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Somaliland: Hargeisa University graduates five hundred thirty eight students Posted on 02/10/2011 Hargeisa University graduated 538 students with degrees on Sunday October 2, 2011. The graduated students were trained in ICT, Business, Economics, Law, Islamic Studies, Medicine, Statistics and Science. Somaliland president Ahmed Siilaanyo attends the graduating ceremony held in Hargeisa University’s main Campus. The graduating ceremony was also attended by ministers, MP’s, chairpersons of UCID, UDUB , Kulmiye, Parents, politicians, intellectuals, scholars, students and other guests. The president of the university Mr. Mousa Adan Ahmed on the occasion said that the university is playing a vital role when it comes to the socio-economic development. He also indebted to the graduating students, parents and the honorable guests invited to attend the graduating ceremony. Mr. Mousa urged the graduating students to contribute their for the economic growth of the country. Somaliland minister of education Ms. Samsam Abdi Adan speaking at the ceremony said that Hargeisa University is not provincial university and no one can claim its ownership but it is a national university. Somaliland president speaking at the occasion thanked all graduating students, university staff and parents as well. He told that he is committed in supporting the university when it comes to the development. However, this the greatest number that graduated from the university compared to previous ones. There were one hundred fifty female students while three hundred eighty eight were male students.
Woqoyi galbeed wa halkee maba aqaan eh anigu i believe wax laba basaboor loo sita waxba ma so kordhineyso nin waliba meeshisa ha ku eekaado
Interesting Meeting in Hargeisa - AT Was There So they said
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
looool -
i am against dual citizenship
Amin Amir makes fun of Sh. Hotel for the 3rd time in a week
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to The Zack's topic in Politics
Zack has a point there if the TFG is based on the Qabil than the power sharing Golaha deegaanka gobolka banadir should be based on Qabil all the indigenous inhabitants should get their fair share. -
Amin Amir makes fun of Sh. Hotel for the 3rd time in a week
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to The Zack's topic in Politics
Zack Adan Cabdulla Cismaan was not Tupac Shukuur or nate dog or something he was a Muslim Somali leader say ilahay ha u naxariisto instead of rip -
Somaliland: President sets foundation memorial monument at SNM’s base in Baligubadle Posted on 01/10/2011 in Latest Headlines Hargeisa (JSLTimes)-Somaliland president Ahmed Siilaanyo sets the foundation of new memorial monument at SNM’s base in Baligubadle today. The president leading a large delegation and accompanied by State minister for presidency, interior minister, justice minister, police Commander, the general director of ministry of livestock husbandry, Somaliland MP’s, Kulmiye chairman and other senior officials from the presidential office. Somaliland president made a short speech at the ceremony where he laid the foundation of a memorial monument that will be built in Baligubadle in commemoration of SNM’s war veterans. The president told that Baligubadle is a symbol of Somaliland’s historic war struggle of Somaliland emancipation. He further said that he is committed to fulfill the presidential campaign promises that he made to Baligubadle community. He added that having his government in power for short period of time, but materialized and implemented many projects and he called upon the community to work hard and do something about the needs of the district. On the other hand, the interior minister Mr. Mohamud Nuur Caraale widely known as ‘Duur’ spoke at the ceremony and he said that the Somaliland president is doing all he can to do something for his country and people. The president left for Salahley on his second leg of his trip to that regions and addresses the people of Salahley who came out to receive their president and listen what he was about to say. First, the president thanked the people of Salahley for the warm reception and hospitality that they provided him. Second, he told that he is committed to carry out his campaign promises that he made for the people in this district. He called on the people to work and unite and the government will support. Finally, the president’s delegation is heading to Hargeisa, Somaliland’s capital.
Bali-gubadle: Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Oo Dhagax dhigay Taallo weyn oo lagu xusayo halgankii SNM October 1st, 2011 Madaxweyne Madaxweynaha Somaliland Oo Soo Dhaweyntii Ugu Balaadhnayd kala kulmay Dadweynaha Magaalada Baligubadle Hargeysa(Somaliland.Org)- Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa maanta socdaal shaqo ku tagay Magaalada Bali-gubadle ee xarunta Gobolka Hawd, halkaasi oo uu dhagax dhigay dhismaha taallo weyn oo lagu maamuusayo xaruntii Ururka SNM ee magaalada Bali-gubadle. Kumanaan qof oo ka mid ah dadweynaha ku dhaqan deegaamada Gobolka Hawd, ayaa maanta si weyn u soo dhaweeyay waxaanay xidhiidhsanaayeen dadweynuhu Gumburaha Banka illaa xarunta gobolka Hawd ee magaalada Bali-gubadle, madaxweynaha Somaliland iyo wefti balaadhan oo uu Hoggaaminayay oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Wasiirrada Wasaaradaha Madaxtooyada Md. Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan, Arrimaha Gudaha Md. Maxamed Nuur Caraalle (Duur), Cadaallada Md. Xuseen Axmed Caydiid iyo Gudoomiyaha xisbiga tallada haya ee KULMIYE Md. Muuse Biixi Cabdi iyo Xildhibaano ka tirsan Goleyaasha Baarlamaanka. Madaxweynaha Somaliland waxa uu si weyn ugu mahad celiyay dadweynaha ku dhaqan magaalada Bali-gubadle oo uu sheegay inay xusuus gaar ah ku leeyihiin waxaanu tafaasiil ka bixiyay doorkii ay halgankii dib u xoraynta kaga jirtay magaaladaas iyo dadkeeduba. Madaxweynuhu waxa uu sheegay in taalladan ay uga dan leeyihiin inay xusuus u noqoto mujaahidiintii naftooda sadqeeyay xorayntii dalka, waxaanay ILAAHAY uga baryay dhammaan mujaahidiintii u shiiday qaranimada Somaliland inuu u naxariisto. Md. Axmed Siilaanyo waxa uu sheegay inuu fulin doono balan-qaadkii uu sameeyay xiligii lagu jiray doorashadii kal hore ka dhacday dalka waxaanu ummadda reer Somaliland ka dalbaday inay samir u yeeshaan inta xukuumaddu ay fulinayso balanqaadkeedii, Dhinaca kale, Wasiirka wasaarada Arrimaha Gudaha Somaliland Md. Maxamed Nuur Carraalle (Duur), oo ka hadlay xafladii dhagax dhiga taalladii Halganka ayaa ka waramay taariikhda magaalada Baligubadle iyo doorkii balaadhnaa ee ay ku lahayd halgankii. Wasiirku waxa uu sheegay in madaxweyne Siilaanyo ay awooda saarayo sidii uu uga midho dhalin lahaa natiijadii halgankii dib u xoraynta dalka oo uu u halgamayo sidii Somaliland ay u noqon lahayd qaran madax banaan oo caalamka ka mid ah. Dhinaca kale, waxa Madaxweynaha Somaliland galabta uu u soo kicitimay degmada Salaxlay ee gobolka Hargeysa halkaasi oo iyadana si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyay isla markaana uu khudbad ka jeediyay.
War Deg Deg Ah: Madaxweyanah Somaliland Oo Gaadhay Gobolka Hawd, Gaar Ahaan Magaalo Madaxdiisa Bali Gubadle Madaxweynaha ayaa Hogaaminaya Wafti isugu jiraa wasiiro iyo Masuuliyiin kale Bali Gubadle (GNS) Madaxweynaha Somaliland Mudane Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa goor dhoweyd gaadhay Magaaladda Bali Gubadle ee Xarunta Gobolka Hawd, ka dib Markii uu saaka Ka Baqoolay Caasimadda Somaliland ee Hargeysa. Madaxweynaha ayaa Hogaaminaya Wafti isugu jiraa wasiiro iyo Masuuliyiin kale, waxana Magaaladda Bali Gubadle ku soo dhaweeyay Boqolaal qof oo ka mid ah Shacab Weynaha Magaladaas, Mauuliyiin isugu jirra Heer Gobol iyo Heer Degmo. Dadkan madaxweynaha Soo Dhaweeyay Ayaa ku Dhawaaqayay Haddalo Muujinaya Taageeradda ay u hayaan Madaxweynaha, waxana ay Siteen Caleemo Qoyan iyo Calanka Somaliland. Safarka Madaxweynah ayaan la ogayn Waxyaabaha dhaliyay, waxana la filayaa in uu madaxweynuhu u kuur galin doono Xaqiiqada dhabta ah ee ka jirta Gobolkaasi, waxana uu noqonayaa Safarkii ugu Horeeyay tan iyo intii uu noqday Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo uu ku tago gobolka Hawd. Safarklan uu madaxweynuhu ku tagay gobolka Hawd ayaa ah kii Afaard ee uu ku tago Gobol ka mid ah Somaliland, Madaxweyne Siilaanyo ayaa horre Safar ugu kicitimay Goboladda Saaxil, Awdal, Gabiley iyo Gobolka Hawd oo ah ka u maanta ku sugan yahay. Kala Soco Wixii war ah ee ka soo kordha shabakadda Caalamiga ah ee Gabiley News,
Anwar Al-Awlaki, Al-Qaida Cleric, killed by US
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Prometheus's topic in General
Allah ha u naxariisto -
Dagaal degmada Dhoobley ee Gobolka Jubbada hoose ku dhexmaray Xarakada Al-shabaab, Raaskambooni iyo DKMG Soomaaliya Jicmo, September 30, 2011 (HOL) —Ugu yaraan 20-qof oo dhinacyadii dagaalamay iyo dad shacab ah isugu jira ayaa ku dhintay dagaal culus oo ciidamada DKMG ah ee Soomaaliya, kuwa Raaskambooni iyo Xarakada Al-shabaab ku dhexmaray degmada Dhoobley ee gobolka Jubbada hoose, waxaana ku dhaawacmay in ku dhow 40-qof. Dagaalkan ayaa qarxay markii xoogaga Al-shabaab ay si lama filaan ah aroortii hore ee saakay u weerareen ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Raaskambooni ee gacanta ku haya degmadaas oo ku dhow xadka ay wadaagaan Soomaaliya iyo Kenya. “Hub culus iyo mid fudud ayaa la isku adeegsaday intii uu dagaalku socday, waxaana degmada qabsaday xoogaga Al-shabaab, inkastoo saacado kaddib ay isaga baxeen,” ayuu goobjooge ku sugan degmada Dhoobley khadka taleefoonka ugu sheegay Hiiraan Online. Goobjoogaha ayaa intaas ku daray inuu arkay maydad badan oo dhinacyadii dagaalamay ka tirsan oo yaalla wadooyinka markii uu dagaalku qaboobay, sidoo kalena dadka uu arkay ay ku jireen rayid ka mid ahaa dadkii degmada daganaa. Saraakiisha dhinacyada dagaalamay ayaan ka hadlin dagaalka saakay ka dhacay Dhoobaley, iyadoo aysan jirin cid hadda gacanta ku haysa degmada, waxaana dagaalkan uu imaanayaa iyadoo dagaallo khasaare badan dhaliyay ay ciidamada DKMG ah, Ahlusuna iyo Xarakada Al-shabaab ay labadii maalin ee lasoo dhaafay ku dhexmareen degmooyin ka tirsan gobolka Gedo. Qaar ka mid ah dhaawacyadii ka dhashay dagaalka ayaa la geeyay isbitaallo ku yaalla dhinaca dalka Kenya, halka kuwo kalena loosoo qaaday degmada Kismaayo oo ay gacanta ku hayso Al-shabaab. Degmada Dhoobley ayaa waxaa ka talinayay tan iyo sanadkan billowgiisii ciidammo taabacsan DKMG ah iyo kuwa Raaskambooni oo Al-shabaab kula dagaalamay magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka Jubbada hoose dhammaadkii sannadkii 2009, balse laga awood badiyay. Isgaarsiinta degmada Dhoobley ayaa la jaray intii uu dagaalku socday, waxaana degmadan ay 100-km u jirtaa deegaanka Dhadhaab oo ay ku yaalla xeryaha qoxootiga ee dunida ugu weyn kuwaasoo ay ku jiraan intooda badan dad Soomaali ah.
20 Qof Oo Ku Dhintay Dagaalo Ka Dhacay Degmada Dhoobley Ee Dalka Soomaaliya Dhoobley (Ramaas) Sept. 30, 2011-Ugu yaraan 20-qof oo dhinacyadii dagaalamay iyo dad shacab ah isugu jira ayaa ku dhintay dagaal culus oo ciidamada u daacad ah xukuumada Sheekh Shariif , kuwa Raaskambooni iyo ururka Al-shabaab ku dhexmaray degmada Dhoobley ee gobolka Jubbada hoose, waxaana ku dhaawacmay in ku dhow 40-qof. Dagaalkan ayaa qarxay markii xoogaga Al-shabaab ay si lama filaan ah aroortii hore ee saaka u weerareen ciidamada dawladda iyo kuwa Raaskambooni ee gacanta ku haya degmadaas oo ku dhow xadka ay wadaagaan dalalka Soomaaliya iyo Kenya. Saraakiisha dhinacyada dagaalamay ayaan ka hadlin dagaalka saaka ka dhacay Dhoobaley, iyadoo aanay jirin cid hadda gacanta ku haysa degmada, waxaana dagaalkan uu ku soo beegmayaa, iyada oo dagaalo khasaare badan dhaliyay ay ciidamada DKMG ah, Ahlusuna iyo Al-shabaab ay labadii maalin ee la soo dhaafay ku dhexmareen degmooyin ka tirsan gobolka Gedo. Qaar ka mid ah dhaawacyadii ka dhashay dagaalka ayaa la geeyay cisbitaalo ku yaala dhinaca dalka Kenya, halka kuwo kalena loo soo qaaday degmada Kismaayo oo ay gacanta ku hayso Al-shabaab. Degmada Dhoobley ayaa waxa ka talinayay tan iyo sanadkan billowgiisii ciidammo taabacsan xukuumada Sheekh Shariif ah iyo kuwa Raaskambooni oo Al-shabaab kula dagaalamay Magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka Jubbada hoose dhammaadkii sannadkii 2009, balse laga awood badatay. Isgaadhsiinta degmada Dhoobley ayaa la jaray intii uu dagaalku socday, waxaana degmadan ay 100-km u jirtaa deegaanka Dhadhaab oo ay ku yaala xeryaha qaxoontiga ee dunida ugu weyn kuwaasoo ay ku jiraan intooda badan dad Soomaali ah oo ku yaala dalka deriska ee Kenya.
Cali seenyo is a poetic Genius i like that the song he wrote Dadkaygu hadu tashaday maxa loo daba socda. clear message.
Netherlands embraces two-track aid for Somalia Posted on 30/09/2011 in Latest Headlines Tens of thousands of people have died as the result of severe drought in the Horn of Africa, and hundreds of thousands have been made refugees, looking for food. The international community has stepped in, but emergency aid is only a stop-gap measure. Somalia is the worst affected country.The Netherlands is doing its part to ease Somalia’s current humanitarian crisis. The bigger question is how to help the shattered country emerge from 20 years of civil war and poor governance. Dutch Deputy Minister for Development Aid Ben Knapen paid a brief visit to the Somali capital Mogadishu earlier this month (main picture), and said he would make another 10 million euros available for emergency aid. EU Envoy But he wants to do more. Mr Knapen says EU donor countries need to work together more efficiently, and is calling for an EU representative for the Horn of Africa to oversee the coordination of aid. In particular, he listed four areas where European countries could co-operate more efficiently: food aid, controlling the flow of refugees, fighting piracy and counter-terrorism. “If you add this all up it could be useful to have a special envoy for the Horn of Africa whose job is to make sure the left hand knows what the right hand is doing.” Tough Aid to Somalia is difficult and complex. Since Mohamed Siad Barre’s government fell in 1991 and the withdrawal of US forces in 1994, the international community has struggled to find a way to help the country. In 2004, the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) became the focal point of international aid. But the TFG never managed to gain legitimacy in Somalia itself, and is now caught up in a struggle with the Islamist group al-Shabaab. Even with the help of African Union soldiers, the TFG does not control much territory outside Mogadishu. So now the Netherlands has decided to embrace the so-called two-track approach to helping Somalia – continuing to provide assistance to the Transitional Federal Government, while at the same time finding ways to help local authorities. The Netherlands has already helped fund the construction of a parliament building in the autonomous region of Somaliland. Bottom up Green Left MP Arjan el-Fassed is pleased with the new approach: “The Dutch government has been investing in the transitional government. We’ve seen that it has failed miserably. And we know Somali society is made up of tribes and clans, and in such a situation the more you invest in central authority, the more you aggravate conflicts at the local level. That’s why it’s better to build up from a local level, rather than from top down.” If anything, Mr el-Fassed wants to see even more of the bottom-up approach. Not far enough A development aid worker who frequently travels in Somalia went even further (he asked to remain anonymous to protect the people he works with there). He told Radio Netherlands Worldwide that the international community should stop working with the TFG altogether. He says the TFG and the African Union forces in Mogadishu are corrupt, that infighting is rampant, and that they are committing human rights abuses. It is difficult to distribute aid in TFG-controlled territory, he continued, and foreign investors say they actually prefer doing business in regions controlled by al-Shabaab. But the Netherlands, along with the European Union, continues to support the TFG and the African Union. Deputy Minister Knapen says he is pleased that the AU forces have driven ‘the terrorists’ from Mogadishu. But in the search for a short term solution to piracy, terrorism and refugees, the Netherlands and the EU run the risk of trying to place the transitional government in the best light possible. Thereby making a long-term solution to two decades of lawlessness in Somalia even more unlikely. Source:RNW
Well said Mr Mahiga even though i do not trust the so Called UN mahiga got jokes though
Ciid nacayb laga buuxiyey ma jirto. Shacabka reer somaliland iyo shacabka somaliya way is barteen 30 sannadood ay wadan wadagayeen I don't think 300 politicians can change the will of the people , people. Cannot be forced by politicians nor can they be brainwashed do not insult our people. Lool meel loo noqda halkee lo noqonaya ma nin ba gurgisa ka tafa oo meel kala taga
A farmer who allowed one of the world's best-selling pop stars to film in his grain field told her to cover up after she stripped down for a video. Local councillor Alan Graham said he was fetching his tractor when he saw her and thought it was unacceptable. The Rude Boy star was filming a new pop video in his Bangor field. "I thought it was inappropriate. I requested them to stop and they did," he explained. "I had my conversation with Rihanna and I hope she understands where I'm coming from. We shook hands," he said. Mr Graham is a member of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), the largest political party in Northern Ireland and one which is traditionally conservative in its views. He admitted that he did not know who the 23-year-old sex symbol was when he got a phone call to ask for the use of his field in Bangor, County Down, for a pop video last week. "I didn't know who was coming. If the name 'Rihanna' had been mentioned, well, no disrespect but it wouldn't have meant anything," he explained. Rihanna, one of the most successful pop performers in the world, came to film in the alderman's Bangor grain field on Monday. She pulled up in a white caravan on the A2 dual carriageway. Traffic practically ground to a halt near Ballyrobert as drivers strained to get a glimpse of the singer and her cavalcade. But the DUP man said it was still his field and he wasn't happy with what she was doing. "From my point of view, it was my land, I have an ethos and I felt it was inappropriate. "I wish no ill will against Rihanna and her friends. Perhaps they could acquaint themselves with a greater God," he said. Hundreds of people also gathered by the roadside to watch the impromptu performance with many local school children using their camera phones to record the event for posterity. The Barbadian first came to prominence in her homeland and the United States before achieving worldwide fame with her 2007 hit, Umbrella. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-15104707
Somalia is a UN project Somalia lost it's Sovereignty when Ethiopian troops violated the Somalia borders and invaded it
Al-Shabaab targets billboard with non-Arabic scripts Al-Shabaab militants Wednesday destroyed advertisement boards with non-Arabic scripts at Eelasha Biyaha area, south of Mogadishu. The area is home to most people who fled the war in the Somali capital. The masked fighters stated that businesses in the affected area were ordered to remove English and Somali literature from their boards by 30th of the Muslim Month of Shawal, that coincides with September 28. Failure to comply with the order landed at least 12 prominent traders in al-Shabaab custody, according to residents who contacted Kulmiye, a popular broadcaster in Mogadishu. “The hostility against the merchants who resisted removing English and Somali scripts instils fear in the business community,” said a resident who wanted his identity protected for safety reasons.. The order to use Arabic only on the sign boards was given last week but appeared unpopular. Other recent unpopular measures by al-Shabaab at Eelasha Biyaha area include the removal of the Somali flag from schools and its replacement with the Islamist movement’s black banner. Meanwhile, over 100 families with scant belongings arrived in South Mogadishu on Monday. The large group settled at the former Somali National University Campus and the former Kabka factory, between the main bases of the Burundian contingent of the African Union peacekeepers. The choice was influenced by security reasons and availability of open space. Soruce:Africareview
There was some code before universal something but you changed it again so its good now