Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. General Duke;753502 wrote: XX Somalia is a recognized nation going through a bad period in it's history. There is no such thing as Somaliland other than a province within Somalia. Yes recognized while its neighbors violate the so called borders of Somalia like they just don't exist it was not that long ago when the Kenyan Prime minister said that Somalia is not a sovereign state.
  2. A khadar again governments of nations do not keep themselves busy with Silly Clan wars in no mans land in Ethiopia. Peace deal will be reached between the nomads inshallah.
  3. Lool@ the tittle but Abtigis you have to take in you're rhetorical analysis that sharif Ahmed in his previous meeting with the Kenyan Govt officials only Concluded that kenya and his government the TFG will work together to evict Alshabaab from the border towns and regions i think behind the scenes there was no signed agreement on a full scale invasion by Kenya hence the reaction of the president.
  4. Faroole Junior Englishta abihi ma ka badiya horta Ambassadornimadu ha u danbeyse eh
  5. I am with Allsanaag here Sharif wants to stop the liberation of Jubbaland that's some logic explanation lol On a serious note no leader would allow his country to be invaded kudos to Ina Axmed
  6. Saalax;753457 wrote: ALLSANAAG website owned by Xiinfaniins folks take on this kk. Ina Axmed oo ka hor yimid Xorayntii Jubooyinka http://www.allsanaag.com/Details.asp?id=8091 Now that's a good one
  7. dadku beryahaan aad bay u ciiyayaan bacaacdu ha socoto
  8. So now richard dowden is a secessionist looool, waleh umad ba meel baas looga shaqandhaya
  9. Jacaylbaro;753429 wrote: Xukuumadda Somaliland Oo Markii U Horeysay Ka Hadashay Dagaaladii Ka Dhacay Killilka Shanaad Ee Dalka Itoobiya Hargeysa (HWN) Xukuumadda Somaliland ayaa markii u horeysay ka hadashay Dagaalo Maalmihii u dambeeyey Beelo wada dega Kilalka shanaad ee Itoobiya ku dhex maray Deegaankaasi, kaas oo sababay khasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawacba lahaa, waxaanay sheegtay in aanay jirin dad cadaw ku ah Itoobiya oo dhinaca Xadka Somaliland uga gudbay. Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda ee Somaliland Dr. Maxamed C/laahi Cumar ayaa sheegay in ay aad uga xun yihiin iska hor imaadka Beelaha halkaa wada dega ku dhex maray, waxaanu sheegay in Xukuumadda Somaliland kala Shaqaynayso Itoobiya sidii arintaasi loo xalin lahaa. Dr. Maxamed C/laahi Cumar oo xalay u warameyey Wargeyska Saxansaxo ayaa sheegay in Somaliland iyo Itoobiya uu ka dhaxeeyo xidhiidh jaarnimo oo wanaagsan, isla markaan wixii ku soo kordha Xadka labada dhinac ay ka shaqaynayaan sidii loo soo afjari lahaa. Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda oo arimahaa ka hadlayaa waxa uu yidhi “Dawladda Itoobiya oo aanu jaarnahay, xidhiidh Ganacsi iyo dhinacyo kaleba wadaagno, had iyo jeerna si walaaltinimo ah oo jaarnimo leh aanu arrinka ku dhameyno, waxaanu cadaynaynaa in aanay jirin dad Cadow ku ah Nabadgelyada Itoobiya oo Somaliland ka tegey oo ay Xukuumaddu ka war hayso, waxaanu ka xunahay in dadkaasi ku dhaqan Ismaamulka Deegaanka Somalida Itoobiya ay qulqulatooyin dhex maraan”. Isaga oo hadalkiisa sii wata waxa uu intaasi ku daray oo uu yidhi “Dagaalkan waxa uu ka dhacay Gudaha Dalka Itoobiya, hase yeeshee waxa labada Dal ka dhaxeeya Xidhiidh xaga Nabadgelyada ah oo saameyn ku yeelan karta isku socodka labada dal, welina toos labada Dawladdood wada hadal arintaasi ugama ay yeelan, laakiin waa arin ka socota Gudaha Dalka Itoobiya, waxaananu jecel nahay in Nabadgelyo arintaasi ku soo dhamaato “ Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda Dr. Maxamed C/laahi Cumar waxa uu sheegay in Dawladda Itoobiya iyo Somaliland ay dhawaan kala saxeexdeen Heshiis dhinaca iskaashiga Nabadgelyada iyo Wada shaqaynta ah, waxaanu yidhi “Waxa jiray heshiis laba Dawladdood Dawladd degaanada Somalida Itoobiya iyo Somaliland ku saxeexeen Diradhaba sanadkan aynu imika ku jirno badhtankiisii, heshiiskaasi waxa ugu door roonaa in labada Dal ay ka wada shaqeeyaan xaga Nabadgelyada iyo isku socodka, heshiiskaasi halkiisii buu yaalaa waanu dhaqan galay, wada shaqaynta labada dalna si wanaagsan bay u socotaa, arintana waa arin u baahan in loo kuur galo sidii ay wax u dhaceen, labada Dalna ay iska kaashaadaan sidii wax looga qaban lahaa, markaa waa heshiis yaala oo labada Dalba ay dhaqan galiyeen. Sidaan hore u cadeeyey waa arin ka dhacday Dalka Itoobiya Gudihiisa waxaana gacanta ku haya Dawladda Itoobiya Baadhitaankeeda iyo wax ka qabashadeeda, wax ale wixii gacan xaga Somaliland looga baahdana diyaar ayey u tahay inay gacan ka gaysato sidii xal loogu dhameyn lahaa”. Good response from the Somaliland government
  10. Wait a minute so Qandalawi will play Cali dhuux adan Gorayo, Abtigis will play ina cumar dage and Zack will play Qaman Bulxan where is Ngonge he can play Salaan carabay or oodweyne can play Ismacil Cigaal Bulaale.
  11. Somalia's President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed has said his transitional government is opposed to Kenya's military incursion into Somalia. Monday, October 24, 2011 Just over a week ago Kenya sent soldiers over its border into Somalia to pursue militants from the Islamist al-Shabab group . It blames the insurgents for a spate of recent kidnappings near the border, which al-Shabab denies. Nairobi said the deployment was done with the Somali authorities' approval. For more than two years, President Ahmed's weak UN-backed interim government has been battling al-Shabab, an al Qaeda-linked group which controls much of south and central Somalia. His government relies on a 9,000-strong Africa Union force for its security in the capital, Mogadishu. Air raids Speaking to journalists at the scene of recent fighting in Mogadishu, Mr Ahmed said Kenyan support in terms of training and logistics was welcome but his government and the people of Somalia were opposed to the presence of the Kenyan army. The BBC's East Africa correspondent, Will Ross, says his comments put the Kenyan government in a very difficult position. It is possible that the Somali authorities have spoken out because they are opposed to the idea of Kenya helping to establish a semi-autonomous region in Somalia known as Jubaland, he says. This is seen by some as the main aim of the Kenyan government's military incursion, our correspondent says. Last week, a Somali general told the BBC his troops were working with Kenyan forces advancing from the border towards the port city of Kismayo. On Sunday there were aerial bombardments on Kismayo, an economic stronghold of al-Shabab. The Kenyan army told the BBC that a military base belonging to al-Shabab was hit, but the militants said no damage had been caused. Kenyan army spokesman Maj Emmanuel Chirchir would not confirm whether Kenyan or other allied forces had carried out the raid. He told AP news agency that the French navy had bombed the town of Kuda along the coast from Kismayo on Saturday night. Last week, al-Shabab lost control of the coastal town of Ras Kamboni after attacks by the Kenyan navy and a local militia. The French authorities said they had learnt last week that a Frenchwoman kidnapped from Kenya by Somali gunmen earlier in the month had died. Other foreigners being held in Somalia include a British woman abducted from a coastal resort and a Kenyan driver and two Spanish aid workers seized from the Dadaab refugee camp near the Kenya-Somalia border. Al-Shabab has threatened reprisal attacks in Kenya if the troops do not leave. Kenya's police chief says a grenade attack overnight in Nairobi which injured 12 people in a nightclub could not be linked to the militant group.
  12. Madaxweynaha oo kasoo horjeystay soo galitaanka Kenya ee Somalia Muqdisho: (Sh. M. Network) Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG oo maanta booqday goobihii ay la wareegtay dowladda ee degmada Dayniile ayaa waxa uu sheegay in Xarakada Al Shabaab ay ku jabiyeen dagaaladii ka dhacay degmadaasi, isagoo dhinca ka hadlay soo galitaan ciidamada Kenya ee gudaha Soomaaliya. Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG Soomaaliya Sheekh Shaarif Sheekh Axmed oo ay wehlinayeen Saraakiil ka kala tirsan dowladda KMG iyo kuwa AMISOM oo maanta booqday goobihii ay dowladda kala wareegtay Al Shabaab ee degmada Dayniile oo la hadlay Warbaahinta ayaa waxa uu ka hadlay dagaaladii u dambeeyay oo ay degmada Dayniile kula galeen Xarakada Al Shabaab iyo soo galitaanka ciidamada Kenya ee gudaha Soomaaliya. Sheekh Shaarif Sheekh Axmed ayaa waxa uu sheegay inuu ku faraxsan yahay guulaha dowladda ay ka gaartay dagaaladii ay Shabaab kula galeen Xarakada Al Shabaab degmada Dayniile oo uu sheegay inay ku jabeen, waxaana uu tilmaamay inay ka go’an tahay dowladda iyo AMISOM xaqiijinta amaanka magaalada Muqdisho. Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG Soomaaliya oo hadal qaaday intii uu ku guda jiray booqashada maanta uu ku tagay degmada Dayniile ciidamada dowladda Kenya ee soo galay Soomaaliya ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dadka siyaabo kala duwan ay fusirteen arintaasi, waxaana uu sheegay in dowladda aysan raali ka noqoneen wax shaki keeni kara islamarkaana wax u dhimaya xiriirka labada dal ee Soomaaliya iyo Kenya, isagoo sheegay inay xad gudub tahay in Kenya ay ku dhaqaaqdo wax dowladda aysan ka warqabin. Sheekh Shariif ayaa ugu dambeyn waxa uu ugu baaqay Xarakakada Al Shabaab inay joojiyaan qaraxyada maalmihii u dambeeyay ay ka gaysanayeen magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana uu ka dalbaday inay Nabada qaataan oo ay wada hadal la galaan dowladda Soomaaliya.
  13. The Baligubadle Community in yoocale and dacawaly are double citizens both Ethiopian and Somaliland they have their Somaliland papers and documents that does not mean the Somaliland government or army was involved in silly Clan wars.
  14. Abtigis you have to understand ileey wants to be seen by his Community that he is a Bigfoot hero thus he will give extra privileges to his clan. The federal government in adis ababa does not really care if Iley uses the liyo Militia to fight against other Clans as long as he keeps ONLF and other rebels in check. And he is winning lots of hearts and Minds keep in mind especially from the Dhagaxbuur area Admiral Cismaans Clan who most of the time have Clan battles with the Baligubadle Community in Ethiopia , ileey just needs to say remember when the bad Wolf was killing your sons in dacawalay and yoocaale who was there to give you a hand and was helping you against the aggressors from the Baligubadle Clan. Its me iley i am one of you, support me as the regional governor forget all the other nonsense the Jigjiga Authority Administration belongs to us lets make the best of it let's marginalize all the other Clans and show who is the real Boss in the Somali region. And yes Abtigis you're dislike for progress democracy nationhood and the coexistence between the various Somaliland communities is not very much appreciated but you already knew that Abti. But there are times you tell the truth like maanta oo kale.
  15. Abtigis waan ogahay amxaaradu waxay maagan yihin iley mashruuc bala soo siiyey inu deegaanka somalida degen isku diro. Qaar garab siiyoo support one clan against the other Somaliland senate members called for peace between the clans that fought in dacawalay and yoocaale Iley wants to use the liyo militia to get support from his tribesmen that he support them over the ethnic somalilanders in the regions that's why many from the bigfoot community the last year or so support the dds authority in jigjiga Waryaa nuune maxaad ku qoslaysa. Abtigis mar mar run bu sheega marmarka anay caadifadu qaadin. Also jabhad la dagalaanta liyo police ba lugu dhawaaqay few days ago its called wsnm
  16. What did jb post I can't see it I am using my phone Che sharif should get credit for using the foreign troops in his advantage. Where many failed wax fahan dee.
  17. What statehood there is no statehood at the moment
  18. Duke welcome back but hey as mogadisho becomes secure it just means sharif is the most successful president of somalia he secured xamar where many failed it deserves credit right
  19. It doesn't make me happy but these are the facts if it wasn't for the Christian western Countries Aiding your starving nation all the bug eyed people in Ethiopia would eat their Amhara Script.
  20. If it wasn't for the food aid the western governments give you're Hungry Country You would feed you're entire Hungry Population the Alphabet you are so proud of.
  21. kenya bombs Shebab targets in Somalia Residents flee from renewed fighting between Somalia government forces and Islamist militants in the Daynile district of southern Mogadishu on October 21. Kenya warplanes targeted the Shebab-held Somali port city of Kismayo on Sunday as troops advanced on the insurgents and the US warned of an imminent threat of attack on foreigners in Kenya. AFP - Kenya warplanes targeted the Shebab-held Somali port city of Kismayo on Sunday as troops advanced on the insurgents and the US warned of an imminent threat of attack on foreigners in Kenya. Nairobi sent soldiers across the border a week ago to hunt the Al-Qaeda-linked Shebab fighters it blames for the abductions on its soil of a British tourist, a disabled French woman and two Spanish aid workers. "The aircrafts targeted Shebab positions including a military base and the seaport but we don?t know if there were any casualties," said resident Abdikarim Maolim. "Residents are shocked and the city is tense," he added. Ahmed Yasin, another witness said: "I saw the two planes flying at low level but high speed and after five minutes they dropped heavy bombs that rocked the city." Shebab official Sheik Abddala Abu-Hassan said by phone that the raids had caused civilian victims but left their fighters unhurt. This weekend the Kenyan army said troops were advancing in a three-pronged movement towards the city, about 250 kilometres (155 miles) from the Kenyan border. The military has not said how many of its troops are deployed, but analysts estimate the number at between 2,000 and 3,000. The radical Islamist Shebab, who deny kidnapping foreigners, has repeatedly warned of bloody retaliation against Kenya. In response to the threats, officials have beefed up security in Nairobi's central business district and the US embassy there warned Americans of an "imminent threat" of attacks possibly targeting foreigners. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a US television interview: "We've been getting threats from Shebab against Americans and Westerners. "It's a very dangerous, uncertain situation, and we want to be sure that whatever information we have, we immediately present to Americans who live, work or may be visiting in Kenya," she told ABC television. The embassy statement said there was "credible information of an imminent threat of terrorist attacks directed at prominent Kenyan facilities and areas where foreigners are known to congregate, such as malls and night clubs." Measures had been taken to limit official US government travel to Kenya, it said, warning Americans to also consider deferring travel to the country at this time. A recorded message from the Shebab's leader Mohamed Abdi Godane said Saturday: "The Islamic regions in Somalia are all on high alert to prepare for the open war that is our response to the incursions by some neighbouring countries who are taking part in the global Christian invasion against Somalia."
  22. (AFP) – 31 minutes ago MOGADISHU — Kenya warplanes targeted the Shebab-held Somali port city of Kismayo on Sunday as troops advanced on the insurgents and the US warned of an imminent threat of attack on foreigners in Kenya. Nairobi sent soldiers across the border a week ago to hunt the Al-Qaeda-linked Shebab fighters it blames for the abductions on its soil of a British tourist, a disabled French woman and two Spanish aid workers. "The aircrafts targeted Shebab positions including a military base and the seaport but we don?t know if there were any casualties," said resident Abdikarim Maolim. "Residents are shocked and the city is tense," he added. Ahmed Yasin, another witness said: "I saw the two planes flying at low level but high speed and after five minutes they dropped heavy bombs that rocked the city." Shebab official Sheik Abddala Abu-Hassan said by phone that the raids had caused civilian victims but left their fighters unhurt. This weekend the Kenyan army said troops were advancing in a three-pronged movement towards the city, about 250 kilometres (155 miles) from the Kenyan border. The military has not said how many of its troops are deployed, but analysts estimate the number at between 2,000 and 3,000. The radical Islamist Shebab, who deny kidnapping foreigners, has repeatedly warned of bloody retaliation against Kenya. In response to the threats, officials have beefed up security in Nairobi's central business district and the US embassy there warned Americans of an "imminent threat" of attacks possibly targeting foreigners. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a US television interview: "We've been getting threats from Shebab against Americans and Westerners. "It's a very dangerous, uncertain situation, and we want to be sure that whatever information we have, we immediately present to Americans who live, work or may be visiting in Kenya," she told ABC television. The embassy statement said there was "credible information of an imminent threat of terrorist attacks directed at prominent Kenyan facilities and areas where foreigners are known to congregate, such as malls and night clubs." Measures had been taken to limit official US government travel to Kenya, it said, warning Americans to also consider deferring travel to the country at this time. A recorded message from the Shebab's leader Mohamed Abdi Godane said Saturday: "The Islamic regions in Somalia are all on high alert to prepare for the open war that is our response to the incursions by some neighbouring countries who are taking part in the global Christian invasion against Somalia." Copyright © 2011 AFP. All rights reserved.