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Dawlada Itoobiya oo sii daayey barre hiiraale oo muddo ku jiray xabsi ay gacanta ku haysey 23-07-2011 Gedo (BNN) Xildhibaan bare adan shire hiiraale ayaa la sheegaya in xuriyaadisa dib uga heley Ciidamada itoobiyanka ahaa eeh haysta mudooyinki dambeyay Sidaana waxa xaqiijiya masuuliyin ka tirsan Dawlada KMG. iyadoo Muddo ka badan 3 bil Ciidadam Militariga dowladda itoobiya ay gacanta ku hayeen xildhibaan bare aadan shire hiiraale ayaa galinki dambe eeh maanta la sheegey in ciidamaasi ay dib xoriyadiisa u siiyeen mudanahaasi ka tirsan barlamaanka kmg Somaalia Gudoomiyaha gobolke gedo eeh dowlada KMG Soomaaliya Maxamad cabdi kaliil ayaa isna u xaqiijiey saaxafada in xoriyaadiisa u dib u heley xildhibaan bare adan shire hiiraale oo muddo gacanta ugu jiray ciidaamada militaryga eeh dowlada itoobiya. saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada dowlada iyo masuuliyinta kale ayaa la sheegey inay si aad ah usoo dhaweyeen si daysmada xildhibaanka iyado ay jireen wadahadallo lala galayay dowlada itoobiya inti u ku xirnaa xildhibaankaasi gedo
Somaliland goes to Qurbaha oo Basaboorki Landta lo qeybinaya:D
Dibad Wareega Taageera Maleeshiyadda Nabad-diika Ah Ee SSC Oo Cabasho Ka Muujiyey Dedaalada Xukuumadda Somaliland Ku Furfurayso Kooxdaas Bristol (Ramaas) July 23,2011 - Maleeshiyadda nabad-diidka ah ee SSC-da ayaa badalay siyaasadii ay kula dagaalamayeen Somaliland, iyagga wadamada dibada ka bilaabay shirar ay ku majaro habaabinayaan qadiyadda Madax-banaanida Somaliland. Maleeshiyadda SSC-da ayaa dadka taageersan ee ku nool wadamada reer galbeedka ku wacyi-galiya in marka wufuuda Somaliland dalalkaas u tagaan fidinta qadiyadda Somaliland ay iyaguna dhinacooda ka qabsadaan shirar ay ku mucaaradayaan wuduuda reer Somaliland. Qoraal dheer oo laga soo saaray shir ay dhawaan Magaaladda Bristol oo ka mid ah Magaalooyinka dalka Ingiriiska ayaa eedaymo loogu jeediyay dawlada Somaliland, iyadda oo qoraalkaasi lagu sheegay in xukuumadda Somaliland baa’biinta kooxda SSC u isticmaashay lacag “Hubka ugu badan ee loo isticmaalo kala qaybinta SSC waa dhaqaale (lacag). Dhaqaalahaas waxaa markii hore aad loogu isticmaali jirey kala qaybinta SSC-da gudaha ku sugan, laakiin hadda waxaa arrinkaasi u soo gudbey jaaliyadaha dibbedda.” Sidaa waxa lagu yidhi qoraalka ka soo baxay shirkaasi, waxaanu intaa ku darayaa “Waxa jirey shakhsiyaad cayiman oo ka tirsan qurba-joogta ka soo jeedda SSC oo maamulka Somaliland dedaal aad u badan ku bixiyo sidii ay ugu shaqaysan lahayeen uguna fushan lahaayeen ujeeddadooda ku salaysan kala dhantaalidda midnimada SSC.” Sidoo kale, shirka jaaliyadda SSC ee Magaaladda Bristol waxa baaq loogu jeediyay saraakiisha SSC-da ee shirarka kula jira xukuumadda Somaliland “Waxaannu kaloo ugu baaqaynaa in shakhsiyaadkani ay ka waantoobaan shir-hoosaadyada ay la gelayaan Somaliland ayna ka shaqeeyaan sidii ay iyagu u samaysan lahaayeen wax ka fiican waxa loogu yeedhayo.”.
The Zack a Mujahid is a person who fights for Xaq
That tells you that he was a peoples man and not corrupt like most african Ministers and the little money he earned as a deputy Minister was spend on his 8 Kids and wife. Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country,and thats what he did he served his country.
Famaraa taking cheap shots against a man who is longer among us tells us everything about your faith. Mujahid Yuusuf Ciise Talaabo shall be remembered for the sacrifice he made for his country throughout all these years the seeds he planted in the 80s in Somaliland we can happeley say he saw it grow the past two decades and he took care of it while it was growing. MayAllah bless your soul Mujahid Yusuf ciise talaabo he will get a state burial in Ceerigaabo tomorrow.
Taleexi;735976 wrote: Marxuumka ha habaarin oo mujaahid ha ugu yeedhin. Maan habaarin , Mujahidka waxan ka baryaya naxariisti Allah iyo in qabriga loo nuuro
Alle Ha U Naxariistee Guddoomiyihii Garabka Siyaasadda Xisbiga UDUB Mujaahid Yuusuf Ciise Talaabo Oo Goor-Dhawayd Ku Geeriyooday Magaaladda Nayroobi. Hargeysa (Ramaas) July 23,2011 – Alle ha u naxaariistee Marxuum Yuusuf Ciise Talaabo oo ahaa siyaasi reer Somaliland ah isla-markaana xilal kala duwan ka soo qabtay xukuumadihii kala duwanaa ee Somaliland ayaa maanta ku geeriyooday Magaaladda Nayroobi. Alle ha u naxariistee Marxuum Yuusuf Ciise oo muddo bilk u dhow xaalad caafimaad daro ugu jiray cisbitaal ku yaala Magaaladda Nayroobi ee dalka Kenya ayaa la sheegay inuu geeriyooday dhowr saacadood ka hor. Marxuum Yuusuf Ciise Talaabo, ayaa xukuumadihii Madaxwayne Daahir Rayaale Kaahin ka ahaa wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda Cadaaladda, isaga oo sidoo kalena xubin muhiim ka ahaa xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee UDUB, isaga oo imikana ahaa guddoomiyaha siyaasadda xisbiga UDUB. Alle ha u naxariistee geerida Marxuum Yuusuf Ciise Tallaabo oo geeridiisa uu Ramaas u xaqiijiyey ku simaha xoghayaha guud ee xisbiga UDUB Cabdi-Xaliim. Marxuumka oo la sheegay inuu sanadkii 1947-kii ku dhashay Magaaladda Ceerigaabo ee gobolka Sanaag ayaa ifka waxa uu kaga tagay 8 carruur ah iyo hooyadood, isaga oo sidoo kalena taariikh dheer ku lahaa halgankii dib u xoreynta dalka. Alle ha u naxariistee, Marxuumka ayaa la filayaa in maalmaha soo socda maydkiisa la keeno Magaaladda Hargeysa si loogu aaso.
Yuusuf Ciise Talaabo Oo Ahaa Wasiir Ku Xigeenkii Hore Ee Wasaarada Cadaalada Oo Geeryooday Sidoo kale marxuum Talaabo waxa uu soo maray wasaarado kala duwan isaga oo soo maray... Hargeysa (GNS) Inaal Ilaahi Waa Inaa Ilayhi Raajucuun Waxa goor dhoweyd ku geeryooday magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya Mujaahid Yuusuf Ciise ducaale Talaabo oo ahaa Wasiiiir ku Xigeenkii hore ee Wasaarada Cadaalada somaliland. Marxuum Yuusuf Ciiise Talaabo ayaa indhoweytoba lagu dabiibayay Cusbital ku yaala Magaalada Nairobi, ka dib markii xaalad caafimaad loo geeyay dalka Kenya, si loogu soo daweeyo halkaasi. ALLE ha u naxariistee Yuusuf Ciise Talaabo ayaa xilal kala duwan ka soo qabtay xukuumadihii kala dambeeyay ee soo maray Somaliland, markii ugu dambeysayna waxa uu ahaa Wasiir ku xigeenkii cadaaladda. Marxuun Yuusuf Ciise Talaabo ayaa ku dhashay Gobolka Sanaag gaar ahaan magaalo madaxda Ceerigaabo, waxana uu ahaa mujaahid usoo dagaalamay Somaliland isla markaana ku jirey saraakiishii ugu sareysay ee SNM. Alle naxariistii janno ha ka waraabiyee Marxuum yuusuf ciise waxa uu soo maray xilal kala duwan isaga oo noqday badhasaabka gobolka sanaag. Sidoo kale marxuum Talaabo waxa uu soo maray wasaarado kala duwan isaga oo soo maray xilalka Wasiir kuxigeenka Wasaarada Macadanta iyo Biyaha iyo wasiir ku xigeenka wasaarada cadaalada Somaliland. Dhamaan shaqaalaha Gabiley news waxay tacsi Tiiraanyo leh udirayaan dhamaan ehelkii,qaraabadii iyo waliba qarankii uu ka baxay marxuum yuusf Ciise talaabo,waxayna ilaahay uga baryayaan in uu naxariistii janno ka waraabiyo,dhamaan ehelkii,qaraabadii,iyo qaranka uu ka baxayna samir iyo iimaan ka siiyo Ammin Aamiin
July 23, 2011 2:30 pm You are here:Home Special Report Kenyans allowed to sue UK for colonial abuse .Kenyans allowed to sue UK for colonial abuse Posted on 22/07/2011 in Special Report Four elderly Kenyans have been given approval from a London high court to sue the British government over alleged atrocities committed during the Mau Mau uprising. The decision on Thursday to take proceedings to the next stage is a setback for the Foreign Office which had argued that the British government should not be held liable because legal responsibility has passed on to the present Kenyan government. It also opens the debate over the possibility of additional landmark lawsuits against Britain and other European nations for abuses during the colonial era, one of the Kenyans’ attorneys said. Al Jazeera’s Nadim Baba said the main aim of the case was “moral and not financial” and that much was yet to be decided about the next step in the legal process. “There is some wariness from the claimants about the delays that could come before a trial. The Foreign Office is expected to raise issues of limitations, saying too much time has elapsed,” said Baba from outside the High Court in London on Thursday. “If the case is allowed to go to full trial, we’re looking at sometime in early 2012,” he added. “] Kenyans say they were beaten and sexually assaulted by officers acting for the UK government [GETTY Long-ago abuses Despite the potential delays, several Mau Mau supporters present in the court room in London told Reuters the judgment was a “great day for Kenya”. “It’s so far so good but we’re hoping that things get better and the right decision will be made in favour of the survivors,” said Sammy Kimetu, originally from Kenya. Richard McCombe, the high court judge, ruled on Thursday that the claimants “have arguable cases in law”, and that the suit can go ahead. But he added: “I have not found that there was systematic torture nor, if there was, the UK government is liable.” The British government had tried to have the case thrown out, saying it could not be held legally responsible for the long-ago abuses. It argues that legal responsibility was transferred to the Kenyan Republic when it became independent in 1963. Its counsel, Robert Jay, had argued that the case was “built on inference” and ended in a “cul-de-sac”, the Press Association reported. But Al Jazeera’s Baba said the ruling was a “cause for cautious optimism”. “The [claimants] are confident they will get compensation and an apology from the British government,” he said. The plaintiffs, Ndiku Mutwiwa Mutua, Paulo Muoka Nzili, Wambugu Wa Nyingi and Jane Muthoni Mara, who are in their 70s and 80 – flew more than 6,400 kilometres from their rural homes for the trial earlier this year. The abuses in question were allegedly committed in British detention camps between 1952 and 1961. The Kenyans say they were beaten and sexually assaulted by officers acting for the British administration who were trying to suppress the rebellion against the British officials and white farmers who had settled in some of Kenya’s most fertile lands. They say British administrators were aware they were being mistreated, and want an apology and compensation. They were not in court for Thursday’s judgment. ‘Open a can of worms’ At the earlier hearing, the judge was told that Mutua and Nzili had been castrated while Nyingi was beaten unconscious in an incident in which 11 men were clubbed to death. Mara had been subjected to sexual abuse, the judge heard. Historians estimate as many as 150,000 suspected members of the Mau Mau, a resistance movement launched by Kenyan tribes, were detained without trial between 1952 and 1961 and placed in British-administered camps. The decision to take proceedings to the next stage is a setback for the Foreign Office which had argued that the British government should not be held liable as legal responsibility has devolved on to the present Kenyan government. Next Easter, another hearing will be held to assess the evidence before any decision is made on whether to proceed to a full trial. If the test-case claimants are eventually successful, more similar cases seeking substantial damages could be brought against the British government. Welcoming the decision, Martyn Day who represents the Kenyan survivors said the British government could “open a can of worms” if an eventual judgment is made against them. “Undoubtedly the government is worried about the impact and implication of a judgment of this sort being made against them,” he told Reuters. “It would be much more sensible for the government to sit around the table and talk to us rather than potentially face massive trouble from colonial groups around the world.”
Inaalilahi wa inalilahi rajicuun Mujahid Yusuf Ciise ducaale died today in a hospital in Kenya Ilahoow ku naxairso may allah bless your soul and enlighten your grave
Maakhir Community reject Mr gaas new Cabinet.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Jacaylbaro;735726 wrote: Wait until another waxgarad come to oppose this .... Are u saying. Kuwani waxgaradki hagaagsana maha lol -
Aaliyaah wey is yeel yeeleysa where did i talk about three cities i was talking about when u called us axmaq i find that not nice just because we dont agree with you. Any waxa funny ah aaliyaah claims somaliland troops killed somaliland police if thats the case than mala siilaanyo ba halganka ssc wada lol
They can live in somaliland as long as they respect the somaliland rule of law
Aaliyah wamaxay caydu inaader axmaq ma nihin dadku isku fikir uun bay ahayn uun eh;) Dhib kale ma jidho:p
Galmudug president caalin opposes the new cabinet of cabdi cawar
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Somalina;735794 wrote: Inta kale xagey ka iman ama aad adigu ka sugi? ma Hawdka mise NFD? 4.5 ayaa wasiirada lagu qaybsadey, kii qeyliyana ha qeyliyo wuu aamusi doonaa after 1 hour. Lools awoow maanta mid ba maqaal qoray 18 wasiir ba la dhisay bu yidhi was 18ka beelood eeh Somalia hadanu iska dhex weyney ma nihin 18ka beelood eh Somali ugu mudan eeh waxanu nahay dad aan jirin lool -
Taleexi has something against Hargeysa or maybe the people of Hargeysa Somaliland had many capitals during the medeviltimes seylac was the capital and now its hargeysa.
Galmudug president caalin opposes the new cabinet of cabdi cawar
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Somalina;735778 wrote: And? Thats about it i think awoow weynu iska sugi inta kale if they have something against the new cabinet but the rest seem happy -
Taleexi;735775 wrote: Ahaha -- SSC is fighting for justice and doesn't want to be ruled from Hargeisa. Is that a problem? which part of my language you don't understand? And what is wrong with being ruled from Hargeysa,, Hargeysa maxay qabta?
Saalax according to Saado the entire sool and the buuhoodle region is empty;) Saalax now you know where they get the ridiculous numbers from.
Galmudug president caalin opposes the new cabinet of cabdi cawar
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
So far galmudug is unhappy and the MaakhirFolks. -
Taleexi;735748 wrote: Is it not "Somaliland" a part of Somalia? Dadkani waa waasheen maxaad ka doodaysaan. If Somaliland was part of the failed somalia as you say than what are your rebels fighting against isn't what they want a United Somaliland and Somalia. Rebels and their way of thinking SMH