work in the Marine Department and Port Control, being responsible for port documentation, in 1978. He was then promoted to deputy manager in the statistics department. Later on, he became General Cargo Manager, Container Terminal Manager, and in the past decade a commercial director of the port. He had won recognition during this period, where he played part in enhancing Ethiopia’s use of the port from 15pc to 90pc. “I am very pleased to learn that he is back,” said Ambachew Abreha, managing director of the Ethiopian Shipping Lines (ESL), one of the largest customers of the ports in Djibouti. “He is not only a professional person with proven records, but also understands the biggest market for the ports. He is a positive force for the relationship between Ethiopia and Djibouti.” Born in Dikhil, a town about 100km from the border with Ethiopia, Aboubaker was one of the first port officials to come to Addis Abeba in the early 1990s, in a bid to market his country’s maritime assets as Ethiopia’s “natural outlet to the sea,” a couple of years before the start of the Ethio-Eritrean war. He was credited for playing a major role in the years following Ethiopia’s complete shift to the Port of Djibouti, after 1998. He was also one of the key figures in Djibouti in the process to develop new oil and container terminals at Douraleh, 13km from the existing port, which consumed half a billion dollars. Aboubaker received his first degree in ports and multimodal transport from Le Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et Métiers, in France, and postgraduate studies in ports and shipping administration from the World Maritime University of Sweden, in 1992, the same school where Ambachew attended seven years earlier. Aboubaker will soon take the helm at the authorities that are regulating three of Djibouti’s ports and the freezones. The largest port, Douraleh, is now operated by Horizon Djibouti, a joint venture company of DP World (60pc) and the government of Djibouti (40pc). Unavailable for comment last week, Aboubaker went back to Lagos in order to resign from Sifax, and will return to Djibouti in two weeks, according to close sources.
  8. Mudanayaasha Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland Oo Maanta Durduro Ku Ansixiyay Afar Wasiir Oo Uu Ku Jiro Wasiirka Madaxtooyadu. Hargeysa (Ramaas) July. 16, 2011- Xildhibaanada Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland ayaa fadhigoodii maanta cod aqlabiyad leh ku ansixiyay afar wasiirka oo uu dhawaan magacaabay Madaxweyne Siilaanyo, kuwaasoo la horkeenay Golaha dhawaan. Fadhigan uu shir-guddooniyay guddoomiyaha golahaas Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdilaahi, waxaana madasha ku sugnaa 64 oo ka mida 82 mudane ee uu golahaas ka kooban yahay, 4 wasiir ee meelmarintooda la horkeenay golaha ayaa kala ahaa wasiirada wasaaradaha Madaxtooyada, deegaanka, ciyaaraha iyo dib u dejinta, waxaana ay saaka hortageen Golaha si ay warbixin kooban uga bixiyaan waxqabadka ay ku horumarin doonaan wasaaradaha madaxda looga dhigay, iyada oo ay mudanayaashu ay si weyn u dhageysanayeen khudbadaha masuuliyiintan. Ka hor intii aan la guda gelin cod u qaadida ansixinta wasiiradan, waxa uu xog-hayaha Golaha Wakiiladu Cabdirisaaq Siciid Ayaanle ka hor akhriyay Golaha taariikh nololeedka ama CV-ga wasiirada cusub, iyada oo wasiir walba la soo bandhigay taariikhdiisa waxbarasho iyo khibrada shaqooyinkii uu soo qabtay. Waxaana ay codbixinta u dhacday sidan: Wasiirka Madaxtooyada Md Xirsi Xaaji Cali Xasan, waxa cod gacan taag ah ku ogolaaday wasiirnimadiisa 62 mudane waxa diiday 1 mudane ma jirin cid ka aamustay, guddoomiyuhuna muu codayn sidaas ayaanu ku ansaxay. Wasiirka deegaanka iyo horumarinta Dr Maxamuud Siciid Gacamay, waxa u codeeyay 63 xildhibaan cid diiday ma jirin cid ka aamustayna may jirin, gudoomiyuhuna muu codayn. Wasiirka ciyaaraha , dhalinyarada iyo dhaqanka Cabdi Siciid Faahiye, waxa ogolaaday 63 xildhibaan cidna may diidin cid ka aamustayna may jirin, waxaana uu ku ansaxay sidaas. Wasiirka dib dejinta Cabdirisaaq Cali Cismaan, waxa ansixintiisa u codeeyay 63 mudane may jirin diidan iyo cid ka aamustayna , guddoomiyuhuna muu codayn. Markii ay dhamaatay codbixinta waxa la arkayay isaga oo dhoolacadayna wasiirka Madaxtooyada Xirsi Xaaji Cali Xasan oo hore u ahaa Chief of cabinet-ka Madaxtooyada jagadaasoo muran siyaasadeed dalka ka dhalisay, waxaana uu maantao isaga oo ah wasiir buuxa oo is furan uga hadli kara arrimaha siyaasada ee dalka.
  9. Contact Us BBC & VOA Audio WARGEYSKA WAAHEEN – TODAY’S PAPER Stay Connected ?Saturday, July 16th, 2011 | ?Posted by Maxamud Golaha Wakiiladda Somaliland oo cod aqlabiyad ah ku Ansixiyay Raxan wasiiro ah oo uu dhawaan madaxweyne Siilaanyo magacaabay ?Hargeysa(Waaheen) fadhigii Golaha Wakiiladda ee manta oo ay hor yimaadeen shan wasiir oo uu dhawaan Madaxweyne Siilaanyo u magacaabay Xilalka Wasaaradda Madaxtooyadda, Ciyaaraha, Horumarinta Reer miyiga, Dibu-dajinta iyo wasiiru dawlaha Arrimaha Dibedda ayay gabi ahaantoodba ku Ansixiyaan Cod aqlabiyad ah. Fadhiga manta oo la filayay in qaar ka mid ah wasiiradaasi ay codka mudanayaasha waayi doonaan ayaa ku soo gabagabaysmay sidii caadada ahayd ee ay ku Ansixin jireen masuuliyiinta ay xukuumaddu magacawdo kuwaasoo ay ahayd kii aan xilka qaadi Karin inay ka shaandheeyaan. Fadhiga manta waxa ka soo xaadiray ku dhawaad Lixdan mudane kuwaas oo aan hore uga soo qayb gali jirin fadhiyada caadiga ah ee uu goluhu yeesho, waxaana imaanshahooda loo aanaynayaa Olole xoog ah oo ay xukuumaddu ka gashay sidii ay u Ansixin lahaayeen wasiiradeeda Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiiladda Somaliland C/raxmaan Maxamed C/laahi Cirro ayaa ka hor intaan la Ansixin wasiiradaasi waxa uu xoghayaha ka codsaday inuu mid walba golaha u akhriyo taariikh nololeedkiisa iyo Digreetadii madaxweynuhu ku soo magacaabay kadibna waxa uu mid mid ugu bandhigay mudanayaashu inay ugu codeeyaan. Markii ay codaynta mudanayaashu guda galena waxay dhamaantood siiyeen codadkooda marka reebo Xirsi X Cali wasiirka Madaxtooyadda oo uu diiday Xildhibaan ka soo jeeda gobolka Sanaag oo la yidhaahdo Maxamed Saalax
  10. Horta aynu qeexno cidi cadawga iyo sabaha ay cadawga ku noqon karan kii shalay. Saaxibka aha ayaa maanta cadawgaagi noqon kara Iyo ki shalay cadawgaagi aha ayaa maanta saaxibka noqon kara ta markaynu ka gudubno lixdi sanadood eeh ugu danbeye xidhiidhka calaamka iyo soomaliland wax weyn baa iska badalay dhowr qodob baan ku so. Qadanaya midowga africa waxay somaliland u so direenwefti xaqiiqo raadin taas ooh ay inay ogadaan xogta dhabta eeh taala somaliland shacabkeeda dadkeeda dalkeeda iyo dawladeeda waxay so ugadeen in somaliland arintoodu ay tahay mid aan lugu tillmaami karayn koox yaro gooni goosad ah balse ay shuruudihi dawladnimada buuxiyeen marka la eego qaabku u qaranku u dhisanyahay africa waxay ku heshiisay in aan xuduudihi isticmaarka waxba laga badalin. Waxa dhab ah in ay somaliland iyo somaliya lixdanki israaci ay ku midooben wax aan sharci ahayn marka la eego dastuurka midowga africa. marka xigta aynu eegno calaamku sidu u arko soomaaliland iyo sanadihi ugu danbeye waxa iska badalay wadamada reer galbeedka iyago dantooda eeganaya xildhibaanadood wasaradahooda sanadihi ugu danbeyey waxay ku cel celiyaan aqoonsiga somaliland wuxu horseedi kara in budhcadbadeedka geeska africa si looga hor tago somaliland la aqoonsada mid kala iyaduna jirta wadamada carabta waxa ka socda kacdoon yemen suuriya iyo qaar kalo badan wadamada carabt reer galbeedku dano bey ka leeyihin in anay argagixsadu calaamku ku fidin dhaqaalo ba ugu xidhan. Somaliland waxay u arkaan saaxib geeska africa ku yaal oo ta ka hortagi kara . Waxa ta dheer raisal wasaaraha ingriiska oo yidhi somaliland. Ma ogalin inay argagixsada calaamiga ku fidan siday meelo kale ugu fiideen. Mid ba iyaduna jirta caqabad ku aha aqoonsiga soomalliland wa dalal gaar ah mashuuc ku qaata dalkan anu jaarka nahay eeh somalia maalinta somaliland. La aqoonsado waxaso afjarmaysa dhibka iyo siyasada somaliya dalalka mashruuca ku qaata buburka somaliya ba wax ku wayaya marka iyaga dantooda waxa ugu jirta in sida la si ahaado waad arkaysa in ay midowga yurub dhanka hormarka somaliland ay u so jeedsadeen waxa hore looma arki jirin . Waxa kalo jirta. In aan aqoonsiga somaliland anay hortaagnayn arin sharci ah oo ay qeexday midowga afrika dhowr bilood ka hor wuxu sheegey gudoomiyaha midowga afrika aqoonsiga somaliland waxaba horseedaya kala gooynta sudaan dhowr bilood ka hor bu sida yidhi aqoonsiga somaliland waxa hortagaan wa arin siyasadeed niman masaari oo danahooda ilaashanaya oo jecel in askar loo noqdo iyaga si wabiga nile u dhuuqaan. Tina wa iska gebo gebo melez zanawi dawladisa damam bay dhisanaysa.
  11. Aaliyyah;734319 wrote: Xaaji lol@ abdurahman tuur..isn't that same man who joined the tfg. Anyways, don't bother retelling to me the somali/somaliland history. I know it well, in fact maybe even better than you.. waxba ha sugar coat gareeneen retelling some parts of it..while putting others under the carpet (with your previous comment of denying the genocide that was done to the awdalians).. sheeko baa mesha ku haysa...and i'm wondering why u putting so much effort retelling some parts of the somali/somaliland history? talow are you convincing yourself??? ha is daalin walaal.... salaam Loool TFG i am not sure there was a TFG in in 1994, truth be told there were clan wars between the clans in Somaliland but the awdalite were armed with their sda faction fighting against Ismacil Cumar geele clan in the late 80s and early 90s in awdal. You want to portray the awdalite as a weak clan that was opressed by another clan till the day of today 20 years of Somalilands statehood the awdalite are still running the show. And you want to speak about them like they cant stand up for their own rights lol while thousands of awdalite are in awdal taking part of the development of their country arsada ardaa organization to name a few. Somaliland is a democracy we vote for our leaders so people can choose their leaders there is no dictatorship the awdalite were always significant in the late 80s early 90s they had SDA in the late 1950s they had the USP party. And today they run the udub party for 9 years and Aaliyah is telling us they can't speak up. Aaaliyah inadeer reerka ha u gafin dee
  12. Faroole thinks he won that round he ousted Mr cheese with the help of sakiin and replaced him with his cousin called Cabdi Cawar
  13. Aaaliyah is not aware about coexistence between the different communites of Somaliland she thinks one side is oppressing the other when in reality is when the statehood of Somaliland was re-established again in burco in 1991. The ugaaz from Awdal was one of the key players in the reconciliation conference he was the one who suggested that the SDA Groups and the SNM groups should join as one Unit. Independence was declared and the late President Abduraxmaan tuur AUN was sworn in as president for two years. yes awdal people are my kin my people they are my countryman i don't care for clan like some people that are obsessed with clan. As for the koonfurians we wish them all the best they can get with their Somalia i hope a government for the people by the people will be installed there they will for ever be our neighbour so we wish them no harm we can even in the future cooperate in trade security etc. Awdalite played a key role in the establishement of Somaliland on many fronts they even led the country for almost 8 years and former president daahir rayaale kahin went down in to the history books as the president who implemented the democratic institutions in the country he organzied 3 democractic elections in the country. They call him aabihi dimuqradiyada in Somaliland. The Second vice president of somaliland Mujahid abduraxmaan aw cali was one of the SNM leading Colonels who played a significant role in the liberation of the country in the 1988 wars against the SNA. What about the current vice president of Somaliland Abduraxmaan seylici another awdalite who showed real leadership during the first 6 months of the Kulmiye administration. When the country was effected by drought he made sure all the UN agencies and the international NGOS and local NGOS who were supplying water to the regions he made sure they reached every village in Somaliland.
  14. Aaliyyah;734251 wrote: XX u didn't answer the question I asked, but i guess u dnt have an answer for it ..let me answer it people from awdal state will never forget what somaliland did to them. not now, and not ever! these kinda videos that u are posting is the way people react to dictatorship. They can't voice their opinion, clearly they are afraid for the safety of their families. but don't you worry once they hold enough meetings and raise enough money they will deal with the Somaliland government and free their region once and for all. Just like Somaliland was holding meeting after another since the early 80s ...they will do everything and anything to reach their goal which is pro unity (dadka kale maxa modeen in ay yihiin wa suaale? that they don't have an opinion that they just have to give up what they believe just to please somaliland and its interests ) this is history repeating itself..just in a different form..the one who was claiming to be a victim (somaliland) is now the murderer .. xaqdaro meel fog ma gaadho ogow!.. now lets wait and see salaam That does not make sense at all Modern civilian government of Somaliland was created in Borama awdal in 1993 Loool@ they can't raise their voice and Somaliland is a dictatorship loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool You are insulting the great people of awdal and describing them as weak and that they can't speak up for their own rights i won't let you insult my people , pro unity with who the koonfurians loolz:D
  15. Abokor Omar;734245 wrote: Xaaji, these people are crazy. We built a democratic united state with them and even gave them all the powerful positions and they destroyed it. Then we decided to cut our loses and build another country but they want to destroy that aswell. These people think of only destruction. We have to be vigilant towards them and sleep with one eye open. :D:D
  16. Aaliyyah;734244 wrote: XX, do you really think people from awdal state forgot the genocide that was done to them by somaliland?? Simply put, their region is under the somaliland government by force. But, they have finally decided to do something about the sad state their ppl find themselves in, and they are entitled! just like Somaliland is entitled to control their three cities... salaam Somaliland did not do any genocide Ciidanka qaranka as we know it today did not exist in 1991 that came to existence in 1993 sure there were tribal wars in the early 90s but it was settled down through dialogue in the 1993 borama grandconference and the one in burco 1991, In borama the sda in 1990 they were armed and well equipped the sda rebel group in 1991 grand conference in burco their elders agreed to let the sda and the snm Militant groups to form one unit under the late President Abduraxmaan tuur and his vice president xassan ciise jamac.
  17. ooh the people of awdal voice their opinion
  18. Abokor omar they want the dismembered of Somaliland at the same time they cry about Unity looool
  19. i don't know how can you ignore this Thousands of people borama celebrate Somalilands independence day borama the heart of the awdalite people Now compare it to burco
  20. genius pauper.;734226 wrote: am told or least assume that xx is an old man. marka waaban yaabahanay:confused::confused: Just because i went to the Hadj and have a bit of ciro that does not mean i am an old man
  21. She bought him gifts so that he would continue the fake relationship online on facebook marku ka daalay bay xanaaqday oo ay tidhi lawyarkeygi meyey.