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Muqdisho waa meel ay ku nool yihiin hal qabiil... ayuu yiri Faroole
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Somalina's topic in Politics
A khadar you should compare buuhoodle with ceel afweyn -
Dukey you are to optimistic we are talking about Somalia the TFG in particular a corrupt institution with a parliament speaker who has to much power. Yesterday there was a shoot out between the two sharif @ villa Amisom, about the said cabinet of Abdiweli. What or who will stop the two sharifs of forming another unholy alliance against the new PM? Will imaam faroole come to his rescue cruising his pirate yacht:D
Somaliland finance minister with delegation visits Djibouti.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Wasiiro Xukumadaha Djabuuti iyo Somaliland Ka Socda Oo Ku Kulmay Magaalada Lawyacaddo Maanta in July 20th, 2011 by lug in News Boorama-(Lug)-Wasiiro ka socda Somaliland ayaa kulan kula yeeshay Wasiirka Maaliyada ee dawlada Jabuuti Ilyaas Muuse Dawaale magaalada Lawyacaddo ee degmada Saylac, xubnaha wasiirada ee Somaliland oo kala ah Wasiirka Maaliyada Maxamed Xaashi iyo Wasiirka Ganacsiga C/Risaaq Khaliif Axmed iyo Guddoomiyaha Rugta Ganacsiga Somaliland Xasan Cabdi Cawad. Weftigan labada dhinac ka socda ayaa ka soo kicitimay dhanka Magaalada Jabuuti, taas Weftiga Wasiirada Somaliland socdaal ku joogeen maalmahan dalka Jabuuti , isla markaana wadahadalo kula soo qaatay Wasiirada xukuumada Jabuuti dhanka caasimada Jabuuti, ka dibna waxay isla qaateen in dhanka magaalada Lawyacaddo ee xuduuda Somalilandna ay ku kulmaan, taas oo ay maanta ka wadahadleen sidii loo sii xoojin lahaa xidhiidhka ganacsi ee Somaliland iyo dawlada Jabuuti, waxa kale oo ay isla soo qaadeen isku socodka labada dhinac iyo sidii Amaanka loo sii adkayn lahaa. Sidoo kale sida ay shabakada Lughayanews u xaqiijiyay Gud/Ku/Xigeenka Deg. Saylac Cismaan Muumin Caare waxa ay waftigaasi soo gaadheen magaalada Saylac iyaga oo si balaadhan loogu soo dhaweeyay waxana ay kulan la yeesheen maamulka heer gobol iyo heer dagmo iyaga oo kala hadlay dardar galinta hawlaha dhinaca mashaariicda ee gobolka iyo degmada ka socda. -
Gheele adigu waxad gabay u taqan hoowyaley hoowyaley hoowyaley waxasi gabay maha looool gabay xarafka aad kaga bilawdiid ba lugu gunada.
A khadar the 100.000 population was estimated in the 1940 and it was in the british Somaliland protectorate only because you asked for a goverment source now the Colonial Government was a good source and salax is right the 100.000 was the entire garaad clan in Somaliland.
So you want strict segregation between the clans using tribal homelands in a positive manner this will not contribute to the development of those regions.
A khadar UNDP is not a Somaliland source they've been to sool for years even before Somaliland administration reached laascanood. The brits in the 1940s estimated the sool region roughly 100.000 people not including the Hawd and reserve area in Ethiopia.
A_Khadar;735166 wrote: XX, xaglo iskuma keen dirin ee s/l project baa isku keen dirtay.. If that isn't there, I am sure we could get alone well and have contributed lots to the places we both haled from, being sool, togdheer, and Sanaag.. Oke take away Xaglo Siilaanyo Somaliland ssc , marka waanu heshiinay maxaynu ku heshiinay
What about Xiinfanins Curses against the republic of Somaliland
Somaliland: Telecommunication companies agree on Interconnection
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Jb ma shaqaad ka heshay telesom wa adigan nonsense ku sheegeya isku furka telefoonada kala xidhna The Zack i understand that these wireless companies will control the monthly fee in their agreemant and the price rate of the contracts. It will be bad for the consumers in the long term, but technically a bridge was breached now people can call ecahothers using different providers. -
Muqdisho waa meel ay ku nool yihiin hal qabiil... ayuu yiri Faroole
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Somalina's topic in Politics
Horta dibu heshsiinta ya la heshisinaya ma galmudug iyo buntiland ma tfg iyo buntiland ma ahlusuna iyo buntiland ma tfg iyo ahlu suna ma beelo is dilay yaa la heshisinaya qodobada laga wada hadli doona wamaxay aan ahayn kumeel gaadhka halaga gudbo. Geed hoostisa ba wa lugu gar naqsan kara magaalo muhim maha hadaad real heshisin rabtiid. -
warka macaan uun baan so yara tabiya mar mar wayahay waan yarayn doonaye a khadar berigi hore heshis baynu ahayn the ssc thing ba isku keen dirtay , Xaglatoosiye ba isku kaya diray lool
A khadar adna xunjuf ba lugugu diray war xunjuf wa abwaan go "gay. Waliba inta qurbaha la yimi aad uma murtiyeyn balse it brings back good memories bal xiin baynu sugeyna ileen eed buu madaxa iga saaray soo ciyaar gud xiinoow kop coffie oo weyn baan ku so qadanaye
Muqdisho waa meel ay ku nool yihiin hal qabiil... ayuu yiri Faroole
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Somalina's topic in Politics
Qandalaawi soo oday somaliyeed ma ihey kuwa kaluunka cuna kuwa riyaha raaca kuwa habeeda geela ku meydha intaba waan aqaana lol Horta shirkan maa loo tartamo i think thats the best idea muhimadu shirku dalka gudihisa haka dhaco -
Cabdi cawar maydan aqoon war dee wa raisal waasraha kumeel gaadhka. Raisal wasaaraha ishiisa midba ba dhinac kala jeedan eegeysa ta kala wa caadi lol
Muqdisho waa meel ay ku nool yihiin hal qabiil... ayuu yiri Faroole
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Somalina's topic in Politics
Qandalaawi faroole ma isagaba aha reer kaluuun manu ahayn reer riyood -
Somali stop making up lies about me
Somaliland: Telecommunication companies agree on Interconnection
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Why is that nonsense now if you have telecom you can call telecom -
Somaliland: Telecommunication companies agree on Interconnection HARGEISA (SomalilandPress)— Today at a historic signing Somaliland’s telecommunication companies signed an agreement to allow interconnection for their consumers. The agreement will allow consumers to call out of network coverage without having to change SIM card or phone number. In the past each Somaliland’s telecommunication operators offered services to their own customers on their own network with no interconnection to different operator. The event at the Mansoor Hotel Somaliland’s Vice President Abdirahman Ismail Ali (Saylici) said this is a historic moment for the country, clients will no longer have to carry with them several phones or SIM Cards so that they can communicate with others. The Vice President went on to say today’s five company signings will reduce the frustration that the consumers have had with the country’s telecommunication companies which were seen as not consumer friendly. With the exception of Telesom, the country’s five other operators Africa Online, Telecom, SomTel, National Link and SolTeco have all agreed to the terms and pricing of interconnection. SomalilandPress reporter Abdiqani Baynah who was present at the ceremony spoke with several attendees whom all have welcomed the notion of being able to call directly between subscribers on different network carriers. Source: Somalilandpress
Well done a road from djibouti all the way to hargeysa walo bahna
War mingistu berigi ciidanka badna maha hada wa agoonki yara uun wa kaligis noloshisa inta ka hadhsan bu halka iskaga dibjjiraya
Lol mengistu is back
Could be that amiir reads sol , hey but how come cabdi cawar is so quiet