Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. US keeps Iran, Syria, Sudan, Cuba on terror blacklist AFP – Thu, Aug 18, 2011... General view of a Havana's street with the Capitolio (former Congress) on the background … The United States retained Iran and its ally Syria as well as Sudan and Cuba on a list of alleged state sponsors of terrorism Thursday, after blacklisting the countries the previous year. In an annual report, the State Department said "Iran remained the most active state sponsor of terrorism in 2010," citing "financial, material and logistic support" for militant groups in the Middle East and Central Asia. It said Iran backed Palestinian groups Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, along with Lebanon's Hezbollah, the Taliban in Afghanistan and Iraqi Shiite Muslim militant groups. The State Department said its support for such groups "had a direct impact on international efforts to promote peace, threatened economic stability in the Gulf, and undermined the growth of democracy." Iran was first designated a state sponsor of terror in 1984. Allied with Iran, Syria was also kept on the list for supporting the same Palestinian militant groups and Lebanon's Hezbollah. It was first designated a state sponsor of terror in 1974 In justifying its move, the State Department noted the external leadership for the Palestinian groups were based in Damascus and operated within Syria. Damascus is also home to Sunni Muslims affiliated with the Baath Party of late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. "Iraqi Baathists continued to congregate in the Syrian capital and some of them call for violence against the Iraqi government, Iraqi civilian targets and American and coalition forces within Iraq," it said. It also stressed that Al-Rai television, owned by Iraqi politician Mishan al-Juburi, a Baathist, broadcasts from a suburban Damascus location "transmitted violent messages in support of terrorism in Iraq throughout the year." Sudan, which was designated a state sponsor of terror in 1993, remained on the blacklist even though the State Department acknowledged it was "a cooperative partner in global counter-terrorism efforts" against Al-Qaeda last year. However, it said Al-Qaeda-inspired extremists and others remained in Sudan "as gaps remained in the Sudanese government's knowledge of and ability to identify and capture" them and stop them from smuggling goods through the country. Some Iraqi insurgents are also living in Sudan and "may be in a position to use their expertise to conduct attacks within Sudan or to pass on their knowledge," the State Department added. First designated a state sponsor of terror in 1982, Cuba was kept on the list again. The State Department said there "was no evidence" that the communist island "had severed ties with elements from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)," despite its public stance against terror and terror financing. It pointed to reports that current and former members of the Basque separatist group ETA live in Cuba. The Country Reports on Terrorism was published late, more than three months after its April 30 due date, at which time US law requires the secretary of state to provide Congress a full report about countries and groups deemed to be implicated in terrorism.
  2. Taleexi odayashan maxaad u colaadinaysa mise Puntlander baad ahayd awal lol
  3. aal dhex Maray laba Beelood oo dhimasho iyo dhaawac keenay Shan qof ayaa ku dhimatay lix kalena waa ay ku dhaawacmeen dagaal ka dhacay galabta deegaan u dhexeeya Taleex iyo halka lagu magacaabo Xamur. Beelahaan ayaa dagaalkoodu waxaa uu ka bilaamay dhul beereed ku yaal deegaankaas, murankan u dhaxeeya labda beelood ayaa markii danbe isu bedalay gacan hadal hubeysan. Dowlada Puntland ayaa lagu soo waramayaa inay ciidamo deegaankaasi u dirtay balse inta aysan gaarin dhulkaasi uu halkaa dagaalku ka dhex qarxay labada beelood. Beelaha halkaa ku dagaalamay ayaa kal ah Beesha Ciise Maxamuud iyo Beesha ********, waxaana haatan lagu jiraa sidii loo dajin lahaa xaalada looguna dhamayn lahaa wadahadal dhibka halkaa ka dhacay. Maahan markii ugu horaysay oo uu dagaal ka bilaabmo isku qabsi dhulbeereed ama dhul laga qodo baraago waxaana arintaa ay noqatay mid in badan soo noq noqota oo uu dhiig badan ku daato.
  4. Abtigis don't confuse Johnys Ethnicity with his nationality he is Kenyan but his Ethnicity is Somalilandish.I believe he would have been a good candidate but better luck next time,,We wish Yusuf all the luck he can get in his Job
  5. Lool it would have unified the Somali voice if Yusuf did not run and at the same time reer midnimo diid supported him Abtigis himself is dividing the Somali speaking Kenyans into Ethnic Somalilanders and those who are not Ethnic Somalilanders
  6. Somaliland says PetroTrans to extend Berbera port Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:48pm GMT HARGEISA (Reuters) - PetroTrans, a Chinese petroleum firm, will carry out extension works to Somaliland's Berbera port, after it signed a deal with the government of the breakaway enclave of Somalia, the foreign minister of Somaliland said on Saturday. The Horn of Africa has been attracting increased investments in the area of exploration by foreign oil firms, due to its proximity to east Africa, where oil has been discovered in Uganda and natural gas found in Tanzania. "Redevelopment of Berbera Port to make it a gateway to East Africa is the major project of the framework of an agreement signed by the government of Somaliland and PetroTrans Company," Mohamed Abdillahi Omer told Reuters. "The agreement has not been finalised as financial and technical details will be finalised in the next few weeks." In addition to extension of the port, other projects will be carried out under the terms of the deal that was signed when the Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo visited China last week. They include laying pipelines for natural gas and fuel to Ethiopia. A refinery will also be built at the port, as well as a road linking Berbera to Wajale, a town on the Ethiopia-Somaliland border. PetroTrans has signed a separate agreement with the Ethiopians. Somaliland, which has been contributing to the fight against piracy off the Somali coast, hopes the deal will create thousands of jobs, raise its profile and attract more investments into the region. It declared independence from Somalia in 1991.
  7. Ciidamada Qaranka Oo Adkeeyay amniga Degmada Taleex Ciidamada Qaranka Oo Adkeeyay amniga Degmada Taleex August 20th, 2011 Hargeysa(Somaliland.Org)- Abaanduulaha Ciidanka Qaranka ee qaybta 81aad oo ka tirsan Taliska 12aad ee ciidamada qaranka Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Axmed Muuse ayaa shalay ka hadlay qorshayaasha Ciidan ee magaalada Taleex iyo deegaanada hoos yimaada ee gobolka Sool. Abaanduulaha ayaa si weyn uga hadlay, islamarkaana fariin ugu gudbiyay Ciidanku waxyaabaha looga baahan yahay inay wax ka qabtaan, mar ay Ciidanku sameeyeen hawlgalo ku wajahan sugida amniga iyo sidii ay uga shaqayn lahaayeen guud ahaanba adkaynta nabadgalyada, inaanay mar labaad Ciidan beeleedka maamulka ******teeniya aanay ku soo xad-gudbin deegaanada Gobolka Sool. Waxaana uu abaanduuluhu u jeediyay Ciidanka, islamarkaana uu kula dardaarmay sidii ay Ciidanku u adkayn lahaayeen Goobta ay dageen ee qalcada muhiimka ah ee ay deganaan jireen Ciidamadii Daraawiishtu, islamarkaana looga baahan yahay inay ka shaqeeyaan nabadgalyada iyo sidii ay uga hortagi lahaayeen cidkasta oo cadow ku ah jiritaanka iyo qaranimada Jamhuuruiyada Somaliland. Dhinaca kale maayarka degmada Taleex Faarax Cali Ibraahin ayaa ka hadlay baahiyaha aasaasiga ah ee dhinaca horumarinta deegaanka degmada Xudun, oo uu sheegay in loo baahan yahay in wax laga qabto oo ay ka mid yihiin dhinaca waddooyinka soo gala degmada oo uu sheegay inay aad u liitaan Maayarku waxa uu intaa ku daray, degmada xudun oo ku fadhida dhul baaxad balaadhan oo gaadhaya 160Km oo isku wareeg ah, islamarkaana ka mid ahayd degmooyinkii jiray ilaa xilligii dawladii burburtay ee Somalia iyo xukuumadihii kala dabeeyay ee soo maray Somaliland, ayaa waxa uu sheegay inaanay waxba ka qaban dhinacyada horumarinta ee adeegyada bulshad, isaga oo xusay in aanay degmadu helin saamigii ay xaqa u lahayd inay hesho ee 2%-ka ahaa u qorshaysan guud ahaanba loogu talo galay horumarinta gobolka Sool, taas oo uu tilmaamay in haddii degmada xudun ay heli lahayd ay wax weyn ka tari lahayd dhinacyada adeega bulshada. Maayarku waxa kale oo uu sheegay in garoonkii Kubada ay dhalintu ku ciyaari jireen uu u baahan yahay in wax laga qabto xaga agabka iyo adeegyadii garoonka oo dibu hagaajin u baahan.
  8. President maxamad abdi gaboose sounds great for the future habashi boy dr gaboose doesent take crap from woyanes he is his own man. But its up to the people of somaliland
  9. Lool Isias is a dictator and melez was democratically elected
  10. Somalia needs food and medicine it does not need fancy visits geeke visited mogadisho but somalia needs it fast and now
  11. Ahahahaa nimankinan waxad tihin rag itaxaan xaajigaad rabta inad suuqa ka so xidhan waan idin la socda . Ma sheegin inan slaan leeyahay waxan sheegey uun nin naag waayeey wa nin naxariis waayey
  12. Che anigu aroos ma sheegin mala adiga day day ah oo xabad yaro kurus ah raadinaya che ma weyday mid boston sambuuso kugu sameysa.
  13. Che afurka iyo shaah karista iyo guurka maxa iska galay lol i just said dunida kasa ugu liita
  14. Lets play a game called dunida waxa ugu liita every one has to mention what he thinks of dunida waxa ugu liita and the next person hadalka qofka ka horeya bu ka si ambo qaadaya I will start dunida waxa ugu liita nin kaligi afura oo waayeey xaajiyad sambuusa iyo shaaha u sameysa
  15. A khadar abti ma sidasad ii colaadineysa Loool Bisha ramadan lol
  16. Yes they are ethnic somalilanders they share the same dhalasho with the rest of somaliland
  17. Post when i am using my pc . I cant reply but using my bb i can post what the hell is that are they still fixing the forum?
  18. Zack i made one topic about him not multiple threads and he was close winning though
  19. Qaar ka mid odayaasha waxgaradka Degmada Taleex oo ka hadlay inay ka tirsan yihiin Maamulka Somaliland * * * *Posted to the web on Aug 19 qaar ka mid ah Odayaasha iyo waxgaradka Degmada Taleex ayaa si cad uga hadlay inaysan ku qanacasanayn maamulka Puntland hawl galada ay ka wadaan deegaanka Taleex waxayna shir ay ku qabteen magaalada Taleex ay sheegeen in Hay,add dhawaan maamulka Puntland keenay Deegaankaas ay waxyaabo kale waday isla markaana aysan ogolaan dooniin. Odayaashan ayaa sidoo kale ka codsaday In maamulka somaliland uu saami deegaankaas si huan u soo bixiyo lana shaqayn doonaan maamulka, Halkan Ka daawo warbixin Muuqaal ah oo laga diyaariyay
  20. Waryaa zack i was just pointing out his ethnicity nothing else you do know kenya is a multi ethnic country
  21. HARGEISA(SomalilandPress)– Somaliland’s interior Minister Dr.Mohamed Abdi Gaboose has resigned this evening to concentrate on running his own party. The Minister held a press conference this evening in the capital city where he declared his resignation and his intention on forming his own party. Dr. Gaboose’s resignation comes just as the president Ahmed Siilanyo was returning back from China where he signed a trilateral agreement between Somaliland, China and Ethiopia. The government has not spoken about the resignation of the interior minister as of yet, however source close to SomalilandPress have confirmed that the president will accept the minister’s resignation. Source:SomalilandPress ?