Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. damn he is a freaking hindi , how do u allow a coolie to rule i dont get it
  2. Hé is kinda right every one wants to come to Europe tahriib form asia and Africa is so enormous. The same way u guys in the states have the Cali beysteen coming from Mexico
  3. Che waadiga maraykanka jooga lacagta wax may ka so gaadheen mise the laandhere d folks ba kala qeybsaday . Oo yaryarka wax ba lama siin
  4. so are u telling us the cheese fellow was a good gardener
  5. the italian abyssinain border between somalia and ethiopia is very clear it is clear that ur hero afweyne gave up on kilil five ask ur self does even today the bunker govt consider kilil 5 part of the so called italian somalia no one does , Afweyne gave up on that because he was feeling the heat of the then snm rebel movement and thats why in cumar jees ran towards the snm back in 1989 after his fall out with afweyne on this contentious issue . no dotted map will make u an argument
  6. no that amount of money atleast dhagaxtuur u lot love misery loves company
  7. its true these fraudsters and scammers are from two communities and they are known and they are bad representetives of the somali name , Alle idin ceeebe
  8. So what is wrong with the visit xabashida Somali galbeed Waxa u xalalyeye ur hero afweyne back in 1988 when he made. A deal with mengistu that Somali republic willl never reclaim Somali galbeed so what are hamza and xassan doing wrong in ur book
  9. Somalia has a football team really East Africans really are bad at soccer but we do love football
  10. Somaliland iyo xalane maxa iska galay the kororsi thing is just somaliland that is traditional in Somaliland . Ina rayaale got two years extension and siilaanyo got two years extension. And when ciiro succeeds muse biixi he will also get two years exentions and so will the guy after him . And the guurti is the upper parliament . It’s their constitutional duty to do extension when needed. Also Somaliland is an independent country. The last elections parliament elections somaliland paid 90 percent of the election costs. We hold elections when ever we want we are not dictated nor our security forces paid by Europeans. It’s our decision and our decision alone. The duriyad people are blood brothers connected and they are destined to work together for their nations as they done before and as they will do in the future. Our social contract is one based on consensus and understanding. That’s why we don’t need external forces meddling in our issues or hold peace conferences in foreign capitals as the so called beesha lixaad did for the koonfurians . Don’t believe the harsh language or things u hear of social media ciiro and biixi are the best of friends u heard it from me
  11. arent u scared for ur toll form the nappy heads wala idin yaaabaa
  12. Who is this sheikh galool and what has he done to you . this is hilarious
  13. Ahahah somaliland adopting 4.5 if that’s the case galbeedi its bad for you thé the four Somalilanders will all get each 1. And u will be the .5 maxaad so kordhisay marka . Somaliland has a better inclusive system
  14. Putin made a mistake he thought ukrain would be a walk in the park kind of mission. Oh boy he was wrong he never thought the Europeans would stand firm on this issue and this was their red line. The nuke thing is not an option as that would be as catostraphic for him as for the world at large .I don’t think he will go that route putin need face saving kinda solution. Also when he called in for the reserves. All Russians deserted him and are leaving the country. To be honest putin is fighting a war that already been lost if he didnt capture Kiev and installed a regime change kind of puppet government he will never ever be able to do that. In the forseable future the issue in here is who willl blink first . The Europeans or Russians gas’s prices and energy prices are up in Europe . And Russia is losing money allot of money every day how long will it continue is the question
  15. We held. Two parliament elections. Four local elections. Three president elections all one man one vote . How many elections did u guys held in that god forsaken bunker. These are facts
  16. Thé extension were going to happen one way or the other but u could say siilaanyo could also have one year the drought was only during the last year the most in 2015 there was no drought either way if you concur that They won’t bro change then why on earth would u support the opposition I don’t get that or are u just by nature just mucaraad Also u didn’t answer my question if kulmiye and wadani don’t differ on ideology why would u support one and oppose the other ducale easy on the clan bashing Duriyadu are one and the same and grx is soul and spirit and strength and the most important pillar of Somaliland . i predict that ina axmed mooge abdikarim will be president that guy has high aspirations and ambition and he is very popular with the people
  17. Surely extension is bad for the somaliland democracy how ever every one knows that muuse biixi is good for somaliland and better then the opposition. That’s why no one cared about the two years ina rayaale siilaanyo both had two years extra as it happend it became part of the. Somaliland culture now . Now you galbeedi tell me do you support the opposition groups wadani or ucid to rule somaliland and if you do how are they fundamentally different in ideology then kulmiye . Are they far right or left or pro walanweyn or what ever. People in wadani are alll ex wadani. Xirsi xildhibaan wabeeye abib timacad xamarji and only ismaciil yare is from the era of udub now tell me how will ex kulmiye bring change to somaliland strange isn’t it
  18. jackpot great stuff for the people of somaliland in particuliar reer salaxlay
  19. Tigray will not go down easily the Tigray are the descendant’s of the asxaabul fiil that invaded first south Arabia and later even tried to destroy the kaacba it was only with divinity of the almighty that stopped them
  20. Long live ilaahay ba maskaxda na siiyey to run the financial institutions of the Horn of Africa
  21. Che u underestimate the amharas Amhara have both the numbers and the political power if getten the chance and empowered they can cause allot of havoc to be honest what the Eritreans are doing is premature and very badly ochestrated not sure what their end goal is Amhara have both bigger land mass and population then tigrayans and Eritreans combined and they are the only ethnic group in Ethiopia the gallas are scared to death off and they are the only group in Ethiopia that can take the gallas under their wing along with the gurages and their well established wealth .