Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Che the Amiir is no longer in Xamar where have you been the past few weeks
  2. During a news conference Thursday, Somaliland Vice President Abdirahman Saylici downplayed any political significance, saying the trip is purely humanitarian.
  3. The point is this was not a massacre as the tittle of your topic says
  4. Somaliland Oo Deeq Gaadhsiinaysa Sabtida Soomaalida abaaruhu Tabaaleeyeen September 22nd, 2011 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Xukuumada Somaliland ayaa maanta shaaca ka qaaday in laba wefti ay deeqo gaadhsin doonaan dadka abaaruhu tabaaleeyeen ee k u nool magaalada Muqidisho ee dalka Soomaaliya iyo Xeryaha qaxoontiga wadanka Kenya oo ay ku jiraaan qaxoonti badan oo ka soo baro-kacay dalka Soomaaliya. Wasiirka Ganaacsiga, Warshadaha iyo dalxiiska Somaliland Md. C/Risaaq Khaliif Axmed oo ka mid ah guddidii xukuumaddu u xil saaray taakullaynta dadka abaaruhu ku tabaaleeyeen wadanka Soomaaliya, ayaa shir jaraa’id oo uu ku qabtay Magaalada Hargeysa waxa uu sheegay in ay dadka abaaraysan ee soomaalida ah u ururiyeen adduun dhan 700 oo dollar. “Waxaanu u soo ururinay dadka abaaruhu aafeeyeen ee Soomaaliya lacag dhan 700 oo kun oo Dollar, lacagtaasi 99.5 waxay ka soo ururtay gudaha dalka, halka 0.5% ay soo direen jaaliyadaha dibadu, waxaanan u mahad naqaynaa cid kasta oo ka qeyb qaadatay arrintan,”ayuu yidhi Md. C/Risaaq Khaliif. Wasiir Ku xigeenka Wasaarada Caafimaadka Marwo Nimco Xuseen Qowdhan oo ka tirsan Gudidii qaadhaan u ururinta abaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa sharaxaad ka bixisay labada wefti ee maalinta Sabtida ah deeqda gaadhsiin doona xeryaha qaxoontiga ee Magaalada Muqdisho ee dalka Soomaaliya iyo xeryaha Soomaalida ee dalka Kenya. “Waxa labada wefti ee aanu qorshaynay u kala baxayaan Magaalada Muqdisho ee dalka Soomaaliya iyo xeryaha qaxoontiga ee Kenya. Weftiga Muqdisho waxa ay ka kooban yihiin 6 xubnood waxaana Hoggaamiyaha Xasan Cabdi Cawad, waxaana xubno ka ah Jamaal Caydiid Ibraahim, Abwaan Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame (Hadraawi), Sheekh Maxamed Cali Geedi, Maxamed Shugri Jaamac iyo Axmed Maxamed Aadan, waxaanay qaadanayaan deeq lacageed oo cadaan ah waxaanay ku go’aan qaadan doonaan markay tagaan Muqdisho,”ayay tidhi Wasiir Ku xigeenka Caafimaadku. Marwo Nimco Xuseen Qawdhan waxay sheegtay in weftiga deeqda u qaadi doona xeryaha Kenya uu Hoggaamin doono Wasiirka Wasaarad diinta iyo awqaafta Sh. Khaliil Cabdilaahi Axmed, waxaana xubno ka ah Wasiirka Ganacsiga, Sheekh Maxamed Aadan iyo Maxamed Shigri Dagaal. Waa markii u horaysay ee xukuumada iyo shacbiga Somaliland ay qaadaan tallaabo noocan oo kale ah waxanay ku sheegeen inay ka damqadeen xaalada abaarta daran ee ku habsatay dalka Soomaaliya.
  5. waligay ma arkin jabhad laba nin u kala taliyan lol Mise tallow wa sheekadi caydiid iyo cali mahdi oo kale
  6. Abdul;747355 wrote: You will understand soon.Be patient. Why soon are they both claiming the leadership of the rebel group?
  7. I don't understand is xaglo the ssc leader or col sabaray
  8. Mo Farah’s homecoming receives a hero’s welcome Posted on 21/09/2011 Hargeisa (JSLTimes)-MO Farah was given a hero’s welcome after he returned from England where he is based. Mo Farah’s homecoming was accompanied by well-known actor Mr. Mohamud Omar Yare, Mo Farah’s wife, and his young daughter. They arrived at Berbera airport today. They were warmly received by Somaliland Minister of Aviation and Air Transport, sports and Youth Minister, Sahil governor, mayor and senior officials from the government of Somaliland. The ministers remarked that they were excited with Mo Farah’s homecoming to his homeland. MO Farah is from Somaliland by birth but holds British citizen and is based in England. Mo Farah spoke about his return to Somaliland and he told that he is pleased to receive such hero’s welcome from Somaliland people. He promised that he will do everything he can to promote Somaliland’s image around the world. Mo Farah is expected to remain in the country for a while and he will take part provincial football competition which is supposed to kick off in Awdal region with in the coming month. Mo is also expected to provide training sessions to Somaliland athletes
  9. Pure nonsense all of Somaliland needs development from the eastern corner to the western part of the country. The author of the Article is a qabiliste
  10. Nuunow surely i can speak With the Koonfurian accent i lived some of my life in Xamar in my younger years from shingaani to wardhiglay and also in hodan, But i prefer not to speak aboowe yaanyado meeqo waaye. Sidi dagaaladi sokeeye waan ku noqday dhawr jeer 1993 baan mar ku noqday hadana waan ka so dhoofay hadana 1997 1998 baan ku laabtay. inshallah retirement waan jecelahay inan dalkayga ku qaato dabeedna tu yaro oo cas oo kurus ah oo 20 jir ah arooso waryaa a khadar ma waxa la gaadhay xiliga aad caruurta iska dhigi jirtay
  11. Are you insinuating that Hadraawi speaks with a koonfurian accent the poet of the century in the horn of Africa. Let Mo the Athlete first arrive in the Capital city of hargeysa we will see how it goes.
  12. Che thinks pirates should be rewarded for their hard work
  13. Ethnic Somaliladers make an honest living they don't hijack Ships
  14. ^ No you did and qarannews i think that is enough
  15. I haven't heard anything hateful from Sheikh adan siiro other than him saying we need to protect our county we need to fight extremism irhaabism in our midst. We need to take care of our own hungry people who lost their livestock during the drought.How does that make a religious righteous Imam a hater, this is not about me this topic is About Sheikhadan siiro lets stick to the topic.
  16. Good read white Americans will get enough of the Jewish lobbyist in Washington they control the congress its clear the influence Benjamin netanyahu has on the white house. Not surprised by obama's decision either he wants to be re elected in 2012.
  17. My reliable source what i don't see a source this article was published on wardheernews and we all know wardheernews is known for its anti Somaliland stand.
  18. A khadar maxaad ka wada hada maa aniga Amin Amiir noqday , waxan ku qoslay faroole oo shimbir laga dhigay
  19. This happened last year its unfortunate that it happened this occurred during the riots in eastern hargeysa carafaat When the late Musa abdi elmi AUN. The former chairman of the hargeysa university was competing with the former owner of raad tv for the Chairmanship of the hargeysa university and demonstrations were organized in eastern hargeysa by Musas rival. We should all condemn such actions but the police acted and tried calming down the situation,May Allah protect our people and keep them safe, how ever i would not call it xasuuq don't over-exaggerate things a khadar this was merely an unfortunate incident.
  20. Somaliland: President Receives High Level Delegation Posted on 20/09/2011 in Latest Headlines Hargeisa (JSLTimes)-Somaliland president Mr. Siilaanyo receives today high level delegation at the presidential palace. The delegation headed by the Switzerland ambassador to Kenya, Burundi, Uganda, Somalia and Seychelles Mr. Jacques Pitteloud who is on a two day visit to the country. Presidential spokesman, Mr. Abdulahi M. Dahir issued a press statement on Tuesday that Somaliland president welcomes Mr. Jacques Pitteloud, Switzerland ambassador leading a high level delegation consisting of three officials. According to the press release, the delegation briefed the country’s president the aim of their trip to the country. They told that their visit has something to do with setting an eye the real situation on the ground and the progress the country took be it multi-party politics, development and security. The ambassador added that his government has expressed its commitment in establishing strong ties and cooperation with Somaliland. He further added that the two day visit will focus on holding meetings with the movers and shakers. Regarding the press release, the delegation is expected to hold face to face meetings with both houses of Parliament, Electoral Commission, National political parties and civil society organizations. Moreover, Somaliland president thanked the ambassador for the short visit that they paid to Somaliland. He briefed the delegates the different ordeals that the country went through before it withdrew from the union for the past twenty years. Somaliland president expressed that his government is committed in establishing with strong ties with the International community including Switzerland. The president was accompanied by the minister of planning Dr. Sacad Ali Shire, Minister of Presidency Mr. Hirsi Ali Haji Hasan and the Somaliland secretary of foreign affairs Dr. Mohamed Rashiid Sh. Hasan.