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Mudaneyaasha Golaha Wakiilada oo Ansixiyay Xeerka furista Ururada siyaasadda July 31st, 2011 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Mudaneyaasha Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland ayaa fadhigoodii maanta ansixiyay Xeerka furashada ururadda siyaasada iyo wax ka bedelka xeerka doorashooyinka. Fadhigii maanta ee Golaha Wakiilada Somailand Md. C/Raxmaan Maxamed Cabdilaahi (C/Raxmaan Cirro) waxa madashada ka soo xaadiray 49 Xildhibaan oo ka mid ah Golaha Wakiilada, waxa ogolaaday 29 Mudane, waxa diiday 15 Mudane, waxa ka aamusay 4 Xildhibaan Guddoomiyhuna muu codayn.sidaasi ayaanu ku ansaxay xeerka furista ururada siyaasada iyo wax ka bedelka xeerka hawada. Xeerkan waxa ku jira lacag deebaaji ah oo lagu xidhay inay bixiyaan ururada siyaasada ee dalka ka furmaya oo qadarkeedu yahay 20 kun oo dollar oo u dhiganta 150 Milyan oo shilinka Somaliland ah. Xeerkan ayaa la filayaa in maalmaha soo socda loo gudbiyo Aqalka odayaasha Somaliland si ay iyaguna go’aan uga gaadhaan arrintan. Sadexda xisbi qaran ayaa hore uga soo horjeedsaday furista ururada siyaasada hase yeeshee waxa soo dhaweeyay rayul caamka bulshada Somaliland iyo dadka hungurigu kaga jiro inay tartamaan. Dhinaca kale, Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland ayaa galay fasax dhan 6 todobaad.
Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland Oo Maanta Ansixiyay Xeerka Furashada Ururada Iyo Golahaas Oo Fasax Galay. Hargeysa (Ramaas) July. 31, 2011- Mudanayaasha golaha wakiilada Somaliland ayaa maanta cod aan buurnayn ku meelmariyay xeerka furashada ururada siyaasada oo ahaa mid xasaasiya oo ay dhinacyada siyaasadu ku aragti duwanaayeen. Fadhigii maanta ee golaha wakiilada oo uu shir-guddoominayay guddoomiyaha golahaa oo ay ka soo xaadireen 49 xildhibaan oo ka mida 82-ka mudane ee uu aqalka wakiiladu ka kooban yahay. Xildhibaanada golaha ayaa cod u qaaday xeerkan , ka dib markii uu sidaas ku wargeliyay guddoomiye Cirro, waxaana cod gacan taag ah ku ogolaaday 29, waxa diiday 4 mudane , waxaana ka aamusay 15 xildhibaan guddoomiyuhuna muu codayn sidaas ayaa lagu ansixiyay xeerka furshada ururada siyaasada. Ka dib markii ay dhamaatay ansixintu waxa uu guddoomiyaha golaha wakiiladu Cabdiraxmaan Cirro, uu wargeliyay in uu mudanayaashu ay fasax geli doono wakhti ku siman ilaa 6 toddobaad. Xeerka maanta la ansixiyay waxa ku kala aragti duwanaa dhinacya ku loolamayo masraxa siyaasada ee dalka, xukuumada ayaa doonaysay in la furo ururo siyaasadeed oo cusub, taasoo qayb ka ahayd ballan qaadkii ay ololaha ku gashay, iyada oo rag badan oo ka mida golaha wasiiradu ay quudaraynayaan in ay ka qaybgalaan nidaamka siyaasadeed ee cusub, halka ay saddex xisbi oo uu ka mid yahay xisbiga talada ee Kulmiye ay ka soo horjeedaan furista ururo cusub oo siyaasadeed, laakiin markan waxa ay u muuqataa in la suuldaaray qorshoodii diidmada ahaa.
Defeat for the secessionists in northern Somalia.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to SomaliNationalist's topic in Politics
the so-called imams were killed for committing high treason aganist Somalia and threaten our nations stability Preaching the words of Allah the almighty is threatening the security and the stability of the Nation -
Madaxweynaha Somaliland Oo Marti-qaad balaadhan Madaxtooyada ugu sameeyay qurbo-jooga dalka ku sugan July 30th, 2011 Waxaan idin leeyahay ku soo dhawaada dalkiinii aad inta badan u soo halganteen” Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo), ayaa caawa qurba-jooga Somaliland ee ka kala yimi daafaha dunida ugu sameeyey xarunta madaxtooyada martiqaad ballaadhan oo isugu jira casho-sharaf iyo soo dhawayn. Xaflad balaadhan oo qurba-jooga Somaliland lagu soo dhaynayey, ayaa waxa ka soo qaybgalay madaxweynaha Somaliland, madaxweyne-ku-xigeenka, guddoomiye-ku-xigeenka 1aad ee Golaha Wakiillada, Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga KULMIYE, masuuliyiin ka tirsan xukuumadda, Golaha Guurtida iyo boqollaal ka mid ah qurba-jooga Somaliland oo ka kala yimi waddamo kala duwan oo dunida ah. Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md. Axmed-Siilaanyo oo furitaankii xafladda ka hadlay, ayaa si diiran u soo dhaweeyey qurba-jooga Somaliland, isaga oo ka waramay doorkay ku leeyihiin horumarka dalka iyo marxaladihi halgan ee loo soo maray goonni-isu-taaga Somaliland, waxaannu yidhi “Waxaan salaan kal iyo laab ah u soo jeedinayaa dadweynaha ka soo qaybgalay, qurba-jooga reer Somaliland iyo martisharafta kale ee madaxda leh ee ka soo qaybgashay.Qurba-jooga Somaliland waa dad aynu wada qirayno oo ognahay waxa xiisaha qarankooda ay u yimaadeen jacaylka ay waddankooda u qabaan, karaamaday dalkooda iyo dadkooda u leeyihiin,. Waxaan aad u xasuustaa waqtigii halganka dheer lagu jiray ee Somaliland xornimadeeda u dagaalamaysay meesha talada, arrinka iyo xoogguba ka imaanayey amma lagu soo aasaasayey ururka SNM waxa uu ahaa waddamada ay qurba-joogeenu ku dhaqan yihiin, waxay ahaayeen dadweynaha ka ciyaarayey doorka muhiimka ah ee halganka, hadday tahay xorriyada iyo nabadda, mar walba door laxaad leh oo muuqda oo la qiimayn karo oo aan u booggaadinaayo ayey marwalba ku lahaayeen qurba-joogu. Waxa kale oo qurba-joogu gacan weyn ku lahaayeen dhismaha dalka iyo horumarintiisa.” Waxa uu Md. Madaxweyne Axmed Siilaanyo ugu baaqay qurba-jooga inay sii laban laabaan dedaalka ay dalkooda horumarkiisa ugu jiraan. Waxa kale oo uu xusay madaxweynuhu wac-darahay qurba-joogu ka sameeyeen meelkasa oo ay joogeen oo ku muujinaayeen qadiyadda madaxbannaanida Somaliland. “Waxa loo baahan yahay waxa weeye in hawshaas la sii labanlaabo, waynu ognahay inay qurba-joogu magaalooyin badan, tuulooyin badan iyo gobollada fog fog mid walba halkii ka yimi ay dhisayaan meelihii caafimaadka, dugsiyadii, waxaynu ognahay inay Barlamaanada iyo dunida ay la joogaan qadiyada Somaliland ka muujiyaan, waxa lama iloobaan ah .20 guuradii 18-ka ee ka soo wareegtay goonni-isu-taaga Somaliland doorkay ka qaateen meel kasta oo ay joogaan,”ayuu yidhi Madaxweynaha Somaliland. “Waxaannu idin leenahay aad iyo aad baannu idinku soo dhawaynaynaa, waddanku waa dalkiinii, dawladdu waa tiinii, qaranku waa qarankiinii, waa tii aad u soo halgamayseen,”ayuu yidhi Madaxweynuhu. Waxa uu madaxweynuhu ku guubaabiyey qurba-jooga Somaliland inay carruurtooda ku barbaariyaan waddankooda iyo nabadgelyadiisa, isla markaana ay ka ilaaliyaan waxyaabaha nabadgelyo darrada ah ee ka dhacaya mandaqadda. “Nabadgelyada oo ah aynu ku caan-baxnay oo aynu ognahay doorkaynu ku leenahay, waxaan jecelahay dhallinyarada iyo meeshay joogaanba lagu abuuro oo had iyo goor ka warqabaan dareenada iyo mandaqadaynu ku nool nahay warkeeda oo dadka waaweyn ee xilkasta ahi ku guubaabiyaan dhallinyarada waddaniyada, dhaqanka iyo diinta jacaylkeeda,” ayuu yidhi Md. Siilaanyo. Guddoomiyaha xisbiga talada haya ee KULMIYE Mr. Muuse Biixi Cilmi oo halkaas ka hadlay, ayaa hadalo soo dhawayn ah halkaas uga soo jeediyey qurba-jooga, isaga oo ugu baaqay in ay waddankoda qurxintiisa iy horumarintiisa dhinaca aqoonta ku dedaalaan oo xil iska saraan. “Wixii hore aad soo qabateen waannu idinku mahad-naqaynaa, waananu idinku hambalyeynaynaa, waqtigan waxa jira oo qoladan qurba joogahi ii sheegeen in hoygu macaan yahay, haddii aad doonaysaan hoyga aad ku soo noqonaysaa ee carruurtiinu ku soo noqonayso qurxintiisu idinkuu idiin yaalaa, waxaannu doonaynaa inaad hormood u noqotaan kumanaan injineer, boqollaal dhakhtar iyo intaas oo aqoonyahan oo aad fursad u hesheen intaaba inaad barataan inaad dalkiina ku soo kordhisaan inaad isku qabaysaan oo xilkaa qadaan,” ayuu yidhi Mr.Muuse Biixi Cabdi. Guddoomiye-ku-xigeenka 1aad ee Golaha Wakiillada Md. Cabdicasiis Maxamed Samaale, ayaa isagu waxa uu iftiimiyey doorkii ay qurba-joogu ka qaateen guushii xisbiga KULMIYE ka so hooyey doorashadii madaxtooyada ee 26 June 2010 dhacday, isaga oo sidoo sheegay inay door muhiim ah ka qaateen dib-u-dhiska dalka, waxaannu yidhi; “Waa dadkii dib-u-dhiska iyo dib-u-xorraynta dalka qaybta weyn ka qaatay, waa dadkii isbeddelkii dalka ka dhacay laf-dhabarta ka ahaa. Waad mudan tihiin in madaxweynuhu xafladan caawa idiin sameeyo.” Mr. Saleebaan Maxamed oo ah Guddoomiyaha Wakaallada Qurba-jooga ah, ayaa uga mahad-celiyey madaxweynaha xafadan ballaadhan ee uu ku shafray. “Waxa farxad noo ah aniga oo ku hadlaya afka qurba-jooga Somaliland intii duruuftu ay u samaaxday inay dalkooda dib ugu soo noqdaan aad iyo aadbay noo farxad gelinaysaa,” ayuu yidhi Mr. Saleebaan Maxamed. Mr. Cabdixakiim Maxamed Sheekh oo ka mid ah qurba-jooga Somaliland, ayaa halkaas ku soo bandhigay filim dokumatari ah oo si mug leh uga warramaya waxqabadkii xukuumadda Madaxweyne Siilaanyo muddadii ay jirtay, kaas oo ay ka soo ururiyeen gobollada iyo degmooyinka dalka, isla markaana tabanaayey dhinac wal oo horumarka dalku gaadhay ah. Abwaaniinta waaweyn ee dalka Xasan Xaaji Cabdillaahi (Xasan Ganey), Abwaan Dacar iyo fannaaniintii kale ee waaweyn ayaa caawa ku soo bandhigay bandhig faneed aad loo jeclaystay
Qasriga Madaxtooyadda Somaliland Oo Ay Ka Socoto Munaasibad Soo Dhawayn Ah Oo Loo Sameeyay Qurba-joogta Iyo Madaxwayne Axmed Siilaanyo Oo Khudbad Ka Jeediyay. Hargeysa (Ramaas) July 30,2011 – Madaxwaynaha Somaliland Md Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa caawa ka qayb-galay munaasibad balaadhan oo qurba-joogta dalka ku sugan loogu sameeyay qasriga Madaxtooyadda. Munaasibadan soo dhawaynta ah ee qasriga Madaxtooyadda loogu sameeyay Qurbo-joogta Somaliland oo hadda ka socota Madaxtooyadda ayaa waxa ka qayb-galaya inta badan masuuliyiinta xukuumadda Somaliland iyo qurbo-jooga Somaliland ee ka kala yimid wadamada Yurub, Maraykanka iyo dalalka waqooyiga Ameerika. Munaasibada oo ay hadalo ka soo jeediyeen shakhsiyaad ka mid ah qurba-joogta Somaliland ayaa sidoo kale waxa hadal kooban ka soo jeediyay Madaxwaynaha Somaliland Md Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo). Madaxwayne Axmed Siilaanyo, waxa uu khudbadiisan uu u badnayd waxtarka ay qurba-joogtu u leeyihiin dadka iyo dalka Somaliland wax kaga tilmaamay waxqabadka joogtadda ah ee ay dalka la garab taagan yihiin. Madaxwayne Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) waxa uu ka sheekeeyay doorkii qurba-joogtu ku lahaayeen halgankii xoreynta dalka, isaga oo tilmaamay in markii lagu jiray dagaaladii dib dalka loogu xoreynayay ay ahaayeen isha kaliya ee jabhaddii SNM dhaqaalaha ka heli jirtay, sidoo kalena SNM lafteeda lagaga dhawaqay Magaaladda Lodon markii la aasaasay. Munaasibadan soo dhawaynta ah ee Madaxtooyada loogu sameeyay qurba-joogta reer Somaliland, oo ilaa hadda socota, wixii war ah ka soo kordha kala soco RAMAASNEWS.COM, iyagga oo wararkaasi uu soo gudbin doono Wariye Maxamed Boosh oo qasriga Madaxtooyadda ku sugan.
Garowe leader Faroole stealing arms from the ssc rebels.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
So much for tolnimo from Imaam faroole -
Defeat for the secessionists in northern Somalia.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to SomaliNationalist's topic in Politics
Every one knows that Somaliland is undefeatable the past two decades show that -
The best plase to shukaansi A Somali Woman is in you're car just the two of you and in the background u play this song
Secularism= Kafirnimo
redneck Girl just told me that she does not consider me Black
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in General
Polanyi;737651 wrote: jaw. Naw -
Eritrea, Somalia, Somaliland and the Horn of Africa
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Read more here http://www.oocities.org/halgame_2000/history7.html -
Eritrea, Somalia, Somaliland and the Horn of Africa From Eritrea and Ethiopia - From Conflict to Cooperation, Amare Tekle (ed.), pp.139-168 (Red Sea Press, 1994) Reprinted by permission Eritrea, Somalia, Somaliland and the Horn of Africa •"The traditional chiefs are ignored, sometimes even persecuted. The makers of the future nation's history trample unconcernedly over small local disputes, that is to say, the only existing national events, whereas they ought to make village history - the history of traditional conflicts between clans and tribes - a harmonious whole, at one with the decisive action to which they call on the people to contribute. The old men, surrounded by respect in all traditional societies and usually invested with unquestionable moral authority, are publicly held up to ridicule." (emphasis mine) . Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth.. I. Introduction The relationships of the peoples and countries of the Horn of Africa have always been complex, and more often than not, have been analyzed from the point of view of the Somali Ethiopian conflicts and Ethiopian-Eritrean conflicts. Our perspective focuses on actual and potential reconciliations and cooperation. This chapter outlines Eritrea-Somali relations historically before going on to analyze contemporary aspects and offers informed speculations about future possibilities. Eritreans and Somalis, should they wish to do so, can best strengthen their solidarity and cooperation within the context of a "Common Market" or/and a Commonwealth of Independent Horn of African States. II. Historical Links Eritrea is located along 1,000 kilometers on the west coast of the Red Sea on the Horn of Africa. The Italians adopted the name Eritrea from the Greek Eritrea, literally meaning "red." Positioned along this strategic body of water which has attracted invaders for centuries, Eritrea is bordered on the north and northwest by the Sudan, on the southeast by the Republic of Djibouti (formerly French Somaliland), and on the south by Ethiopia's Tigray Province. Eritrea's modest land surface offers a splendid and unique variety: highlands, deserts, the forests of Equatorial Africa and the severe volcanic ecology of South Arabia and the Djibouti zone. Historically, Eritrea has been invaded by races related to those found in all the parts of the Horn of Africa. Languages spoken in Eritrea are related to other languages spoken in the Horn. The highland Tigrinyans, for example, are culturally linked to the Ethiopian Tigrinyans and they both profess Coptic Christianity. The southern stretch of the Coastal Plain and the vast desert lying about it in Ethiopia and ex-French Somaliland are inhabited by the Afar (European books refer to them as Danakil), a Muslim people whose language is Cushitic in origin, and are culturally and linguistically related to the Eastern Cushites, the Oromo (so-called Galla) and Somalis. Afars live in Eritrea, Djibouti and Ethiopia. These are but a few examples of diversity in Eritrea. Around the sixteenth century, for example, "the Danakil (Afar) and other Hamitic (Cushitic) tribes were welded into a loose unity by the Afari or Sultans of Aussa, dependents of the Somali Kings of Adal. The shape of Eritrea's partition between Ethiopians, Turks, Fung, and the Sultans of Aussa, though fluid at first, congealed into a recognizable shape (1). There is a legend that states that the famous Ahmed Gurey, who led Somali and other Muslim forces from Adal to battle against Abyssinian kings, came from the Muslim Bejas of Eritrea. The Turks intervened and after acquiring Massawa, exercised some form of control over the northern coastal stretch including Somaliland. The history of foreign interventions is going to provide another link between the Eritrean, Somali, and other peoples of the Horn.
redneck Girl just told me that she does not consider me Black
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in General
Gaw -
redneck Girl just told me that she does not consider me Black
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in General
Polanyi;737640 wrote: ma rednecka bad ku qabata? maxaan ku qabta baad tidhi -
redneck Girl just told me that she does not consider me Black
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in General
War anigu xaaji baan ahay maxan u garaaci ,, dadka nabad baan kula noolada -
In Turkey, top military figures apparently resign en masse The departures appear to be in response to further attempts by Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan to boost civilian control of the military after the victory of his Islamic-rooted party. Gen. Isik Kosaner, right, in a 2008 photo. Kosaner, the Turkish army's chief of general staff, and the officers heading Turkey's ground forces, navy and air force have resigned, according to Turkish news reports. (Burhan Ozbilici / Associated Press / August 27, 2008) Syrian troops said to mass on border with Turkey Developments in North Africa and the Middle East Turkey breaks with Syria over crackdown Syrians vent rage in tent camps on border with Turkey More Syrian refugees pour into Turkey Turkey's Islamist-based AKP keeps majority in parliamentary election See more stories » XTurkey elections likely to reshape constitution By Borzou Daragahi, Los Angeles Times July 30, 2011 Reporting from Beirut— The rift between Turkey's once-dominant military old guard and its rising Islamist political elite took a dramatic turn when nearly all the country's military leadership apparently resigned, escalating a power struggle in a nation that plays an increasingly vital role in the Middle East. Turkish news reports said that the army chief of general staff, Gen. Isik Kosaner, and the officers heading the Turkish ground forces, navy and air force quit Friday. The departures appear to have come in response to further attempts by charismatic Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to bolster civilian control over the military after the landslide election victory in June of his Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party. Although details of what led to the resignations were initially unclear, the two sides have been locked in a standoff over the fate of dozens of military officers jailed and on trial for allegedly plotting to overthrow the government in 2003. The military contends that the incarcerations and charges are a politically motivated attempt to break the remaining power of the secular military establishment. More officers were indicted this week in connection with coup attempts. Analysts say the military elite has been under pressure to fire those officers who remain in jail on conspiracy charges, even though they have yet to be convicted. The extraordinary step of mass resignations at the military's highest echelons followed a meeting by Kosaner with Erdogan and President Abdullah Gul. Turkey's semiofficial Anatolia news agency quoted Kosaner as writing, "I resign my post as I deemed it necessary." It later rescinded the report and described the top general's departure as a "retirement." There was no confirmation of the resignations by the country's top leadership. Transportation Minister Binali Yildirim was quoted by the daily newspaper Today's Zaman as saying "the state would continue to function," and saying that he had been told the officers "have asked for their retirement." Some saw the generals' move as a sign that Erdogan has prevailed in a struggle that defined Turkish politics for a generation. "Symbolically, it's the end of the period of the military involvement in politics," said Asli Aydintasbas, a columnist for the daily newspaper Milliyet. "They've been politically paralyzed. This is the symbolic move in which the military is defeated entirely." Others warned that the loss of the top brass had pushed Turkey into uncharted territory that could cause damage to both Erdogan's political position as well as the country's reputation. "Four of the five top military brass resigning from their post to protest the political authority: In any country this could create a problem," said Mensur Akgun, head of the foreign policy program at the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation, a think tank in Istanbul. "It can lead to a political crisis, depending on the actions of the opposition parties. They can capitalize on this issue and put pressure on the government." But the departures clearly mark a significant moment in the trajectory of Turkey, a North Atlantic Treaty Organization member and onetime steadfast Western ally that, under Erdogan's eight-year reign, has moved out from the shadow of nearly 80 years of domination by military figures, c*****ng a new, more independent foreign policy. The stability of Turkey is vital to American interests, because Washington looks to the nation as an ascendant Islamic power that could use its influence to dampen conflicts across the Middle East. The Obama administration has recently turned to Turkey to pressure the Syrian government to ease its bloody crackdown on demonstrators. U.S. officials have sought Turkish help to stabilize post-invasion Iraq, and have tried — with less success — to foster better Turkish relations with Israel to ease Israeli-Arab frictions. Greater strife between Turkey's military and the civilian leadership could complicate the administration's Middle East diplomacy. Though the Obama and George W. Bush administrations have emphasized ties to civilian rather than military leaders in Turkey, the military remains key on a number of vital issues, including the war in Afghanistan and plans for a NATO missile-defense system to shield Europe from a possible Iranian threat. "If there's a convulsion in Turkey between the military and the civilian leadership, you can be sure that will spill over and affect the U.S.-Turkish relationship overall," said Bulent Aliriza of the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies. Some analysts said they doubted the clash would harm the country's international reputation or ability to play a leadership role in the Middle East at this turbulent time. "This is part of the normal democratization and normalization process of this country," said Cengiz Aktar, a newspaper columnist and professor of social science at Bahcesehir University in Istanbul. "The military should go back to its barracks once and for all and obey the elected government of the country." The resignations came three days before the annual Supreme Military Council meeting scheduled for Monday between top brass and the political leadership to decide on armed forces promotions to be announced later in August. There was much speculation that the direct cause of the resignations was the generals' unwillingness to deny promotions to colleagues in jail. According to Aktar, the military also opposed Erdogan's attempts to inject a large degree of civilian input in the upcoming round of debate over promotions. "They're resigning because resignation is the last resort," Aydintasbas said. "They don't want to go down as the generals who failed their comrades in arms. They're resigning because they don't have any more leverage." In addition to Kosaner, army commander Gen. Erdal Ceylanoglu, air force commander Gen. Hasan Aksay, and navy chief Adm. Esref Ugur Yigit also reportedly tendered their resignations, NTV television reported. Gendarmerie commander Gen. Necdet Ozel, the only commander who did not leave his post, met with Erdogan in Ankara, the capital, and was offered the position of land commander, according to the website of the Hurriyet newspaper. The sudden departure of so many top-ranking officers also comes as tensions flare between Turkey's armed forces and ethnic Kurdish rebels in the country's southeast. About 20 Turkish soldiers have been killed this month by fighters of the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, which since 1984 has been waging an intermittent insurgency in pursuit of autonomy. According to Aktar, that upsurge in violence may have also contributed to the military-civilian clash. After a recent attack near the southeastern city of Diyarbakir that killed 13 Turkish soldiers, authorities launched a civilian unquiry alongside the military's investigation, angering senior officers
redneck Girl just told me that she does not consider me Black
Xaaji Xunjuf posted a topic in General
I was told today By a redneck Girl the one we Somalis Know as the Saancadaale A blond blue eyed in her Begin 30s told me that she does not Consider Me A black person. But that i Am A manof European descent who ended up in Africa with a black skin with a white human scull this woman not in her right mind thinks that the the Africans came from europe originally and not the other way around but than again she was blond. -
Hubkii SNMta Lagaga Difaacay Gobolka Cayn oo Faroole Iib Ku Doonayo Iyadoo SNM Dul Fadhido Buuhoodle Allssc(Buuhoodle) Wararka naga soo gaadhaya xarunta gobolka cayn ee magaalada Buuhoodle waxay sheegayaan Ergo ka socota odayaashii Faroole u qaabilsanaa gobolka Cayn inay u safreen dhanka magaalada looga taliyo maamulka Faroole ee Garoowe. Socodaalka ragan baxay ayaa la sheegayaa inuu salka ku hayo ciidamo la sheegay in Faroole u qorayo Ina Gaas oo lagula heshiiyey odayaal reer Buuhoodle ahi inay dhalinyarada gobolka cayn usoo uruiyaan si loogu qaado magaalada Muqdisho iyadoo dhulkoodii inay difaacdaana loo diiday. Arinta kale ee odayaashan looga yeedhay Garoowe u socdaan waa in hubkii lagu difaacay Kalshaale iyo gobolka Cayn gacanta loo geliyo Faroole. Si uu ugu gumaado shacabka Raascasayr iyo kuwa Maakhir. Faroole ayaa hore ugula heshiiyey nimanka SNM oo uu seediyeysto inuu u gumeeyo shacabka SSC. Warkan oo aanu ka helay ilo xogogaala wixii kasoo kordha dib ayaanu idin kala soo socodsiin doonaa.
Borama: Masuuliyiinta Xisbiga Mucaaradka Ah Ee UCID Ee Gobolada Salal Iyo Awdal Oo Taageeradooda Ku Biiriyey Garabka Uu Hogaamiyo Aaden Waqaf, Eedana U Jeediyey Garabka Faysal Cali Waraabe. Boorama (Ramaas) July 30,2011 – Masuuliyiinta xisbiga cadaaladda iyo daryeelka ee gobolada Awdal iyo Salal ayaa taageero buuxda u muujiyey garabka uu hogaamiyo Md Aaden Maxamed Mirre Waqaf ee dhawaanta xilka ka qaaday Faysal Cali Waraabe. Munaasibad balaadhan oo maanta lagu qabtay huteelka Rays ee Magaaladda Boorama isla-markaana ay ka soo qayb-galeen dadwayne tiro badan oo taageersan garabka Aaden Waqaf Madaxda ka yahay ayaa waxa ay sheegeen inay iyagu taageersan yihiin garabkaasi. Munaasibadan oo uu isku soo duba riday xidhiidhiyaha gobolada Awdal iyo Salal ee xisbiga UCID Md Axmed Muumin Seed, ayaa guud ahaan masuuliyiinta ka hadashay waxa ay sheegeen inay taageeradooda la garab-taagan yihiin garabka uu hogaamiyo Aaden Maxamed Mirre Waqaf. Masuuliyiintan oo isaga kala yimid Gobolada Salal iyo Awdal ayaa sidoo kale waxa ay ka soo horjeedsadeen garabka taageersan Faysal Cali Waraabe oo ay ku tilmaameen falaago aan quusanayn. Xubnahan munaasibada ka hadlay ayaa waxa ay kala yihiin. 1. Axmed Muumin Seed…Xidhiidhiyaha gobolada Salal iyo Awdal. 2. Abubakar Cismaan Meecaad….Guddoomiye. 3. Sahra Aw Cilmi Xasan ….Guddoomiyaha Garabka Haweenka gobolka Awdal. 4. Maxamuud Cabdi Xuseen…Guddoomiyaha degmadda Boorama. 5. Cabdi-shakuur Aw Xasan….Guddoomiyaha abaabulka Garabka dhalinyarada. 6. Axmed-yaasiin Ciise Diiriye…..Xoghayaha abaabulka ee degmadda. 7. Layla Cabdi Cumar…Guddoomiyaha Garabka haweenka ee degmadda. 8. Khadra Cismaan Cumar….Guddoomiye ku xigeenka Garab haweenka ee gobolka Awdal.
Xarunta Dhexe Xisbiga UCID ayaa waxa ka socdo mudaharaad balaadhan oo ay wadaan Taageerayaasha Xisbiga UCID iyo Ciidamada Oo Rasaad adeegsanaya Nool . Xarunta Dhexe Xisbiga UCID ayaa waxa ka socdo mudaharaad aad u balaadhan oo ay wadaan Taageerayaasha Xisbiga UCID . Ciidamada Booliska Iyo Badhasaabka Gobolka Hargeysa oo Taageeraya Kooxda Inqilaabka dhicisowday ka dhex riday Xisbiga UCID ayaa dadweynaha Taageeryasha Xisbiga Rasaas aan loo miidaan dayin ku ridaya taas oo Taageerayushana aanay u joojin iyaga oo ku dhawaaqaya Xaq ayaanu u leenahay in aanu gealno xaruntayada Cid noo diidi kartaa ma jirto iyo Ereyo Kale. Ciidamo fara badan hogaaminayaana dhamaan Hogaanada Booliska ayaa wata Ciidamadan oo isku dayaya in ay xoog ku kala dareeriyaan Taageerayaasha XIsbiga UCID ee saaka Barqadii yimi Xarunta Dhexe ee Xisbiga. Waxa laga cabsi qabaa in mudaharaadku sii balaadho hadii atan si dhakhso wax looga qaban xiisada hada taagan, iyadoo aanay ilaa hada muuqan wax talaabo ah oo ay Xukuumaddu ka qaaday dhinacyada ku loolamaya awooda Xisbiga UCID , inkasta oo Waliba ay muuqato in ay la safan tahay Xukuumadu Garabka Inqilaabka ku kacay. Kala Soco Faahfaahinta wararkan Shabakadda ToggaHerer