Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Faarmaajo said the same somaliland baan biyo riig u qodaya ilaa isaga biyo sun ah la siiyey Cabdi cawar isha kalana walaga tuuraya
  2. Bangi Caalami Laga Leeyahay Dalka Switzerland oo ku Dhawaaqay inuu Laan ka Furanayo Somaliland Tue 27th Sep,2011 Hargeysa (Jam)- Bangi caalami ah oo laga leeyahay dalka Switzerland ee qaaradda Yurub oo magaciisa la yidhaa Swiss Financial Bank, ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in laan ka mid ah bangigaas ka furanayo caasimadda Somaliland ee Hargeysa. Bangigan oo ah mid ganacsi, kana shaqeeya dalal badan oo dunida ka mid ah, ayaa masuul ka tirsan oo qiimayn u yimi Somaliland waxa uu ku dhawaaqay in bangigoodu laan ka furto Somaliland, taas oo noqon doonta mid lahaanshaheedu ka dhexeeyo Somaliland iyo bangiga, isla markaana 60% ka mid ah ay shacabka Somaliland yeelan doonaan, halka 40% kalena bangigu yeelan doono. Xaflad lagaga dhawaaqay qaybta cusub ee bangiga Swiss Financial ka furanayo dalka oo shalay lagu qabtay huteelka Maansoor ee magaalada Hargeysa, waxa ka qaybgalay Guddoomiyaha Baanka Somaliland, Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Ganacsiga, Guddoomiyaha Rugta Ganacsiga Jabuuti, Agaasimaha Baanka Swiss Financial qaybtiisa Jabuuti iyo qaar ka mid ah ganacsatada waaweyn ee reer Somaliland. Agaasimaha laanta baanka Swiss Financial ee dalka Jabuuti Mr. Pierre Marazzato oo ah masuulka qiimaynta dalka u yimi, ayaa hadal uu xafladdaas ka jeediyey waxa uu ku yidhi; “Waxaannu doonaynaa in aannu Somaliland ka samayno laan ka mid ah baanka oo laga wadaqaybgalo, kaas oo shacabka Somaliland yeelan doonaan 60%, iyadoo 40% kalena uu yeelanayo Swiss Bank, taas oo ah nidaam bangiyeed cusub, maxaa yeelay idinka ayaa dalka ku dhashay oo wax badan ka og, laakiin annagu farsamadii ayaanu haynaa.” Mr. Marazzato waxa uu sheegay inay ka dhursugayaan inta laga ansixinayo xeerka baananka ee Somaliland oo wakhtigan horyaal Golaha Wakiillada, markaa kadibna ay si degdeg ah shaqadooda u bilaabi doonaan, “Laakiin waa marka la ansixiyo xeerka baananka, waxase aannu hadda furaynaa xafiis, waxaannu doonaynaa in aannu samayno adeegyo muhiim ah si degdeg ah u shaqeeya,” ayuu yidhi Mr. Marazzato. Guddoomiyaha Baanka Somaliland Md. Cabdi Dirir Cabdi, ayaa ka hadlay faa’iidada ay leeyihiin bangiyada ganacsiga oo uu xusay inay kobciyaan dhaqaalaha, sidaa daraadeedna Somaliland aad ugu baahan tahay. “Annagu waanu soo dhawaynaynaa bangiyada doonaya inay Somaliland qaybo ka furtaan, iyadoo aannu doonayno in aannu furno oggolaanshaha baananka marka xeerka baananka ee horyaal Baarlamanka la ansixiyo, waayo waa wax aan laga maarmi karin si dhaqaalaha dalku u kobco, iminka dhawr baan ayaa naga codsaday, laakiin waxa oggolaanshahoodu ku xidhan yahay ansixinta xeerka,” ayuu yidhi Guddoomiyuhu, waxaannu intaa raaciyey, “Qoladanina waa baan caalami ah oo aynu u baahanahay oo ah war wanaagsan, weliba waxay iyagu dheer yihiin baananka kale waxay oggolan yihiin in muwaadiniinta waddanku ka qaybqaataan oo sheerar ku yeeshaan oo ay macaashka la yeeshaan.” Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Ganacsiga Cabdillaahi Axmed Cabdi oo xafladaasi ka hadlay, ayaa sheegay inay soo dhawaynayaan baankan cusub oo noqon doona mid wax ka qabta cabasho badan oo ganacsatada dalku qabeen, isagoo ganacsatadana ugu baaqay inay ka qaybgalaan. “Wax badani waxay inagaga xidhan yihiin xeerka baananka, tusaale ahaan baananka ma xeerkeena ayeynu ku kala baxaynaa mise caalamiga ah waxaasi waxay ku imanayaan xeerkaas dhammayntiisa, ganacsato ahaana inaad wax la gashaan ayey idinka doonayaan ee ku talogala,” ayuu yidhi Mr. Cabdillaahi Kubado. Guddoomiyaha Rugta Ganacsiga Jabuuti Mr. Siciid Cumar Muuse oo isna xafladdaa ka hadlay, ayaa sheegay in baankan ay leeyihiin dad maalgelin sameeya oo reer Switzerland ah, kuwaas oo baankii u horreeyey ka furtay Jabuuti, “Bangiga Jabuuti waxay geliyeen 51% ay maalgashadayaasha reer Switzerland leeyihiin, 25% waxa lahaa Baanka dhexe ee Yurub, halka 24% reer Jabuuti ku darsadeen, markaa waxay baananka kale oo dad leeyihiin kaga duwan yihiin maalgelintu waxay toos uga imanaysaa Switzerland, qaybna waxay siiyaan muwaadiniinta dalka ay ka furanayaan,” ayuu yidhi Guddoomiyaha Rugta Ganacsiga Jabuuti. Waxa kale oo madashaasi ka hadlay qaar ka mid ah ganacsatada waaweyn ee reer Somaliland ee ka qaybgalay xafladda, kuwaas oo ay ka mid yihiin Xaaji Axmed Daahir (Baxsane), Maxamed Cali oo ah maamulaha guud ee shirkadda Oomaar iyo Suldaan Cali oo ka mid ah aqoonyahanka dhinaca baananka, waxaanay dhammaantood soo dhaweeyeen bangigan cusub, iyagoo sidoo kalena halkaa su’aalo la xidhiidha qorshayaasha shaqo ee baanka ku waydiiyey masuulka Swiss Financail Bank.
  3. Somaliland: SF Swiss Financial Bank Investment set to open branch in Somaliland HARGEISA (SomalilandPress)—Swiss Financial Bank the owners of Banque De Depot Eet De Credit Djibouti (BDCD) today annouced their intention of opening a Somaliland co-shared bank in the country. Their current branch in Djibouti offers range of products and diverse services from agriculture credit to Islamic Savings banking account. Speaking to Somalilandpress.com/SDWO.com at a meeting held in Hargeisa, Pierre Marazzato the Managing Director and Sales manager of SF Swiss Financial Bank said “we intend on opening a branch of our bank in somaliland where by Somaliland citizens will own 60% and 40% owned by SF Swiss Financial Bank”. Mr. Marazzato went on to say that Somaliland citizens should get the higher percent because there are the owners of the country and should benefit from this partnership. Pierre marazzato concluded by saying once legislators pass the new banking law, we will be the first to open a branch in Somaliland. This news is seen as a judgment to Somaliland’s democratization and development thus will connect the unrecognized country to the global market. Speaking after Mr. Marazzato was Somalialnd Banking Director Mr. Abdi Dirir Abdi who said the country urgently needs international banking sector because that will help the development of the country and bring in new investors into the country. Another guest speaker at the event was Djibouti Minister of Commerce Mr. Abdillahi Ahmed Abdi who spoke about his country’s experience with SF Swiss Financial Bank and how 51% of Banque De Depot Credit Djibouti is owned his country and the rest SF Swiss Financial Bank. Few of the country’s top businessmen were also in attendance from Haji Ahmed Dahir (Baxsane), Mohamed Ali managing director of Omaar Trading and Suldan Ali Koshin traditional leader and scholar of Banking and graduate of Georgetown University in the USA.
  4. Well done khaatumo shir si fiican bu socda qaban qabadisa
  5. Nuunow maxa ku jaban hadu maxamad iyo xaaskisa iyo tiiisa yar inay madaxweynaha jamhuuriyada la kulman. Wa arin aad u qurux badan rudy and his lame jokes shan dhako ku yeh ma shan somali baad ka wada oo dhako ba ay tahay dal
  6. Kenya PM says under pressure to close Somali border Sunday, September 25, 2011 Kenya's prime minister said Saturday he was under mounting pressure to close the border with Somalia as he joined other African leaders pleading for help to counter a spreading famine. With tens of thousands already dead and a camp in Kenya now housing 500,000 famine refugees, Prime Minister Raila Odinga said the United Nations should set up camps inside Somalia. Odinga and leaders from Somalia, Djibouti and Ethiopia pushed for greater international action at a UN summit on the crisis as the World Bank near quadrupled aid to the Horn of Africa countries to $1.9 billion from $500 million. The United Nations estimates that 750,000 people are at risk of death from starvation and that 13 million need urgent help. The Dadaab camp in Kenya has become the world's biggest refugee complex because of the famine crisis with thousands arriving each week. Kenya has "a problem" with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) over the location and cost of camps, Odinga said at the launch of a charter to avoid hunger before summit. "We don't share their argument," he said. "There have been a lot of pressures on us to close the border. But as a government we cannot close the border because that would mean condemning innocent people to death." Many refugees are fleeing areas of Somalia under the control of Shebab Islamist insurgents who have restricted access to the UN and private aid groups. Odinga said however that there are growing problems getting water and fuel for Dabaab which was designed to house 90,000 people. "We are calling for much stronger collaboration among the international community to deal with this, so that we can create another zone within Somalia and put up tents and camps there." He said the international community should send supplies "so that people can be fed in Somalia so that they don't have to cross the border to come into Kenya." But UN Humanitarian Coordinator Valerie Amos said the United Nations opposed opening camps in Somalia. "Kenya has been very generous in terms of hosting refugees from Somalia since 1991," she said. UN agencies were seeking to increase the number of people getting food and healthcare in Somalia, but Amos said the UN was "not in favour" of camps on the Somali side of the border. Somalia's Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali told the UN summit that another 500,000 people have fled to the capital Mogadishu, where government forces and African Union troops have taken control of most zones from Shebab fighters. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said the "crisis grows deeper by the day" across the Horn of Africa as he appealed for greater international financial assistance. He said $750 million dollars would be needed to provide food and medicine this year and even more next year. The World Bank said its extra finance would be spread over three years with $288 million in "rapid response" funds to be given between now and next June. Bob Geldof, the rock singer who organized the Live Aid concerts to raise funds for Africa in 1985, also appeared at the "Charter To End Extreme Hunger" and said the western world was allowing a "grotesque horror" in the Horn of Africa. "It is bewildering for me to be talking like this 25 years later," Geldof said at the ceremony where the Kenyan prime minister became the first government leader to sign the charter drawn up by a group of aid agencies. "There seems to be a perfect storm of social challenges confronting us ... ones that we appear to be incapable of dealing with," Geldof said, blasting "a chronic lack of leadership by the governments of the world."
  7. Garan wayney waxa udubland lugu diidanyahay miyanay Somali ahayn Miyanay ahayn dad raba inay ayahooda ka tashadan
  8. Somaliland Delegation Deliver Aid to Famine Hit People in Mogadishu Posted on 25/09/2011 Mogadishu — A Somaliland delegation led by prominent poet has arrived in Mogadishu to deliver aid to famine stricken families in conflict torn capital on Saturday. Members of Benadir regional administration led by Mogadishu mayor Mohamed Ahmed Nur Tarzan, some of Somali MPs and famous singers have warmly and cordially welcome the Somaliland delegation at Mogadishu international airport. The Mogadishu mayor said that he was very pleased to see and welcome the Somalilanders spearheaded by Somalia’s well-known poet Mohamed Warsame Hadrawi, thanking for their visit to Mogadishu and their sympathy with their starving brothers and sisters in Somalia. Speaking to the media, the famous poet Hadrawi said that he was very happy in visiting Mogadishu to help famine victims. The spokesman of Somaliland delegation Mohamed Shukri Jama said that Somaliland people have sent 13.5 tonnes of food aid destined to assist the famine displaced people in the capital.
  9. Che -Guevara;747811 wrote: "goorma ayay Somalia na deeqsi noqonaysaa." Markaad buluuga hoos timaadid like every good Somali should. So every Somali should be under bluug and if he does not he is bad?
  10. Somaliland: Egypt to open diplomatic office in Hargeisa Posted on 23/09/2011 Hargeisa (JSLTimes)-Secretary for foreign affairs Mr. Mohamed-Rashid Sh. Hasan told that the new Egyptian government is about to open diplomatic office recently in Somaliland’s capital of Hargeisa after Somaliland managed to establish close ties with it. Mr. Mohamed Rashid speaking to some of the press told that the current administration led by the incumbent president Ahmed Siilaanyo launched a diplomatic leverage in persuading the Arab countries to have close bilateral ties a move that will improve relation between Somaliland and Egypt. He added that Somaliland embarked on an effort in setting up diplomatic relations including Egypt and Tunis in which there was an uprising that brought about overthrowing their military regimes by groundswell. Mr. Mohamed further added that establishing close cooperation with Arab countries is a top priority for this administration led by President Ahmed Siilaanyo. The secretary called upon all Somaliland expatriates living in the Arab world to provide any assistance and help when it comes to the long standing quest of recognition from the international community. Egypt is going to be the second country that will have a diplomatic office in Hargeisa. Ethiopia was the first in setting up office in Somaliland’s capital of Hargeisa.
  11. Maalinti hore it was north and west hargeysa and today it was south and east hargeysa.
  12. There will be elections with in the party he was the chairman of udub and the presidential Candidate for udub 2010. He will go down in history as the president who organized 3 democratic elections In Somaliland they call him aabihi Dimuqriyadiyada
  13. Somalina;747686 wrote: Who are those people? are you referring to the 100 that were waving the SL flag in the video? The people who inhabit the regions of udubland
  14. A_Khadar;747685 wrote: Why did think udubland was Fasal waraabi's? Maxaad tidhi abti faisal ah?
  15. ^^ Awoow Maxkamada qalad baad ka fahantay Maxkamadu waxa looga yeedha dambilayasha dadka wax dhaca dadka loogu tuhunsanyahay inay fallal ku kaceen sharciga jabiya Maha Maxkamadihi ay fureen jireen Sharif Muuday bairigu Khamiska xidhna , Maxkamada waxa jooga Niman Xeer ilaaliyaal Xaakin guud xaakin sare, Maha Maxkmadi xafadaha gaarka laga furan jiray oo la odhan jiray ala wa yarti Somalina warkeeda hore u gudbiya xaajigu na meel fog bu ka yimi wala socda talaabo kasto oo la qaado. Miyanan ku odhan aniga sidi Akhryaalul Sharaf ba la iso dhaweynaya wala yaqaana Xaajiga Ciyaar mood.
  16. The people of udubland have the exact same rights as the rest of the people of Somalia and the right to self rule
  17. Gaw bal hanjabaada inta leeg eega ma mooda Mid Ciidan dhan oo guutooyin Hoysa i will go to Xamar hadu ilahay yidha with my bakooraad and my Kaki Suit wearing black sun glasses , Gaadhi VIP oo madow with tinted black windows oo xabadu karin ba la iga so doonaya Adan cade international airport baad sheegeysa Xamar oo dhan baa saacab iyo gacmo furan igu so dhaweneysa sidi erdogan oo kale dee yaaa maxaad yaad moodaysa xaaajiga soo saraakishi Somaliyeed maha.Kolkasan Gacanta Midig kor u tagayaa oo aan Salamaya Reer Muqdisho Salaama Salaama iga daawo maalintaas Hiiraanonline universal tv , iyo tviga Somalia HCTV it will be headline news meel ku qoro.
  18. Che Guevara in Somalia visit http://www.udubland.com/ for more info
  19. Madaxweynaha M/G Udubland state oo gaaray magalada stockhlom ee wadanka sweden Wednesday, 21 September 2011 15:36 | Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboleedka Udubland state mr ibraahim C/laahi cadow oo horkacaya wafdi balaaran oo gaaray magala madaxda stockhlom ee wadanka swedan madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa si rasmi ah ugu soo dhaweeyey gagida dayuuradaha masuuliyiin ka tirsan dowalada swediska iyo jaaliyada udubland ee wadanka swedan . madaxweynaha ayaa hada wuxuu si toos ah u guda gelay kulumo uu la qaadanaayo dhinaca masuuliyinta dowlada iswedan ayadoo lafilaayo in si doo kalle uu kulamo uu la yeesho dhamaan jaaliyadaha somalida gaar ahaan jaliyada reer udubland ee ku nool wadanka swedan , safarka madaxweynaha ayaa imanaya kadib casuumaad uu ka helay masuuliyiinta swdhishka, booqashada ayaa waxay noqoneysa booqashadii labaad Ee uu ku tago wadankaasi tan iyo markii xilka madaxweynanimada loo doortay , wararka ayaa shegaya in madaxweynaha markay u dhamaato booqashadaan wadanka swedan uu u kicitimidoono wadamo kalle oo reer yurub ah ,