Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Do u really think somaliland is going to give a chunk of its land to some one else or Somalia or any else. What do u think the out come will be. If u call us being in denial
  2. Tigraygu reerkinu ilaalin jiray Maad ilwadaay ciidamada xabashi da gurigaga iyo gobolkada bay and bakool joogi jiray yey ka ilaalin jiray Amiirki axmed Hodani somaha
  3. And it’s people are somaliland if it ain’t under somaliland how come the interior minister and information minister the commander of the armed forces of the eastern brigade were all in laascanood. Sool is somaliland and somaliland is sool
  4. Yes but u are not called somaliland but ur called somalia there is a difference
  5. Not only that when they describe their land they talk about that their territory is between the two rases raas caseer and raas kambooni by default they exclude somaliland unintentionally
  6. And how is that bad hadu intrrestkiss meel kale ka raadiyo how is that bad farmaajo marku kheyre eryayry mu ka dhigo raisal wasaare buuxa eh wax h diidaya ma jiro jaggada eh
  7. Ssc is a clannish agenda how can u promote unionism and then run away from ur own land and claim to be attached to another land. Ninka hargeisa iyo laascanood mideyn kari waayey. Ma laascanood iyo xamar bu miidayn kari kara Also mahdi guleed is telling the truth somaliland wadamada jaarkay la mid tahay like Ethiopia Kenya. Non of the officials form the bunker can set foot in somaliland Haday kaa tirsantahay Maad tagtaan wa runti ku soco banu leenahay mahdi guleed
  8. Laascanood is stil under the somaliland govt just because garaadada ku shiraya doesn’t mean it is under bugland or the non existent khatumo
  9. All of somaliland is somaliland borama gabiley berbera ceerigaabo laascanood laasqoray Burco oodweyne garadag it is all and all belongs to somaliland
  10. Colonel Mahad cambaashe will not go any where he believes in the peace of his country and his people the Garaads can only do talk but any other ideology but somaliland will not be accepted by the people and by the sl govt
  11. All of sanaag in somaliland hands withdraw exception of laasqoray and badhan
  12. Somaliland has its problems but it’s not how you illustrate it there have always been riots and uprise through out the past thirty years in somaliland. It was during the time of siilaanyo there were riots due to the xaqsoor party. During ina rayaale there riots in 2009 demonstrations and some casualties. It is no different how it happens now in the times of ina biixi. but things will be solved one way or the other. i am not saying things are great but to say we are the the edge of destruction is not true.
  13. Williams is a good guy and there is no one that can harm him surely not the so called koonfurians from the most failed state of somalia
  14. Somaliland lo baqan mayo this is not the 1990s somaliland today has a capable army and institutions every one who goes out of line will be dealt with accordingly. Calling somaliland somalia will not change anything for u galbeedi. The Garaad clan cant also form a federal state under the bunker they live in one district in the sool region how can one district become a federal state . Furthermore even in that district somaliland is in full control
  15. How does it feel to be from the most failed state country in the world and in Africa how many qaraxs and attacks happened the past week. bal taas uun wax ku qaado. baroortu adigu weye oo oohin iyo ciil ba ku haya , oo meel aad ka bilowdid ma garanaysid waxaagi oo dhan way kala daddsanyihin
  16. Cid nabad diidan majirto Laakin sool wa somaliland sool qabil Qabill lo qaybin mayo . That willl never happens somali ka. Goi mayno and what are we are we not somali. Markay somaliland diidayaan manay somali ahayn, this cannot work and it is unacceptable. But calanka hala iska lulo for the time being.
  17. Mar blue oo la lula wax micne oo ay leedahay majirto mar hadi somaliweyn laga samray o kuwa godka ugaandheeska ku jira anay sheegan Karin jabuuti kilil iyo nfd toona oo ay sl oo kaliya shanta kansheegtan wax mince oo ay leedahay maradaasi majirto ma mar bay soool ka tagaysa meeshay ku taal halkeedasay ku oolaysa gumeeys agteeda
  18. The picture on the tweet is not even laascanood it was garowe when the cheese fellow visited there a few years ago alla dadku been badana
  19. Still no Garaad Jamac Garaad Cali war wuxu fulaysana hé is still hiding in saaxdheer . War cidina ku Dili mayse kaalay magalaada
  20. Thats a bid dramatic somaliland made some good. Positives changes in international relations. And stabilising the somaliland currency . The development of the ports and constructions of roads. The shaqo qaran the expansion of the somaliland military. The elections parliamentary and local elections single handle payd by the sl govt . Sure there are some shortcoming such as unemployment of youth and nepotism here and there and the rise oilachry and stuff and high food prices and the lack of good payable hospitals for the locals . But we will overcome all of this inshalla
  21. why would he be vindictive what has farmaajo done to osman for osman to spread lies about farmaajo
  22. Madoobe knows how to play chess and he will rule kismayo in the forseable future. The gedo folks have no leader and no ambition all they can do now is cry their last leader when he was in the bunker couldnt dislodge madoobe . what makes u think they can do anything now.
  23. if sune wants to succeed the late fallen Emir Godane then he should. the Koonfurians indeed turn Somaliland rejects into Emirs and Kings. So i wouldbe suprised of Emir Sune becomes the new Emir , in that land called the failed state of Soomalia
  24. and that is generalisation do u want me to also generelise ur folks from bay and bakool and we all know their traits. Also qatku ceeb maha , Qaat ,, hadu ceeb ahaan laha ka aad aadka u jeceshihid mr cheese ba wa qayillaa waliba aad bu u cuna , as jamaal said